Concentration Camp Vital Statistics

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Dr. Edgar Dahl
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Re: Concentration Camp Vital Statistics

Postby Dr. Edgar Dahl » 8 years 2 weeks ago (Thu May 21, 2015 11:41 am)

@ - Carto

Yes, I agree. I just hoped Mattogno would have unearthed some documents of Dr. Eduard Wirths using the term "Sonderbehandlung".

Dr. Edgar Dahl
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Re: Concentration Camp Vital Statistics

Postby Dr. Edgar Dahl » 8 years 2 weeks ago (Sun May 24, 2015 7:08 am)

I do have a document that does not challenge but support the reliability of the Auschwitz Death Books.

On Christmas Eve 1943, Dr. Eduard Wirths had been given a Christmas card by some of the Auschwitz inmates. The Christmas card claimed that 93.000 prisoners owed their lives to Wirths' activity. In German, the Christmas card reads:

"Sie haben hier im vergangenen Jahr 93.000 Menschen das Leben bewahrt. Wir haben nicht das Recht, Ihnen unsere Wünsche zu sagen. So wünschen wir uns, dass Sie im kommenden Jahr hier bleiben.

Einer für die Gefangenen von Auschwitz."

This Christmas card had been written by Hermann Langbein, a communist who, after the war, claimed in all seriousness that "some five million persons were gassed" at Auschwitz. (See C. Mattogno "Auschwitz: The Case for Sanity", page 604.)

In his book "People at Auschwitz", Langbein mentions the Christmas card of 1943 and explains how he arrived at the number of "93.000 lives saved by Dr. Wirths": "If the mortality rate of 1943 had remained as high as it was in the summer of 1942, before Wirths came to Auschwitz, it would have been neccessary to register 93,000 more deaths. It was a rather theoretical calculation, but it was perceptively effective. Wirths gave the card to his father, and after the war, when he was waiting in Hamburg to be interrogated by British officers, he wrote his wife on May 24, 1945: 'If only my father could help us! I gave him two additional documents. We received a Christmas card in 1943, didn't we?'." (p. 379)

Wirths' son has given me a copy of the Christmas card. It can also be found in the former Public Record Office in London, Ref.: "WO 309/107 - 110055".

How exactly did Langbein come up with the figure of "93.000"? I just calculated it myself. Langbein used the Auschwitz Death Books. First, he multiplied the 8.507 deaths of August 1942 and multiplied it with 16 (the number of months Wirths had been there). This way, he arrived at 136.112 deaths. 136.112 would be the number of deaths that would have occurred in Auschwitz by December 1943 if Wirths’ efforts had not made such a huge difference in the mortality rate. Langbein used the number of 136.112 "potential deaths" and then subtracted the actual number of deaths from September 1942 to December 1943. This way he arrived at 93.548 - or the approximately "93.000 lives saved" mentioned in the Christmas card.

Now, why would a communist and exterminationist such as Hermann Langbein use the Death Books of Auschwitz if they are supposed to be totally and utterly unreliable?

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Re: Concentration Camp Vital Statistics

Postby Hektor » 8 years 1 week ago (Fri May 29, 2015 6:54 am)

Dr. Edgar Dahl wrote:I do have a document that does not challenge but support the reliability of the Auschwitz Death Books.

On Christmas Eve 1943, Dr. Eduard Wirths had been given a Christmas card by some of the Auschwitz inmates. The Christmas card claimed that 93.000 prisoners owed their lives to Wirths' activity. In German, the Christmas card reads:

"Sie haben hier im vergangenen Jahr 93.000 Menschen das Leben bewahrt. Wir haben nicht das Recht, Ihnen unsere Wünsche zu sagen. So wünschen wir uns, dass Sie im kommenden Jahr hier bleiben.

