What does “God” think about the HoloHoax?

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What does “God” think about the HoloHoax?

Postby AreckoningIscoming » 1 year 1 month ago (Sun Apr 24, 2022 1:19 pm)

[I’ll understand if the moderator removes this, as it’s going to stray a bit from “classic Holocaust Revisionism / Denialism” as I understand it as a newbie. But just writing it has been useful to me]

Well first of all, I prefer not to use the word “God,” as that has a different definition for me and is loaded anyhow. But I thought the title of this post sounded better that way.

I’m going to use the word – Creators. As in plural. Because based on what I’ve learned and experienced – we are created beings and there is no singular entity behind our creation. Such as that of a “nebulous God.” You know, the one that people all over the world pray to or maybe that you have too. As for who exactly “God” is and who people are “talking to in their personal relationship” – well, I’ll make a statement about that if anyone cares to hear it.

Evolution is true, but only to a certain extent. Everyone is kind of right about something! But wrong about a lot more!

Without the correct perspective one will misread the beginnings of the Bible / Old Testament / Torah (First 5 books) – which I accept as true. And let’s just say, we’ve misinterpreted it the whole time. But this is neither here nor there for this purpose.


Again, I could be more specific, but perhaps better not, unless someone asks. I could give a few pointers.

But for the purposes of this question – many think a higher power (Of one kind or another) is in control of many things or is “all-powerful.” I will say – THEY are very powerful, old, and knowledged, but not “all-powerful.” They do guide us, and are detailed – only when necessary. They will even guide some people (souls), but the vast majority (of souls) they ignore – from singling out and helping. (Vast majority to me is more than 80%) They have a different standard as to what is “Good vs Not Good/Evil.” Our Creators prefer to remain largely in the shadows, and I’m going to tell you why.

Obviously, everything I’m saying here you should take with a grain of salt…but I just felt like putting this out there.

So..back to the question.

So, you’re here as a revisionist (or secret ADL /JDL / whatever spy). and you know the Jewish Holocaust is a fraud of epic proportions. And I’ll agree. It’s one of the largest deceptions of modern history. It’s certainly the largest & greatest TABOO – in the Western World anyhow.

Maybe you cling to a Christian God (who seems to be losing in re: this story), or you’re an atheist, or maybe you’re an agnostic – still waiting to see what happens. Or maybe you still believe in Zeus, Apollo, & Athena. Hey – you never know. Mithra anyone? Maybe you’re a mix of something else. Zoroastrian?


Anyhoo – maybe as a Revisionist you might be thinking, there is no God (Atheist) – otherwise he wouldn’t have let this deception reach this point, would he? And of course, the Jew might be thinking – we really are the CHOSEN ONES…look how powerful we have become! Our Talmud guides us!

The Talmud is NOT the Torah by the way. The Talmud is an ORAL translation –– which is completely wrong – more or less – if modern Jewish behavior is any guide. Anyway, let us not get sidetracked. Torah – true, Talmud – false. What a conundrum!

So…I’m going to state that our Creators helped orchestrate this deception. WTF????

I’ll even say they have helped some of you reading this here uncover the deception. Of course, you are not aware of this assistance presumably…because they prefer to remain in the shadows…using the power of telepathy and EMF mind / body control – which is another subject altogether.


They like to remain in the shadows, just as a parent might want to let their child make mistakes on their own, but being there to help them when they fall or are “led astray.”

It’s no mistake on the timing of Hunt’s excellent documentaries which is in part building on prior CODOH / other’s work. For some day – tens, no hundreds of millions will watch these documentaries. As part of an education on deception.

Also as part of the realization that in the future WE WILL NOT rely on video or the written word – where it is easy to distort and deceive – as all of you know.




In the 2030s we will begin a “Return to Truth” so to speak. “The Truth Strikes Back.” “The Revenge of the Truth.”

We will rely on experience and people BEING the truth and asking more questions, oh, and no allegiance to any system or group. Anyone who chooses to evolve will have to renounce all attachments to any group – religion, familial, nation, etc…but really, this is another story.

I should also note there is a big culling ahead, so to speak. Being humble is part of recognizing the truth. And “we’re full of it” right now, so to speak. A LOT of people are going to die in short order. Can you see the WAR clouds yet? Watch China-Taiwan….anyway…by the late 2020s…
Russia-Ukraine/Europe is just warming the pot, so to speak. Can you tell I like metaphors?

Are you still with me? Why would THEY / OUR CREATORS do this? Build up a hoax and then give some the keys to unravel it?

Because one would have to understand the PURPOSE OF LIFE.

This FRAUD / IGNORANCE / MISUNDERSTANDING is just one of many in the world right now, nevermind the deceit in all the major religions, including atheism. And they will all be revealed soon enough (2030s). Actually – many of them have already been revealed, just not widely known or accepted – like Holocaust Revisionism.

