Execution by Beard Pulling

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Execution by Beard Pulling

Postby Mulegino1 » 7 years 11 months ago (Mon Jun 15, 2015 3:04 pm)

https://gma.yahoo.com/ohio-woman-detail ... style.html

Ohio Woman Details Frightening Escape From Nazi Capture, 75 Years Later
By NICOLE PELLETIERE4 hours agoGood Morning America

Ohio Woman Details Frightening Escape From Nazi Capture, 75 Years Later (ABC News)
Holocaust survivor Stevie Marks, 89, says it was one horrifying day in Warsaw, Poland that began her family's 7,000-mile escape from Nazi Europe.

"When we woke up in the morning we heard some German tanks in the village saying 'Everybody out! Jews on one side, everybody else on the other,'" Marks of Cincinnati, Ohio tells ABC News. "After a few minutes one of the officers pointed to 10 Orthodox men. They took these men and tied their beards to the back of a truck and dragged them through the streets," she said, crying.
"They died of course, and the rest of the Jews standing there had to bury them. I was only 14 years old."

Comment: This is a classic Eastern European Jewish tall tale, which no doubt this woman was exposed to through hearsay.

(The rest of her story - if true - is quite interesting.)

How significant is the fact that while our own Christian tradition is under fire in the west, often from otherwise "hard science" types who consider any talk of miracles absurd, these same individuals will uncritically accept the most absurd fairy tales with an attitude of utter reverence and awe when it comes to the "big H".

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Re: Execution by Beard Pulling

Postby Hannover » 7 years 11 months ago (Mon Jun 15, 2015 3:20 pm)

Indeed, lying racist Jewish supremacists deserve contempt, not reverence.

There is not a single "survivor" testimony claiming to support the 'holocaust' storyline that holds up under the most basic of scrutiny, not one.

- Hannover

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.

The tide is turning.
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Execution by Beard Pulling

Postby Kingfisher » 7 years 11 months ago (Mon Jun 15, 2015 4:53 pm)


I don't see how it's possible to take any but a totally sceptical position on a tale like that. Sceptical in the proper sense that we just don't know. It sounds like a tall story and there's no particular reason to believe it without some supporting evidence but neither can we disprove it. It's not beyond the bounds of possibility that some sadists decided this might be a bit of a laugh. The world has its share of bullies and sadists, probably a higher share in the military in wartime and possibly drunk. We are prepared to believe some pretty brutal behaviour by the Soviet forces in Germany.

Given the way most of the public will take this stuff at face value I think a better approach is to say it may or may not be true; we have no evidence one way or the other, but if it could be proved it would only be evidence of an isolated act of brutality. It tells us nothing at all about any "Holocaust" allegations.

It is possible for example that the witness mistakenly believed they were tied by the beard when in reality it was a rope round the neck or shoulders.

People react mostly on an emotional rather than a rational level, especially on such an emotional issue as the Big H, If you laugh and scoff at such a story (however understandable your reaction may seem to me) you will be dismissed as a heartless "Denier" and not be listened to further, confirming our punter in his current convictions. You have lost an opportunity to sow doubt.

Scepticism works two ways: we should neither believe nor disbelieve without adequate evidence

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Re: Execution by Beard Pulling

Postby Mulegino1 » 7 years 11 months ago (Mon Jun 15, 2015 5:05 pm)

Kingfisher wrote:Mulegino

I don't see how it's possible to take any but a totally sceptical position on a tale like that. Sceptical in the proper sense that we just don't know. It sounds like a tall story and there's no particular reason to believe it without some supporting evidence but neither can we disprove it. It's not beyond the bounds of possibility that some sadists decided this might be a bit of a laugh. The world has its share of bullies and sadists, probably a higher share in the military in wartime and possibly drunk. We are prepared to believe some pretty brutal behaviour by the Soviet forces in Germany.

Given the way most of the public will take this stuff at face value I think a better approach is to say it may or may not be true; we have no evidence one way or the other, but if it could be proved it would only be evidence of an isolated act of brutality. It tells us nothing at all about any "Holocaust" allegations.

It is possible for example that the witness mistakenly believed they were tied by the beard when in reality it was a rope round the neck or shoulders.

People react mostly on an emotional rather than a rational level, especially on such an emotional issue as the Big H, If you laugh and scoff at such a story (however understandable your reaction may seem to me) you will be dismissed as a heartless "Denier" and not be listened to further, confirming our punter in his current convictions. You have lost an opportunity to sow doubt.