Einer für die Gefangenen von Auschwitz."
Content also mentioned here in an exterminationist article: ... 27,3739530

Dr. Edgar Dahl wrote:This Christmas card had been written by Hermann Langbein, a communist who, after the war, claimed in all seriousness that "some five million persons were gassed" at Auschwitz. (See C. Mattogno "Auschwitz: The Case for Sanity", page 604.)

In his book "People at Auschwitz", Langbein mentions the Christmas card of 1943 and explains how he arrived at the number of "93.000 lives saved by Dr. Wirths": "If the mortality rate of 1943 had remained as high as it was in the summer of 1942, before Wirths came to Auschwitz, it would have been neccessary to register 93,000 more deaths. It was a rather theoretical calculation, but it was perceptively effective. Wirths gave the card to his father, and after the war, when he was waiting in Hamburg to be interrogated by British officers, he wrote his wife on May 24, 1945: 'If only my father could help us! I gave him two additional documents. We received a Christmas card in 1943, didn't we?'." (p. 379)

Wirths' son has given me a copy of the Christmas card. It can also be found in the former Public Record Office in London, Ref.: "WO 309/107 - 110055".

How exactly did Langbein come up with the figure of "93.000"? I just calculated it myself. Langbein used the Auschwitz Death Books. First, he multiplied the 8.507 deaths of August 1942 and multiplied it with 16 (the number of months Wirths had been there). This way, he arrived at 136.112 deaths. 136.112 would be the number of deaths that would have occurred in Auschwitz by December 1943 if Wirths’ efforts had not made such a huge difference in the mortality rate. Langbein used the number of 136.112 "potential deaths" and then subtracted the actual number of deaths from September 1942 to December 1943. This way he arrived at 93.548 - or the approximately "93.000 lives saved" mentioned in the Christmas card.

Now, why would a communist and exterminationist such as Hermann Langbein use the Death Books of Auschwitz if they are supposed to be totally and utterly unreliable?

More on Langbein:
His book:
Image ... nAuschwitz

The relevant quote:
The messenger Emil, who had access
to Wirths's apartment, put this card on a table. This was the thinking that
led me to the number given above: if the mortality rate in 1943 had remained
as high as it was in the summer of 1942, before Wirths came to Auschwitz,
it would have been necessary to register 93,000 more deaths. It was a rather
theoretical calculation, but it was perceptibly effective. Wirths gave the card to
his father, and after the war, when he was waiting in Hamburg to be interro-
gated by British officers, he wrote his wife on May 24, 1945. "If only my father
could help us! I gave him two additional documents. We received a Christmas
card in 1943, didn't we?"

Langbein in a TV-Talk on gas chambers and persecution of Revisionists:
Image ... krunde3Sat

Correspondence involving Hermann Langbein:
Image ... 0/mode/2up

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Re: Concentration Camp Vital Statistics

Postby astro3 » 6 years 9 months ago (Sun Aug 21, 2016 11:40 am)

Funny numbers

Concerning these figures - ... mber-1944/

i asked Germar rudolf, as he is quoted about them, and he replied:
Please be advised that I had no part in compiling the numbers listed below.

That's one of Peter Stahl's disruptive activities. See my article on him here:

Stahl did that list I think back in 2002 or 2003 without my knowledge or consent, and it lingers on the net. I have never seen any of these microfilms myself. I remember that Stahl told me once that he has them, and at some point he even offered them to me. But I never had my hands on them, let alone studied them (if they exist).

For all I know, this could all be made up. Stahl has a history of lying, and of manipulating or outright forging documents, and the fact that he falsely claimed I had compiled these numbers is a strong indicator that this is fishy. I wouldn't touch these numbers with a ten-foot pole.

He said yes I could quote this reply of his.

