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by Iris
Tue Dec 27, 2022 7:59 am
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps
Replies: 127
Views: 5909

Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

How many jews were actually put on trains and transited east. What is our starting figure? This thread intention is "Die Fahrplangestaltung, Zwangsarbeitslager für Juden und Treblinka als Endziel.". The timetable design, forced labour camps for Jews and Treblinka as the final destination....
by Iris
Tue Dec 27, 2022 2:41 am
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps
Replies: 127
Views: 5909

Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

Nazgul: I think the questions asked are important but seemingly off topic, which is to discuss the probability of Jews getting off transports at the various Zwangarbeitslager and major railways junction points mentioned in Fahrplananordnung with Treblinka as the final destination point. And that is ...
by Iris
Tue Dec 27, 2022 2:17 am
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps
Replies: 127
Views: 5909

Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

BF, the number of jews in the Treblinka watershed who were put on trains and transited east along the Treblinka line, has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt by you and PR, to be no less than? Butterfangers, can you prove that at least one jew who was put on a train on the Treblinka line headin...
by Iris
Tue Dec 27, 2022 2:00 am
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps
Replies: 127
Views: 5909

Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

Your exact words were: "Iris, please define Y, because that is the number you are claiming were transited further east. Perhaps I was wrong to assume that you hold the view that the labor camps en route toward Treblinka are insignificant (although without this assumption, I run into trouble ex...
by Iris
Tue Dec 27, 2022 1:53 am
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps
Replies: 127
Views: 5909

Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

Show me where I claimed a number of jews were transited further east. Exact quote please. You have not claimed a number which is why I asked you to "define Y", above. You have avoided making clear your views on much of any of this because, frankly, it is obvious you are incapable of defen...
by Iris
Tue Dec 27, 2022 1:46 am
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps
Replies: 127
Views: 5909

Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

Iris: Butterfangers, can you prove that at least one jew who was put on a train on the Treblinka line heading east but never made it further east than Treblinka? BF: Yes, Iris: Can it be proven, beyond any reasonable doubt, that at least one jew within the Treblinka watershed was put on a train and ...
by Iris
Tue Dec 27, 2022 1:39 am
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps
Replies: 127
Views: 5909

Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

X number of Jews disembarked at these labor camps. Now if we consider the 900,000 or so who are historically said to have been either killed in or transited via TII, that gives us the following equation: ~900,000 - X = Y Iris, please define Y, because that is the number you are claiming were transi...
by Iris
Tue Dec 27, 2022 1:12 am
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps
Replies: 127
Views: 5909

Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

BF: There are no documents which tell us how many Jews ended up at TII. Simple. Did I ever say otherwise? Are there documents which tell us how many jews ended up at a camp along the Treblinka line west of Treblinka? Are there any documents which tell us how many jews ended up at a camp east of Treb...
by Iris
Tue Dec 27, 2022 1:06 am
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps
Replies: 127
Views: 5909

Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

BF: My hypothesis is that you do not know how many Jews disembarked at these labor camps, BF, how many Jews disembarked at these labor camps? Iris: Butterfangers, were these jews that you insist were put on trains and transited eastward, were they magically disappearing jews? BF: Iris, do you collec...
by Iris
Tue Dec 27, 2022 12:56 am
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps
Replies: 127
Views: 5909

Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

BF: All that was shown here is that we now have less confidence than ever before of how many Jews ever made it to TII. There was never any confidence in the numbers claimed by either side. And there's no confidence in your claims either. Butterfangers: The fact is that, at present, there is only one...
by Iris
Tue Dec 27, 2022 12:52 am
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps
Replies: 127
Views: 5909

Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

BF missed this part because I was editing my post while he posted his: You insist that there were labor camps along the Treblinka line and you insist jews who were being transited east got off at these c;amps. You insist that this is a fact. Foundational fact #1: Can it be proven, beyond any reasona...
by Iris
Tue Dec 27, 2022 12:45 am
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps
Replies: 127
Views: 5909

Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

Iris wrote: Butterfangers,has it ever been proven, beyond a reasonable doubt, that at least one jew actually set foot inside the camp known as TII? Butterfangers: I will say, firmly: I am not aware of said proof regarding any detail of any Jews setting foot in TII. :lol: But BF insists that TII was...
by Iris
Mon Dec 26, 2022 11:38 pm
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps
Replies: 127
Views: 5909

Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

Butterfangers: To bring things back on-track, how about you tell us what you feel the significance of these labor camps en route toward Treblinka are, Iris? Why do you seem to deflect from the obvious significance of these camps? What are your intentions in this regard? Butterfangers, how many jews ...
by Iris
Mon Dec 26, 2022 11:26 pm
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps
Replies: 127
Views: 5909

Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

Butterfangers: The fact (which you admit) is that we have NO idea how many Jews ever set foot in TII. Previously, we did have some idea of this (we thought we did). Establishment historians said so and leading Revisionists (Graf, etc.) wholeheartedly agreed. We no longer do. You evade this fact. Thi...
by Iris
Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:28 pm
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps
Replies: 127
Views: 5909

Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

BF: The topic I have raised here is the question of, what proportion of Jews---of those sent out of the ghettoes onto a train with the final destination listed as "Treblinka"---actually ever made it to Treblinka II at all PR: It is impossible to say how many Jews actually set foot inside t...

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