primer on the racist ADL (Anti-Defamation League)

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primer on the racist ADL (Anti-Defamation League)

Postby Hannover » 1 decade 1 month ago (Thu Apr 11, 2013 2:23 pm)

I've grabbed some revealing threads from this forum about the racist, Jewish supremacist ADL. These summarize what this Israeli apartheid supporting gang is all about. Have a look.

- Hannover

the ADL: a criminal, judeo-supremacist hate organization

Revisionist Grubach takes the ADL's Foxman to school

Israel Shamir talks on Jewish historical inventions, power
Whenever these stories of unprovoked persecution are being delivered, have no doubt: their promoters are preparing a beastly atrocity of their own. Jews brandished the story of the holocaust and erased the peaceful Palestinian population in 1948

ADL hustlers want more profits / want to track Revisionists
Besides their criminal status, they are essentially a judeo-supremacist group in support of apartheid 'Israel' and judeo dominance (a wolf in sheeps clothing). They use the guise of 'fighting hate and bigotry' in order to distract from their own very real hate and bigotry.

criminal ADL demands censorship of Butz / Revisionists

the ADL & FBI / a disturbing relationship
Professor Noam Chomsky has written a great deal about the Anti-Defamation League: the ADL. It's a criminal organization that has been snuggling up to and infiltrating law-enforcement agencies at every level. Chomsky wrote more than once that the ADL had its offices in Los Angeles and San Francisco raided by police and was caught redhanded with thousands of stolen confidential police files. He also wrote that the ADL has strong ties to the government of Israel.

The Jews of the ADL call for more Censorship
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: primer on the racist ADL (Anti-Defamation League)

Postby Enlightened Student » 1 decade 1 month ago (Thu Apr 11, 2013 3:13 pm)

Hannover I m glad you posted this, especially this in particular:

the ADL & FBI / a disturbing relationship

I have been doing some research on this after I read a very disturbing article recently here: ... picks=true

Mr.Weissmann (Jewish) worked for Jenner & Block LLP. Jenner & Block LLP is used exclusively by the ADL for cases involving Jews.

Jenner & Block LLP also has represented the Holocaust Museum in D.C., for example Susan C Levy who sits on the Executive Committee of the Anti-Defamation League. Susan C Levy is also a managing partner of Jenner & Block...

This is very interesting that now there is a solid connection between the ADL and the FBI.... Scary stuff to happen... Like questioning the Holocaust will soon be illegal here in the states....

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Re: primer on the racist ADL (Anti-Defamation League)

Postby Jerzy Ulicki-Rek » 1 decade 1 month ago (Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:43 pm)

What is "fascism" according to ADL?
It is a regime where ALL citizens have the same rights as jews....


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Re: primer on the racist ADL (Anti-Defamation League)

Postby Jerzy Ulicki-Rek » 1 decade 1 month ago (Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:53 pm)

"Like questioning the Holocaust will soon be illegal here in the states...."

That's one of the goals of ADL.Don't have any doubts.


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Re: primer on the racist ADL (Anti-Defamation League)

Postby Atigun » 1 decade 1 month ago (Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:31 pm)

Yes, 'Hate Speech' laws are the intended follow up legislation of 'Hate Crime' laws but attempts to enact them have run into resistance from constitutionalists and the first amendment. Such legislation is far from dead, though. It took Emmanuel Celler 40 years to get the Hart/Celler 'Immigration Reform Act' aka the 'Balkanization of the U.S' act passed and signed into law.

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Re: primer on the racist ADL (Anti-Defamation League)

Postby Jerzy Ulicki-Rek » 1 decade 1 month ago (Fri Apr 12, 2013 12:44 am)

Atigun2 wrote:Yes, 'Hate Speech' laws are the intended follow up legislation of 'Hate Crime' laws but attempts to enact them have run into resistance from constitutionalists and the first amendment. Such legislation is far from dead, though. It took Emmanuel Celler 40 years to get the Hart/Celler 'Immigration Reform Act' aka the 'Balkanization of the U.S' act passed and signed into law.

As G.A.Naser said long time ago:"Dealing with jews you have to remember that they think with completely different perception of time."
Considering the fact that they are at war with the rest oh humanity they use typical military approach in all actions:
attack and watch.If the resistance is week -push further.If the resistance is to strong they withdraw and wait for better occasion.Then they attack again.
Never forgive.Never forget.
Such persistence in hatred is in-human on it's own.


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Re: primer on the racist ADL (Anti-Defamation League)

Postby RJJJr » 1 decade 1 month ago (Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:14 pm)

Jerzy Ulicki-Rek wrote:"Like questioning the Holocaust will soon be illegal here in the states...."

That's one of the goals of ADL.Don't have any doubts.


I don't doubt it. All aspects of free speech infringement need to be opposed in the USA.

What they do in the EU is ridiculous.
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Re: primer on the racist ADL (Anti-Defamation League)

Postby scythian » 1 decade 1 month ago (Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:39 pm)

Hate speech is anything they hate to hear. They hate to hear facts, especially inconvenient facts.

The ADL was created by B'nai B'rith, a Jewish masonic organization, and from what I understand was in response to the Leo Frank lynching. Frank himself was president of their Atlanta lodge (or whatever they call it). The ADL (and strangely the US congress in the 80s......) made Frank out to be an innocent victim despite the fact that he confessed multiple times to the rape/murder (of an underage girl) before there was a guilty verdict. The reason he was lynched was citizen justice, the locals didn't like seeing his death sentence changed to life in prison and took matters into their own hands.

When they're not trying to protect Jewish criminals and pretend that a rapist/pedo/murderer is innocent (or accusing people of being "infected" with antisemitism as Foxman says) they really do try to censor everything they don't like.

In 1933, the ADL sent a letter to Madison Grant's publisher trying to block his book "Conquest of a Continent" (book about racial theories) since it negated the "melting pot philosophy" and was harmful to their interests. It's interesting they were interested in a "melting plot philosophy" since, in 1933, it was still fairly new. It's more likely there was a "melting pot agenda" and they were in on it (the melting pot thing was force-fed to me in US public schools).

If they do criminalize "hate speech" in the US, we have a problem. And I think I know how they'll try and do it, they'll use people like Pamela Geller and other vocal Islamophobs. That way people are ignorant as to who this is really for. It was the same thing with the civil rights act. I don't mean that in a racist way by any means, I mean how they sold it to the public was not what it was intended for.

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