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by _Mads_
Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:01 pm
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: The Eichmann trial
Replies: 82
Views: 31340

Photo 3 cannot be used as evidence, because it might have been (or has probably been) subjected to some manipulation regarding forehead wrinkles and quite possibly other traits (as I noted in the first post). The comparison has to be made to the man who appears in the videos. Photo 3 obviously does ...
by _Mads_
Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:34 am
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: Help making ground breaking revisionist video...
Replies: 29
Views: 10997

Of course, I understand the challenge that I have set myself and it will be difficult. I don't expect to complete it for a year or more. I'll post bits here as I am making them in a few months and you lot can tell me if you think I'm up to it or not. :wink: You seem to have good common sense, and s...
by _Mads_
Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:07 am
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: Help with reference in Scheidl ("NZ")
Replies: 6
Views: 2447

Neue Zeitung (NZ) Die Neue Zeitung war eine nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in der amerikanischen Besatzungszone herausgegebene Zeitung. Sie ist vergleichbar mit der Tageszeitung „Die Welt“ in der britischen Zone. Die Neue Zeitung wurde am 17. Oktober 1945 in München[1] erstmalig herausgegeben und ersch...
by _Mads_
Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:06 am
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: Help with reference in Scheidl ("NZ")
Replies: 6
Views: 2447

Thanks for the information! My pleasure. Also, by the way, when you are in contact with other revisionists or people supposedly sharing your views, on whatever level, always look for the personal relationship. Quite a few enemy agents seem barely capable of pretending that they harbor any kind of f...
by _Mads_
Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:57 am
Forum: Deutsches revisionistisches Forum
Topic: Die frohe Botschaft aus Teheran und die politischen Folgen
Replies: 22
Views: 14655

Kein Volk der Erde hat in der jüngeren Geschichte erlebt, was die Deutschen erlebt haben, nicht einmal die Palästinenser oder Iraker. Nicht nur alle Städte in Schutt und Asche, 1/4 des Staatsgebietes verloren, 20 % der Bevölkerung ermordet ... ... in einem Krieg, in den die "Demokraten" f...
by _Mads_
Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:37 am
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: Help with reference in Scheidl ("NZ")
Replies: 6
Views: 2447

Judging from the following quote Es ist zu verzweifeln, die Deutschen selbst immer wieder glaubensselig von der "Vernichtung der Juden" reden zu hören. Selbst eine so hochstehende Zeitung wie die "NZ" schreibt heute noch ("NZ" Nr. 36 vom 26. August 1966, S. 10): "...
by _Mads_
Sat Jul 07, 2007 5:58 am
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: Bradley Smith CODOH Film 'El Gran Tabu/The Great Taboo' here
Replies: 17
Views: 8042

I expect to make an initial decision this coming week. It seems perfectly reasonable, but ... we'll see. We're taking a very long look at this project. OK, that was July 1, it's now Friday the 6th, let's get to it. Remember, people are in jail and more will be going. I certainly agree. But let´s se...
by _Mads_
Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:28 pm
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: July 4th Declaration of Independence from 'Israel'
Replies: 12
Views: 4159

Hannover, Well, in any case, the ridicule-and-ignore strategy is not their main approach anymore. Their only chance is to outlaw revisionism completely, and they know it. Obviously, as you also allude to, the question is whether the general public will accept these laws without becoming suspicious. ...
by _Mads_
Fri Jul 06, 2007 2:58 pm
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: The Eichmann trial
Replies: 82
Views: 31340

Jnovitz, Your link does not work for me, either. Regarding the German language, I will maintain that he does not speak correct German, rather than merely speaking with a strong accent. As I have written, I don´t see native speakers making the mistakes he makes. Impossible, in my opinion. As to Ricar...
by _Mads_
Thu Jul 05, 2007 12:06 pm
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: July 4th Declaration of Independence from 'Israel'
Replies: 12
Views: 4159

They know their position is unsupportable in lieu of increasing Revisionist efforts. Their only option, aside form facing up to the truth, which won't happen, is to pass legislation against 'holocaust' Revisionism a la much of Europe. Is there any issue that they have put before the US Congress whe...
by _Mads_
Thu Jul 05, 2007 11:12 am
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: July 4th Declaration of Independence from 'Israel'
Replies: 12
Views: 4159

This is a good post, Hannover. We are forced to accept anything that supports 'Israeli' interests, period. I beg to differ, I have a more positive view. I believe they do not want us to realize how weak they are, as they really have no options left right now. Concerning the "holocaust", wh...
by _Mads_
Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:49 am
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: The Eichmann trial
Replies: 82
Views: 31340

I would like to say a few things about this discussion. First of all, I´m sorry to see that it has not really taken place in a mutually respectful atmosphere, as it should have. Let´s not dwell on who´s to blame – it does not matter. I hope that we will see a debate be carried out on the basis of a ...
by _Mads_
Tue Jul 03, 2007 9:51 am
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: The Eichmann trial
Replies: 82
Views: 31340

Frederik You could always try search Yad Vashem for Richard Klement You might be on to something here, considering the circumstance that this could very well have been the actual real name of the person "caught" in Buenos Aires. Haldan, W...
by _Mads_
Sat Jun 30, 2007 2:54 pm
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: The Eichmann trial
Replies: 82
Views: 31340

I found a German page which says that "the importance of the Eichmann trial for the history writing about the Holocaust can barely be measured. For 15 years there had been only few significant discussions about the issue. The trial caused a new generation to finally devote itself more thoroughl...
by _Mads_
Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:12 pm
Forum: 'Holocaust' Debate / Controversies / Comments / News
Topic: The Eichmann trial
Replies: 82
Views: 31340

As for the last example of grammatical errors ("aber die Stimmen drangen etc") in my previous post, it is not completely correct. That would take too many words to explain, but anybody who speaks German can listen for himself. Anyway, the fact that I didn´t get it right in this case doesn´...

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