New to Studying Revisionist Research: 3 Questions (Sonderkommandos & PPE, Krema Destruction, & Langfus 'Found Diary')

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New to Studying Revisionist Research: 3 Questions (Sonderkommandos & PPE, Krema Destruction, & Langfus 'Found Diary')

Postby Morimont » 3 months 2 weeks ago (Thu Feb 23, 2023 4:14 pm)

Hi all,

First, I'm very glad such a place exists, and The books and docs have been instrumental in helping me understand the debate rather than just taking the orthodox view at face value. I'd like to further discuss these matters amongst some personal friends, but before that I am trying to become more knowledgeable at the best pace I possibly can in this busy day-to-day world. Also, I watched "The Day Amazon Murdered Free Speech" and I'm absolutely appalled by that. This is a huge blow to moving forward with open debate and very sad. It upset me very much, and it's motivated me to start having open discussions with acquaintances, but the sad thing is most don't care or don't want to talk about it at all as they find it uncomfortable. Anyway, I'd like ask a few questions. Any answers or links to additional resources would be great!


1) What evidence do we have that talks about the kind of PPE (if any) the "sonderkommandos" used? This site (under A 14) says they used gas masks but none of it is cited. I think information revolving around PPE is a HUGE deal, as I read in Germar Rudolph's "Chemistry of Auschwitz" that there have been multiple accidental deaths and adverse health events simply by being exposed to a very small amount, or dealing with a corpse that ingested cyanide. Going through stacks of bodies in Krema 2 & 3 (or any, for that matter) would need full hazmat suits to avoid adverse reactions in those pulling them out, or else you'd run out of sonderkommandos very quick. In the infamous photo of that outdoor cremation event, no one is wearing PPE at all. Handling those bodies covered in cyanide would make them very sick, no? Obviously I don't think those are gassed victims but rather the diseased/starved.

2) Why were Krema 2 and 3 destroyed? What is the debate on that? Orthodox proponents use it as "proof" of covering up evidence. Of course the concrete was still accessible as evidence by forensic investigators, thankfully.

3) Is there any revisionist research into the Leib Langfus diary that was apparently found near krema 3? Could someone link me? Below is a description from Wikipedia. What I find interesting is he claims that some bodies were turned "completely blue under the influence of the gas" yet victims of cyanide are typically said to have cherry-pink or red skin due to oxygen will staying in the blood and not getting into the cells.

Leib Langfus, a member of the Sonderkommando, buried his diary (written in Yiddish) near crematorium III in Auschwitz II. It was found in 1952, signed "A.Y.R.A":[218]

It would be difficult to even imagine that so many people would fit in such a small [room]. Anyone who did not want to go inside was shot [...] or torn apart by the dogs. They would have suffocated from the lack of air within several hours. Then all the doors were sealed tight and the gas thrown in by way of a small hole in the ceiling. There was nothing more that the people inside could do. And so they only screamed in bitter, lamentable voices. Others complained in voices full of despair, and others still sobbed spasmodically and sent up a dire, heart-rending weeping. ... And in the meantime, their voices grew weaker and weaker ... Because of the great crowding, people fell one atop another as they died, until a heap arose consisting of five or six layers atop the other, reaching a height of one meter. Mothers froze in a seated position on the ground embracing their children in their arms, and husbands and wives died hugging each other. Some of the people made up a formless mass. Others stood in a leaning position, while the upper parts, from the stomach up, were in a lying position. Some of the people had turned completely blue under the influence of the gas, while others looks entirely fresh, as if they were asleep.[219]

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Re: New to Studying Revisionist Research: 3 Questions (Sonderkommandos & PPE, Krema Destruction, & Langfus 'Found Diary'

Postby Hektor » 3 months 1 week ago (Mon Feb 27, 2023 9:37 am)

As for two:
The Krema buildings were destroyed. But who destroyed them and why is another question. It could be the retreating camp SS of course. But it also could have been destroyed at a later stage.

As for three. Has that been age dated in any way?
I'm reluctant to accept any evidence of that sort at face value. A buried diary found in 1952. This got the smell of propaganda at it. Especially when it is obviously a gross dramatization sounding rather manipulative. Bear in mind who was in charge of Communist Poland then. And that they had ulterior motive to a) paint their ideological enemies into dark colors b) disparage the Germans. They killed millions of them in Eastern Europe. Of course they will grasp for a distraction.

