The Eichmann trial

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Frederik Jensen
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Postby Frederik Jensen » 1 decade 5 years ago (Tue Jul 03, 2007 9:14 am)

I think those testimonies you refer to were made with the intention of prooving the holocaust story, as for example when he talks about an "geyser of blood". Of course these stories are incoherent just like the holocaust story itself. Do you think Eichmann would have said such things? No, the trial was a set-up.

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Postby Haldan » 1 decade 5 years ago (Tue Jul 03, 2007 9:26 am)

Of course Eichmann could have said those things - just look at what Rudolf Höß said. Perhaps it wasn't Höß who said those things, maybe it was a stand-in too? :roll:

I'll drop out of this thread until someone comes up with something more concrete for these weird theories.

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Frederik Jensen
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Postby Frederik Jensen » 1 decade 5 years ago (Tue Jul 03, 2007 9:32 am)

Of course Eichmann would have said that he had killed millions of people? With torture, and there isn't the least sign of it.

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Postby _Mads_ » 1 decade 5 years ago (Tue Jul 03, 2007 9:51 am)

jnovitz wrote:Frederik

You could always try search Yad Vashem for Richard Klement

You might be on to something here, considering the circumstance that this could very well have been the actual real name of the person "caught" in Buenos Aires.


Why do you consider it appropriate to sound like a "holocaust" believer talking to a denier?

This case bears no resemblance to the Höss case.

There is plenty of "concrete" evidence in everything I and others have posted. You yourself, on the other hand, imagine that a person who is fluent in Hebrew and Yiddish, but cannot speak correct German, is Adolf Eichmann.

That´s just one aspect of the issue, of course. Contrary to other aspects it has been mentioned in the thread itself and so I assume that you have noticed.

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Postby Haldan » 1 decade 5 years ago (Tue Jul 03, 2007 10:16 am)

Frederik Jensen wrote:Of course Eichmann would have said that he had killed millions of people? With torture, and there isn't the least sign of it.

Ever seen Rudolf Höß at Nuremberg giving his testimony? No signs of torture at all. Seems calm, but speaks in a robotic-monotonic type of way - but does not seem the least bit distressed from my understanding.

Just because someone doesn't look like they have been tortured it doesn't mean they weren't tortured. Now, I am not saying that Eichmann was tortured, but given the conditions and laws of Israel it would not strike as something amazing if Eichmann infact was in one way or another, tortured.

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Frederik Jensen
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Postby Frederik Jensen » 1 decade 5 years ago (Wed Jul 04, 2007 7:23 am)

Speaking in a "robotic-monotonic kind of way" as well as saying openly that one has been tortured are some very strong signs of having been tortured.
Now, (pseudo) Eichmann does, in fact, not only openly cooperate with the Israelis in court, he seems balanced emotionally and only becomes distressed as the prosecutor becomes angry because (pseudo) Eichmann can't remeber the names of the cities. I just saw a picture from the trial in a book, where he actually smiles, and that in a very telling way!
Another thing is his problems with speaking German (it would fit with this Czech or German Jew from Praque, Richard Klement).

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Postby _Mads_ » 1 decade 5 years ago (Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:49 am)

I would like to say a few things about this discussion.

First of all, I´m sorry to see that it has not really taken place in a mutually respectful atmosphere, as it should have. Let´s not dwell on who´s to blame – it does not matter.

I hope that we will see a debate be carried out on the basis of a friendly, co-operative spirit, a debate in which the truth is found only by means of logical reasoning.

Let me note once again that the picture issue is not essential to the discussion. Even if it could be proved that the person on the photo in video 2 at 00:08 is the same as the person in the glass case, it still wouldn´t change anything in regard to what is the truth about the entire trial. It also should be said, however, that nothing has been posted to support the opinion that it is the same person.

Nobody needs to get upset about this topic. If I am wrong, then, well, then that will be it. But if the person in the glass case actually is an actor, an agent, and is not Adolf Eichmann, then this wouldn´t just be "another step forward for revisionism": it would probably mean the end of the "holocaust", given the general state of things today. That is the possibility we are looking at here, and isn´t that what we all want?

Claudia, jnovitz and Frederik: thank you for the positive contributions.

- This is a video showing Rudolf Höss at the Nuremberg trial:

What we see here is something very different. Höss is sitting motionlessly on the chair, his stony face expressing shock and disbelief, as far as I can see. The general atmosphere seems hostile.

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Postby Frederik Jensen » 1 decade 5 years ago (Fri Jul 06, 2007 9:41 am)

I don't think it would be the end of "holocaust", but it probably could go a long way in creating an understanding for all those hoaxes which the Jews have later made, those small games and actors, and that, of course, could be the beginning of something very important, given that such an understanding could have a strong impact on public debate. Then, we would have other things to think about, because given the probable state of mind of some of the Jews, the whole thing might just explode, and that's why what you write about the friendly and cooperative spirit is so important if revisionism wants to get anywhere. Then, perhaps, we can build up a new world. Thank you for the videolink.

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Postby jnovitz » 1 decade 5 years ago (Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:31 pm)

Now, (pseudo) Eichmann does, in fact, not only openly cooperate with the Israelis in court, he seems balanced emotionally and only becomes distressed as the prosecutor becomes angry because (pseudo) Eichmann can't remeber the names of the cities.

I agree. If this is the result of torture induced brain-washing it is the kind of brain-washing of the type depicted in the Manchurian Candidate, a fictional Hollywood film, rather than a pain induced obediance.

