What those 'eyewitnesses' actually say
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What those 'eyewitnesses' actually say
Let's look at the specifics of so called 'eyewitnesses', here are just a few examples.
I challenge anyone to post what they believe to be credible eyewitness statements on the alleged gas chambers for discussion here.
- "eyewitness" Wiernik claimed:
1200 people fit into a 7 X 7 m gas chamber, bodies of women were used for kindling, bodies burned on their own once lit, he saw a naked Jewish girl jump a 3m (9 ft.) high fence & shoot two guards, that 900,000 Jews were gassed..buried..exhumed..cremated & all traces disappeared, a Russian diesel tank engine was used for gassings.
Wiernik also claimed he saw a naked Jewish girl leap over a three-meter (9 ft.) high barbed wire fence, wrench the rifle out of the hands of a pursuing guard, shoot two other guards before she was overpowered.
- in court, 3/46, Charles Bendel said groups of 1000 Jews where killed with Zyklon-B in a room measuring 10 meters long by 4 meters wide by 1.6 meters high. When asked, how 1000 people can possibly fit in to a room of 64 square meters, he answered, with 'the German method'.
- Bendel testified that 1 million were gassed at Birkenau from January 1, 1944 to Jan 18, 1945. The latest number (which has changed constantly), now says 1.25 million were gassed for the entire duration of the war. They also say the alleged gassings ceased 11/44. Once again, they can't keep their lies straight
- An "eyewitness" stated that the alleged poison gas had a delayed action, it allowed the victims to leave the gas chambers and walk to the mass graves by themselves - from: Repts. of the Polish Underground, Archiv der Polnischen Vereinigten Arbeiterpartei, 202/III,v.7,pp.120f.,quoted in: P. Longerich, op. cit.(note 271), p. 438.
- So called 'eyewitness' Daniel Bennahmias claimed the alleged gas chambers walls were PAINTED after each gassing. Well, even if true, that would simply 'lock in' the HCN in the mortar and concrete. There is no significant cyanide residue to be found which would indicate mass gassings as alleged. He also claims that he was one of the alleged 'sonderkommandos'; they were supposedly in charge of moving bodies from the alleged gas chambers. The story goes that all sonderkommandos were murdered in order to silence them.
Peculiar, Daniel Bennahmias was not killed and was in fact given a choice of staying in Auschwitz to await the 'liberating' Soviets, or to leave with the SS in retreat; he chose to go with the SS.
- According to Alexander Pechersky, gassings at Sobibor took place via a black heavy substance which exited in spirals from holes in the roof. Then the floor of the gas chamber opened up, and the bodies fell directly into wagons placed in the basement.
- Filip Mueller, whose laughable beststeller "Sonderbehandlung" Raul Hilberg quotes no less than 20 times as a source in his standard work about the "Holocaust" - described how he ate cake in a cyanide-saturated gas chamber
- Former inmate, Moshe Peer, recalled a miraculous escape from death as an eleven-year-old in the camp. In a 1993 interview with a Canadian newspaper, the French-born Peer claimed that he "was sent to the camp gas chamber at least six times...maybe children resist better, I don't know." Gazette, Montreal, Canada, August 5, 1993
- The vacuum chamber...former Treblinka prisoner Samuel Rajzman testified that during the time he was in Treblinka, Jews were "suffocated to death" there with a machine that pumped air out of death chambers. {Rajzman text in: Yuri Suhl, ed., They Fought Back (New York: 1967), p. 130.}
- 'eyewitness' Arnold Friedman's stated that he (and four others at the same time) 'survived' by breathing through a keyhole in the 'gas chamber' door at FLOSSENBERG.
- Ada Bimko (now Hadassah Rosensaft of the Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington DC): she testified to being shown by an SS officer the huge cylinders of gas in a room above the gas chamber!