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Re: New to Studying Revisionist Research: 3 Questions (Sonderkommandos & PPE, Krema Destruction, & Langfus 'Found Diary'

Postby Hieldner » 3 months 1 week ago (Mon Feb 27, 2023 12:21 pm)

Welcome Morimont!

Morimont wrote:What evidence do we have that talks about the kind of PPE (if any) the "sonderkommandos" used?
Höß famously said that they didn’t use and didn’t need any, as did others. But I don’t have a collection of quotes on this issue. The troops had gas masks, there was gas protection training, the Auschwitz I crematorium was restructured as a gas tight bunker and at the end of 1942 there was a delivery of 600 gas masks to Auschwitz. Here’s one typical gas mask pictured in Jean-Claude Pressac’s Technique and Operation of the gas chambers.
gas-mask.jpg (14.75 KiB) Viewed 923 times
Morimont wrote:would need full hazmat suits to avoid adverse reactions in those pulling them out
Of course, this is a (plausible) conjecture. One would have to actually conduct experiments to verify it which isn’t possible.

Morimont wrote:2) Why were Krema 2 and 3 destroyed?
Either because the concentration camp staff had already seen what Soviets do when they find a German crematorium, when they overtook Majdanek in August 1944 and produced their first concentration camp atrocity movie with forced confessions, or the Soviets destroyed them.
Note that what is famously missing from the Soviet Auschwitz liberation film are pictures of the crematoria.

Morimont wrote:Is there any revisionist research into the Leib Langfus diary
There’s actually a section about Langfus in Holocaust Handbook 41: The Making of the Auschwitz Myth, pp. 259f.
Morimont wrote:It would be difficult to even imagine that so many people would fit in such a small [room]. Anyone who did not want to go inside was shot [...] or torn apart by the dogs
It is not possible to reach a density of over 10 people / m² without extreme cooperation (if at all). It’s one of Thomas Dalton’s suggested experiments to try out (I don’t remember the exact number of people he suggested per m²). Simply mark a square of one by one meters and then try to fit as many people in there as possible, see if you can prove the Holocaust was real. Holocausters say the gassed were already made smaller by starvation, but then the next moment they say people were immediately gassed on arrival and present us photos of perfectly healthy people who according to their story went into the gas chamber.
Shooting or other coercive measures would have resulted in mass panic and the few guards would have been overrun if they didn’t shoot a considerable amount of the prisoners. Which brings us to the question why they wouldn’t have simply shot them in the first place…
Morimont wrote:Some of the people had turned completely blue under the influence of the gas, while others looks entirely fresh, as if they were asleep
Lie, they would have turned red. See Fritz Berg’s writings and also the Rudolf report.

So this is another invented Holocaust story.
To provide soap for Germany … [Prof. Spanner] used, in the mode of the Shakespearean witches, racially and ethnically diverse corpses in his experiments … This defies the popular perception that the soap was made of “pure Jewish fat.” … We may consider this misperception a curious symptom of a purist and essentialist reading, or, at least, note that the tension between essentialism and utilitarianism reaches its peak in this misreading.

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Re: New to Studying Revisionist Research: 3 Questions (Sonderkommandos & PPE, Krema Destruction, & Langfus 'Found Diary'

Postby greatmystery » 3 months 1 week ago (Mon Feb 27, 2023 3:26 pm)

Question #1 inspired today's article for my site, you can read it here, ... amber-ppe/

You may find my site useful for sharing with Holocaust believers. I have taken the info from CoDoH and made bite sized articles with all the sources of the claims laid out. I've been working on it since October and it has a fair amount of content so far.

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Re: New to Studying Revisionist Research: 3 Questions (Sonderkommandos & PPE, Krema Destruction, & Langfus 'Found Diary'

Postby Hieldner » 3 months 1 week ago (Mon Feb 27, 2023 3:43 pm)

greatmystery wrote:Question #1 inspired today's article for my site, you can read it here, ... amber-ppe/

You may find my site useful for sharing with Holocaust believers. I have taken the info from CoDoH and made bite sized articles with all the sources of the claims laid out. I've been working on it since October and it has a fair amount of content so far.

Great idea and good work, greatmystery! I just think it would be better to copy the actual text into your article (use the epub versions of the Holocaust Handbooks) so that search machines can pick up on your writings.
To provide soap for Germany … [Prof. Spanner] used, in the mode of the Shakespearean witches, racially and ethnically diverse corpses in his experiments … This defies the popular perception that the soap was made of “pure Jewish fat.” … We may consider this misperception a curious symptom of a purist and essentialist reading, or, at least, note that the tension between essentialism and utilitarianism reaches its peak in this misreading.

