Why would they invent this ?

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Why would they invent this ?

Postby Sweeney » 5 years 8 months ago (Wed Sep 13, 2017 1:07 pm)

If the holocaust is a fiction then who would be in on it? When did it start? And why? Why would people invent this massive crime? I'm genuinely interested in your answers. I'm not one of those people who thinks that it's all about anti-semitism. You know, it may be all a fiction.
I can see that the 6 million bodies haven't been dug up. But approaching it from the other direction, why should they invent this fiction?

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Re: Why would they invent this ?

Postby Revisionist » 5 years 8 months ago (Wed Sep 13, 2017 7:02 pm)

There are various reasons:
1.Cripple Germany mentally
2. Establish Israel
3. Brush off Allied war crimes
4. Justifying WW2

1.You maybe know that the first victim in war is the truth. In world war 1 they also had similar accusations, but Germany got an apology from the Entente. They didn't want to do this again.
The Holocaust managed to make Germans into self hating people. I wonder what will exposing the holocaust do to germans.

2. I heard, that the Jews had a prophecy that 6 million of them had to vanish or be sacrificied (holocaust means literally burning sacrifice) to allow them to return to their homeland. The number 6 is very important to the Jews. The david star contains a hexagon and 6 triangles. This explains the 6 million Jews newspaper articles before even Adolf Hitler was known.

3. Dresden, mass rapes, mass killings through bombings and other disgusting things are becoming nothing compared to such a genocidal crime.

4. I saw a news paper article from 1945 (I think it was in Hunts "Why we believed the Holocaust" video) where the author wrote about Dachau with this headline "This is the reason we fought this war".
What did UK and US actually acomplish? Half of europe under soviet rule, poland wasn't saved (the reason why ww2 even started). General Pattton said that the US killed the wrong enemy and they should have destroyed the Soviets ( I agree with him)

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Re: Why would they invent this ?

Postby Hannover » 5 years 8 months ago (Wed Sep 13, 2017 10:04 pm)

Sweeney, you asked:
But approaching it from the other direction, why should they invent this fiction?

Perhaps you should ask them.

Jews have been marketing the '6,000,000' lie since at least 1869:


http://balder.org/judea/New-York-Times- ... e-1869.php

- Hannover

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that denies free speech and the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Why would they invent this ?

Postby Elroy » 5 years 8 months ago (Thu Sep 14, 2017 12:11 am)

Sweeny I have to say I do not believe you. Nobody who comes to the CODOH forum can state the 2 questions which you have done so far without being sent here deliberately, or perhaps a well known figure undercover (?), just saying it is suspicious.

You have had access to the 40 volume revisionist handbook series like the rest of us, and the 20 volume film library as well. Within a few selected films, you could well establish...

1. That the whole thing is a lie beyond any rational/reasonable doubt.
2. All the reasons why- which are really obvious.

To spell some of the major ones..

1. Our new religion of good/evil... - The holocaust is our religion 2.0, in that the Western world is not prepared to go to war for "god" alone anymore and so a new religious concept was needed. Today that concept is the holocaust myth. That is- that every single war caucus since has included the clause "we have to go in pre-emptively because look what Hitler did when we didn't.." Always.

2. WW2 was in reality the imperial powers picking on a small nation who had exposed the international financial order, democracy and fraudulent communism and liberal capitalism for the extortions that they were. One which fought back unsually harder than expected because of their strength and nouse and almost upset the apple cart. It's economic and social successes were so brilliant that it had to be "intellectually destroyed" to prevent anybody ever seriously thinking about them again, and thus allowing the profiteers of Western nations to flourish. Enter the holocaust myth.

3. The Allied powers completely genocided the Germans far worse than the lie story even alleges. Far far worse. Whereas there is zero evidence for the fake holocaust, the real holocaust in the other direction is fully evidenced from start to finish. The fake holocaust allows us to cover up our far worse and very real crime.

4. The Zionist/Globalist Jewish movement who had caused Germany's defeat in WW1, had taken complete control of Germany as well as the other nations through minoritist control of the key leadership/influence roles (media, academia, politics, finance, law, medicine, film), had profiteered off the German's in the aftermath whilst starving them to death en masse, that is why they were persecuted, then the Jew's declared war on Germany. The Holocaust myth covers this fact that they started it, and enables them to claim victim status instead of villain and the German's to assume villain status instead of victim. It flips the moral compass. It's "ethnogenetic revenge".