Scepticism works two ways: we should neither believe nor disbelieve without adequate evidence

I understand your cautionary advice, but I am almost certain that dragging men by their beards behind a truck would tear the facial hair off long before the dragging would have resulted in death - in other words, a painful, but hardly fatal, act of cruelty.

The German Army could be brutal in its reprisal shootings for partisan activity, but its members were not known to engage in such acts of arbitrary sadism.

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Re: Execution by Beard Pulling

Postby Breker » 7 years 11 months ago (Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:32 pm)

Mr. Kingfisher posted:
Given the way most of the public will take this stuff at face value I think a better approach is to say it may or may not be true; we have no evidence one way or the other, but if it could be proved it would only be evidence of an isolated act of brutality. It tells us nothing at all about any "Holocaust" allegations.

Actually, the simple fact that there is no proof that Germans engaged in homicidal beard pulling, hard to keep a straight face here, should tell anyone that such a tale by Jew Stevie Marks is another lie by those who have lied for a living. If they lie about the completely nutty gas chambers, they would rather more lie about anything.
She says that she went to German headquarters, as if just anyone could have walked into German headquarters in occupied Warsaw, met & spoke to whom she thought was Himmler, (another 'I'm the biggest, baddest "survivor"" of them all') yet was not found out to be a Jew, as if the last name of "Marks" wasn't a Jew name. :roll: Then they took a train filled with German soldiers to Belgium.
IOW, the Germans allowed an obvious Jew to go to Belgium thus enabling her to tell everyone of the war crimes she alleges to have 'witnessed'. Yes sir, busted.
Marks later found out through a friend's research that the soldier's true identity was SS- Brigadeführer Johannes Schäfer.

No, we're rather sure she always claimed he was Himmler and was told otherwise later by Jews trying to cover up her lies.
We also see that she cashes in on her lies by speaking / lying for the Center for Holocaust & 'Humanity' Education. I have never figured out what is 'humane' about lying about another ethnic group. We realize that by claiming to speak for "humanity" the public trough is then ripe for the plucking. "There's no business like Shoah business" is the ultimate under statement.

Ms. Marks also says:
I've always hoped that I’d reach these children and the adults so that this wouldn't be repeated," she says. "I want it to be a gentler world, but there’s more anti-Semitism and I'm afraid, I really am. I hope that we will conquer them, that we will stop them. I will continue talking. I will talk until the day I die.
"Conquer them"? We feel she really means silence any dissent. Always interesting to see the richest segment of society claim they are persecuted and live in fear. What they really fear is being exposed for the lies they have cashed in on.
Old people are not always honest, nice.
The multitudes of not-exterminated-Jews grows bigger & bigger by the day.
Revisionists are just the messengers, the impossibility of the "Holocaust" narrative is the message.

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Re: Execution by Beard Pulling

Postby Creox » 7 years 11 months ago (Mon Jun 15, 2015 9:28 pm)

Mulegino1 wrote:
Kingfisher wrote:Mulegino

I don't see how it's possible to take any but a totally sceptical position on a tale like that. Sceptical in the proper sense that we just don't know. It sounds like a tall story and there's no particular reason to believe it without some supporting evidence but neither can we disprove it. It's not beyond the bounds of possibility that some sadists decided this might be a bit of a laugh. The world has its share of bullies and sadists, probably a higher share in the military in wartime and possibly drunk. We are prepared to believe some pretty brutal behaviour by the Soviet forces in Germany.

Given the way most of the public will take this stuff at face value I think a better approach is to say it may or may not be true; we have no evidence one way or the other, but if it could be proved it would only be evidence of an isolated act of brutality. It tells us nothing at all about any "Holocaust" allegations.

It is possible for example that the witness mistakenly believed they were tied by the beard when in reality it was a rope round the neck or shoulders.

People react mostly on an emotional rather than a rational level, especially on such an emotional issue as the Big H, If you laugh and scoff at such a story (however understandable your reaction may seem to me) you will be dismissed as a heartless "Denier" and not be listened to further, confirming our punter in his current convictions. You have lost an opportunity to sow doubt.

Scepticism works two ways: we should neither believe nor disbelieve without adequate evidence

I understand your cautionary advice, but I am almost certain that dragging men by their beards behind a truck would tear the facial hair off long before the dragging would have resulted in death - in other words, a painful, but hardly fatal, act of cruelty.

The German Army could be brutal in its reprisal shootings for partisan activity, but its members were not known to engage in such acts of arbitrary sadism.

