A series of documents from the women's camp at Birkenau, which are called "strength reports" (Staerkemeldungen), allow us to prove that direct mass murder has been committed at Auschwitz.
Typical Staerkemeldung looks like this:
Code: Select all
Frauen-Lager, KL. Au. II
Abteilung III/a
BIa-b/B.II b.g.c/B.III Birkenau, den 8.10.1944
S t ae r k e m e l d u n g
Staerke am 7.10.1944 38792 Haeftlinge
[Strength on 7 October 1944 38792 prisoners]
Zugaenge am 7.10.1944
[Arrivals on 7 October 1944]
Einlieferungen 7
[Entries 7]
Uberstellungen 1 8 "
[Transfers 1 8 "]
Abgange am 7.10.1944
[Departures on 7 October 1944]
Gestorben nat. Todes 7
[Natural deaths 7]
S.B. 1229
Entlassungen 8
[Releases 8]
Ueberstellungen 1150 2394 "
[Transfers 1150 2394 "]
SA.: 36406 Haeftl.
[Total: 36406 prisoners]
The meaning of all entries is clear with one exception. What could S.B. mean? S.B. is a kind of departure.
a) But it cannot cover transfers out of Auschwitz camp complex, because this is covered by "Transfers".
b) Neither can it cover natural deaths, because this is covered by "Natural deaths".
c) Neither can it cover releases, because this is covered by "Releases".
d) Neither can it cover transfers to another Auschwitz sub-camp like Auschwitz I or Monowitz. This is proven by the fact that such transfers were either included in the "Transfers" category, or were mentioned explicitly.
In the 8.11.44 report about the situation in Birkenau Frauenlager on 7.11.44 we read:
gest. nat. Todes 2
S.B. 8
Ueberstellungen 86
According to Danuta Czech's "Auschwitz chronicle" for that date, 30 of these transferred women were deported to other camps and 56 - to Auschwitz I (Czech relies on the strength report of the women's camp in Auschwitz I). This means that transports to Auschwitz I (and, by induction, to other sub-camps) have been included in the general category "Transfers".
In the 29.11.44 report about the situation in Birkenau Frauenlager on 28.11.44 we read:
gestorben nat-Todes 4
S.B. 5
Ueberstellungen 141
Verlegt nach Auschw. 148
This means that sometimes transports to Auschwitz I (and, by induction, to other sub-camps) had their own separate entries.
All this means that S.B. cannot cover these transfers.
e) Neither can it cover internal Birkenau transfers from one section to another.
In the 21.7.44 report about the situation in Birkenau Frauenlager on 20.7.44 we read:
gestorben nat.Todes 6
S.B. 1
Entlassungen 17
verl. n.BII/e 7
Note that the transfer of 7 women to section BII/e (also part of Birkenau) is covered explicitly.
This means that S.B. cannot cover these transfers.
Since all the possibilities have been exhausted, S.B. can only mean an unnatural death. Since along with S.B. there were separate entries for suicides and (legal) executions (see E. Black, "IMB and the Holocaust", p. 365), S.B. can only mean extrajudicial execution.