Steve Shives / 'Five Stupid Things About Holocaust Denial'

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Re: Steve Shives / 'Five Stupid Things About Holocaust Denia

Postby Werd » 9 years 4 months ago (Sun Feb 02, 2014 1:45 pm)

Recent youtube comments.

Hello Goodbye
51 minutes ago

3:15 No one says that, Delousing chambers were completely different buildings, on the original Auschwitz plans, the "gas chamber" is labelled as leichenkeller 1, which was sort of a morgue.

6 days ago

Why use ad hominem attacks and litter your video with expletives, why not show evidence that it happened instead of your ranting and swearing with meme's in the background. You're a fool

Hello Goodbye
54 minutes ago (edited)

Revisionists (or deniers) (except neo-Nazis) don't "let Hitler off the hook". The Nazi's did plenty of horrible shit. murder of thousands of innocents on the Eastern Front, Eugenics, human experimentation, they just don't believe that anyone was ever gassed. And there aren't "mountains of evidence" just eyewitness reports that are possibly false and a (acknowledged by pretty much everyone as a reconstruction) gas chamber and NO documentary evidence contrary to what you say in your video. No one denies internment camps, No one denies executions, no one denies deaths, they just deny gas chambers. You claim that it denies scientific method but you just speak that in your experience you just state that you haven't met anyone who reached their conclusion honestly. How do you know, did you inject them with fucking truth serum? Heinrich Himmler committed suicide before he could give a confession and the others were possibly tortured. Hitler did say, in the 20's something about a solution for the Jews, but it's possible he meant deportation instead of genocide, deportation being a much more affordable option.

1 week ago

Its illegal to investigate the holohoax. Why if it happened there should be nothing to hide right?

Fred Luchter went to Auschwitz and took sample of the "gas chamber" and a sample of the de-lousing room where Zyklon B was used to washed clothes to kill lice that was spreading typhoid disease.

GUESS WHAT!!!! The de-lousing room was covered with blue residue from Zyklon B and the gas chamber walls had no chemical residue on them at all.

The holohoax didnt happen. The real death toll at the camps were 296,077. And they died from starvation and typhoid disease.

If I recall correctly, those are the documented Red Cross numbers.
1 week ago

Holocaust is bullshit in the fact that the death numbers changed far too many times to ever hold any validity and there have been countless documentaries that suggest that it would have been impossible for the Germans to cremate the amount of dead that the shills would have you believe so if that makes me an "Asshole" or and "Idiot" in anyone's eyes just remember opinions are like assholes and I probably think the same of yours as you do mine!

1 week ago

First of all, you started off with a nice straw man and ad hominem, exactly like a 'irrational religious fundie'. It's a tribalistic attitude: "You're either with me, or you're a fucking nazi!". If you want to have a real intellectual discussion, and be taken seriously, you shouldn't start off by going full retard. Fred Leuchter, one of the experts on the subject and execution devices said that to get rid of cyanide the gas, you'd need a very high chimney of some kind to pump out the gas safely. There was no such chimneys in the aerial photographs of camps like Auschwitz in 1944. How else could they get rid of the gas? Fred Leuchter and David Irving both deny the holocaust, and many other non conformist historians, I guess they're just 'irrational nazi's' then? And what samples? The samples Leuchter got go against this. I'm not saying the holocaust never happened, and I'm not a holocaust denier, I'm merely skeptical about everything we have been told, since throughout history, it's well known that the ones in power spread bullshit and propaganda to make the ignorant masses think one thing instead of another.

Think about it, if the nazi's won ww2, wouldn't they be bullshitting about what really happened in ww2? Wake up, question everything, don't think something purely because the mainstream accept this. Most mainstream historians are quoting from eachother in a huge circle of mainstream conformity, even from documents that are not reliable, they never go from the direct evidence. David Irving is one of those non conformist historians.

