Email from Andrew Mathis (The Holocaust History Project)

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Postby Goethe » 1 decade 8 years ago (Tue Dec 14, 2004 2:59 pm)

Hatemonger A. Mathis said this:
In fact, the sheer number of Jew-haters and Nazi apologists in your "movement" is why it is doomed to fail, even if there were not laws against it.

If so, then why are there laws against it?
And someone said it best, "there are the Nazis with the 6mil and gas chambers, and there are the Nazis without the 6mil and gas chambers".

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Postby Trojan » 1 decade 8 years ago (Tue Dec 14, 2004 5:19 pm)


Mathis does not support the laws against "it" ...

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Postby JackBQuick » 1 decade 8 years ago (Tue Dec 14, 2004 6:26 pm)

Andrew E. Mathis is a box full of unsustainable accusations.

The Holocaust belief was doomed from the beginning; it rests on a rotten foundation.

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Postby kk » 1 decade 8 years ago (Tue Dec 14, 2004 9:26 pm)


Mathis does not support the laws against "it" ...

Yeah , he's an intellectual!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Postby Hannover » 1 decade 7 years ago (Sun Oct 09, 2005 11:48 pm)

Yep, I received yet another hate email from Andrew Mathis, so I thought it fitting to have this thread brought to the front. The poor, sad man lives his life through me. He keeps creating new email addresses just so he can get around my filters. Pathetic.

Among many desperate acts, Andrew Mathis is a man responsible for threatening Revisionists.

Andrew (little Andy) Mathis is also a premiere spokesman for the laughable, so called 'holocau$t' History Project, and has cemented himself to the floor of the scientifically impossible 'holocau$t' storyline. Now he resorts to desperate acts as the ultimately unsustainable 'holocau$t' lies fall apart faster than a cheap suit.

Imagine, this poor man is supposedly an 'academic' associated with La Salle University. Oy! The standards have certainly declined in academia.

Also see these on Andrew Mathis, premiere spokesman for the laughable 'holocau$t' History Project:

- Hannover
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Postby grenadier » 1 decade 7 years ago (Mon Oct 10, 2005 9:12 am)

Hannover wrote:
<<Yep, I received yet another hate email from Andrew Mathis, so I thought it fitting to have this thread brought to the front. The poor, sad man lives his life through me. He keeps creating new email addresses just so he can get around my filters. Pathetic>>

Would it be possible for you to share with the rest of us some or all
of the content of this hate email? As I have been to RODOH and have
also visited Andrew's blog once, I see the man holds a lot of bad
feelings against you. He calls you all sorts of things. It would be nice
if you could share with us the other side of the story. One thing that
surprises me about mr.Mathis is how childish this fella seems to be.
How old is this guy? His scholarship seems to amout to nothing more
than verbal abuse and threats. With the entire establishment on his
side it aint difficult for him to pose as a tough guy.

<<Among many desperate acts, Andrew Mathis is a man responsible for threatening Revisionists.>>

I have heard a few things in that regard. Could you be more specific?

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Postby Speeder » 1 decade 7 years ago (Mon Oct 10, 2005 2:02 pm)

Mathis is not even a real Jew, (not that it makes that much of a difference) he is just a Jew Wannabe. It would seem because of this he wants to out Jew the Jews in terms of being a Holohoax defender.

I understand he posts regularly over at another forum; from what I have seen his posts are mostly crude abuse (hardly the work of a Phd scholar). I have formed the impression this guy is just a nutjob of the first order with some sort of complex, there must be a medical term for it?


Last edited by Speeder on Mon Oct 10, 2005 3:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Haldan » 1 decade 7 years ago (Mon Oct 10, 2005 2:22 pm)

There is a small index dedicated to this person somewhere on the internet. Unfortunately all the messages by Andrew E. Mathis contains the language of a obtrusive, mentally ill five year old.
It isn't much, but atleast it will help illustrate his persona.

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Postby Carto's Cutlass Supreme » 1 decade 7 years ago (Mon Oct 10, 2005 2:43 pm)

I think it's important to understand people like Mathis. He thinks he's doing good. He probably truly believes he's "fighting evil." Imagine the accolades, the encouragement, that he gets from people for being this "internet warrior against the deniers." His cruelty, like in his letter to Hannover, he probably feels is for the common good and a good cause. He basically has no idea he's wrong. I grew up with the same holocaust stories that he probably did. He probably watched the miniseries "holocaust" on t.v just like me in 1977. Read Anne Frank in 6th grade etc.