- Auschwitz inmate, Regina Bialek stated: I was made to undress and taken by lorry to a gas chamber. There were seven gas chambers at Auschwitz. This particular one was underground and the lorry was able to run down the slope and straight into the chamber. Here we were tipped unceremoniously on the floor. The room was about 12 yards square and small lights on the wall dimly illuminated it. When the room was full a hissing sound was heard coming from the centre point on the floor and gas came into the room. After what seemed about ten minutes some of the victims began to bite their hands and foam at the mouth, and blood issued from their ears, eyes and mouth, and their faces went blue. I suffered from all these symptoms, together with a tight feeling at the throat. I was half conscious when my number was called out by Dr. Mengele and I was led from the chamber. I attribute my escape to the fact that the daughter of a friend of mine who was an Aryan and a doctor at Auschwitz had seen me being transported to the chamber and had told her mother, who immediately appealed to Dr. Mengele.
- In the book, 'Lest We Forget', it describes how Jews were steamed to death, and provides a diagram showing the location of the purported boiler room that produced the live steam. - 'Lest We Forget', World Jewish Congress (New York: 1943), pp.4, 6-7.
- The Polish govt. "conclusively proved" the Germans operated steam death chambers. They carried out "an on site, expert examination of the steam chambers," submitting an "expert report" to the Nuremberg Tribunal.- Nuremberg Trial Document 3311-PS, IMT "blue series"/1947-1949), vol.32, pp.152-158
- Here's more real 'evidence' - Killing in vacuum chamber, with steam, or chlorine gas -----from: W. Grossmann, Die Hölle von Treblinka, Verlag für fremdsprachige Literatur, Moscow 1947; The Black Book of Polish Jewry, Roy Publishers, New York 1943.
- "There was a blue haze after gassing with hydrocyanic acid" (which is colorless) - R. Böck, Frankfurt Public Prosecutor's Office, Ref. 4 Js 444/59, pp. 6881f.
- “In retreat the stationary gas chambers in the eastern part of the camp were restructured, even little turrets and other architectural embellishments were added so that they would look like innocent garages." - ‘The Factory of Death at Auschwitz’ Boris Polevoi, Pravda, 1945
- Communist Jew, Bruno Baum, himself a member of the 'partisans', boasted after the war: "The entire propaganda which started abroad, was made by us with the help of our Polish mates." - Bruno Baum, »Wir funken aus der Hölle« in Deutsche Volkszeitung - Zentralorgan der KPD, Berlin 31.7.1945.; cf. B. Baum
- Elan Steinberg, Executive Director of the World Jewish Congress when discussing accusations of atrocities against Germans:
"The problem is, when you investigate something as serious as this, you can not rely on eyewitnesses who, even with the best of intentions, with the best of intentions, can give you misleading information".
- David Greenburg, reviewing the memoirs of John Toland in the NY Times Book Review- 10-19-97:
"It is not necessary to wonder how, technically, such mass murder was possible. It was technically possible because it took place."
"It is fitting for us to simply repeat this truth: there is not and cannot be any debate on the existence of the gas chambers."
- "…It is not necessary to ask oneself how, technically, such a mass murder was possible. It was technically possible since it took place. Such is the point of departure required of any historical enquiry on the subject. This truth obliges us to state quite simply: there is not, there cannot be, any debate on the existence of the gas chambers." - from a declaration, published in Le Monde, feb 21, 1979. Written by Pierre Vidal-Naquet and Léon Poliakov. And signed by 34 "historians"
And so it goes with each and every 'eyewitness' to alleged gassings and their supporters. Their stories are patently absurd; but if you don't believe them you could go to jail.
- Hannover
I challenge anyone to post what they believe to be credible eyewitness statements on the alleged gas chambers for discussion here.
- "eyewitness" Wiernik claimed:
1200 people fit into a 7 X 7 m gas chamber, bodies of women were used for kindling, bodies burned on their own once lit, he saw a naked Jewish girl jump a 3m (9 ft.) high fence & shoot two guards, that 900,000 Jews were gassed..buried..exhumed..cremated & all traces disappeared, a Russian diesel tank engine was used for gassings.
Wiernik also claimed he saw a naked Jewish girl leap over a three-meter (9 ft.) high barbed wire fence, wrench the rifle out of the hands of a pursuing guard, shoot two other guards before she was overpowered.
- in court, 3/46, Charles Bendel said groups of 1000 Jews where killed with Zyklon-B in a room measuring 10 meters long by 4 meters wide by 1.6 meters high. When asked, how 1000 people can possibly fit in to a room of 64 square meters, he answered, with 'the German method'.