5. The Zionist movement needed the Holocaust to steal Israel, to filter whatever emigrants during and post war (the so called exterminated victims) going there, and continues to need it in order to genocide the Palestinian's and expand further.

6. The lies that we used to get us into that war, such as "take over the world" and "they started the war" were so ridiculous, and what we did to them so bad, and the cost of doing so so high- for nothing but greed- that we had to have a retroactive reason to cover it. The holocaust. We needed it. We had to believe we went to war in a titanic battle against evil.

^ And more.

In summary, the Holocaust is in actual fact the central myth that our Western civilisation is based upon. With the German people and the Palestinian people as the unfortunate brunt of it.

Both are the 2 possibly most abused peoples in world history, and both continue to be downtrodden by this disgusting lie.

If you really are genuine, you need to understand that in reality there's IS no actual "debate" about it, it is a lie. It's just a lie believed widely with people trying to convince you it's real and others trying to show the people that it is not under the most extreme circumstances of totalitarian lock down.

Now please- review atleast the film library.

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Re: Why would they invent this ?

Postby Atigun » 5 years 8 months ago (Thu Sep 14, 2017 1:07 am)

Absolutely brilliant reply, Elroy. With your permission I would like to use parts/all of it in future holyhoax debates in other forums. Also, do you have a link to the film library? I'm of course aware of the Handbooks but I must confess to never hearing of a film library before.

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Re: Why would they invent this ?

Postby Elroy » 5 years 8 months ago (Thu Sep 14, 2017 1:22 am)

Atigun wrote:Absolutely brilliant reply, Elroy. With your permission I would like to use parts/all of it in future holyhoax debates in other forums. Also, do you have a link to the film library? I'm of course aware of the Handbooks but I must confess to never hearing of a film library before.

Anyone here is welcome to use anything they like of mine with or without a reference. Thanks, I don't think it requires that much ingenuity to work out though. If you follow the truth boldly and unashamedly, this is the direction it leads. I could have expanded an droned on more but I think it's enough to put forth the picture to a "supposed" novice.

Fact is though, to someone who did not know beyond a reasonable doubt the thing is a lie, the above points would seem counterintuitive and insane.

With the spell lifted, they become self-evident, derived and obvious even before you go on to see they too are well evidenced for even aside.

With regards to the film library I spoke of, I simply meant the video's which holocausthandbooks.com chooses to link to on it's menu. The Denierbud, Hunt, Rudolf, Coles single one and few others etc that they apparently give their stamp of approval to which I agree are the better examples.

For example- even if you've never read anything on Action Reinhardt, by the time you have reviewed the following films- OneThirdof the Holocaust, The Jewish Gas Chamber Myth and Treblinka Archaeology Hoax, 6.5hrs, no rational person could possibly believe ever again in Action Reinhardt, anyone who claimed to, is a liar, no doubt.

^And that's before they've ever picked up one of the books to see it in excruciating detail!

The thing about revisionist works I have found is that they expose the other side as being liars, show the truth leaving no room for any doubt with little possibility that it could be wrong and destroy the ability for the opposition to lie about it.

And that is why the works are blacklisted and censored, because there is no other way to continue the lie.

Which is why I have strong suspicions about this Sweeney character asking 2 such questions in a row on this forum as one would expect someone here to have reviewed such material before making statements like that. I'm not actually accusing him to be sure, but if I didn't know better I'd think it was Meulenkampf from "that other site".

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Re: Why would they invent this ?

Postby Elroy » 5 years 8 months ago (Thu Sep 14, 2017 1:48 am)

Continuing to answer your other questions "in a nut shell" because you can look it up yourself...

Who is in on it?