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Re: New to Studying Revisionist Research: 3 Questions (Sonderkommandos & PPE, Krema Destruction, & Langfus 'Found Diary'

Postby greatmystery » 3 months 1 week ago (Mon Feb 27, 2023 4:38 pm)

Hieldner wrote:
greatmystery wrote:Question #1 inspired today's article for my site, you can read it here, ... amber-ppe/

You may find my site useful for sharing with Holocaust believers. I have taken the info from CoDoH and made bite sized articles with all the sources of the claims laid out. I've been working on it since October and it has a fair amount of content so far.

Great idea and good work, greatmystery! I just think it would be better to copy the actual text into your article (use the epub versions of the Holocaust Handbooks) so that search machines can pick up on your writings.

I'll look into that, thanks for the idea!

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Re: New to Studying Revisionist Research: 3 Questions (Sonderkommandos & PPE, Krema Destruction, & Langfus 'Found Diary'

Postby Nazgul » 3 months 1 week ago (Mon Feb 27, 2023 9:21 pm)

Morimont wrote:Hi all,

First, I'm very glad such a place exists, and The books and docs have been instrumental in helping me understand the debate rather than just taking the orthodox view at face value. I'd like to further discuss these matters amongst some personal friends, but before that I am trying to become more knowledgeable at the best pace I possibly can in this busy day-to-day world.

Hi Morimont. I am new here myself. There are other revisionist forums as well such as Stormfront, RODOH and the Axis History Forum; each forum is different in terms of style and formality.
Revisionism is discussed at Skeptics Society but the moderator Pyrhho has banned most revisionists often for synthesized reasons.

The questions you pose are worthy. The following is the Alfred Wetzler and Rudolf Vrba report link. These men apparently escaped the Auschwitz complex on April 7, 1944. Page 13 of the pdf file gives a description of the alleged gassing procedure.

There is a statement that says:
The cans containing this substance carry the inscription: "Cyklon
zur Schaedlingsbekaempfung" 10 and the trademark of a Hamburg factory.
If this existed on a can it would say Zyklon zur Schädlingsbekämpfung or cyclone for pest control. In fact I have not seen that on any Zyklon can. If someone can find that phrase on any Zb can, let me know please.
Zyklon B can

That aside the author continue to state:
A narrow-gauge track runs from the gas chambers through the waiting hall to the incinerators.
There is a high smoke-stack in the center of the hall where the incinerators are located. Nine
incinerators are built around it, each having four doors. The chamber is ventilated after being opened and the Sonderkommandos move the corpses to the incinerators on flat cars.


There is no evidence of any railway line. Here is the real layout of the Krema II and III. (III a mirror image)

It is clear that the reports from those who claim to be eyewitnesses are false. These are not minor errors lost with time but a lie, pure propaganda to deceive.
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Re: New to Studying Revisionist Research: 3 Questions (Sonderkommandos & PPE, Krema Destruction, & Langfus 'Found Diary'

Postby Wilbur » 3 months 1 week ago (Tue Feb 28, 2023 6:32 am)

1) Cyanide aside, Sonderkommando handling corpses changed into some sort of work clothes before their shift and discarded the work clothes and bathed at the end of their shift, then went into relative isolation. It was probably a higher risk job; they had employee cards and some of the workers are documented to have died of typhus.

Hieldner wrote:Either because the concentration camp staff had already seen what Soviets do when they find a German crematorium, when they overtook Majdanek in August 1944 and produced their first concentration camp atrocity movie with forced confessions, or the Soviets destroyed them.

2) The Krema II and III installations were dismantled for shipping to other camps. The dismantling or destruction of infrastructure was not a secret but openly memorialized in meeting minutes or employment lists captured on-site by the Russians. The general safer assumption is various infrastructure was destroyed simply so enemy forces cannot use them. The Red Army's advances without operational pauses were a costly military strategy and an unexpected anomaly; Stalin was paranoid the Western Allies would betray him so he wanted to reach Berlin first. Normally, a place like Auschwitz would have been transformed into a Soviet forward military base and its regular facilities would be needed. (To an extent, it became a Soviet medical facility.)

