How many people fit in a 'cattle car'?

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Re: How many people fit in a cattle car?

Postby Hannover » 6 years 6 months ago (Sat Dec 03, 2016 3:45 am)

onetruth, you said:
1. I fail to see the difference you try to portray between box carts to cattle carts . Your clear intention is portray a picture that there was an like some normal passenger trip on a train, where in fact it was not.

2. Fact is that those box carts or cattle carts where people where forced into where locked from the outside , they had but a small barbed window for air , the passengers included the elderly and babies that where locked in those carts sometimes for days , they had no toilets , no food and no water. Many of the very young, the old and the sick would die because of the inhumane conditions during the journey.

3. Trying to describe this journey as something normal has nothing to do with reality.

4. Your may choose to ignore thousands of witness accounts , i do not. Same as you ignore all the documents that prove you wrong .

5. Sorry i do not think it possible that all the witnesses are lying or that all the documents are fake. No historian can ignore all that. To do so is a sin to reality and to the truth.

1. Box cars and cattle cars are not the same, simple as that. Not to mention the large numbers of regular passenger cars that were frequently used. See pictures. Indeed, it is my intention to debunk the 'cattle cars' canard. Which I feel I have done. I note you cannot show me otherwise. You do stomp up & down though.

2. Yes people were placed in trains. no argument there. Yes the doors were locked as they are in routine passenger trains.
Yes there were all ages, which in itself makes no sense since the storyline says that all old Jews & young Jews were murdered. Why bother transporting them at great expense if the intent as to kill them?

If they were in passenger trains, which we know was frequently the case, then toilets were aplenty. As for boxcars, maybe not, but probably some makeshift arrangements, there was a war on. I wonder if the Japanese -Americans had toilets in the trains they were packed into? I wonder if the communist had toilets available for the millions they sent to the gulags?

Food & water was non-existent? Utterly wrong considering that they would be dead when they arrived at distant labor camps without such provisions. Why would the German want workers dead when they arrived a labor camps. Not much labor to be had from dead people.
Did some die enroute, probably so, but that was not what was intended, as I have pointed out.

3. Yes, frequent transport in passenger cars was more or less "normal". Given the nature of transport in general during WWII, the methods of transport for Jews was nothing particularly unusual. There was nasty a war on.

4. Yes, you can believe impossible, contradictory, and just plain laughable eyewitness accounts if you wish. After all, the 'holocau$t' is a religion. No doubt you believe in witchcraft too.

5. Again, I challenge you to start a thread on any single "eyewitness' that you find compelling. Tell us what they said, where they said it, and why you believe them

'holocau$t' historians?
OK, then tell us how the gas chambers supposedly worked that these "historians" believe in.
Show us excavations of the claimed huge mass graves that these charlatan "historians' claim exists.
Start a thread on any "document" you feel supports the '6M Jews, 5M other, & gas chambers' storyline.

Once again, my challenges to you, onetruth:
- I challenge you to start a thread on a single survivor who you find to be a credible witness to the alleged gassing of Jews, just one.
Tell us what they claim and why you find them credible. Here's your big chance.

- I challenge you to start a thread and tell us how the 'gas chambers' supposedly worked.

- I challenge you to start a thread and show us excavated enormous mass graves. Recall the claim of 900,000 buried at Treblinka, or 250,000 at Sobibor. After all, Jews claim they still exist and claim to know exactly where these alleged enormous mass graves are.

- Hannover

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- Arthur Schopenhauer
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Re: How many people fit in a cattle car?

Postby onetruth » 6 years 6 months ago (Sat Dec 03, 2016 7:28 am)



If you really are interested to know the conditions that those people transported had to endure , all you have to do is to look at the numbers of people arriving on each transport and divide them per cart. Train would carry an average of 50 carts divide them to the numbers on the train and you would arrive at the numbers in each cart.

Here is one testimony of shipment by Kurt Gerstein who had witnessed at Belzec the arrival of "45 wagons with 6,700 people from theLwów Ghetto. This adds up to about 150 people per cart.

Most shipments i read about talk about 5000 - 7000 people per train.

Now imagine what it would be like to have 100- 150 people cramped inside this carts for days without food or water or toilet.



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Re: How many people fit in a cattle car?