1 week ago

In the renowned Paris newspaper, Le Monde, P. Vidal- Naquet, Léon Poliakov, and 32 academics proclaimed on February 21, 1979:

"One may not ask how, technically, such a mass murder was possible. It was technically possible because it happened. Such is the obligatory starting point required for any historical enquiry into this subject. This truth we simply want to bring back into memory: there is not, and there may not be, any debate on the existence of the gas chambers"

Why is this intellectually bankrupt argument, which turns science on its head, considered by the promoters of the Holocaust a sufficient response to the mounting Revisionist evidence to the contrary?

VHO org

1 week ago

to Sockpuppet2012

It's not a sufficient response, it's simply saying it happened without giving reasons why. "It happened because it happened", is pretty much a circular argument. There are still huge problems with how the nazi's could do such a thing, such as how they could get rid of the gas, and how a small room could hold thousands of desperate jews from busting out, and the horrid designs of the building. The mainsteam historical account seems like something from a fairy tale rather than reality.

Pa Gromheizer
1 week ago

Is asking questions a crime? If you develop doubts about the Holocaust, isn’t the only way to get rid of these doubts by asking questions? A lot of individuals and groups are enraged by those who ask critical questions about the Holocaust. These doubters, who call themselves Revisionists, are often defamed as "Holocaust deniers."
Every other historical issue is debated as a matter of course, but influential pressure groups have made the Holocaust story an exception. Anyone should be encouraged to investigate critically the Holocaust story in the same way they are encouraged to investigate every other historical event. This is not a radical point of view. The culture of critique was developed millennia ago by Greek philosophers like Socrates, and was renewed centuries ago during the Enlightenment

1 week ago (edited)

There is in reality no independent authentic documentary corroboration and no physical evidence commensurate with the official version of the so called "Holocaust"- which boils down to 6 million Jews killed by "Nazi" Germany on an industrial scale- the primary means being poisoning with Zyklon-B in so called "gas chambers". That is the core of the Holocaust dogma.
This legend depends upon popular credulity and pseudo-religious faith, not on an indisputable body of physical or documentary evidence.
What it is, in essence, is a myth within a myth- the Manichean legend of the Second World War as the forces of justice, freedom and "democracy" against the most evil regime in history. Both these legends constitute the ideological underpinnings of the current political, financial and military status quo in the Occident, as well as the the existence of the settler colony in Palestine.
When seen from afar as a vague, nebulous and supernal- or perhaps, infernal, body of dogmatic statements and uncritically accepted so called "eyewitness accounts" and and not as a series of documented and readily accessible historical events, it is sustained.
On the other hand, the more it is reduced to the level of an historical event, and the more it is subject to empirical scrutiny, the less evident it becomes.
The strength of the Shoa Business is not physical or forensic, it is held together by the glue of somnolent popular acceptance and by the fact that its proponents have an ironclad control of the media and academia in the US and Europe.

2 weeks ago

What trouble me about this subject is all the laws who have been passed to make illegal to revisit (what historian do usually) world war II, specially the part about the death camp (gas chamber etc) and the genocide of Jews (nobody else). Example the Gayssot Law in France. Note also fact like the article 19 of the Nuremberg. The Tribunal shall not be bound by technical rules on the taking of evidence. It shall adopt and apply to the greatest possible extent expeditious and non-technical procedure, and shall admit any evidence which it deems to have probative value. Or article 21. The Tribunal shall not require or reported evidence of facts of common knowledge but shall take for granted. It will also take judicial official documents and reports of the Governments of the United Nations, including those prepared by the Commissions established in the various allied countries for the investigation of war crimes, as well as the minutes of hearings and decisions military or other tribunals of any UN courts.

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Re: Steve Shives / 'Five Stupid Things About Holocaust Denia

Postby Werd » 9 years 1 month ago (Mon Apr 14, 2014 1:45 pm)

Sorry to bump this up again, but some recent exchanges prove very interesting. one example.

Fatima Sadrcity 2 weeks ago
When my father was involved in the liberation of several Concentration Camps upon his deployment to Germany in 1945, the locals all claimed they knew nothing of what was going on inside but my father said you could smell it for miles...thats the one thing that really stuck in his mind "I'll never forget the smell" he used to say

Pa Gromheizer 1 week ago
People died of starvation after the railroads were bombed and food supplies cut off. Yup, dead people stink.