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Postby Speeder » 1 decade 7 years ago (Mon Oct 10, 2005 3:25 pm)

Rather like the encouragement one would give someone who was mentally challenged and who managed to feed themselves without spilling most of it on the floor I would suspect.

I have just noticed that Dr Mathis is using another forum to personally attack posters on this thread. In particular he is claiming that the fences at AR camps were electrified and to post abuse in relation to another thread on this forum.

No change in his MO then, gee what it must be to be a Phd scholar. :roll: The HHP must be glad they have such an intellect defending their version of the "truth", what research as no one has ever made this claim before its truely groundbreaking.

However when caught with his pants down on the other forum (electrified fences at AR camps exist only in his troubled mind and not even in the most loony of eyewitness claims) he doesnt even bother to backtrack.

What do they call it? Chutzpah I think.


Last edited by Speeder on Mon Oct 10, 2005 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Moderator » 1 decade 7 years ago (Mon Oct 10, 2005 4:50 pm)

I have just noticed that Dr Mathis is using another forum to personally attack posters on this thread. ..... and to post abuse in relation to another thread on this forum.

That is why we permit no links to that site. That site allows threats and supposed names, addresses, ph. nos. of those who post here. Mr. Mathis' posts here and references to them speak for themselves.
Only lies need to be shielded from debate, truth welcomes it.

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Postby Scott » 1 decade 7 years ago (Mon Oct 10, 2005 5:04 pm)

Moderator wrote:
Speeder wrote:I have just noticed that Dr Mathis is using another forum to personally attack posters on this thread. ..... and to post abuse in relation to another thread on this forum.

That is why we permit no links to that site. That site allows threats and supposed names, addresses, ph. nos. of those who post here. Mr. Mathis' posts here and references to them speak for themselves. Mod1

Then let him post an uncensored rebuttal here and I'll see to it that the personal information will be removed.

I'm not happy about it but it's free-speech.


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Postby Moderator » 1 decade 7 years ago (Tue Oct 11, 2005 12:36 am)

Not quite Scott. Here's how it is.

None of this sad man's on-topic posts have been disallowed, there's tons of posts by him here. He was not "censored", that's a strawman.

After being warned, he was tossed for spam, crude language and namecalling; he violated guidelines which he agreed to when he registered here.

He got frustrated at the strong rebuttals to his position, and as is typical with those who believe in the story, went berserk when the playing field was level; that's his problem. In fact we've covered all the major points of contention here with him. Our position is supported by the fact that ALL of his on-topic views are here to see.

It's not about 'free speech', that's yet another strawman from you. It's about adhering to agreed upon guidelines, staying on-topic without threats, namecalling, intimidation, posting photos of alleged Revisionists, posting alleged addresses and phone numbers, etc.

The posts at your shill site are typical of him. We at The Revisionist Forum do not allow such language, it's revealing that you do. You certainly deserve what you have, Andrew Mathis.

There's good reasons why ace scholar and Revisionist, Germar Rudolf has refused to link to your embarassing site in favor of us at The Revisionist Forum. Your site is utterly beneath him and fails the smell test.

Scott you're are running a true hate site, we feel sorry for you.

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Postby Bergmann » 1 decade 7 years ago (Tue Oct 11, 2005 8:57 pm)

I just checked the memberlist of this forum, and I am not aware of anyone being banned from posting here. All the posters from the other side are there, including Roberto and Max (Hans). I don't know the username of Dr. Mathis though.

Personally I find that I cannot convince a Holocaust believer of my conviction, and neither can he convince me of his belief. So why debate with these people?

But I am willing to explain to anyone why I believe what I believe.

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Postby neugierig » 1 decade 7 years ago (Tue Oct 11, 2005 9:36 pm)

“But I am willing to explain to anyone why I believe what I believe.”

And that, Sir, is what debating is supposed to be all about.

Over at Mr. Smith’s forum, no use mentioning the name because it is turned into an undignified term here, I stated often that I am not interested in convincing anybody, but to just tell them why they are not convincing. And maybe, just maybe, because of it, somebody might take a closer look. There is absolutely no way of changing the mind of Believers in a Dogma, but, someone still able to think critically might do just that.

And this is why the Believers have to turn to name-calling, posting private information, etc. It is an Armutszeugnis, period.


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