BA's case for orthodoxy

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Re: BA's case for orthodoxy

Postby bombsaway » 2 months 1 week ago (Tue Mar 28, 2023 5:30 pm)

fireofice wrote:It seems you are the confused one. Your question of why they did it that way (if they did it that way) was answered. The reason would be because of space. I don't know what else you are looking for.

I am confused. Every country has space, including Poland. The quote you pulled "In the meantime the war against the Soviet Union has offered the possibility of putting other territories at our disposal for the final solution", says nothing about the occupied USSR having "more space" (quoting you) than other territories.

re Hitler order the camps were top secret and not accessible to civilian authorities. I showed a document where a civilian department tried to learn about Belzec but were not able to. I guess you are saying it would be impossible for Hitler and Himmler to decide on the setting up of these camps, then for Himmler to go to tell Globocnik (a high ranking member of the SS) to carry this order out, give him a budget, etc etc. For you this would necessitate a written Hitler order that would be shown to all SS men partaking in the activity, but I guess we can agree to disagree here.

I may make note of two things. #1 there is a document from Globocnik where he speaks of all the records and vouchers for the Reinhard camps having been destroyed (indeed there are almost no documents that shed any light on even innocuous aspects of these camps), so orders or authorization may have been destroyed

#2, your demand for documentation concerning a top secret killing program seems very hypocritical considering there is nothing for resettlement, which would have been a much more demanding operation in terms of resources, planning, and logistics.

I'll quote here from David Cole's article on Unicornville -- the fabled internment camp or series of camps where the non-working deported Jews went ... -cole.html

So you know what? I’ll just turn Bradley Smith’s own language around on you guys. Bradley’s demand, repeated endlessly over the decades: “Where’s the budget? Where’s the budget for the Holocaust?”

If you think that the “evacuees” were sent someplace to be resettled, to be kept alive, to be fed, clothed, and housed for three years until the end of the war, where’s the budget for that? “Where’s the budget” is no longer lookin’ like a great talking point, is it, Smith? I mean, if you take nearly 2.5 million people on a one-way trip to being killed, the “budget” won’t necessarily have to be so big. I mean, you won’t have to take into account lodging, food, clothes, medical treatment, etc.

But caring for 2.5 million people for three years? Uh, dudes, there’ll have to be a pretty large fucking budget for that. And whereas it’s plausible to say that the mass murders during the Reinhardt period were paid for “off the books” because it was an operation so secret that Goebbels in his own diary stated that it should not be spoken of in detail, if the “evacuees” were treated with kindness and compassion, why hide that budget?

I guess I’m just sayin’, if you expect to see a “budget” for a secret and short-term murder program, why don’t you expect to see a budget for the long-term care and feeding of almost 2.5 million “evacuated” Jews? It’s insane to expect a budget for one and not the other.

So where’s the budget, man? Think of the shipped to the “relocation town,” or “resettlement village,” or call it what you will (since it’s fictional anyway, I might as well call it “Unicornville”). Clothes, housing, medical supplies, sanitary facilities, running water, etc. Funny, but there are documents concerning the feeding and medical care of concentration camp inmates, and documents concerning the care and feeding of the Hungarian Jews sent to Auschwitz in ’44. But no documents, not one, concerning almost 2.5 million “evacuees” sent to Unicornville in 1942?

Not one? So the Nazis meticulously kept records of food (literally down to calculating calories, and literally down to Himmler suggesting meals for Hungarian Jewish women) and medical care for the camp inmates, but no documents covering the same concerns for Unicornville and its millions of residents?

Where are records of the shipment of supplies to Unicornville? Where are the records of the deployment of guards? Internal memos and coded transmissions about security concerns or black market trading (which we have for the camps, the General Government ghettoes, and the Ostland ghettoes)?

See, wherever Jews were kept alive, the Nazis kept records. Wherever Jews were kept alive, things like food, medicine, guards, security concerns, and black marketeering concerns were recorded. And no single camp would have had the enormous population of Unicornville.

Yet not a single document for Unicornville exists.

fireofice wrote:Again, if there is no "evidence" they were deported as you say, then they weren't deported. That doesn't prove they were killed. I keep repeating this and yet you continue to make this point as if it means something.

First of all there is lots of evidence that they were deported, that the ghettos were dissolved, and they were sent elsewhere. There is evidence of millions being sent to the Reinhard camps, Chelmno, and Auschwitz, after which the evidence trail disappears. The mainstream explanation is that they were killed. Mattogno Graf and Kues, who I regarded as being the most studied revisionists, are clear that around 2 million were transported into occupied USSR. Posters on this forum have given me a giant question mark. Who knows what happened to these people?