Postby onetruth » 6 years 6 months ago (Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:31 am)

Atigun wrote:So, onetruth morphs boxcars into cattle cars. Cattle cars have slatted sides and I have NEVER seen a photo of people being loaded into or unloaded from cattle cars. The French had a boxcar called the "forty and eight," usually written "40 and 8" or "40&8." Here is the Wiki on the 40&8. There's lots of survivor accounts of traveling in "cattle cars" but only photos of passenger cars and 40&8 bpxcars. Perhaps onetruth can locate a photo of people traveling in or being loaded/unloaded from a cattle car.

quote added by Moderator:
Between 1940 and 1944 occupying German forces used Forty-and-eights to transport troops, POWs, horses, freight, and civilian prisoners to concentration camps.

From your own source , those 40&8 carts where originally designed to hold 40 men or eight horses ( maybe horses sound better to you than cattle ? )

But the reality was that the amount of people shoved into those carts where usually double or triple and sometime even more than they where designed to carry. And certainly the original intention was not to carry people locked in for days without food water or stop to relieve themselves.

I fail to see how you naming the specific design of the cart makes the overall picture any better.


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Re: How many people fit in a cattle car?

Postby borjastick » 6 years 6 months ago (Sat Dec 03, 2016 11:56 am)

But the reality was that the amount of people shoved into those carts where usually double or triple and sometime even more than they where designed to carry. And certainly the original intention was not to carry people locked in for days without food water or stop to relieve themselves.

Using the German method you know.

Let's say a box car as you show was 35-40sqm that would mean 4-6 people per square metre not allowing for toilet facilities. Similar to the claimed density of some gas chambers. The German method, it's a winner!
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Re: How many people fit in a cattle car?

Postby borjastick » 6 years 6 months ago (Sat Dec 03, 2016 12:07 pm)

Oh dear I was wrong...


•Total length 31 feet 6 inches (9.6 meters); interior space for deportees 26 feet 2 inches (8 meters).

•Total height 14 feet (4.3 meters) from the bottom of the wheel to the highest point of the car; interior space for deportees (ceiling curves down from the middle): 7 feet 4 inches (2.2 meters ) at the center; 7 feet (2.1 meters) at the sides.

•Total width 13 feet 2 inches (4 meters, including the roofing); interior space for deportees: 8 feet 10 inches (2.7 meters).
source -

So applying my rubbish maths supported by a calculator thingy I get total interior area 21.6sqm. onetruth claims 150 people were crammed inside these things. Thus we have the famous German method giving us 6+ people per sq metres. Yeah right.

As they say 'never let the facts get in the way of a good story'.
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

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Re: How many people fit in a cattle car?

Postby Hannover » 6 years 6 months ago (Sat Dec 03, 2016 12:30 pm)

onetruth, you said
If you really are interested to know the conditions that those people transported had to endure , all you have to do is to look at the numbers of people arriving on each transport and divide them per cart. Train would carry an average of 50 carts divide them to the numbers on the train and you would arrive at the numbers in each cart.

Here is one testimony of shipment by Kurt Gerstein who had witnessed at Belzec the arrival of "45 wagons with 6,700 people from theLwów Ghetto. This adds up to about 150 people per cart.

Most shipments i read about talk about 5000 - 7000 people per train.

Now imagine what it would be like to have 100- 150 people cramped inside this carts for days without food or water or toilet.

I have debunked your "food or water" nonsense, please read what I post. I have shown that most trains had regular toilets or some sort of makeshift arrangement. Please stop making things up.

And we see that borjastick has taken you to the wood shed.

"5000 - 7000 people per train." Really? Then how many cars?

Gerstein? You really didn't want to go there.
So you mean the six different, conflicting accounts given by Gerstein, or someone pretending to be Gerstein.

Read here, Henri Roques dismantles the fraudulent Gerstein "confessions", all six conflicting versions: ... rtGerstein
'Some Comments on the Gerstein Reports'

Search this forum for Gerstein and see more on that embarrassing fraud.

Once again, my challenges to you, onetruth:
- I challenge you to start a thread on a single survivor who you find to be a credible witness to the alleged gassing of Jews, just one.
Tell us what they claim and why you find them credible. Here's your big chance.

- I challenge you to start a thread and tell us how the 'gas chambers' supposedly worked.

- I challenge you to start a thread and show us excavated enormous mass graves. Recall the claim of 900,000 buried at Treblinka, or 250,000 at Sobibor. After all, Jews claim they still exist and claim to know exactly where these alleged enormous mass graves are.

onetruth, the saying goes: 'When in a hole, quit digging'.