And the “Jews” that are still alive then will be humiliated and largely revealed as cowardly. For almost none of them would speak up to expose this lie or other Jew lies – except those like David Cole, Simone Gold (covid), etc…. Why is there no organization – Jews for Holocaust Truth – or what not?

Birds of a feather flock together…why is that? You are what you eat….

So the PURPOSE OF LIFE (As I understand it now), is to birth THEIR CHILDREN, so to speak. We are their legacy. We are the legacy of OUR CREATORS who made some mistakes in their distant past. For they are a dying breed.

And the “process of human life” or rather SOUL development, has taken place over millennia. It’s like a movie, and we are the actors. And the underlying process to develop OUR SOULS – is reincarnation. We grow by suffering. And we grow by experiencing events in multiple lives.

Do you know the word PERSON = Actor? [PERSONnel, PERSONality, PERSONable]

History and Etymology for person

Middle English, from Anglo-French persone, from Latin persona actor's mask, character in a play, person, probably from Etruscan phersu mask, from Greek prosōpa, plural of prosōpon face, mask


They want strong children (souls) who think for themselves and won’t be easily deceived. They want courageous souls, so to speak. Unafraid to speak and be the truth of who we were meant TO BE. They want the “best salmon.” You know how salmon swim up stream against the current?


So life has intentionally been made a struggle – to birth the strongest souls as defined loosely above.

The future belongs to the non-prideful, non-pointy nosed, and those with good, honest hearts. The Jews are not the CHOSEN ONES in a positive sense. If anything, they are the CHOSEN ONES at teaching us a lesson in HOW NOT – TO BE.

Wheeee……don’t want to be TWO-Faced, or MULTI-FACED, so to speak. As in DOUBLEspeaking. Not just singling out Jews, so to speak…for deceit runs deep in the traditions of all the other religions & cultures as well.




And the irony is that Yahweh, the Hebrew God = TO BE.


And Jesus, from Yeshua/Joshua = Yahweh is Salvation


Literally JESUS = TO BE is Salvation. TO BE (nothing).

TO BE, like a human BE-ing. A state of BE-ing.


Might want to watch JESUS in INDIA to see the Buddhist / reincarnation connection for starters.


Also The Hidden Story of Jesus.


Also NatGeo - Gospel of Judas. Gnosticism is much closer to the TRUTH.

Buckle up….it’s going to get bumpy over the next decade or two.

And..in the end...you don't want to have a good PERSONality. You don't want to be an ACTor. You know - the "Jews invented Hollywood!" - because those souls who have been reincarnated as Jews - were good actors in their past lives! re-in-car-NATION. Past KARma determines what NATIONality you are reborn into. (CARne = flesh ; C=K like Cat=Katt (German))

interNATIONal - NATION-state - NATIONalism - discrimiNATION (racism) - domiNATION..... United NATIONs.

We don't want DIEversity as the Jews have defined it!

You want to be real. You want TO BE.

you may now return to your regularly scheduled programming!

And I took the time to write this as an appreciation for some of you here. The few of you. For your work - GOING AGAINST THE GRAIN OF LIES in our world!

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Joined: Thu Apr 21, 2022 11:17 pm

Re: What does “God” think about the HoloHoax?

Postby AreckoningIscoming » 1 year 1 month ago (Thu Apr 28, 2022 10:51 pm)


You don't have to be "religious" to accept reincarnation. I'm not religious nor do I belong to any group / organization, but I've learned, some things in some religions are true.

Ghost Inside My Child is a Biography / A&E TV series from 2014ish that has stories from families all across america, and some in Canada? and Australia? The focus is on young children and their bewildering thoughts / knowledge / interests and their families. Many of the families are Catholic, Christian, atheist, agnostic. Only a few did someone already accept reincarnation - but often times some relative did or was open minded enough. One family was Muslim? Not sure if any are Jew-ish.

You can watch for free I think with ads on Amazon. Or you might find various episodes on Dailymotion for free.

https://www.amazon.com/The-Ghost-Inside ... B07SGJCPSL

From memory - some stories involve 9-11 World Trade Center, Oklahoma City Bombing, the Titanic, World War 2, old Hollywood actor / actresses, and just everyday people.

I would say EVERYONE who died in World War 2 (including the 300,000 Jews?) has already been reincarnated. Thus - the irony, is that we are WORSHIPING THE DEAD. Worshiping old versions of our collective selves. Maybe I make a post on that.

There is also a new NETFLIX series based off a book called - SURVIVING DEATH.


Episode 6 deals with reincarnation. I've only seen 2 other episodes, though I have read most of the book some years ago.

Besides - reincarnation is the only viable explanation for some things like - CHILD PRODIGIES. Mozart anyone?

Very young children don't deliberately lie / can't maintain it - unlike our many Holocaust $urvivors. Very young children may say untrue things, but saying something untrue vs a deliberate lie are two different things.

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