- Bendel testified that 1 million were gassed at Birkenau from January 1, 1944 to Jan 18, 1945. The latest number (which has changed constantly), now says 1.25 million were gassed for the entire duration of the war. They also say the alleged gassings ceased 11/44. Once again, they can't keep their lies straight
- An "eyewitness" stated that the alleged poison gas had a delayed action, it allowed the victims to leave the gas chambers and walk to the mass graves by themselves - from: Repts. of the Polish Underground, Archiv der Polnischen Vereinigten Arbeiterpartei, 202/III,v.7,pp.120f.,quoted in: P. Longerich, op. cit.(note 271), p. 438.
- So called 'eyewitness' Daniel Bennahmias claimed the alleged gas chambers walls were PAINTED after each gassing. Well, even if true, that would simply 'lock in' the HCN in the mortar and concrete. There is no significant cyanide residue to be found which would indicate mass gassings as alleged. He also claims that he was one of the alleged 'sonderkommandos'; they were supposedly in charge of moving bodies from the alleged gas chambers. The story goes that all sonderkommandos were murdered in order to silence them.
Peculiar, Daniel Bennahmias was not killed and was in fact given a choice of staying in Auschwitz to await the 'liberating' Soviets, or to leave with the SS in retreat; he chose to go with the SS.
- According to Alexander Pechersky, gassings at Sobibor took place via a black heavy substance which exited in spirals from holes in the roof. Then the floor of the gas chamber opened up, and the bodies fell directly into wagons placed in the basement.
- Filip Mueller, whose laughable beststeller "Sonderbehandlung" Raul Hilberg quotes no less than 20 times as a source in his standard work about the "Holocaust" - described how he ate cake in a cyanide-saturated gas chamber
- Former inmate, Moshe Peer, recalled a miraculous escape from death as an eleven-year-old in the camp. In a 1993 interview with a Canadian newspaper, the French-born Peer claimed that he "was sent to the camp gas chamber at least six times...maybe children resist better, I don't know." Gazette, Montreal, Canada, August 5, 1993
- The vacuum chamber...former Treblinka prisoner Samuel Rajzman testified that during the time he was in Treblinka, Jews were "suffocated to death" there with a machine that pumped air out of death chambers. {Rajzman text in: Yuri Suhl, ed., They Fought Back (New York: 1967), p. 130.}
- 'eyewitness' Arnold Friedman's stated that he (and four others at the same time) 'survived' by breathing through a keyhole in the 'gas chamber' door at FLOSSENBERG.
- Ada Bimko (now Hadassah Rosensaft of the Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington DC): she testified to being shown by an SS officer the huge cylinders of gas in a room above the gas chamber!
- Auschwitz inmate, Regina Bialek stated: I was made to undress and taken by lorry to a gas chamber. There were seven gas chambers at Auschwitz. This particular one was underground and the lorry was able to run down the slope and straight into the chamber. Here we were tipped unceremoniously on the floor. The room was about 12 yards square and small lights on the wall dimly illuminated it. When the room was full a hissing sound was heard coming from the centre point on the floor and gas came into the room. After what seemed about ten minutes some of the victims began to bite their hands and foam at the mouth, and blood issued from their ears, eyes and mouth, and their faces went blue. I suffered from all these symptoms, together with a tight feeling at the throat. I was half conscious when my number was called out by Dr. Mengele and I was led from the chamber. I attribute my escape to the fact that the daughter of a friend of mine who was an Aryan and a doctor at Auschwitz had seen me being transported to the chamber and had told her mother, who immediately appealed to Dr. Mengele.
- In the book, 'Lest We Forget', it describes how Jews were steamed to death, and provides a diagram showing the location of the purported boiler room that produced the live steam. - 'Lest We Forget', World Jewish Congress (New York: 1943), pp.4, 6-7.
- The Polish govt. "conclusively proved" the Germans operated steam death chambers. They carried out "an on site, expert examination of the steam chambers," submitting an "expert report" to the Nuremberg Tribunal.- Nuremberg Trial Document 3311-PS, IMT "blue series"/1947-1949), vol.32, pp.152-158
- Here's more real 'evidence' - Killing in vacuum chamber, with steam, or chlorine gas -----from: W. Grossmann, Die Hölle von Treblinka, Verlag für fremdsprachige Literatur, Moscow 1947; The Black Book of Polish Jewry, Roy Publishers, New York 1943.
