My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 4 months 4 days ago (Fri Feb 03, 2023 12:34 pm)

That will work for sure, thanks
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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Hektor » 4 months 4 days ago (Fri Feb 03, 2023 5:18 pm)

Fred zz wrote:Thanks for contacting me on this.
Try this: ... a.pdf?dl=0

This is the newest version and sincerely hope my last version.
Can you try it, and let me know if it works or not?
Version 4a

Just looking at ti. You've put the location of Majdanek on a map with todays borders. That is OK, but I think it would be good to indicate what the contemporary borders were. Also lines of trains roads etc. The location its also indicative, since it is very close to residential areas.

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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 4 months 4 days ago (Fri Feb 03, 2023 7:18 pm)

I will look into that, thank you for your input.
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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 4 months 2 days ago (Mon Feb 06, 2023 1:06 am)

An interesting view of the Majdanek camp
Imagine yourself as a Polish person standing on Wyzwolenia Road on November 3, 1943 looking towards the Majdanek camp.
What would you see? Or quite possible not see?
While doing other checking around Majdanek, I came across this perspective.
Note: the location of Wyzwolenia Road and the Majdanek camp are exactly where they were in the 1940s when the Germans occupied this camp.
I constructed 3 lines of site looking at the camp and show them on a drawing from Sept 1944 and a Google Map image of the camp from above.

View #1
This image is looking at a guard tower in the distance. The buildings you see were not there in 1944.
View #2
This is a view of the crematoria and the Flying Saucer. The buildings and Flying Saucer were not present in 1944.
View #3 and view from opposite direction
These by far is the most interesting. The pits where the 18,000 were allegedly shot and burned are located in front of the Flying Saucer. Minus all the buildings and the Flying Saucer, this is the view someone wondering what all the shooting (And loud music?) is all about over there, It seems possible that the people not interred in the camp could perhaps get even closer to see what is going on? Are the Soviets coming? Why all the shooting? See 1944 photo, It seems by the parallel lines that this is some kind of crop being grown by the locals? Also, there is only one building I can see in the 1944 photo nearby where the pits are.
You can read more about Operation Harvest Festival in Mattogno’s Majdanek book from page 207. The point of this posting is to give a perspective from standing on this Wyzwolenia Road on November 3, 1943.
Google map Majdanel.JPG
Majdanek Sept 1944.JPG
Number 1 view.JPG
2nd view.JPG
Number 3 view.JPG
opposite look line 3.JPG
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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 4 months 7 hours ago (Wed Feb 08, 2023 3:53 am)

As a continuation of my last post
I present these two of the same photo taken in 1944 or 1945
You can get a feel for the proximity of housing to the camp
see attachment.
Also, I am constructing a timeline for the Flying Saucer and contents near crematoria.
maj at crem old.JPG
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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 3 months 4 weeks ago (Fri Feb 10, 2023 4:00 am)

I have been in contact with a historian at the DC Holohoax museum concerning the Zyklon gas chambers that killed humans.
See my letter to the historian then see her response on 2/8/23 to my email the day before.
Her response is in Black
My thoughts are in Red
Look over the paint drawing I submitted to her beforehand. And the two photos of the "A" Chamber showing no ceiling holes. The Majdanek Museum and the USA DC Hoax Museum both still claim B1 in the bunker to be a Zyklon B Kill room. No blue staining here though
This posting is going to have a lot of attachments to it so read the title of the attachments to understand what you are looking at.
My hope was to get them to completely abandon the use of Zyklon at Majdanek to kill people in gas chambers.
Maj Bunder = Maj Bunker
Note: the submission of the Pressac attachment is to show the Museum is selective of what they will quote from Pressac. the attachment does not discuss the subject at hand.
Ceiling looking this way.JPG
Ceiling Looking opposite way.JPG
Letter to USHHM.JPG
Maj Bunder drawing.JPG
Page one.JPG
Page two.JPG
Page three.JPG
this is b1.JPG
Pressac quote on Maj Museum website.JPG
Outside Rm 14.JPG
Outside B1.JPG
inside rm 14.JPG
Inside Rm 14 2.JPG
Inside rm 14 1.JPG
Blue stains outside A Chamber.JPG
Behind B1 door.JPG
B1 Inside wall not blue.JPG
B1 1.JPG
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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 3 months 2 weeks ago (Thu Feb 23, 2023 8:09 am)

I put together a visual of two signs in the B42 women's delousing building B42, this is the claimed process for females that first entered the camp. It seems a bit wacko story. I am not sure if the attachments loaded correctly in the order intended.
Both of these have me shaking my head as to the Majdanek Museum perceived narrative of what went on here
if there are any weak points in my rebuttal arguments, please let me know.
I am not sure what to make of the barb wire fence shown in the 'old old canopy photo' slide
one slide is the contents of an email reply from the Majdanek Museum. The museum even admits the room was a room to disrobe. (I did change name and erase email addresses in the attachment) . However contents is as I received it.
See attachments.
Slide 1.JPG
slide 2.JPG
old old canopy photo.JPG
it is an undressing room.JPG
the real B42 process.JPG
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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 3 months 2 weeks ago (Thu Feb 23, 2023 9:41 pm)