Fatima Sadrcity 1 week ago
Are you suggesting that allied bombardment was responsible for the death and condition of the camp inmates? Funny that the camp guards and local German population were all healthy....are you another one of these morons trying to rewrite history?

Pa Gromheizer 1 week ago
I'm suggesting that typhus was the main killer at Auschwitz.
Jewish historian Arno J. Mayer, a Princeton University professor, wrote in his 1988 study Why Did the Heavens Not Darken?: The "Final Solution" in History: "... From 1942 to 1945, certainly at Auschwitz, but probably overall, more Jews were killed by so-called 'natural' causes than by 'unnatural' ones."
And, No, when you said "....are you another one of these morons trying to rewrite history?"
I'm a revisionist that seeks only the truth in holo matters.

Fatima Sadrcity1 week ago
Your a revisionist are you? I've studied the Holocaust in depth since 1977 and I am quite confident that at the very least 1 Million were put to death in the gas chambers of Birkenau...I went as far in my research in fact to arrange a meeting 20 years ago with a man that had escaped from Auschwitz/Birkenau who confirmed my studies with his eye witness account. His in depth testimony was what finally put a halt to the deportation of the Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz in the summer of 1944 and was a key document in the Nuremberg Trials

Pa Gromheizer 1 week ago
Science trumps eyewitness testimony every day of the week.
A man named Pressac was hired by the Beate Klarsfeld Foundation to refute the revisionists. When he had written two books on the subject, This is what he said
Of his book and its relation to the "orthodox" extermination story, Pressac writes:
"This study already demonstrates the complete bankruptcy of the traditional ["Holocaust"] history … a history based for the most part on testimonies, assembled according to the need of the moment, truncated to fit an arbitrary truth and sprinkled with a few German documents of uneven value and without any connection with one another. (p. 264)

Thank you.

Pa Gromheizer 1 week ago
BTW, if you know so much about the holocaust then take the NAFCASH Challenge and make $70,000 

Fatima Sadrcity1 week ago
A "few" German documents? Are you kidding? The Nazi regime kept meticulous records of their crimes from start to suggest that eyewitness testimony has no merit is ridiculous when the lions share of said testimony comes from the perpetrators of the crime itself

I hope you noticed two things from Fatima there. His sentence "Your a revisionist are you?" is obviously poorly written. Second of all, he says the Germans kept meticulous documentation of their crimes. Funny, I thought it was the other way around. These gas chamber mongers really need to keep their stories straight. And also, thirdly, his dad's testimony has clearly been tainted by propaganda. The German soldiers had to stay fed. Of course Germans would consider their own soldiers to be high priority over the inmates when the allies bombed the supply lines. How stupid is this man? Even Mattogno, Graf and Kues QUOTE FROM GERMAN DOCUMENTS proving this to be the case. That there was a hierarchy. Furthermore, smells of dead bodies do not prove gas chambers. As for the so called authentic documents and so called confessions that were NOT tainted by torture or duress, this guy is utterly clueless. Perhaps he should read Carlos Porter's work.

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Re: Steve Shives / 'Five Stupid Things About Holocaust Denia

Postby Hannover » 9 years 1 month ago (Mon Apr 14, 2014 7:19 pm)

Well said, Werd.

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who debunk it are arrested and persecuted. That is why racist Jewish supremacists demand that there be no legitimate, open debate.

The tide is turning, truth will always prevail.