- "There was a blue haze after gassing with hydrocyanic acid" (which is colorless) - R. Böck, Frankfurt Public Prosecutor's Office, Ref. 4 Js 444/59, pp. 6881f.
- “In retreat the stationary gas chambers in the eastern part of the camp were restructured, even little turrets and other architectural embellishments were added so that they would look like innocent garages." - ‘The Factory of Death at Auschwitz’ Boris Polevoi, Pravda, 1945
- Communist Jew, Bruno Baum, himself a member of the 'partisans', boasted after the war: "The entire propaganda which started abroad, was made by us with the help of our Polish mates." - Bruno Baum, »Wir funken aus der Hölle« in Deutsche Volkszeitung - Zentralorgan der KPD, Berlin 31.7.1945.; cf. B. Baum
- Elan Steinberg, Executive Director of the World Jewish Congress when discussing accusations of atrocities against Germans:
"The problem is, when you investigate something as serious as this, you can not rely on eyewitnesses who, even with the best of intentions, with the best of intentions, can give you misleading information".
- David Greenburg, reviewing the memoirs of John Toland in the NY Times Book Review- 10-19-97:
"It is not necessary to wonder how, technically, such mass murder was possible. It was technically possible because it took place."
"It is fitting for us to simply repeat this truth: there is not and cannot be any debate on the existence of the gas chambers."
- "…It is not necessary to ask oneself how, technically, such a mass murder was possible. It was technically possible since it took place. Such is the point of departure required of any historical enquiry on the subject. This truth obliges us to state quite simply: there is not, there cannot be, any debate on the existence of the gas chambers." - from a declaration, published in Le Monde, feb 21, 1979. Written by Pierre Vidal-Naquet and Léon Poliakov. And signed by 34 "historians"
And so it goes with each and every 'eyewitness' to alleged gassings and their supporters. Their stories are patently absurd; but if you don't believe them you could go to jail.
- Hannover
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.
Kevin wrote:I'm finding more and more people that question the legitimacy of the holohoax claims. Must be something in the air...
You must be lucky Kevin. While recently coming across a handful, the overwhelming majority still will not think about the subject rationally. They refuse to acknowledge the work of revisionist scholars, and only think of us as racists and bigots, working to further our own agenda.
Of course, their illogical attempt always fail miserably in the world of reasonable minds, but that is not what they're after. They are solely concerned with the indoctrination and following of the propaganda from WWII still carried through to this day.
More War Time "Steam Chamber" absurdities, this time from none other than Arthur Koestler Author of the "thirteenth Tribe".
On Disbelieving Atrocities
Published: January 1944 (NYT Magazine) Author: Arthur Koestler
So what happened to the photos, where are they, Why were they not Published with the article?
I also wonder if they are from the same group of "Bothan Spies" who died smuggling out the "Plans for the Death Star"???
oh, the gig is up, now it's apparently started in 1941, before the Wansee conference!
A nice bit of "reverse psychology" only I think we all know the truth, he stated as much in his first sentence of this paragraph.
Source : http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a397927dc7061.htm
On Disbelieving Atrocities
Published: January 1944 (NYT Magazine) Author: Arthur Koestler
We, the screamers, have been at it now for about ten years. We started on the night when the epileptic van der Lubbe set fire to the German Parliament; we said that if you don't quench those flames at once, they will spread all over the world; you thought we were maniacs. At present we have the mania of trying to tell you about the killing, by hot steam, mass-electrocution and live burial of the total Jewish population of Europe. So far three million have died.
It is the greatest mass-killing in recorded history; and it goes on daily, hourly, as regularly as the ticking of your watch. I have photographs before me on the desk while I am writing this, and that accounts for my emotion and bitterness. People died to smuggle them out of Poland; they thought it was worth while
So what happened to the photos, where are they, Why were they not Published with the article?
I also wonder if they are from the same group of "Bothan Spies" who died smuggling out the "Plans for the Death Star"???