- Hannover

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that denies free speech and the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.

The tide is turning.
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: How many people fit in a cattle car?

Postby onetruth » 6 years 6 months ago (Sat Dec 03, 2016 12:58 pm)

borjastick wrote:Oh dear I was wrong...


•Total length 31 feet 6 inches (9.6 meters); interior space for deportees 26 feet 2 inches (8 meters).

•Total height 14 feet (4.3 meters) from the bottom of the wheel to the highest point of the car; interior space for deportees (ceiling curves down from the middle): 7 feet 4 inches (2.2 meters ) at the center; 7 feet (2.1 meters) at the sides.

•Total width 13 feet 2 inches (4 meters, including the roofing); interior space for deportees: 8 feet 10 inches (2.7 meters).
source -

So applying my rubbish maths supported by a calculator thingy I get total interior area 21.6sqm. onetruth claims 150 people were crammed inside these things. Thus we have the famous German method giving us 6+ people per sq metres. Yeah right.

As they say 'never let the facts get in the way of a good story'.

You find to topic amusing sir ? because i do not see you providing any evidence to the contrary , only denial of the facts presented before you cause it does not suit your agenda.

I have said that all carts had 150 people cramped into them , i gave a conservative average of 100 -150 people. Some time the number was even higher.

This the report of the police on deportation to Belzec :

Other than the Jews rounded up in Horodenka and Sniatyn, who had already been loaded onto ten cars at each location by the Security Police, another 30 cars were loaded in Kolomea. The total number sent to Belzec on the resettlement train of 10 September 1942 amounted to 8,205 "

I am sure you can calculate how many people per carts does 8,205 divided by 40 amounts to.

But i will spare you , as Westermann

Reserve Lieutentant of the Schutzpolizei and Company Commander , the write of this report does the calculation for you :

" Given the great heat prevailing on those days and the strain on the Jews from the long foot marches or from waiting for days without being given any provisions worth noting, the excessively great overloading of most of the cars with 180 to 200 Jews was catastrophic in a way that had tremendously adverse effects on the transport. "

As for the " normal journey conditions " some here tried to argue here was the result of this journey :

"The ever greater panic spreading among the Jews due to the great heat, overloading of the train cars, and smell of dead bodies – when unloading the train cars some 2000 Jews were found dead in the train – made the transport almost unworkable. "

i repeat in case you missed it - 2000 people died on this specific train .

Now i am not saying all trains carried this much - but the numbers i stated 100- 150 is more than enough to show that those train rides where anything but normal journeys on a trian.

As for the main topic of the strater of the thread Ginger - your attempt to somehow calculate the numbers of people transported based on 32 people per cart and somehow prove some point , has no base in reality . I am sorry to see so many here jumped on this wagon without bothering to check any documents , testimonies or evidence.

I include the Report on Belzec Transport :






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Re: How many people fit in a cattle car?

Postby onetruth » 6 years 6 months ago (Sat Dec 03, 2016 1:47 pm)

Hannover wrote:onetruth, you said
If you really are interested to know the conditions that those people transported had to endure , all you have to do is to look at the numbers of people arriving on each transport and divide them per cart. Train would carry an average of 50 carts divide them to the numbers on the train and you would arrive at the numbers in each cart.

Here is one testimony of shipment by Kurt Gerstein who had witnessed at Belzec the arrival of "45 wagons with 6,700 people from theLwów Ghetto. This adds up to about 150 people per cart.

Most shipments i read about talk about 5000 - 7000 people per train.

Now imagine what it would be like to have 100- 150 people cramped inside this carts for days without food or water or toilet.

I have debunked your "food or water" nonsense, please read what I post. I have shown that most trains had regular toilets or some sort of makeshift arrangement. Please stop making things up.

And we see that borjastick has taken you to the wood shed.

"5000 - 7000 people per train." Really? Then how many cars?

Gerstein? You really didn't want to go there.
So you mean the six different, conflicting accounts given by Gerstein, or someone pretending to be Gerstein.

I have just provided borjastick with another source , in case you have issue with Gerstein - ie the report of Deportations from Kolomea to Belzec Death Camp.