Neither of these answers are satisfactory to me. I'll repeat this again because apparently people think I actually believe this and it is a huge strawman. The lack of evidence or substance from the revisionist side concerning the fate of the resettled Jews is not proof they were killed. Rather this total lack of evidence is a reason not to believe in the revisionist narrative, as vague as it is. If evidence surfaced here, then there would be something to consider.

The resettlement issue also highlights a severe problem with revisionist history. They are not approaching the subject with any sort of objectivity. If they were then they scrutinize their own narrative as well as the mainstream one. They would try to answer in depth about how the millions of resettled Jews were completely silenced (since no witness accounts have surfaced here). They would try to explain why there is no direct documentation for any of it. They would try to explain why it is large amounts of testimony and documentation exist concerning resettlement of a mere 100k Jews in Transnistria. But they haven't done this. They're not serious in my eyes.

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Re: BA's case for orthodoxy

Postby fireofice » 2 months 1 week ago (Tue Mar 28, 2023 6:27 pm)

bombsaway wrote:I am confused. Every country has space, including Poland. The quote you pulled "In the meantime the war against the Soviet Union has offered the possibility of putting other territories at our disposal for the final solution", says nothing about the occupied USSR having "more space" (quoting you) than other territories.

Here is the quote:

In the meantime the war against the Soviet Union has offered the possibility of putting other territories at our disposal for the final solution.

It's literally talking about more space. You can continue to deny the meaning of words if you want though. I'm just indulging this hypothetical. I don't know how many people were deported or not.

First of all there is lots of evidence that they were deported, that the ghettos were dissolved, and they were sent elsewhere. There is evidence of millions being sent to the Reinhard camps, Chelmno, and Auschwitz, after which the evidence trail disappears. The mainstream explanation is that they were killed. Mattogno Graf and Kues, who I regarded as being the most studied revisionists, are clear that around 2 million were transported into occupied USSR. Posters on this forum have given me a giant question mark. Who knows what happened to these people?

Your "lots of evidence" is stuff written on pieces of paper. But if the physical evidence doesn't bare it out as you claim, then the papers are wrong, and that's that. I contend that it is a real possibility that there was no mass deportation program, and the numbers of deported Jews are greatly exaggerated. If the Jews were not killed and dumped into pits, which they weren't as the evidence shows, and they were not deported as you claim the evidence also shows, then neither happened. Like I said earlier, if an extermination order from Hitler were found, that wouldn't convince me that there was an extermination program. I treat these deportation documents the same way I treat a hypothetical Hitler extermination order. If the evidence contradicts the claim they were deported or killed, then I don't accept either, no matter what documents say. Now provide physical evidence that they were killed, which necessarily would have to exist if it happened, and don't rely on documents that may or may not contain correct information.

Mattogno in his latest book on the camps refocuses on the physical evidence. He agrees with me that that is most important and all the stuff you are bringing up is secondary. Also, don't appeal to other revisionists when arguing with me. I have my own views and while I find their works useful, I am not bound by what they say.

#2, your demand for documentation concerning a top secret killing program seems very hypocritical considering there is nothing for resettlement, which would have been a much more demanding operation in terms of resources, planning, and logistics.

Nope, I already made my arguments in that regard. It's not "hypocrisy", you're just ignoring my arguments.

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Re: BA's case for orthodoxy

Postby bombsaway » 2 months 1 week ago (Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:48 pm)

fireofice wrote:If the Jews were not killed and dumped into pits, which they weren't as the evidence shows, and they were not deported as you claim the evidence also shows, then neither happened

It seems you are claiming that that the evidence shows no mass burial at these sites, eg Belzec, which I looked into based on the urging of poster Lamprecht. I went over that in this thread viewtopic.php?f=2&t=14850&start=60

Can you show me this evidence?

The evidence shows they were deported to camps which orthodoxy views as extermination camps and revisionists in the Mattogno school view as transit camps. There is no evidence of mass resettlement from mid 42 on, when the mass deportation of Polish Jews began.

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Re: BA's case for orthodoxy

Postby fireofice » 2 months 1 week ago (Tue Mar 28, 2023 11:38 pm)

bombsaway wrote:
fireofice wrote:If the Jews were not killed and dumped into pits, which they weren't as the evidence shows, and they were not deported as you claim the evidence also shows, then neither happened

It seems you are claiming that that the evidence shows no mass burial at these sites, eg Belzec, which I looked into based on the urging of poster Lamprecht. I went over that in this thread viewtopic.php?f=2&t=14850&start=60

Can you show me this evidence?