I have been lecturing now for three years to the troops and their attitude is the same. They don't believe in concentration camps, they don't believe in the starved children of Greece, in the shot hostages of France, in the mass-graves of Poland; they have never heard of Lidice, Treblinka or Belzec; you can convince them for an hour, then they shake themselves, their mental self-defence begins to work and in a week the shrug of incredulity has returned like a reflex temporarily weakened by a shock.
oh, the gig is up, now it's apparently started in 1941, before the Wansee conference!
Clearly all this is becoming a mania with me and my like. Clearly we must suffer from some morbid obsession, whereas the others are healthy and normal. But the characteristic symptom of maniacs is that they lose contact with reality and live in a phantasy world. So, perhaps, it is the other way round: perhaps it is we, the screamers, who react in a sound and healthy way to the reality which surrounds us, whereas you are the neurotics who totter about in a screened phantasy world because you lack the faculty to face the facts. Were it not so, this war would have been avoided, and those murdered within sight of your day-dreaming eyes would still be alive.
A nice bit of "reverse psychology" only I think we all know the truth, he stated as much in his first sentence of this paragraph.
Source : http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a397927dc7061.htm
Wir brauchen eine Bewegung, die Deutschland endlich aus der Kontrolle der Kräfte von Versailles und Jalta befreit, die uns schon ein ganzes Jahrhundert lang von einer Kastastrophe in die andere stürzt.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche.
MrNobody wrote:More War Time "Steam Chamber" absurdities, this time from none other than Arthur Koestler Author of the "thirteenth Tribe".
On Disbelieving Atrocities
Published: January 1944 (NYT Magazine) Author: Arthur Koestler... [Y]ou thought we were maniacs. At present we have the mania of trying to tell you about the killing, by hot steam, mass-electrocution and live burial of the total Jewish population of Europe. So far three million have died.
It is the greatest mass-killing in recorded history; and it goes on daily, hourly, as regularly as the ticking of your watch. I have photographs before me on the desk while I am writing this, and that accounts for my emotion and bitterness. People died to smuggle them out of Poland; they thought it was worth while
Fascinating stuff: three million dead Jews, by January 1944, through hot steam, mass-electrocution and live burial? If this doesn't convey the message we have been screaming about for so long, I don't know what will.
Oh yes, our message (mine at least). Here it is, again: the human nature being what it is -- i.e. not entirely perverted or evil -- what you absolutely need in modern cultured societies in order to unleash utter barbarism through fully-fledged state-sponsored total war and get away with it, is utterly ridiculous state-sponsored propaganda, and the useful idiots, motivated by religion or political ideology, to spread it.
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- Posts: 362
- Joined: Mon Feb 14, 2005 8:26 pm
The holocaust propaganda of gas chambers is a cover-up for the following and will continue to be so until the Allies acknowledge that:
(i) WW2, like all wars, was a stupid, totally unnecessary war. It killed upwards of 50 million people, left half the world under communism and/or under Stalin and it left the other half of the world under an evil form of capitalism that has ravaged the world ever since that time.
(ii) Hitler did not want his war with Poland to become a world war. He tied to prevent it.His main intension was to stop communism and steal Russian and East European land.
(iii) Churchill, as a well paid member of the Jewish financed Focus group since 1935, was he was mainly responsible for WW2. WW2 was a war that most of the British, including former Prime Minister Lloyd George and King Edward, did not want. Churchill tricked them into it.
(iv) The British bombed Berlin long before the Germans bombed London. Hitler looked upon the bombing of cities as criminal. Hitler was in no way prepared for a bombing war with Britain. He even forbid the creation of such bombers.
(v) The Jewish led communist party which had created the so-called Russian Revolution and had killed approximately 20 million Kulaks in the Soviet Union from 1920 to 1930 was perceived by Hitler as the biggest threat to mankind in the world. It is ironic that it turned out to be the USA.
(vi) The bombing of Japan and Germany and the burning alive of millions of civilians, especially during the last few months of the war, when most of the damage was done, were war crimes of the worst kind.
(vii) Christianity and Judaism have been at war against each other for 2000 years and most of the problems of the world have been and are a directly the result of this ongoing war.
(viii) The creation of Israel was a war crime and it has been a disaster for both the Arabs and for Judaism. It murdered the former and strangled the later.