And if you need more evidence here is the letter from Albert Ganzenmüller ,who was state secretary in the ministry of transport and chief of the German Reichsbahn. He was responsible for the employment of deportation trains.

He states that

" A train carrying 5,000 Jews has run daily since 22 July from Warsaw to Treblinka via Malkinia; furthermore, another train has run twice a week with 5,000 Jews from Przemysl to Belzec. "

Letter can actually be found here on the forum so i fail to see why you are so surprised by the numbers i mentioned , and are certainly nothing near the figure of 34 per cart , that ginger tried to build his case on. Unless you want to argue that a train carried more than 100 carts.

see here : ... ler#p77910

here is a copy of translation:


and here is the reply he got from SS-Obergruppenführer Karl Wolff, member of the personal staff of Himmler.

" I was especially pleased to learn from you that a daily train taking 5,000 members of the chosen people every time has gone to treblinka "

Here is the translation of the document ;


Here is the original :


As i know that trains normally pulled no more than 40-50 carts - it comes up to at least 100 people per cart - 150% more than where designed to carry . So far for the Joyride trip you described , and i will add that i saw no evidence from you that people had toilets on the train from all i have read they where thrown a bucket that no way was enough to take care for more than a 100 people locked in for a few days.


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Re: How many people fit in a cattle car?

Postby Hannover » 6 years 6 months ago (Sat Dec 03, 2016 3:45 pm)


On your "documents":

- The first one allegedly on Belzec:
is just typical WWII Zionist propaganda for which no proof, no physical evidence exists, much like the "documents" and claims of human soap, delayed action gassings, German atomic bombs, etc., see my previous very brief list.
-- Any such 'mass murder of thousands' would necessarily leave tons of human remains. So why don't we see those remains? Why can't you show us these remains?
-- BTW, these are the same liars that have been marketing the '6,000,000' lie since at least 1869?
For proof of that read here:

-- You like "documents"?
For proof of witchcraft see these "documents": ... 20word.pdf

- Your Westermann 'document", page 1:
is simply laughable:
-- no letter head
-- no official stamps
-- there is no physical proof for the "2000 Jews"
-- no human remains at Belzec to support the storyline
-- the alleged date on the 'document' is September, that region in Europe is rather cool at that time, so the 'heat' claim is therefore bogus
-- anyone with a German typewriter could have typed this, and obviously did

- On your Ganzenmüller letter which we have covered:
-- So what? Jews were sent on trains, we all know that.
-- How do you know how many cars were part of this transport? Proof, please.
-- My comment from that thread:
Indeed, a la the Hofle document, anything which says 'transported' is impossibly claimed to mean 'murdered'.
But when Jews state that they were transported out of these 'extermination camps', the usual enemies of free speech & truth ignore it.
Now that is desperation.

So, all in all, you have retreated from your 'cattle car' claim in lieu of overwhelming proof to the contrary. That's a smart move.
Now you want to address Ginger's OP, fair enough. But you must do better when presenting "documents".

Once again, my challenges to you, onetruth:
- I challenge you to start a thread on a single survivor who you find to be a credible witness to the alleged gassing of Jews, just one.
Tell us what they claim and why you find them credible. Here's your big chance.

- I challenge you to start a thread and tell us how the 'gas chambers' supposedly worked.

- I challenge you to start a thread and show us excavated enormous mass graves. Recall the claim of 900,000 buried at Treblinka, or 250,000 at Sobibor. After all, Jews claim they still exist and claim to know exactly where these alleged enormous mass graves are.

- Hannover

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
- Arthur Schopenhauer
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Re: How many people fit in a cattle car?

Postby borjastick » 6 years 6 months ago (Sat Dec 03, 2016 4:20 pm)

So we are now told by onetruth that the range of cart usage was between 40 and 180 per. That would give us a normal occupancy as the cart was designed to take and as much as 8.33 persons per square metre. It doesn't really matter what evidence he claims he can show that proves this, the physical reality would suggest it simply didn't happen at anything more than about 50 or 60 per car. My earlier post clearly showed that the claim equated to 6+ per square metre. Now that is claimed to have, on occasion, been as many as 8.33 per sqm.




So we have the answer to this thread's question - 40-60 persons per car. I also doubt the travel times oft quoted, but that is perhaps for another thread. So having established the average number per car was in the range of 40-60 we can calculate how many were on each transport and thus how many actually went anywhere in the claimed transports.