The government of Israel
The government of Germany and Austria which is in reality under occupation by the United States and Israel to this day
The European Union which under Germany is really under the United States
The United Nations which is really an overarching Israeli-American Empire device to control- sorry "manage" the world.
The governments of the Western liberal capitalist democracy's, more accurately, the "plutocracy's" which have a nationalist need for the myth such as Britain, Canada, Australia, United States, France, Poland and most of Europe.
The communist government of the former Soviet Union and by succession the government of Russia today which needs the holocaust- a slightly different version of it to justify and cover up it's own WW2 shenanigans and gain victim status for it's own peoples.
The international Jewish zionist and globalist movements around the globe.
The media-military complex of all above said belligerents
All the accessory arms of above said used to promote it such as Wiesenthal centre, Museum of Tolerance, Yad Vashem, USHMM, Wikipedia, RationalWiki, HolocaustDenialOnTrial, HolocaustControversies and the entirety of the orthodox scholars whom are all themselves "holocaust deniers" too in reality, they are trying to mold a believable narrative for the people to swallow, and the lie-witnesses, those small number of "holocaust-survivors TM" who are well-compensated to exercise their self-ingraciating agenda to provide false witness to extermination

^And so on

When did it start?

The Jewish side of things gave birth to the notion of a "holocaust" or genocide of the jews or jews in peril as far back as 1839 I believe and right throughout until the end of WW2, And the 6 million figure as well the same. The 6 million genocide of the jews was a lie-spell they were trying to stick first to Russia and then to Germany the whole time and Germany defeated happened to wear the knife as they stuck it down.

^See the revisionist film "The first holocaust" online which paraphrases the book of the same name by Don Heddershimer to show this and remove all doubt.

The gas chamber part of the extermination was seperately concocted by a conflagration of the PWE (Political Warfare Executive) of the British Empire early in the war with the Jews who had been at the camp. It was first embedded as black propaganda into the camps and occupied territories by the PWE. To see this there are excellent articles on this site demonstrating it beyond doubt. The PWE later absorbed into the PWD (Psychological Warfare Division) of the allies which was American led then and was responsible for the broader Western contribution to what much later became known as "the Holocaust TM".

The original gas chamber myth was a spin on the delousing process reported by former inmates who had either escaped or been released (yes some were released). In the myth, "taking a shower to clean the skin and prevent disease" became "taking a shower to open the pores to make the gas work faster" or otherwise a trick and in the myth "cutting the hair to prevent lice" became "cutting the hair to harvest human hair mattress stuffing". In the myth "delousing chamber" became "gas chamber" and in the myth "insecticide" became "poison gas". So the German's monumental effort to keep everyone alive and combat disease, which was by far their greatest non military endeavour as the entire historiography clearly shows (see the works of Mattogno and read...) is turned around completely by this black propaganda to "killing them" instead.

These 2 concepts, the Jewish origin of the 6 million genocide and the PWD's insertion of the gas chamber propaganda, amalgamated into "the holocaust myth".

The name of the man implicated in the PWD insertion was Cavendish I think (someone else here might like to kindly link the material).

^But from this and sourcing it to see that it's true and correct explicitly reveals that the holocaust myth in it's entirety is a lie.

One of the turd polishes used by ordinary duped people, which is sold to them by those who do know it's a lie but support the myth is that "the holocaust is not a single event, it's 10,000 little events".


The Holocaust is a single entity. It is a single "overarching concept" which was and still is continually embedded into every single aspect of WW2 involving the Jew's (and any other group they like to throw a bone to to avoid being persecuted as racist) and the Nazi's, spinning it to the theme of "genocide, planned extermination, gas chambers, miracles, saviours, racial persecution of jews and 6 million etc", where in actual fact in every case- no such thing.

A modern-day spawned religion. A faith-based belief, in the complete absence of any evidence, flying in the face of all available evidence, completely debunked in it's entirety as not only false but absurd (and physically impossible), but protected by a global effort to try to convince you that it's real and subjecting anybody exposing it to torturous punishment, isolation, censorship and taboo.

A Holy Hoax!

And that is why the myth is able to still wend it's way into any event still today it hasn't touched yet, to flip anything it can which comes to light into an H-myth story as well. Because no opposition is allowed to the lies, they flourish.

And that is why cutting the tentacles off the octopus, new ones simply grow elsewhere, and old ones severed grow back quickly, it's the head of the octupus itself, the "overaching lie-concept" that grows the tentacles that needs to be singled out and skewered.

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Re: Why would they invent this ?

Postby borjastick » 5 years 8 months ago (Thu Sep 14, 2017 5:02 am)

Elroy, not bad for a man who is new here with only 15 posts to his name.
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician

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Re: Why would they invent this ?