The evidence shows they were deported to camps which orthodoxy views as extermination camps and revisionists in the Mattogno school view as transit camps. There is no evidence of mass resettlement from mid 42 on, when the mass deportation of Polish Jews began.

I'm not the first one to say there may not have been a mass deportation program. Denierbud has expressed that opinion before. I'm offering nothing new here.

I've read Mattogno and Graf's excellent book Treblinka and have done a lot of research on the Reinhard camps and remember while reading the book that I wasn't convinced that these camps were major transit camps. I remember thinking maybe they were largely fake camps. With Malkinia being more a transit camp than Treblinka. A big part of the essay involves issues with these camps being transit camps for a lot of people and I was never sure of that. Similarly I was never convinced of the huge numbers of Jews in Poland to begin with. But to the big question "then where did they go if they weren't gassed" well during the war not sure. But after the war, to Israel, USA, Canada. They are there now, their descendants are there. Tel Aviv phone book and all the ashkenazi last names in spite of so many changing their names to Middle east sounding names like Yitzhak Arad, formerly Itzhak Rudnicki.


Yes, Mattogno and others have their theories that the camps were major transit camps, but that is by no means the view of everyone here. So you are going to have to do more than appeal to what other revisionists have said.

What do you mean "can I show you this evidence"? The evidence is yours to show and you have not provided it in any of the threads you've made or commented on.

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Re: BA's case for orthodoxy

Postby bombsaway » 2 months 1 week ago (Wed Mar 29, 2023 11:09 am)

fireofice wrote:What do you mean "can I show you this evidence"? The evidence is yours to show and you have not provided it in any of the threads you've made or commented on.

You said: "If the Jews were not killed and dumped into pits, which they weren't as the evidence shows"

What evidence are you referring to? I know Richard Krege was able to study the ground at Belzec and Treblinka for days "undisturbed" and under "ideal working conditions" according to Graf, a respected revisionist who accompanied him.

But nothing came out of this, as described in the previous thread viewtopic.php?f=2&t=14850&start=60

So I'm wondering if you know something I don't.

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Re: BA's case for orthodoxy

Postby EtienneSC » 2 months 1 week ago (Wed Mar 29, 2023 2:50 pm)

bombsaway wrote:You said: "If the Jews were not killed and dumped into pits, which they weren't as the evidence shows"

What evidence are you referring to? I know Richard Krege was able to study the ground at Belzec and Treblinka for days "undisturbed" and under "ideal working conditions" according to Graf, a respected revisionist who accompanied him.
Caroline Sturdy-Colls' book on holocaust archaeology came out in 2015:
I believe Mattogno etc have discussed Andrej Kola's studies.

This is an interesting thread. There is a little evidence of Jews being processed through displaced persons camps at the end of the war, but not much about the period from 1942-45.

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Re: BA's case for orthodoxy

Postby fireofice » 2 months 1 week ago (Wed Mar 29, 2023 2:57 pm)

bombsaway wrote:
fireofice wrote:What do you mean "can I show you this evidence"? The evidence is yours to show and you have not provided it in any of the threads you've made or commented on.

You said: "If the Jews were not killed and dumped into pits, which they weren't as the evidence shows"

What evidence are you referring to? I know Richard Krege was able to study the ground at Belzec and Treblinka for days "undisturbed" and under "ideal working conditions" according to Graf, a respected revisionist who accompanied him.

But nothing came out of this, as described in the previous thread viewtopic.php?f=2&t=14850&start=60

So I'm wondering if you know something I don't.

The evidence is that these sites have been excavated and to date no photographic evidence of mass graves exists. They would have for sure taken these photos if they had found them to shut the deniers up once and for all, but it hasn't happened.

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Re: BA's case for orthodoxy

Postby Hektor » 2 months 1 week ago (Wed Mar 29, 2023 3:10 pm)

bombsaway wrote:
fireofice wrote:What do you mean "can I show you this evidence"? The evidence is yours to show and you have not provided it in any of the threads you've made or commented on.

You said: "If the Jews were not killed and dumped into pits, which they weren't as the evidence shows"

What evidence are you referring to? I know Richard Krege was able to study the ground at Belzec and Treblinka for days "undisturbed" and under "ideal working conditions" according to Graf, a respected revisionist who accompanied him.

