Auschwitz 'In Memoriam'

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Re: Auschwitz 'In Memoriam'

Postby Barrington James » 9 years 7 months ago (Fri Nov 01, 2013 12:20 pm)

Friday, November 15th 9:00 am and 12 noon at Ray Friel 2.

Saturday, November 16th 8:00 am at Ray Friel 2.

Please pardon my late contribution, but has anyone mentioned the fact that when it became obvious to the Nazis that they would very soon have to abandon Auschwitz to the rapidly approaching Soviet army , they gave the internees a choice: come with us back to Germany and Bergen-Belsen, or wait here for the Soviets. Otto Frank who survived the holocaust, and his family, including Anne and Margot who died there, and Eli Wiesel and his family who all survived the Holocaust , and most of the other internees all chose to go with the Nazis back to Germany. Unfortunately for them typhus and /or starvation were killing hundreds of internees at BB every day and would continue to do so for six weeks after the Nazis turned the camp over to the British. The Brits could not stop the dying, either despite the fact they had DDT, water, food, medicine , doctors and nurses, and relatively good sanitation.

But the point is that Auschwitz and the Nazis could not have been the place nor the people that the naive have been led to believe , whether Auschwitz had, as we believe, a swimming pool, a library, a brothel, playing fields, relatively good food, medical care, and several orchestras or not.

You can fool too many of the people most of the time.

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Re: Auschwitz 'In Memoriam'

Postby phdnm » 9 years 2 months ago (Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:29 am)

On March 19, 1976, I discovered the building plans for the Auschwitz crematoria in the Auschwitz State Museum archives. Plans that had been kept carefully hidden since 1945. And for good reason: they refuted the case for “the Holocaust”!

Two of these drawings confirmed that the Auschwitz camp itself had, at the start (until August 1943), possessed a Krematorium, a building with two main rooms: first, a mortuary called a Leichenhalle or “corpse hall”, then, a room housing cremation ovens as well as a reserve of coke and funerary urns. Afterwards (from January 1944), the interior of the room containing the ovens, coke and urns was dismantled, the whole building being transformed into a Luftschutzbunker für SS Revier mit einem Operationsraum, or concrete air-raid shelter for an SS infirmary with operating room.

Still other drawings showed that in 1943 a total of four crematoria had been built at Auschwitz-Birkenau; the first two, Krematorium II and Krematorium III, were equipped with Leichenkeller or “corpse cellars” and, at ground level, a room with cremation ovens; the other two crematoria, Krematorium IV and Krematorium V, also contained spaces for the keeping of corpses, either for cremation or other purposes. For photographs of those crematoria and those plans, one may refer to the extracts below from Serge Thion’s book Vérité historique ou vérité politique ? Le dossier de l’affaire Faurisson. La question des chambres à gaz (p. 317, 320), Paris, Editions la Vieille Taupe, 1980 (available for purchase from Editions Akribeia, 45/3, Route de Vourles, 69230 St Genis-Laval, France; €28).

All of these building plans made nonsense of the claims that the structures in question had housed vast chemical slaughterhouses for human beings.

At bottom, it was at Auschwitz itself that I had the fortune of finding important proof of the “Auschwitz lie”. And, as Auschwitz happens to be the capital of “the Holocaust”, it follows that, by uncovering “the Auschwitz lie”, I uncovered at the same stroke “the lie of ‘the Holocaust’”.

On July 13, 2009, I sent Lady Michèle Renouf a message in English in which I recalled that discovery and its consequences; see <>.

Today, for the French translation of that letter, see <

September 14, 2010



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Re: Auschwitz 'In Memoriam'

Postby phdnm » 9 years 1 month ago (Mon May 05, 2014 11:29 pm)

In some cases vandals have etched their name with the tag “was here” onto walls and furniture, while one wrote “I had a smoke here”.

This isn’t really vandalism because vandalism is something you do to a bus stop. This is barbarism.”

No more respect for this "holy" site :mrgreen:

Too many shoah lessons maybe ... some peoples can be tired, bored by the perpetual brainwashing at school ...