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Re: New to Studying Revisionist Research: 3 Questions (Sonderkommandos & PPE, Krema Destruction, & Langfus 'Found Diary'

Postby Morimont » 3 months 1 week ago (Tue Feb 28, 2023 2:27 pm)

greatmystery wrote:Question #1 inspired today's article for my site, you can read it here, ... amber-ppe/

You may find my site useful for sharing with Holocaust believers. I have taken the info from CoDoH and made bite sized articles with all the sources of the claims laid out. I've been working on it since October and it has a fair amount of content so far.

That's an awesome idea! Thank you so much for putting in the work; a bunch of bite-sized chunks are great for the attention span of many people nowadays. I'm honored that you took inspiration here, from which I originally took inspiration from Germar Rudolph when I started reading his book last week. I think the safety issues surrounding HCN and logistics of the gas chambers is a big area that can be further expounded upon, and more ammo in refutation of the absurdity.

Moving hundreds of bodies would have caused a hot sweaty environment ideal for cyanide absorption through the skin yet MoT makes no mention of protective clothing.

One extra point you may want to make in that post is that Krema 1 is inside a soil mound, and Krema 2 & 3 are underground (to keep the morgues at a stable low temperature), and these environments tend to have more humidity than their surroundings. That, plus 1,500+ people breathing/hyperventilating means lots of H20 getting exhaled. I have metal barn with concrete flooring filled with animals, and it's super humid in there; if I spend more than 5 minutes I start to perspire. Also in the winter when it's colder it's crazy - I'll open up the doors and from the outside it looks like a dragon is breathing steaming fumes out, again due to the built up humidity from animals rapidly escaping the building (more info on what I mean here).

So, all in all, from a chemistry/engineering perspective it would certainly be a warm and humid environment with 1,500 bodies. Not to mention inevitable piss and shit from 1,500 bodies, either in panic or upon death (googled it: "Your muscles loosen immediately after death, releasing any strain on your bowel and bladder. As a result, most people poop and pee at death"). Inevitable sweating from "sonderkommandos" (I use sarcastic quotes because of how Rudolph pointed out "sonderkommandos" as a misnomer) in a humid environment with shit-tons (non-scientifically speaking..) of zyklon b pellets in the big baskets = absorption to their bodies via high ambient temperatures and relative humidity.

IF they did have full hazmat suits, which they didn't. Where's the nearby decontamination room? Oh yeah, doesn't exist because The Holocaust (tm) is a collection of stories from the perverted minds of certain Jews who decided to lie for gain (while of course some did not, and disagreed).

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Re: New to Studying Revisionist Research: 3 Questions (Sonderkommandos & PPE, Krema Destruction, & Langfus 'Found Diary'

Postby hermod » 3 months 1 week ago (Tue Feb 28, 2023 8:43 pm)

Morimont wrote:2) Why were Krema 2 and 3 destroyed? What is the debate on that? Orthodox proponents use it as "proof" of covering up evidence. Of course the concrete was still accessible as evidence by forensic investigators, thankfully.

Krema 2 and Krema 3 were dynamited by the Germans before leaving Auschwitz because the Soviets had captured the Majdanek camp in July 1944 and the crematory facilities of that camp (ovens, chimneys), as well as cremation-related things (such as ashes, charred corpses and funeral urns), had been massively used in the production of hateful anti-German atrocity propaganda during the 2nd half of that year. Under such circumstances, no responsible leader would have willingly and knowingly supplied the Soviets with great propaganda food for the incitement of their notoriously ultra brutal troops. When soldiers of the Wehrmacht retook the city of Nemmersdorf in October 1944, they found many German civilians brutalized and slaughtered by soldiers of the Red Army and a sign at the entrance to the city saying: "Soldiers, Majdanek doesn't forgive! Avenge without mercy! "...

The French Holocaust revisionist Vincent Reynouard (currently imprisoned in Scotland) made a great video on that topic a few years ago...

(In French, with a translation below)


Vincent Reynouard on Why The Germans Dynamited The Crematoria at Auschwitz

Can a Nazi make a square hole in a concrete roof? In this fascinating video, fearless French revisionist Vincent Reynouard shows us what a real hole looks like in a roof at Auschwitz, then demonstrates that the famous "Zyklon B introduction holes" of the Birkenau "gas chambers" are indeed nowhere to be found. No holes, no Holocaust. An excellent introduction to the history of—and the reality behind—the Soviet propaganda lie that is the story of the Auschwitz gas chambers. * Note: Reynouard mistakenly says "Morgue 2" ("morgue deux") for "Morgue 1" in a number of places in the video. However, the images of the collapsed "gas chamber" roof here are indeed all from Morgue 1, the "correct" building according to orthodox Holocaust history. As for "Morgue 2," it is the half-basement extension (in-line) of the crematorium building proper, allegedly used as an "undressing room" for gassing victims. Both rooms, naturally, were just what their names implied: morgues for keeping bodies cool prior to cremation in the crematory building above them, their size being dictated by the emergency conditions of epidemic typhus which led to construction of the crematoria in the first place.