(ix) The murder of a million German soldiers after the war by starvation and disease in Dwight Eisenhower’s death camps all throughout post war Europe.
(x) WW1 was a stupid war but the Treat of Versailles was an even more stupid event than the war. It led directly to WW2 as everyone knew it would.
(xi) Hitler had no intention of killing Jews nor did he look upon them as inferior. He knew that they had all but taken over Germany, just as they now have taken over the USA, Canada and most of Europe. They also had stabbed Germany in the back by helping get the USA into WW1 against Germany. He wanted to root them out and send them to any country that would take them. The Zionists, on the other hand, forced most countries of the world to close their doors to the Jews in order that the Jews whom the Zionist wanted for Israel and no others would be forced to go to Palestine. Together the Nazis and the Zionist cooperated in sending Jews, the young, strong, healthy ones and no others, to Palestine.
Until these and other such facts are admitted to the lies will continue.
(i) WW2, like all wars, was a stupid, totally unnecessary war. It killed upwards of 50 million people, left half the world under communism and/or under Stalin and it left the other half of the world under an evil form of capitalism that has ravaged the world ever since that time.
(ii) Hitler did not want his war with Poland to become a world war. He tied to prevent it.His main intension was to stop communism and steal Russian and East European land.
(iii) Churchill, as a well paid member of the Jewish financed Focus group since 1935, was he was mainly responsible for WW2. WW2 was a war that most of the British, including former Prime Minister Lloyd George and King Edward, did not want. Churchill tricked them into it.
(iv) The British bombed Berlin long before the Germans bombed London. Hitler looked upon the bombing of cities as criminal. Hitler was in no way prepared for a bombing war with Britain. He even forbid the creation of such bombers.
(v) The Jewish led communist party which had created the so-called Russian Revolution and had killed approximately 20 million Kulaks in the Soviet Union from 1920 to 1930 was perceived by Hitler as the biggest threat to mankind in the world. It is ironic that it turned out to be the USA.
(vi) The bombing of Japan and Germany and the burning alive of millions of civilians, especially during the last few months of the war, when most of the damage was done, were war crimes of the worst kind.
(vii) Christianity and Judaism have been at war against each other for 2000 years and most of the problems of the world have been and are a directly the result of this ongoing war.
(viii) The creation of Israel was a war crime and it has been a disaster for both the Arabs and for Judaism. It murdered the former and strangled the later.
(ix) The murder of a million German soldiers after the war by starvation and disease in Dwight Eisenhower’s death camps all throughout post war Europe.
(x) WW1 was a stupid war but the Treat of Versailles was an even more stupid event than the war. It led directly to WW2 as everyone knew it would.
(xi) Hitler had no intention of killing Jews nor did he look upon them as inferior. He knew that they had all but taken over Germany, just as they now have taken over the USA, Canada and most of Europe. They also had stabbed Germany in the back by helping get the USA into WW1 against Germany. He wanted to root them out and send them to any country that would take them. The Zionists, on the other hand, forced most countries of the world to close their doors to the Jews in order that the Jews whom the Zionist wanted for Israel and no others would be forced to go to Palestine. Together the Nazis and the Zionist cooperated in sending Jews, the young, strong, healthy ones and no others, to Palestine.
Until these and other such facts are admitted to the lies will continue.
You can fool too many of the people most of the time.
@ Barrington James
Regarding your point 2:"(ii) Hitler did not want his war with Poland to become a world war. He tied to prevent it.His main intension was to stop communism and steal Russian and East European land."
You are wrong here. Hitler's main attention has been to stop Polish Atrocities against Germans living in the former German territories, which have been given to Poland after the Versailles Treaty.
His strike against Russis was pre-emptive, this is even acknowledged by most of the conventional historians.
Regarding your point 2:"(ii) Hitler did not want his war with Poland to become a world war. He tied to prevent it.His main intension was to stop communism and steal Russian and East European land."
You are wrong here. Hitler's main attention has been to stop Polish Atrocities against Germans living in the former German territories, which have been given to Poland after the Versailles Treaty.
His strike against Russis was pre-emptive, this is even acknowledged by most of the conventional historians.
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