Unfortunately for you all, I have been reading the Majdanek Museum website and thinking. Read the website attachment, and in my paper I have each Ettrich sentence in yellow highlight pen and my response
Today I present one of those testimonies for your review and please let me know if any of my arguments are weak.
This is one of those witness testimonies of Mr. Rudolf Ettrich who worked in B43, next to all the action, and about what he witnessed.
This testimony can STILL be found on the Majdanek state museum website to convince the gullible readers who know nothing about Majdanek.
I will go over Mr. Ettrich's testimony with photos since the area is still resembles what it looked like in the 1940s.
see attachments and note the titles of each attachment
Ettrich website info.JPG
Rudolf Ettrich breakdown.JPG
Photo 1a.JPG
Photo 1b.JPG
Photo 1c.JPG
Photo 1d.JPG
Photo 1e.JPG
Photo 1f.JPG
Photo 1g.JPG
old old canopy photo.JPG
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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Hektor » 3 months 2 weeks ago (Fri Feb 24, 2023 7:25 am)

I think you can start to release a 1.0 version of this.
After that continual improvement can take place. Revising Revisionism if you want.

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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 3 months 1 week ago (Fri Feb 24, 2023 10:18 pm)

were these arguments that bad?
I have three more testimonies of content from the Majdanek website to go over, Should be in a few days.
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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 3 months 1 week ago (Sat Feb 25, 2023 1:29 am)

Here is some more Majdanek testimony to chew on.
I call this one lights out. I will let you poor souls look over this and I present my arguments in regards to the testimony.
Here are two links, one to Majdanek website page in question and rebut to Ella's story.

Majdanek website: ... danek/57#/

Ella's dreams: Watch from 1:05:26

If there are any weak points to my arguments, let me know.
Maria testimony at Maj website.JPG
my rebutle.JPG
maj curfew.JPG
sky view of Maj B62 and B41.JPG
Taken from guard tower of Maj area near B41 and B62 old.JPG
B62 no window on NE side today.JPG
Was Ella dreaming..JPG
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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 3 months 1 week ago (Tue Feb 28, 2023 11:22 pm)

to continue my findings on the Majdanek website claims. This is in regards to the claim 300 kids were gassed at Majdanek
See attachments in order.
admittedly, I do not have anything on the photo of Ruth Schwartz photo, only thing is that it comes from Eric Hunt's Majdanek video.
article and reply.JPG
Sara Peri.JPG
aus main camp or lublin orphanage.JPG
ruth schartz kid survive.JPG
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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Wilbur » 3 months 1 week ago (Fri Mar 03, 2023 8:01 pm)

Fred zz, fantastic work. If I may make a suggestion, instead of burning bridges you should continue the contact and request access to some USHMM scans of archives on Majdanek. Chances are if you'll ask they'll permit remote access, especially as it is directly relevant to your inquiry, and as they couldn't satisfy the questions on its own. If you're interested, I'll provide details on what to ask for. (With some small delay, as I think I'm still under moderation.)

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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 3 months 5 days ago (Sat Mar 04, 2023 11:38 pm)

Majdanek Flying Saucer
In this posting, I would like to cover the area around to what some call the Flying Saucer. This structure was constructed in 1969 to house the remains from the ditches adjacent to the Flying Saucer location. The ash pile is displayed as a testament of large numbers of people who were allegedly murdered at Majdanek when the Germans occupied the camp.
Note the photo taken in 1967 of what the pile used to look like. Note the size of the pile size to drive home the message of what the so-called “Evil Germans” did. The bigger the pile, the bigger the crime I suppose. I reconfirmed with the Majdanek Museum as to the source of that mound in an email and was told it came from the ditches you can still see today.
Now one gets to ask questions….. What percent of that mound you see is actual human remains? And what percent is dirt and or rock? I do not doubt there were human remains in the 1967 mound photo. However, what was the procedure to separate dirt and bone? Or was there even a procedure to separate? My guess is whatever they dug up was considered bone for maximum affect. That would mean that the people who come to pay homage to this site, are actually paying homage to a percentage of dirt. It would have been a monumental job to separate dirt and bone. But ash? The ash would become part of the soil. Animal bone has a pretty fair staying or remaining power over long periods of time. See attachment on Lucy.
Another photo in my collection is the one with scrap metal shown in the ditch. My guess the metal was taken out of the ditch, separated from the dirt, then placed back in the ditch for a photo opt. Maybe there were Jewish Robots back then?
Just an observation
Monument at Maj Flying Suacer.JPG
ash at Maj monument.JPG
ashes at Maj.JPG
maj crem from outside old.JPG
big mound of shit.JPG
MAJ burn pit.JPG
contents of execution ditch maj.JPG
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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 3 months 5 days ago (Sat Mar 04, 2023 11:48 pm)

Wilbur wrote:Fred zz, fantastic work. If I may make a suggestion, instead of burning bridges you should continue the contact and request access to some USHMM scans of archives on Majdanek. Chances are if you'll ask they'll permit remote access, especially as it is directly relevant to your inquiry, and as they couldn't satisfy the questions on its own. If you're interested, I'll provide details on what to ask for. (With some small delay, as I think I'm still under moderation.)

I am in the process a reply (wording and content) of pursuing them to stop claiming Zyklon B was used to gas people in B1. If I am able to convince, that would mean 100% of the Zyklon deliveries to Majdanek were used to save lives.
I would be interested in pursuing along your thought line. Pray continue.
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