Auschwitz museum hit by thefts as visitors remove 'souvenirs' from Nazi death camp

Visitors scratching messages onto bed bunks and removing “souvenirs” from Auschwitz, the Nazi death camp where more than a million people died during Second World War

The administrators of the Auschwitz museum have been left helpless by a wave of theft and vandalism at the site of Nazi Germany’s most notorious death camp.

Visitors have scratched messages onto bunks where prisoners once slept, and people are increasingly removing “souvenirs” from the camp that claimed the lives of more than a million people during the Second World War.

In some cases vandals have etched their name with the tag “was here” onto walls and furniture, while one wrote “I had a smoke here”. Others have stolen items such as bits of barbed wire and spikes from railway line that transported people to the infamous camp that operated in German occupied Poland during the war.

“It’s not always young people,” said Piotr Cywinski, director of the Auschwitz museum. “Sometimes even teachers and foreign tourists take things.”

Antoni Dudek, a leading Polish historian and a board member of Poland’s Institute of National Remembrance, a body charged with investigating wartime crimes, vented his outrage over the crimes.

“This is shocking,” he said. “This isn’t really vandalism because vandalism is something you do to a bus stop. This is barbarism.”

The museum’s operators say the size of the camp makes stopping crime difficult. Auschwitz-Birkenau covers over 200 hectares and contains a 150 buildings, and Mr Cywinski said despite the best efforts of staff it is impossible to “monitor the entire camp” and eradicate all theft and vandalism.

Poland’s culture ministry, which is responsible for the museum, said it opposed the installation of CCTV systems given the specific environment of the camp.

“How would you feel if you visited Asuchwitz-Birkenau barracks and noticed that there were two cameras monitoring every item,” asked Malogorzata Omilanowska, deputy culture minister. “How would we be able to maintain the authenticity of the camp?”

Mr Cywinski said the only long-term solution was education, but others have called for harsher legal punishments for anybody caught vandalising or stealing from the camp.

But Bogdan Bartnikowski, a former Auschwitz prisoner, said if people really knew what the camp was like, they would think twice about vandalism.

“If they had been there and feared they would be leaving the next day via the chimney, then they would not be so eager to scratch their name onto a bunk,” he said. ... -camp.html

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Re: Auschwitz 'In Memoriam'

Postby Hektor » 9 years 4 days ago (Wed Jun 04, 2014 7:06 pm)

astro3 wrote:...
9. Legal advice was available to the inmates, in relation to any non-natural deaths. The SS-men were not allowed to hit prisoners – and commander Hoess had a standing order that any inmate could approach him personally to register a complaint.

Do you have a scan of that "standing order"?

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Re: Auschwitz 'In Memoriam'

Postby Cozz88 » 7 years 1 month ago (Tue Apr 26, 2016 10:26 pm)

Does anyone know that the alleged Krema 2 gas chamber was actually a morgue. Sorry I'm new here and I watched quite a lot of good videos that demolish the Holohoax. :)

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Re: Auschwitz 'In Memoriam'

Postby Hannover » 7 years 1 month ago (Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:48 am)

Cozz88 wrote:Does anyone know that the alleged Krema 2 gas chamber was actually a morgue. Sorry I'm new here and I watched quite a lot of good videos that demolish the Holohoax. :)

Yes, that is a well known & established fact. The same for Krema 3.

See here for alterations of the Auschwitz I morgue:


- Hannover

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that denies free speech and the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.

The tide is turning.
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Auschwitz 'In Memoriam'

Postby phdnm » 6 years 10 months ago (Mon Jul 25, 2016 2:15 pm)

Vincent Reynouard - In Auschwitz open your eyes and don't listen to the guides

In Auschwitz open your eyes and don't listen to the guides (1)

First review video about the main revisionist arguments.

Based upon students assessments who visited Auschwitz, I warn a college student or a student who will participate in turn to a "Journey of Memory"; I reveal to him how he will be manipulated.

Although the subject is dramatic, some reports of students are hilarious (just seconds to go to the bathroom, brains put in jars filled with water to protect the intelligence, 10 in tilted beds, hair ripped out if mowers are broken, twins cut and sewn back by reversing the halves ...)