- Hannover
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Steve Shives / 'Five Stupid Things About Holocaust Denia

Postby Hektor » 9 years 1 month ago (Mon Apr 21, 2014 3:59 pm)

Werd wrote:....
I hope you noticed two things from Fatima there. His sentence "Your a revisionist are you?" is obviously poorly written. Second of all, he says the Germans kept meticulous documentation of their crimes. Funny, I thought it was the other way around. These gas chamber mongers really need to keep their stories straight. And also, thirdly, his dad's testimony has clearly been tainted by propaganda. The German soldiers had to stay fed. Of course Germans would consider their own soldiers to be high priority over the inmates when the allies bombed the supply lines. How stupid is this man? Even Mattogno, Graf and Kues QUOTE FROM GERMAN DOCUMENTS proving this to be the case. That there was a hierarchy. Furthermore, smells of dead bodies do not prove gas chambers. As for the so called authentic documents and so called confessions that were NOT tainted by torture or duress, this guy is utterly clueless. Perhaps he should read Carlos Porter's work.

You were obviously not dealing with an "Holocaust Expert" there. On the other hand the general public seems to believe that there is vast documentation for gas chambers, mass killings, human experiments etc. From there the tag line:"The Holocaust is the best documented genocide in human history". That this is just smoke and mirrors I don't think I have to say here.

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Re: Steve Shives / 'Five Stupid Things About Holocaust Denia

Postby Inquisitor » 9 years 1 month ago (Tue Apr 22, 2014 1:55 am)

Hektor wrote:
Werd wrote:....
You were obviously not dealing with an "Holocaust Expert" there. On the other hand the general public seems to believe that there is vast documentation for gas chambers, mass killings, human experiments etc. From there the tag line:"The Holocaust is the best documented genocide in human history". That this is just smoke and mirrors I don't think I have to say here.

This vast documentation claim is indeed another "article of faith" now repeated in mantra-like fashion by the true believers across the board. But as you say, that is hardly news here! :wink:

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Re: Steve Shives / 'Five Stupid Things About Holocaust Denia

Postby Hektor » 9 years 1 month ago (Tue Apr 22, 2014 4:38 am)

Inquisitor wrote:
Hektor wrote:
Werd wrote:....
You were obviously not dealing with an "Holocaust Expert" there. On the other hand the general public seems to believe that there is vast documentation for gas chambers, mass killings, human experiments etc. From there the tag line:"The Holocaust is the best documented genocide in human history". That this is just smoke and mirrors I don't think I have to say here.

This vast documentation claim is indeed another "article of faith" now repeated in mantra-like fashion by the true believers across the board. But as you say, that is hardly news here! :wink:

I think there is an 8 digit figure of documents relating somehow to the concentration camp system / Jewish question and the like.
Even after years of continuous restoration and conservation work, the archives in Bad Arolsen still contain millions of documents that are in a critical condition. As a result, mass processing methods are now used. This is primarily being done through deacidification in a complex chemical process which extends the durability of the paper several times over. ... index.html

The ITS collection

The archives contain some 30 million documents on persecution, forced labour and emigration from the Nazi period and the immediate post-war years. They also hold numerous documents generated in the course of the ITS’s work, such as the Central Name Index, the Child Tracing Service as well as an archive of correspondence. The Central Name Index alone contains 50 million index cards concerning the fate of more than 17.5 million people. ... _node.html

In its mission statement, the International Tracing Service (ITS) in Bad Arolsen declares its commitment to keep the memory of the millions of victims of Nazi persecution alive. The archive’s collections about persecution, forced labour and the Holocaust are unique in scope and significance.
The ITS preserves these historical records, answers the »requests of survivors and family menbers of victims and makes use of the collections for »research and »education. The ITS archives store about 30 million documents which can help to shed light on the fate of so many.
The alphabetically and phonetically arranged Central Name Index contains over 50 million reference cards for over 17.5 million people and is the main key to the documents and the correspondence files'.

Millions of documents, but not a single one can be shown demonstrating that Jews were gassed. There should be thousands, if that were true.
Instead they're trying a slippery slope with this:
The archives contain 50 million pages, housed in thousands of filing cabinets in 6 buildings. Overall, there are 16 miles of shelves holding information about the victims of the Nazis.

The documents - scraps of paper, transport lists, registration books, labor documents, medical records, and finally death registers – record the arrest, transportation and extermination of the victims. In some case, even the amount and size of the lice found on the prisoners’ heads were recorded. ... rolson.htm
See what they are trying? "Transport lists, registration books, labor documents, medical records, and finally death registers – record the arrest, transportation", but while recording prisoner death, they don't record any extermination activities, yet they let that slip in there.

