A document on coke capacity

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A document on coke capacity

Postby Mkk » 1 decade 1 year ago (Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:16 pm)

Another document that destroys the Holocaust claims, this is cited and explained on page 332 of Auchwitz: The case for sanity:

Did Pressac seriously believe that the ovens at Auschwitz-Birkenau
were able to cremate a corpse with 2.61 kg of coke? As we have seen
above (chapter 9.2.), he brings in the report (allegedly) written by SSSturmbannführer Alfred Franke-Gricksch and asserts that this capacity
was “coolly doubled when explaining operations to high-ranking visitors (cf. SS Major Franke-Gricksch’s report above, giving a figure of
10,000 in 24 hours).” However, in that document we read (p. 238):
“As fresh corpses burn particularly well, the whole process requires only ½ – 1 hundredweight of coke.”
One Zentner or metric hundredweight is 50 kg, and the coke consumption of one cremation was thus 25-50 kg, as Pressac himself correctly notes in the translation of the document (p. 239). This corresponds to an amount 10-20 times as high as the amount assumed by
Pressac (2.61 kg). He does not mention this fact in his discussion of the
document at all. The reason is easy to understand: even if we assume
the low figure of 25 kg per corpse, the 497 tons of coke mentioned
above would have been enough for the cremation of (497,000÷25 =)
19,980 corpses only, and Pressac’s assertion of 165,000 to 215,000
gassed victims would have crumbled.

Keep in mind it says "only"! In other cases it must have required some more coke.

By the way, a hundredweight IS 50 kg, for those wondering:
"Truth is hate for those who hate the truth"- Auchwitz lies, p.13

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Re: A document on coke capacity

Postby Hannover » 1 decade 1 year ago (Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:44 pm)

Concerning the Franke-Gricksch report, a must read here:

The Franke-Gricksch 'Resettlement Action Report': Anatomy of a Fabrication
By Brian A. Renk

- Hannover
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Re: A document on coke capacity

Postby Mkk » 1 decade 1 year ago (Tue Oct 25, 2011 1:09 am)

Hannover wrote:Concerning the Franke-Gricksch report, a must read here:

The Franke-Gricksch 'Resettlement Action Report': Anatomy of a Fabrication
By Brian A. Renk

- Hannover

Thanks for this. It seems Mattogno is quoting from that document- not actually to support his viewpoint, because he determines otherwise that it wiuld take that amount of coke, but to undermine Pressac.
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Re: A document on coke capacity

Postby EdwardTheGray » 1 decade 1 year ago (Sun Oct 30, 2011 3:51 pm)

Another note I will add, is that they claim that so many bodies are able to fit into the ovens because they were starved, and were so skinny, yet they tell us that the body fat adds to the cremation time.

OK, if they were starved and skinny, where did they get the fat to add to the cremation time? Does this mean that more than the number of coke that they say would be needed?

Their argument is that the fat would add to the cremation time, and that no more than 3-4 kilos of coke were needed, then how much do they estimate for the victims that were skinny?

Contradictions here from their end of the playing field!

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Re: A document on coke capacity

Postby Hannover » 1 decade 1 year ago (Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:56 pm)

Yep. The absurd claim is that human fat of Jews meant less coke was needed, but they then say they were all 'skin & bones' and many were squeezed into one muffle of the crematoria. This nonsense is an attempt to make the fact that not enough coke was ever sent to Auschwitz - Birkenau to do the job, and they try a game of false facts by claiming that putting multiple corpses into an oven built for one corpse would lessen the cremation time so that the timeline of the claims can mathematically align. Typical impossible 'holocaust' science. Facts are that more than one corpse would increase the time and any fat would burn first and not add any significant 'fuel' , and it would have physically destroyed the muffles. The builder of the typhus abatement 'ovens' (SS Prufer) testified explicitly that 'only one corpse could be cremated at a time, otherwise the oven would be damaged'.

Jewish supremacists shoot themselves in the foot again with the claim that Jews were 'gassed upon arrival', therefore they could not have had time to be turned into 'skin & bones' a la the typhus victims.

Modern day, latest technology cremations require 1.5 - 2 hrs per body. WWII was from 1939-1945.

Indeed, it get's very twisted for the liars. The 'holocaust' profiteers should remember one simple fact, "Tell the truth, it's easier to remember". Clearly, they can't keep their lies straight.

- Hannover
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