In Auschwitz open your eyes and don't listen to the guides (2)

In this second part, I study the famous "gas chamber", that each year, more than one million tourists visit in Auschwitz-1. On the walls we could even see traces of the victims' nails who were dying. These traces impress many students.

In Auschwitz open your eyes and don't listen to the guides (3)

Holocaust : A non Credible Story (Synthesis video)

Here is the synthesis video that I promised you. In 47 minutes, in this video I develop the revisionist arguments which are more impactful to my point of view.

In Auschwitz open your eyes and don't listen to the guides (4)

Holocaust : A non credible story - The Reinhardt Action

This video follows the previous one: I demonstrates that the alleged extermination of 1,5 million jews, in the extermination camps of Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka is a totally crazy story.

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Re: Auschwitz 'In Memoriam'

Postby phdnm » 6 years 6 months ago (Thu Dec 01, 2016 8:24 am)

However he claimed that the sum of 120 million euros "may not suffice to perform all the necessary renovation and preservation work in the camp."


Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation raises 101m euro for renovation

The "Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation" initiated a project to raise 120 million euros in order to renovate and preserve the camp's buildings.


The international "Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation" initiated a project a number of years ago to raise a sum of 120 million euros in order to renovate and preserve the buildings at the German death camp situated on Polish soil.

Over the course of the years since the end of the Second World War and due to the harsh conditions of Polish winters and the high levels of precipitation, most of the buildings have deteriorated and some are in danger of collapsing.

According to the Auschwitz-Birkenau fund, they are close to achieving their goal, having raised 101 million euros from 30 countries around the world who joined their efforts and contributed to the project.

The President of the Auschwitz-Birkenau foundation Management Board, Anna Miszewska, said that the "money would serve to fund and maintain the historic buildings in the former extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau."

The director of the Auschwitz-Birkenau museum, Dr. Piotr M. A. Cywiński said that 30 countries and nine private donors had already transferred funds to the foundation for the project. However he claimed that the sum of 120 million euros "may not suffice to perform all the necessary renovation and preservation work in the camp."

Private donors include the head of the World Jewish Congress(WJC) Ronald Lauder, famous movie producer Steven Spielberg as well as Polish businessman Jan Kulczyk who was considered the wealthiest man in Poland until his death last year.

The main sum contributed by countries came from Germany, which gave 60 million euros. Other large contributions came from the US (15 million euro), Poland (10 million) and Israel which gave a million dollars to the project. Some Muslim countries, including Turkey, contributed to the project as well.

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Re: Auschwitz 'In Memoriam'

Postby HeiligeSturm » 6 years 4 months ago (Thu Feb 02, 2017 12:41 pm)

astro3 wrote:Using Google Earth

Challenge: Can you find the swimming-pool on Google-Earth?
Answer: input 'Auschwitz ('Oswiecim'), then go South-South West to the main base-camp, you see all the labels. Centre it and zoom in - at the back you'll see a dark unmarked rectangle long and thin - that's it! Its not labelled and hasn't got much detail.

Not Google-Earth but now it's found in Virtual tour of camp.,3054,en.html
They cannot hide it although Google still doesn't show it in detail..
"Surprisingly, however, in the book [Schlomo] Venezia does not describe it at all: he
does not indicate its size, its location in the building..."
- C. Mattogno: Sonderkommando III

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Re: Auschwitz 'In Memoriam'

Postby Metal Murphy » 5 years 10 months ago (Sun Jul 16, 2017 10:49 pm)

Hi, brand new to all of this. I recently stumbled across Holocaust Revisionism while I exploring YouTube. I watched some of "The Greatest Story Never Told" and it really surprised me. Adolf Hitler was not at all like I learned in school. Anyway, I did some more research and was really surprised by the things I didn't know about Auschwitz.

For example, why would a "death camp" have a brothel, of all things? I know the swimming pool was already mentioned but I also learned about the prisoners that were sent out of the camp. I also can't help but notice the change in the plaque but there's no change in the overall numbers for the dead Jews.