Postby Elroy » 5 years 8 months ago (Thu Sep 14, 2017 5:34 am)

borjastick wrote:Elroy, not bad for a man who is new here with only 15 posts to his name.

Again, thankyou. Not particularly encyclopedic like you guys are as I have seen demonstrated countless times, rather novice myself, except this basic question I could basically answer.

Which is why I question the motive and origin of the person who answered the question- why would someone ask such a question here as a registered member if not having researched any of the material which shows it to be false even if in rudimentary detail? Could be innocuous, but seems strange.

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Re: Why would they invent this ?

Postby Hektor » 5 years 8 months ago (Thu Sep 14, 2017 4:33 pm)

Elroy wrote:Continuing to answer your other questions "in a nut shell" because you can look it up yourself...

Who is in on it?

The government of Israel
The government of Germany and Austria which is in reality under occupation by the United States and Israel to this day
The European Union which under Germany is really under the United States
The United Nations which is really an overarching Israeli-American Empire device to control- sorry "manage" the world.
The governments of the Western liberal capitalist democracy's, more accurately, the "plutocracy's" which have a nationalist need for the myth such as Britain, Canada, Australia, United States, France, Poland and most of Europe.
The communist government of the former Soviet Union and by succession the government of Russia today which needs the holocaust- a slightly different version of it to justify and cover up it's own WW2 shenanigans and gain victim status for it's own peoples.
The international Jewish zionist and globalist movements around the globe.
The media-military complex of all above said belligerents...

If you mean "they are in on it" as in knowingly lying about some particular part of history, then I'd say this isn't necessarily so. What most people do is parroting stuff they heard from someone or somewhere else. If it is repeated all over the news, it becomes "common knowledge" after a while. So the thing to do would be who initially spread the "news". In case of "they're killing all the Jews (in gas chambers)" candidates for being the first would be:
- Rumors already in place like showering, delousing clothing with gas, cremating bodies, which simply were obfuscated into homicidal gassing narrative.
- Paid collaborators like Thomas Mann and Paul Tillich who broadcasted that kind of "news" they picked up from other sources (but obviously couldn't even fact check this).
- Psychological Warfare "soldiers" that spread disinformation of that kind. Basically deception operations. They also were in the "liberated camps" right from the beginning.

Assume that such rumors do get their own life after a while with people adding and changing the story about things they may have seen themselves or picked up as hearsay from others.

Emaciated or dead inmates in the Western camps WERE NOT resulting from any extermination policy. They actually died, because German authorities WERE NOT able to care for them sufficiently anymore, since bombing infrastructure and inability to produce or distribute lead to shortage of required supplies.

The "War crime trials" put a stamp to this, even, when the whole evidence and testimony is considered they don't really deliver much in terms of prove. Read e.g. the statutes for the "Nuremberg Trial". After that hearsay historians and media and cinema picked embellished the narrative further and lead to the common belief in the Holocaust. Given that it is pushed in the education system and media it has become a selfperpetuating story leading to the situation today.

There is some realization that there's something wrong with that story to many, which is why Revisionists are being persecuted by means of violence, judicial system and civil society organisations. It's pretty simple "Deny the Holocaust" and lose your job, get jailed or beaten up, if you don't shut up, get vilified, if you are not deterred by this and continue speaking out.

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Re: Why would they invent this ?

Postby Elroy » 5 years 8 months ago (Fri Sep 15, 2017 3:16 am)

Hektor wrote:
Elroy wrote:Continuing to answer your other questions "in a nut shell" because you can look it up yourself...

Who is in on it?

The government of Israel
The government of Germany and Austria which is in reality under occupation by the United States and Israel to this day
The European Union which under Germany is really under the United States
The United Nations which is really an overarching Israeli-American Empire device to control- sorry "manage" the world.
The governments of the Western liberal capitalist democracy's, more accurately, the "plutocracy's" which have a nationalist need for the myth such as Britain, Canada, Australia, United States, France, Poland and most of Europe.
The communist government of the former Soviet Union and by succession the government of Russia today which needs the holocaust- a slightly different version of it to justify and cover up it's own WW2 shenanigans and gain victim status for it's own peoples.
The international Jewish zionist and globalist movements around the globe.
The media-military complex of all above said belligerents...