I suspect you're right. The hair would be pulled out long before being killed by being dragged. It just SOUNDS completely wacky.

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Re: Execution by Beard Pulling

Postby hermod » 7 years 11 months ago (Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:11 pm)

"Lies and slander of positively hair-raising perversity are being launched about Germany. Horror stories of dismembered Jewish corpses, gouged-out eyes, and hacked-off hands are circulated for the purpose of defaming the German Volk in the world for a second time, just as they had succeeded in doing once before in 1914. The animosity of millions of innocent human beings, peoples with whom the German Volk wishes only to live in peace, is being stirred up by these unscrupulous criminals. They want German goods and German labour to fall victim to the international boycott. It seems they think the misery in Germany is not bad enough as it is; they have to make it worse!"

They lie about Jewish females who have supposedly been killed; about Jewish girls allegedly being raped before the eyes of their parents; about cemeteries being ravaged! The whole thing is one big lie invented for the sole purpose of provoking a new world-war agitation!

- Adolf Hitler, March 28, 1933
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Execution by Beard Pulling

Postby Inquisitor » 7 years 11 months ago (Tue Jun 16, 2015 1:14 am)

Per the usual, this immediately comes off as largely, if not entirely made-up or very heavily embellished.

"When we woke up in the morning we heard some German tanks in the village saying 'Everybody out! Jews on one side, everybody else on the other,'"

Doubtful - at least the part about tanks. Perhaps it is a case of mistaken armor identity, but such a task would hardly have been something the Wehrmacht would have wasted precious panzer-resources on.

"We stayed with my father's family for about two weeks," Marks says. "The Germans came just as they did before. “They picked 10 men, shot them, left them, and went away.”

So this is now "holocaust" ten random Jews at a time...then the Germans just go away?

"My mother said Himmler was coming to Lodz," she says. "Himmler was Hitler's right-hand man. She said if we were ever going to get out of Poland, we had to go to the top. My father said 'You're crazy, they're going to kill you.' My mother thought we were as good as dead anyway."

...Marks later found out through a friend's research that the soldier's true identity was SS- Brigadeführer Johannes Schäfer.

"My mother warned me not to speak any other don’t speak any word other than French, otherwise he would know I was Jewish," Marks says. "I was scared, but obedient."

After Marks' mother told the officer they were Belgium residents, Marks says to their surprise, the soldier stamped their passports and offered them a train back home, where she and her family would again, pose as non-Jews, and ride among 3,000 Nazi soldiers.

"We were the only three civilians on that train," Marks says. "For years I thought maybe he knew we were Jewish, maybe he didn’t.

Oh come on - none of this is believable! So three - and ONLY three - Jewish civilians, posing as non-Jews of course, pile into a train with several thousand "Nazi" soldiers...sure, sounds plausible.
Not to mention, once again, a "holocaust" survival tale features the astonishing ease with which various Jews could fool those silly "Nazis."

Then, right on cue comes the parting salvo:

"I've always hoped that I’d reach these children and the adults so that this wouldn't be repeated," she says. "I want it to be a gentler world, but there’s more anti-Semitism and I'm afraid, I really am. I hope that we will conquer them, that we will stop them. I will continue talking. I will talk until the day I die.

"I will plead for peace."

Is there EVER a story on one of these self-styled "survivors" that doesn't end with an almost identical sentiment?
Whatever this woman's experience really was, to anyone familiar with these "survivor" tales, this all reads like script, complete with the obligatory closing lamentation about "more anti-Semitism" and so forth. Again...like a script.


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Re: Execution by Beard Pulling

Postby Kingfisher » 7 years 11 months ago (Tue Jun 16, 2015 3:51 am)

Mulegino1 wrote:I understand your cautionary advice, but I am almost certain that dragging men by their beards behind a truck would tear the facial hair off long before the dragging would have resulted in death - in other words, a painful, but hardly fatal, act of cruelty.

The German Army could be brutal in its reprisal shootings for partisan activity, but its members were not known to engage in such acts of arbitrary sadism.

I can't comment on the last part. I don't know, but even the best-disciplined army has its rogue elements. From the other items quoted she does sound like a teller of tall tales and the beard thing sounds dodgy. (Illogically the thought of the beard being wrenched out sounds more horrific than being dragged around on the end of the rope) but I did say
It is possible for example that the witness mistakenly believed they were tied by the beard when in reality it was a rope round the neck or shoulders.

In the absence of evidence I rule that neither out nor in.

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