It's a lot less than the storytellers would have us believe.

So when we know that the transports were carrying fewer people and the German method as claimed of packing the gas chambers could have been possible either we know that the story has been trashed.
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Re: How many people fit in a cattle car?

Postby Atigun » 6 years 6 months ago (Sun Dec 04, 2016 12:47 am)

Onetruth said.
"From your own source , those 40&8 carts where originally designed to hold 40 men or eight horses ( maybe horses sound better to you than cattle ? )"

Onetruth tries to weasel dodge the fact that there is a specific rail car called a cattle car and it's not the 40&8 boxcar or "covered goods wagon." The fact that so many of the so-called eyewitnesses claimed to have traveled in a cattle car should give you an idea about the credibility of those witnesses. There are photos of people arriving at concentration camps in standard passenger cars, too, but I've never heard any holyhoax witness claim that they traveled by ordinary passenger accommodations. Wiernik claims to have seen Greek Jews arriving at Treblinka in passenger cars but that's as close as I can come.

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Re: How many people fit in a cattle car?

Postby borjastick » 6 years 6 months ago (Sun Dec 04, 2016 3:46 am)

So when we know that the transports were carrying fewer people and the German method as claimed of packing the gas chambers could have been possible either we know that the story has been trashed.

Of course I meant to say couldn't have been possible but the time allowed for corrections was too short.

What is clear from this thread is that the storytellers rely on lots of dodgy witnesses and paperwork which cannot be verified but run a mile from genuine evidence in the real world. Hard evidence is ignored and avoided at all costs by the hoaxers because it simply doesn't fit with their view of the story.

As Some said 'these deniers are tricky because they use facts and evidence' or words to that effect.
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

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Re: How many people fit in a cattle car?

Postby ginger » 6 years 6 months ago (Tue Dec 06, 2016 12:13 pm)

Thanks commenters - the 40&8 goods wagon or something like it looks like what was used to transport people, and from general reading I surmise the trains were longer than 14 cars - more like 50 - so those numbers would change my calculation. From Hannover's link to pictures of the trains it looks like the trip was not the most comfortable - 40 in a car is a lot - but the trip from Budapest to Krakow is about 7 hours today.

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Re: How many people fit in a cattle car?

Postby Nessie.. » 6 years 6 months ago (Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:23 pm)

The best evidence is the "Auschwitz Album";

"The photos were taken at the end of May or beginning of June 1944, either by Ernst Hofmann or by Bernhard Walter, two SS men whose task was to take ID photos and fingerprints of the inmates (not of the Jews who were sent directly to the gas chambers). The photos show the arrival of Hungarian Jews from Carpatho-Ruthenia. Many of them came from the Berehovo Ghetto, which itself was a collecting point for Jews from several other small towns."

It shows apparently healthy people who have clearly been fed and watered or else there would be dead people being unloaded as well. I would describe what was used as a box car.


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Re: How many people fit in a cattle car?

Postby Hannover » 6 years 6 months ago (Tue Dec 06, 2016 5:04 pm)

Nessie.. wrote:The best evidence is the "Auschwitz Album";

"The photos were taken at the end of May or beginning of June 1944, either by Ernst Hofmann or by Bernhard Walter, two SS men whose task was to take ID photos and fingerprints of the inmates (not of the Jews who were sent directly to the gas chambers). The photos show the arrival of Hungarian Jews from Carpatho-Ruthenia. Many of them came from the Berehovo Ghetto, which itself was a collecting point for Jews from several other small towns."
It shows apparently healthy people who have clearly been fed and watered or else there would be dead people being unloaded as well. I would describe what was used as a box car.


- These photos were supposedly used for IDs? LOL.
IOW, you need to rationalize the contradiction inherent in the claim that the "extermination" sites were top secret while we see that tons of photos were taken.
Not to mention the huge number of so called "survior$", who would not exist if the storyline as factual.

- "not of the Jews who were sent directly to the gas chambers" ??
Since you, Nessie, brought it up, please explain precisely the alleged gassing procedure, step by step. Or perhaps you don't know the impossible storyline that you are trying to defend.
And why don't the alleged gassing of 'hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews' show up on the detailed aerial photos?

- And indeed, box cars are not the "cattle cars" that profiteers claim.


Revisionists are just the messengers, the absurd impossibility of the laughable 'holocaust' storyline is the message.
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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