If you mean "they are in on it" as in knowingly lying about some particular part of history, then I'd say this isn't necessarily so. What most people do is parroting stuff they heard from someone or somewhere else. If it is repeated all over the news, it becomes "common knowledge" after a while. So the thing to do would be who initially spread the "news". In case of "they're killing all the Jews (in gas chambers)" candidates for being the first would be:
- Rumors already in place like showering, delousing clothing with gas, cremating bodies, which simply were obfuscated into homicidal gassing narrative.
- Paid collaborators like Thomas Mann and Paul Tillich who broadcasted that kind of "news" they picked up from other sources (but obviously couldn't even fact check this).
- Psychological Warfare "soldiers" that spread disinformation of that kind. Basically deception operations. They also were in the "liberated camps" right from the beginning.

Assume that such rumors do get their own life after a while with people adding and changing the story about things they may have seen themselves or picked up as hearsay from others.

Emaciated or dead inmates in the Western camps WERE NOT resulting from any extermination policy. They actually died, because German authorities WERE NOT able to care for them sufficiently anymore, since bombing infrastructure and inability to produce or distribute lead to shortage of required supplies.

The "War crime trials" put a stamp to this, even, when the whole evidence and testimony is considered they don't really deliver much in terms of prove. Read e.g. the statutes for the "Nuremberg Trial". After that hearsay historians and media and cinema picked embellished the narrative further and lead to the common belief in the Holocaust. Given that it is pushed in the education system and media it has become a selfperpetuating story leading to the situation today.

There is some realization that there's something wrong with that story to many, which is why Revisionists are being persecuted by means of violence, judicial system and civil society organisations. It's pretty simple "Deny the Holocaust" and lose your job, get jailed or beaten up, if you don't shut up, get vilified, if you are not deterred by this and continue speaking out.

Yes I do agree completely here Hektor, my answer to this man for this part was very simplistic, I did not mean to claim that all of these global powers are in on the holocaust lie from a knowing perspective in full- although some I should point out, must know.

For example- All "holocaust professors" such as Green, Rees, Pressac, Van Pelt etc as well as atleast Cole and Eric Hunt, who are in reality exterminationists now and the top of the field for the orthodox side are as equally "holocaust deniers" as those who openly argue that side. That is because you can only effectively argue for the exterminationist position by first not only knowing but learning exactly how it's a lie so you can build your straw man, ad hoc, pseudosicentific/logic religious style arguments around them.

The above also applies to Web level entities such as Roberto Muelenkampf and Andrew Mathis- they are deniers too really, when they post here or "on that other site"- they are posting for potential readership of what they write as psychological warfare against those unsuspecting people who will see things like his challenge etc and be misled to think that that seems logical whereas in actual fact, it's a total reversal of logic- which one would know if they learned but it deters them from learning.

So let's qualify the ones I listed..

1. Governments - Whilst I do agree that it would be absurd to think that everybody in the governments listed would be knowledgable that it was a lie, to think that top leadership would not be aware is also somewhat absurd. I don't think any of them know it technically like here- that's for professors, but some know it's a political lie we made up about them that needs to be enforced. I am also of the opinion that most of the top religious officials in the world such as bishops etc, do not actually believe in their faith themselves, that is for their subjects (who are even called a "flock" (i.e. of sheep)).

2. Taking the Western allies during conquest of Germany, the psychological warfare division, Bradley, PAtton and Eisenhower obviously knew because they helped create it. Atleast Churchill and Roosevelt knew because of their dodgey secret conversations and ratification of the lies, their deliberate absence of it from their works also (Churchill's anyway) and because of the fact these 2 leaders were themselves inventors and collaborators in the "take over the world lie". It could be that religious style dissemination enabled the lie to be self-perpetuating as you've stated, and that plays the most major role today considering everybody I agree- I also think it's very plausible that the buck didn't stop with them and leaders after in the West are aware.

3. In the Soviet Union, there can be not much doubt since Stalin and his board were always and after the prime controllers of their black propaganda. As for today, I have little doubt that someone like Putin is not aware of the lie considering he is ex KGB.

4. The International Zionist/globalist movement- or international jew - The notion that every jew in the world operates as a kind of hive mind is obviously absurd, they've been lied to of course. The notion that every top zionist is a holocaust expert is likewise absurd too but those at the top of this field of holocaust promotion- those who deliberately pump out the false propaganda- you know it, containing deliberate lie after lie showing unrelating imagery, emotional manipulation and compensate jews to make false statements etc- must know. If they had real evidence, they'd bring it. They obviously know it's not real.