I have no idea if Richard Klement of Winterburg Sudatenland, Czech is the man who stood up in Jerusalem or not. It would explain why he spoke German with a strong accent and Hebrew fluently.

Here is a photo of the claimed recently discovered passport of Eichmann

It seems curious that there is no stamp over the photo onto the document which was the simplistic means to prevent identity document fraud back then. As it appears anyone could simply lift the photo off and staple a new one on.

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Postby Moderator » 1 decade 5 years ago (Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:42 pm)

Your above image link does not work.

FYI use: [img]imageurlhere[/img]

Last edited by Moderator on Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby jnovitz » 1 decade 5 years ago (Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:44 pm)

Its a clickable link, the file address that the site uses does not support hotlinking (at least not on other sites). However clicking the link works - on my computer.

Incidently people who are interested in the Eichmann and his family could always contact his son in Berlin.

Prof. Dr. phil. Ricardo Eichmann
Orient- Abteilung
Vorderasiatische Archäologie
Telefon: 01888-7711-0
Telefax: 01888-7711-189
E-Mail: [email protected]

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Postby _Mads_ » 1 decade 5 years ago (Fri Jul 06, 2007 2:58 pm)


Your link does not work for me, either.

Regarding the German language, I will maintain that he does not speak correct German, rather than merely speaking with a strong accent. As I have written, I don´t see native speakers making the mistakes he makes. Impossible, in my opinion.

As to Ricardo Eichmann, there are two possibilities:

1. This is actually the son of Adolf Eichmann. In that case, the man in the glass case would have been Adolf Eichmann. If the family in Buenos Aires were the actual Eichmann family, they would have noticed it if the accused in the television aired trial were somebody else than the husband and father, and they would have spoken out.

2. This is not the son of Adolf Eichmann. Would that be impossible? No. First, a zionist agent wouldn´t mind a "mission" like this one, because it wouldn´t matter to him anyway what he was percieved as in the "goy" communities. Secondly, he would not be the first to live an entire life using a fake or assumed name in the "goy" communities: they often seem to have other names, real names, which they use when they are among their own people.

Which is it? Only further investigation can tell.

Of course, I wouldn´t have to hide what I believe. Ricardo Eichmann according to his own words has no emotional ties to his alleged father; one source says that he often refers to him as "the man of my mother". In 1995, he "spoke out": ... story.html

"Jewish News Weekly":

BONN -- The son of Adolf Eichmann has gone public, saying he harbors no resentment toward Israel for executing his father and would like to visit the Jewish state.

Ricardo Eichmann, 40, said he is glad he does not have to confront his father. But 33 years after the execution, he still carries the burden of his father's actions.

"I tend to compare our family history to that of a multi-stage rocket. My father was the part that was dropped to the sea shortly after takeoff, while we continue flying," Eichmann said. "I am glad I do not have to live with him.

"There is no way that I can explain what happened [during the Holocaust]. I just cannot understand it."


In an interview published in the Israeli daily Ha'aretz, Eichmann said he was glad that he would never have to confront his father.

"I am glad that the trial and sentence took place then, and that as a grown up, thinking man I don't have any contact with him," Eichmann said.


Asked whether he thought Nazism could return to Germany, Eichmann said: "I don't believe so. I promise you one thing, though: If the Nazis came to power in Germany, I would pack a small suitcase for each of my children, and get out of here."

The problem about all this is that the crimes his alleged father was allegedly convicted and executed for never happened. Even if he had never talked about it to the children, his wife would have known. Why didn´t she tell them that their father was innocent?

On the other hand, if you want people to believe in the "holocaust", what could be better than letting a phoney Adolf Eichmann as well as a phoney son support the story with their own words?

Don´t forget that Germany has since 1945 been an occupied country. Zionists control the United States and most other (or all) countries in Europe, too, but it is a very different kind of control, resting to a large degree on the co-operation (and naivety) of the non-Jewish host peoples. In Germany they acquired power by means of military conquest, i.e. open violence, and that means that after 1945 more or less every possibility has been open to them. There is no reason why they could not, or would not, have done this.

By the way, concerning the pictures you originally posted, what I objected to regarding the picture below, which I had already seen, was that it seemed different, in my opinion, to what I referred to as photo 1 and 2, as well as the photo in video 2. Maybe it is different to the man in the glass case, too. In any case, there has been too much talk about pictures in this discussion, so we wouldn´t have to continue that now.

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Postby Frederik Jensen » 1 decade 5 years ago (Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:06 am)

Well, the investigation shouldn't be about if or not some Jew under the name of Ricardo Eichmann is walking around in Berlin claiming to be the son of Eichmann and bad-mouthing him, because that would be difficult to prove with certainty. However, with the evidence brought forward about the trial, it would probably have to be that way (that is, Ricardo Eichmann is the son of Richard Klement or some other Jew).

The claimed recently discovered passport apparently is lacking some kind of stamp and appears to be nothing more than all those other recently discovered items: recently discovered forgeries.

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Postby jnovitz » 1 decade 5 years ago (Tue Jul 10, 2007 11:52 am)

For those unable to access the image of the passport I have uploaded it to a hosting site.


Edit to add an additional photo to address the post below by Hannover. Getty mark not so distracting in this version.

Last edited by jnovitz on Tue Jul 10, 2007 12:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Hannover » 1 decade 5 years ago (Tue Jul 10, 2007 11:58 am)

If that is supposed to be Eichmann under a different name, and in spite of the 'Getty' marking, it certainly doesn't look like this:


- Hannover
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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