Scary Truth
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Re: Concentration Camp Vital Statistics

Postby Scary Truth » 6 years 9 months ago (Sun Aug 21, 2016 4:30 pm)

Besides the massive amount of inconsistent, contradictory "eyewitness testimony", the utter lack of anything that could pass as a viable "homicidal gassing chamber", lack of any mass graves anywhere they were claimed to be, or any corpse being a victim of poison gas, the shear numbers factor brings down the holocaust house of cards.
On dozens of occasions and by prominent Zionist leaders and Rabbis, claims of "6 million Jews dead, dying or suffering" was widely broadcast in American newspapers long before the start of WWII.
In each of their massive biographies following WWII, why would Charles DeGaulle, Dwight Eisenhower nor Winston Churchill make no mention of a program to murder Jews or the subject of Nazi gas chambers?
Why is it that massive "eyewitness testimony" from Jews incarcerated in concentration camps on German soil is replete with similar stories of gas chambers and mass murder, when it is now acknowledged that NO so-called "death camps" were on German soil -- ever?
Are dozens of prominent Jewish researchers and professors that point out gross exaggerations and mendacity surrounding the holocaust story antisemitic?
Based entirely on the complete wartime German concentration camp records that had been captured by the Soviets and (at the time) recently released, the New York Times on March 3, 1991 reported that the Auschwitz death total was 73,137. Of those, 38,031 were Jews. These records document that the total of all persons who died (of disease, war-time deprivations, old age, executions), in the ENTIRE German prison camp system from 1935 to 1945 was 403,713.
73,137 died at Auschwitz, of all causes, 38,031 of which were Jews. Not 1.1 million. Not 1.4 million. Certainly not the widely reported and believed 4 million that died at Auschwitz -- until the number was revised in 1990.
On page 288 of Volume 18 (1963) of the Encyclopedia Britannica, it clearly states that: "At Mauthausen, one of the extermination camps in Austria, close to 2,000,000 people, mostly Jews, were exterminated between 1941 and 1945." Today, the US Holocaust Museum declares that "At least 95,000 died there. More than 14,000 were Jewish." No claim of "extermination" is now mentioned.
From what was once claimed by one source is directly contradicted by another, newer source. That is a difference of 1,905,000.
Until 1990, a prominent marble plaque was displayed at Auschwitz proclaiming that "4 million died at the hands of the Nazis here". It was quietly replaced with a similar plaque, now proclaiming that "1.4 million people, mostly Jews, had died here".
Nowadays, the Auschitz web site makes the claim that "1.1 million people" died there.
Each time, when the widely claimed number of dead was lowered, were "holocaust deniers" or "holocaust revisionists" at work?

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Google censoring searches for

Postby Horhug » 5 years 3 months ago (Tue Feb 27, 2018 5:32 am)

Google & Bing are censoring searches for

The "Concentration Camp Vital Statistics" website at is up and accessible, just as it always has been since launch.

Type into your browser's address bar and the site appears as expected.

However, Google appears to be censoring searches for "" thus :

1. Go to or

2. Type in the following search term :

Here is a link to the search result for

3. Note that the search results in a single hit and shows this at the top of the page with just two lines as follows :

Note also that no web page description or text from the actual web page appears after that singluar "google search result".

Note also that the "google search result" shows only one hit for the entire website.

4. Clicking on this solitary "google search result" produces the following error message :

Not Found

The requested URL /revisionism/jaquelyn-constellate.php was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache Server at Port 80

5. Try the same search with :

Here is a link to the search results for

The yandex search engine produces a few results with each link working as expected :

1 What really happened?
WHATREALLYHAPPENED.INFO. ... is based in the United Kingdom and devoted to free inquiry into historical events.

2 What really happened?›decrypts/death_books_…
Any non Copyright material published here may be freely copied and distributed, provided the source is acknowledged as

3 What really happened? Concentration Camp Decodes›decrypts/ww2decrypts.html
WHATREALLYHAPPENED.INFO. ... January 2013. Source: ... rypts.html.

4 What really happened?›pinknotblue.html


The search engine does not produce any direct hits for

I have been aware of this situation for some years, but was not able to prove the anomaly until came along.

The google / bing "search results" are clearly being manipulated.

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