Anyway, just wanted to start with my first comment. I've learned a lot already, I think I'm gonna enjoy this forum. Thanks from a newbie.

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Re: Auschwitz 'In Memoriam'

Postby Metal Murphy » 5 years 10 months ago (Tue Jul 18, 2017 7:50 pm)

Just to continue with this, I was not aware of the fact that there was library in Auschwitz. Or that there were soccer matches played there, even with members of the so-called Sondercommando.

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Re: Auschwitz 'In Memoriam'

Postby HeiligeSturm » 5 years 10 months ago (Sat Jul 22, 2017 2:27 pm)

Metal Murphy wrote:Just to continue with this, I was not aware of the fact that there was library in Auschwitz. Or that there were soccer matches played there, even with members of the so-called Sondercommando.

Some defenders of the death camp myth like HC [What Part Of The Word Propaganda Do You Not Understand?] blog usually say that "if there was a library it's doesn't mean there was no holocaust/gas chambers/mass killings [of Jews of course]" and that the soccer team was (quite) far away from Birkenau (Monowitz or other place in the big complex).
"Surprisingly, however, in the book [Schlomo] Venezia does not describe it at all: he
does not indicate its size, its location in the building..."
- C. Mattogno: Sonderkommando III

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Re: Auschwitz 'In Memoriam'

Postby Metal Murphy » 5 years 9 months ago (Sun Aug 20, 2017 1:11 pm)

HeiligeSturm wrote:
Metal Murphy wrote:Just to continue with this, I was not aware of the fact that there was library in Auschwitz. Or that there were soccer matches played there, even with members of the so-called Sondercommando.

Some defenders of the death camp myth like HC [What Part Of The Word Propaganda Do You Not Understand?] blog usually say that "if there was a library it's doesn't mean there was no holocaust/gas chambers/mass killings [of Jews of course]" and that the soccer team was (quite) far away from Birkenau (Monowitz or other place in the big complex).

Well, many of the descriptions I've seen of the camp belie the idea of an "extermination camp." The fact that Birkenau had barracks or a sauna room. Also the fact that there were bakeries, a water treatment plant and a daycare belie this.

It's very disturbing to me that these lies are propagated by those that hate Germans in general and Adolf Hitler in particular.

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Re: Auschwitz 'In Memoriam'

Postby Hektor » 5 years 9 months ago (Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:40 pm)

Metal Murphy wrote:
HeiligeSturm wrote:
Metal Murphy wrote:Just to continue with this, I was not aware of the fact that there was library in Auschwitz. Or that there were soccer matches played there, even with members of the so-called Sondercommando.

Some defenders of the death camp myth like HC [What Part Of The Word Propaganda Do You Not Understand?] blog usually say that "if there was a library it's doesn't mean there was no holocaust/gas chambers/mass killings [of Jews of course]" and that the soccer team was (quite) far away from Birkenau (Monowitz or other place in the big complex).

Well, many of the descriptions I've seen of the camp belie the idea of an "extermination camp." The fact that Birkenau had barracks or a sauna room. Also the fact that there were bakeries, a water treatment plant and a daycare belie this.

It's very disturbing to me that these lies are propagated by those that hate Germans in general and Adolf Hitler in particular.

Indeed, we should get all the details and documents available on Auschwitz I and II. This is necessary to provide context, which at the moment is "emaciated corpses somewhere in a Western camp". People believe the Holocaust narrative due to innuendo based on the factoids.

Take for instance the delousing facility in Auschwitz:

It has the german word for "gas chamber" on it, but you clearly see that this was a delousing gas chamber with shower facilities for inmates.
The combination in one building may explain how homicidal gassing rumors have arisen among inmates. "Shlomo went to the gas chamber" - "Block XY went to the gassing and stuff like that"

So as I say to get a correct picture, it has to be as complete as possible.

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Re: Auschwitz 'In Memoriam'

Postby slob » 5 years 3 months ago (Tue Mar 06, 2018 11:48 am)

Does anybody know any more on this?

Never heard tell of gas chambers being turned into garages before???

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