Also consider the extensive medical records. Now why would anyone establish and keep this, if the ultimate goal was extermination?

From the the same page:
Why were the records closed to the public?

The Bonn Agreement, which was signed in 1955, stated that no data that could harm the former Nazi victims or their families should be published. Thus, the ITS kept the files closed to the public due to concerns about the victims' privacy. Information was doled out in minimal amounts to survivors or their descendants.

This policy generated much ill-feeling among Holocaust survivors and researchers. In response to pressure from these groups, the ITS commission declared itself in favor of opening up the records in 1998 and began scanning the documents into digital form in 1999.

Germany, however, opposed amending the Bonn agreement to allow for public access to the records. German opposition, which was based on possible misuse of information, became the main barrier to opening the Holocaust archives to the public.

Yet until now Germany resisted the opening, on the grounds that the records involve private information about individuals that could be misused.

See what they are doing? They try to prevent access to information based on a privacy excuse. They think that this information could be "abused".
I did actually contact Arolsen about 20 years ago and know for a fact that privacy isn't the real issue there. On asking why they are reluctant to make information and documentation accessible to the public, the orally stated reason was that the info could be "abused by Holocaust deniers". So that was done to shut down any critical research. And playing hide and seek with the documents made it also easier to keep relatives in the belief that there family was "gassed" - Note that the pressure to open up came also from them.

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Re: Steve Shives / 'Five Stupid Things About Holocaust Denia

Postby Werd » 9 years 1 month ago (Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:08 pm)

Well it looks like our old buddy blogbuster who has used our material on codoh to attack the HC group, is now promoting the Steve Shives video.
Revs get bitch slapped on Youtube!

blogbuster Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:59 pm

Any interesting video I thought I would share with our revisionist friends.


Get the facts about the strange phenomenon of Holocaust hate blogging! (new window) (new window)

Sorry old friend, but the Shives video has been ripped to shreds. Not just by us, but also by the youtube comments.

He used to post here but he does not anymore. Moderators, I want to send him a private message to shake him out of his illusion that Steve Shives ever delivered a bitch slap. Is his account still active? Can he receive PM's or was he banned? I examined his profile and see no indication he was banned. His last post was in 2012, but his profile says he last visited in 2013. Thoughts? What if I could get him to come into this topic and have an actual discussion?

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Re: Steve Shives / 'Five Stupid Things About Holocaust Denia

Postby spaceboy » 8 years 11 months ago (Thu Jun 12, 2014 7:24 pm)

I think this video by the smug Youtube "skeptic" Zaunstar is even worse than the Steve Shives video.

Zaunstar claims that revisionists think that the numerous pictures of concentration camps, pictures of emaciated bodies, thousands of empty "poison gas canisters" and ashes are fake. Just another example out of countless others who completely misrepresent the position of revisionists.

This is what the average person on the street thinks: They think that revisionists don't believe camps existed or that the pictures of emaciated bodies (Bergen-Belsen) are real. This is why I always try to reiterate the point (before even going into anything else) to a stranger on the internet about what a revisionist does and does not think before he starts going off about: "There's pictures and film of camps, bodies, and ovens!!". Because as long as we have people like Zaunstar and Steve Shives spreading lies to people on Youtube along with mainstream media misrepresenting the arguments of revisionists, it's going to be difficult to get the average person to even understand what the revisionist position is.

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Re: Steve Shives / 'Five Stupid Things About Holocaust Denial'

Postby Cozz88 » 7 years 4 weeks ago (Tue May 10, 2016 1:17 am)

This Steve shives is just an indoctrinated biased moron who presents no proof of his absurd claims that "deniers" Ignore an alleged absurd " mountain of evidence ". He knows deep down the holocaust never happened. I would not waste my time with the indoctrinated believers who still believe the fairy tales of the holoco$t. :D

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