5. The media-military complex is where it's at. Obviously the psyche war personnel today, like the ones who started it conscript the media to push it. Most reporters have no clue no doubt. Somewhere up the line, there's someone who does. Like everytime there's a report about a fake mass grave etc.

To summarise- whilst I may have implied a very large group of people by the list I wrote, the total number of knowledgeable people I am sure are to a greater or lesser degree small within those.

^Subjective assessment this, just my opinion.

What your claiming about self-perpetuating false knowledge is again however the primary issue amongst both leaders and ordinary people including the jews themselves.

It's a memetic disease, a cancer/virus of the mind spread from person to person, just like any religious myth, where any proof otherwise becomes a test of faith for them.

In this way, the mortality rate is very high even with "treatment" they can't be saved. And the virulence/metastasis rate is really high because exposure is so high and infection to those "immunocompromised"- that is, without knowledge of the real facts which is pretty much everybody.

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Re: Why would they invent this ?

Postby Sweeney » 5 years 8 months ago (Fri Sep 15, 2017 8:02 am)

Elroy wrote:Sweeny I have to say I do not believe you. Nobody who comes to the CODOH forum can state the 2 questions which you have done so far without being sent here deliberately, or perhaps a well known figure undercover (?), just saying it is suspicious.

Hello Elroy, I don't know what don't you believe? Why couldn't I come on the forum and ask my questions without being sent here? Sent by who and why I wonder. No, I'm a genuine poster who never pretended to be anything than what he presented.
I made it clear when I posted that I knew this was a specialist site and that I realised my questions would seem naive. I could have waded through the information availiable without any kind of general understanding, or I could just ask the forum basic questions I'd wondered about and get a general idea of what supports your views. It can't have been that wrong because I've received some full and interesting answers. So thanks to all.

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Re: Why would they invent this ?

Postby Elroy » 5 years 8 months ago (Fri Sep 15, 2017 3:39 pm)

Sweeney wrote:
Elroy wrote:Sweeny I have to say I do not believe you. Nobody who comes to the CODOH forum can state the 2 questions which you have done so far without being sent here deliberately, or perhaps a well known figure undercover (?), just saying it is suspicious.

Hello Elroy, I don't know what don't you believe? Why couldn't I come on the forum and ask my questions without being sent here? Sent by who and why I wonder. No, I'm a genuine poster who never pretended to be anything than what he presented.
I made it clear when I posted that I knew this was a specialist site and that I realised my questions would seem naive. I could have waded through the information availiable without any kind of general understanding, or I could just ask the forum basic questions I'd wondered about and get a general idea of what supports your views. It can't have been that wrong because I've received some full and interesting answers. So thanks to all.

If that is the case Sweeney then I suggest the enormous material of holocausthandbooks.com is the place to start. Also of interest is learning about the truthful history of WW2 and WW1 and events prior and after. AS your story really begins in the 19th century and doesn't finish with WW2 either. As a matter of fact, many of the things you might discover are polar opposite to what your generally led to believe which helps to put what you learn about the holocaust in a better perspective.

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Re: Why would they invent this ?

Postby cold beer » 5 years 8 months ago (Fri Sep 15, 2017 7:48 pm)

How can anyone honestly claim not to see how the holohoax has been and is being used as a political tool?
For anyone still ignorant enough to still be paying for cable tv, unless you're strictly watching sitcoms and dancing with the stars, you cannot go a single day without seeing nazi-isms put to use.
Antifa is the best current example, justifying every crime they commit with nazi-isms.

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Re: Why would they invent this ?

Postby Jurgen » 5 years 8 months ago (Sun Sep 24, 2017 7:56 am)

In my opinion, the biggest suspect is the great Banking houses/International Financiers etc. Germany provided a sterling example of how a country can flourish when you oust them (the Banksters et al). So war was declared. The "Good Guys" won, and the NSDAP was tainted with such evil that no-one would dare look to the monetary/economic changes they put in place and replicate them in their own countries, thereby robbing the Banksters of their profits..
"The Holocaust narrative actually breaks down on a discrete, factual level, and is only tenable when it is presented as some vague or nebulous larger than life metahistorical event" Mulegino1

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