Greg Gerdes has accepted Muehlenkamp's "Transit Camp Challenge"

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Greg Gerdes has accepted Muehlenkamp's "Transit Camp Challenge"

Postby CWhite » 5 years 10 months ago (Tue Jul 18, 2017 5:48 pm)

On that "other forum," Greg Gerdes has accepted Muehlenkamp's "Transit Camp Challenge:"

The debate has started with this simple request by Greg Gerdes:

So let's start with this simple task for roberto:

How many jews can you can prove - beyond a reasonable doubt - actually set foot in and were killed and buried in:

Belzec - ?

Chelmno - ?

Sobibor - ?

Treblinka II - ?

Total = 1,419,467

Something tells me this isn't going to turn out well for Muehlenkamp, and It looks like he's is in his usual dodge mode from the get go.

If he wanted so badly for someone to accept his disingenuous "challenge," then why is he so afraid to clarify his unsubstantiated allegation?

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Re: Greg Gerdes has accepted Muehlenkamp's "Transit Camp Challenge"

Postby Moderator » 5 years 10 months ago (Tue Jul 18, 2017 6:02 pm)

Let's take that challenge to this forum as well.
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Re: Greg Gerdes has accepted Muehlenkamp's "Transit Camp Challenge"

Postby Hektor » 5 years 10 months ago (Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:05 am)

Roberto & Co. are going to reply that this is just turning the question around without answering his challenge.
The question is still valid though. And it's a MUST for the Holocaustians.

The thing is that claiming Jews deported to Belzec were gassed there is an accusation and puts the burden of proof on the claimant.
Claiming Belzec was a transit camp and that people deported there would be sent further to the East isn't an accusation. It's a nice to know, but for the matter of burden of proof it's actually neutral.

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Re: Greg Gerdes has accepted Muehlenkamp's "Transit Camp Challenge"

Postby CWhite » 5 years 10 months ago (Wed Jul 19, 2017 8:27 pm)

Hektor wrote:
...the matter of burden of proof it's actually neutral.

No it's not Hektor.

Muehlenkamp has made the following unsubstantiated allegation:

The challenge pertains specifically to the - 1,394,734 - jews that I can prove actually set foot in Belzec, Chelmno, Sobibor or Treblinka II, and that I can prove were killed and buried in the camps to which they were deported. The number of jews I can prove - with the utmost certainty - to have actually set foot in and been killed and buried in the camps mentioned below is the following:

Belzec - 434,508

Chelmno - 145,301

Sobibor - 101,370

Treblinka II - 713,555

Total = 1,394,734

If Muehlenkamp alleges that he can prove the above statement (with the utmost certainty no less), then the burden of proof is on him to do so.

Until he does, it's just another one of his big-lies.

If he could - he would.

But he doesn't - so he can't.


Edited to add:

FYI - Roberto has already lowered the total number of magically disappearing jews from 1,419,467 down to 1,394,734 - a figure that is 507,256 lower than the moderator of his disingenuous "challenge" - Michael Shermer.

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Re: Greg Gerdes has accepted Muehlenkamp's "Transit Camp Challenge"

Postby Hannover » 5 years 10 months ago (Wed Jul 19, 2017 9:01 pm)

Hektor wrote:Roberto & Co. are going to reply that this is just turning the question around without answering his challenge.
The question is still valid though. And it's a MUST for the Holocaustians.

The thing is that claiming Jews deported to Belzec were gassed there is an accusation and puts the burden of proof on the claimant.
Claiming Belzec was a transit camp and that people deported there would be sent further to the East isn't an accusation. It's a nice to know, but for the matter of burden of proof it's actually neutral.

Roberto's laughable challenge has already been answered, in spades.

Roberto and those like him say all those Jews were murdered, but hasn't the massive necessary human remains to prove it, so Greg Gerdes' challenge has not been met. Nor will it be, Roberto's claim is another easily exposed 'holocau$t' lie.

The rule of law says that the onus is on the accuser, that would be Roberto & those like him, there is no "neutral" burden of proof.

Roberto cannot answer Greg and CW's challenge, but will try some silly wordsmithing in the hopes that the gullible won't notice.
Problem is that Roberto's at the wrong forum for that to fly.

- Hannover
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Re: Greg Gerdes has accepted Muehlenkamp's "Transit Camp Challenge"

Postby Hektor » 5 years 10 months ago (Thu Jul 20, 2017 2:53 am)

CWhite wrote:
Hektor wrote:
...the matter of burden of proof it's actually neutral.

No it's not Hektor.

I was talking about burden of proof for the claim that those were transit camps. There is a fundamental difference with the claim that those were "extermination camps", which is a major accusation. I know the public generally doesn't make that distinction being made believe that every claim is somehow equal.

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Re: Greg Gerdes has accepted Muehlenkamp's "Transit Camp Challenge"

Postby georgesmiley » 5 years 10 months ago (Wed Jul 26, 2017 3:52 pm)

In this YT video in which Jim Rizoli interviews Germar Rudolf, at 1hr 20 mins (approx) Mr Rudolf does name one person known to have been transited through Treblinka. There is also more info from Rudolf's perspective on the Eric Hunt story

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Re: Greg Gerdes has accepted Muehlenkamp's "Transit Camp Challenge"

Postby CWhite » 5 years 10 months ago (Sun Jul 30, 2017 4:09 pm)


The rule of law says that the onus is on the accuser, that would be Roberto & those like him, there is no "neutral" burden of proof.


This is what Roberto is alleging:

The challenge pertains specifically to - 1,394,734 - jews (no more - and no less) that I can prove actually set foot in Belzec, Chelmno, Sobibor or Treblinka II, and that I can prove were killed and buried in the camps to which they were deported. The number of jews that I can prove - beyond a reasonable doubt - (Note: I define the term "beyond a reasonable doubt" here as meaning; the evidence that I will provide will convince any reasonable person that said evidence has established my claims to a degree of certainty that will be beyond dispute, and that any person who does dispute my clams after seeing my evidence - is not a reasonable person.) - AND - with the same expressed and implied standards of proof used by Michael Shermer, Skeptic Magazine and The Skeptics Society to determine what constitutes proof - to have actually set foot in and been killed and buried in the camps mentioned below, is the following:

Belzec - 434,508

Chelmno - 145,301

Sobibor - 101,370

Treblinka II - 713,555

Total = 1,394,734

from skeptical inquiry - by me - and consequently, in an email to me, categorically endorses the above quoted statements made by Muehlenkamp (in red), as having been proven by Muehlenkamp - beyond a reasonable doubt - and that all proofs presented by Muehlenkamp in this thread in defense of his above quoted statements - were free of lies - and met his own, Skeptic Magazine's and The Skeptics Society's expressed and implied standards of proof.

So if those alleged 1,394,734 jews really are buried in 75 "huge mass graves," then that means each grave would contain, on average, the remains of how many jews? The answer:


Yet the largest "huge mass grave" - EVER - located / proven to exist within the boundaries of the Belzec, Chelmno, Sobior and Treblinka II camps, is this one here (located at Sobibor):


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