But nothing came out of this, as described in the previous thread viewtopic.php?f=2&t=14850&start=60

So I'm wondering if you know something I don't.

That's because it takes far more work and effort to complete such a study. And once people weight in the consequences of putting their name to something that shows the Holocaust to be a swindle, they may reconsider. Simply because this would mean they would never be hired again by the majority of their potential companies, which are corporate organizations who may not want to be associated with people their prime investors do not like.

Anyway, can the Holocaustians show us a study that there were actually mass graves where they claim must have been? Can they demonstrate what happened to 700.000 or more bodies there? I don't think so, otherwise they would have shown us this triumphantly, long ago.

fireofice wrote:....

The evidence is that these sites have been excavated and to date no photographic evidence of mass graves exists. They would have for sure taken these photos if they had found them to shut the deniers up once and for all, but it hasn't happened.

And as far as one can infer, they simply would have done that. But they haven't and it's actually easily to infer from this what the reason is.

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Re: BA's case for orthodoxy

Postby bombsaway » 2 months 1 week ago (Wed Mar 29, 2023 5:12 pm)

Hektor wrote:That's because it takes far more work and effort to complete such a study. And once people weight in the consequences of putting their name to something that shows the Holocaust to be a swindle, they may reconsider. Simply because this would mean they would never be hired again by the majority of their potential companies, which are corporate organizations who may not want to be associated with people their prime investors do not like.

According to Graf, Krege worked for days without interruption and was able to scan " every square meter of ground in the area of the alleged mass graves".

He already put his name to the story, claimed that the grounds were undisturbed etc. He simply never published anything other than one scan, and offered no explanation here.

fireofice wrote:The evidence is that these sites have been excavated and to date no photographic evidence of mass graves exists. They would have for sure taken these photos if they had found them to shut the deniers up once and for all, but it hasn't happened.

The claims re Belzec from Kola is around 20,000 cubic meters of grave space discovered in the part of the camp that were studied (Kola did not survey the full grounds). The aspect of these graves most relevant to the extermination story is the presence of cremains, which Kola claims to have found a lot of ( in most of the graves, usually mixed with sand, arranged in layers with dirt in between).

What exactly would they have to photograph to convince you ("shut the deniers up once and for all") that 400k or more bodies were destroyed here?

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Re: BA's case for orthodoxy

Postby fireofice » 2 months 1 week ago (Wed Mar 29, 2023 5:54 pm)

bombsaway wrote:The claims re Belzec from Kola is around 20,000 cubic meters of grave space discovered in the part of the camp that were studied (Kola did not survey the full grounds). The aspect of these graves most relevant to the extermination story is the presence of cremains, which Kola claims to have found a lot of ( in most of the graves, usually mixed with sand, arranged in layers with dirt in between).

What exactly would they have to photograph to convince you ("shut the deniers up once and for all") that 400k or more bodies were destroyed here?

Same challenge as here:


Do you not know what a mass grave looks like? Mattogno gave the amount of remains that is to be expected in his book. But I'm just asking for something like a mass grave at all. I don't care what Kola claims, I want photos. If you want to argue with others on what exactly the implications are of Kola's claims, you can do that with others. None of that means anything to me. Where are the photos?

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Re: BA's case for orthodoxy

Postby bombsaway » 2 months 1 week ago (Wed Mar 29, 2023 7:36 pm)

fireofice wrote:Do you not know what a mass grave looks like?

Yes, but the existence of mass graves that look like these would hardly corroborate the orthodox narrative, which is that the bodies were destroyed, deposited in layers in the graves. I've seen no precedent here, and think there's an obvious difficulty with providing photographic evidence this way.

This is why I ask the question, what exactly would they have to photograph to convince you ("shut the deniers up once and for all") that 400k or more bodies were destroyed here?

If you don't want to answer that's fine, but maybe somebody else will.

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Re: BA's case for orthodoxy

Postby Hektor » 2 months 1 week ago (Wed Mar 29, 2023 10:59 pm)

bombsaway wrote:
fireofice wrote:Do you not know what a mass grave looks like?

Yes, but the existence of mass graves that look like these would hardly corroborate the orthodox narrative, which is that the bodies were destroyed, deposited in layers in the graves. I've seen no precedent here, and think there's an obvious difficulty with providing photographic evidence this way.

This is why I ask the question, what exactly would they have to photograph to convince you ("shut the deniers up once and for all") that 400k or more bodies were destroyed here?

If you don't want to answer that's fine, but maybe somebody else will.

For starters, I'd expect them to first admit that they don't have any evidence showable for their claims. And perhaps consider the possibility that they fell for malicious atrocity stories. They'd had to have a comprehensive forensic report of course long ago. But always thought they could simply parrot accusations without evidence.

The thing is that there isn't anything remotely there, that would indicate the destruction of 400k bodies. So don't make that claim, if your only back up is pointing to others making the same or similar claims. Otherwise it's just gossip and rumor-mongering. Which was actually behind those atrocity allegations all the time.

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Re: BA's case for orthodoxy

Postby fireofice » 2 months 1 week ago (Thu Mar 30, 2023 6:45 am)

Here's something that should put the nail in the coffin of BA's claims. From Bungled: “The Destruction of the European Jews”—Raul Hilberg’s Failure to Prove National-Socialist “Killing Centers.” His Misrepresented Sources and Flawed Methods by Carlo Mattogno on page 70:

Hilberg claims that the deportations of Western Jews to the East were intended to destroy them, even before the “killing centers” began their operations. Already on p. 213, he postulates this assertion as a proven fact:

“In October 1941, mass deportations began in the Reich. They did not end until the destruction process was over. The object of these movements was not emigration but the annihilation of the Jews.”

This assertion is refuted by the evacuation order given by Hitler himself, which appears in a note of October 24, 1941 regarding a “Meetings in Berlin on October 23, 1941 at [Office] IV B 4, chaired by SS-Sturmbannführer Eichmann.” The document with the subject “Führer order. (Evacuation of 50,000 Jews from the Old Reich including Ostmark [Austria] and the Protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia)” starts with the following sentence: “In the period from Nov. 1 until Dec. 4, 50,000 Jews are evacuated from the aforementioned areas to Minsk and Riga.” That such an “evacuation” did not aim at extermination is demonstrated by the fact that, according to the note under discussion, Jews over 60 years old as well as the sick and infirm, regardless of age, were exempt from deportation, among others.

If BA is right that it was impossible to transport them to the east, then the document here is wrong. And it's not wrong by covering up killings. The deportations exclude the possibility that they are killed, since it they would have deported everyone as well as the fact that they wouldn't have been killed in the Polish camps, as Minsk and Riga are to the east of the Reinhardt camps. He can't hide behind "where did they go". According to the document, they were transported alive and well. If you don't believe these Jews were deported and ended up alive and well, then you are just rejecting the document. Which is fine, but then don't appeal to what documents say to "prove" that killings happened.

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Re: BA's case for orthodoxy

Postby Hektor » 2 months 1 week ago (Thu Mar 30, 2023 12:08 pm)

fireofice wrote:Here's something that should put the nail in the coffin of BA's claims. From Bungled: “The Destruction of the European Jews”—Raul Hilberg’s Failure to Prove National-Socialist “Killing Centers.” His Misrepresented Sources and Flawed Methods by Carlo Mattogno on page 70:

Hilberg claims that the deportations of Western Jews to the East were intended to destroy them, even before the “killing centers” began their operations. Already on p. 213, he postulates this assertion as a proven fact:

“In October 1941, mass deportations began in....thers.

If BA is right that it was impossible to transport them to the east, then the document here is wrong. And it's not wrong by covering up killings. The deportations exclude the possibility that they are killed, since it they would have deported everyone as well as the fact that they wouldn't have been killed in the Polish camps, as Minsk and Riga are to the east of the Reinhardt camps. He can't hide behind "where did they go". According to the document, they were transported alive and well. If you don't believe these Jews were deported and ended up alive and well, then you are just rejecting the document. Which is fine, but then don't appeal to what documents say to "prove" that killings happened.

Exterminationists somehow think they are exempt from proof, if the make accusation. But they will demand proof, if it is about matters that potentially could prove their accusations wrong.

It's kind of claiming that X was murdered, pointing to some document that suggests this (but of course can't prove that). If they then are challenged to prove that X was killed, they will ask "where did X go, if he wasn't murdered?" insisting that this somehow settled the case.

If anyone would argue like this outside Holocaust lore, he would be considered weird to crazy (and rightfully so). But to the Holocaust there apply exceptional rules for special pleading.

I get that one can lead dimwits astray that way. But that otherwise educated, intelligent people go along with this, is astonishing to shocking.

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Re: BA's case for orthodoxy

Postby bombsaway » 2 months 1 week ago (Thu Mar 30, 2023 3:46 pm)

Hektor wrote:They'd had to have a comprehensive forensic report of course long ago.

What would this report have to show to evidence 400k + bodies destroyed at Belzec?

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