(Subtitles on.)
I am often asked this question:
If the crematoria of Birkenau really were no more than simple crematories with their attached morgues
why did the Germans dynamite them before evacuating Auschwitz?
Good question.
To understand this question, it's necessary to go back six months earlier to July 1944.
On 17 July of that year, the Germans had evacuated their camp at Majdanek, near Lublin.
They left it for the most part intact, including its crematory ovens.
A week later, the Red Army entered the camp, capturing a number of Germans who were still there.
The Soviets quickly understood all the advantages they could extract from the situation.
They immediately labelled Majdanek an "extermination camp" and brought the local populace to show them the crematory ovens in particular.
This internal propaganda also served to galvanize Soviet troops and incite them to exact all sorts of "revenge."
On this sign which the Soviet authorities erected to address their soldiers
and which was discovered by the Germans during a counteroffensive
one could read: "Soldiers! Majdanek does not forgive. Avenge yourselves without mercy!"
Moreover, during these counteroffensives, the Germans found the bodies of numerous civilians who had been massacred
including those of completely innocent children.
THEY paid for Majdanek.
At the end of August 1944, the propaganda went international.
The kickoff came with the publication of a long report from a "Polish-Soviet Extraordinary Commission" which had investigated at Majdanek.
The authors affirmed that "That which was found by the Commission . . . leaves far behind, in its brutality and barbarity,
the monstrous crimes committed by the German-Fascist invaders already known to world public opinion."
In particular, this was a question of four crematory ovens which were capable of burning four bodies at a time in fifteen minutes
and which were in operation twenty-four hours a day
which would have made it possible to burn 1,920 bodies daily.
In short, a veritable inferno worthy of Dante.
The commission concluded that 1,380,000 people had been exterminated at Majdanek.
In November 1944, a memorial museum was established on the site in order to perpetuate the memory of this Nazi barbarity.
From 27 November to 2 December 1944, an expedited trial was held of the six Germans captured during the liberation of the camp.
All were condemned to death, except for the one who committed suicide in his cell,
and were publicly hanged the next day following the rejection of their pleas for mercy.
Film images of their execution were presented in cinemas all over, as for example here in the U.S.A.
There then appeared, in numerous languages, including French, a pamphlet by Konstantin Simonov about the camp.
In it, the Germans were depicted as pure sadists who spent their time torturing and killing.
Anything would do for them,
even an insignificant clothes press.
The S.S. monsters, Simonov assures us, would amuse themselves by crushing the arms of a prisoner between the two rollers
"up to the elbow or shoulder" as the case may be:
"The cries of the victim were the principal amusement of the S.S."
Naturally, all this was attested to by "irreproachable witnesses."
In the first edition of his brochure,
Konstantin Simonov revealed to the French public that at Majdanek [Jewish ex-Prime Minister of France] Leon Blum had died.
Wanting to share in the fate of his people, he had allowed himself to be deported and had wound up in this camp
where, without consideration of his age or his personal eminence,
the S.S. had used him to transport heavy materials.
This fact, the author assures us, had been "confirmed in all its details by two witnesses."
The only problem was that a few weeks after the publication of Simonov's pamphlet
Leon Blum returned, quite alive, from his deportation,
a deportation during which, happily for him, he had enjoyed favorable special treatment and had even been able to get married.
He had never been sent any further than the edges of the camp at Buchenwald [i.e., in Germany].
A second version of Konstantin Simonov's pamphlet was then published
with a new cover, and above all — a new page 7
from which the passage concerning the supposed death of Leon Blum at Majdanek had been discreetly removed.
The infernal clothes wringer, Leon Blum killed in the camp, etc., etc. . . .
Konstantin Simonov's pamphlet was consistent with the usual Soviet propaganda
— which is to say, shamelessly mendacious.
Today, at any rate, the air has gone out of the balloon:
the website of the Majdanek museum speaks of 80,000 people killed, which puts us a long, long way from the 1.38 million of the Soviet propaganda.
As for the site of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum,
it declares, "Within the framework of Operation Reinhard, Majdanek primarily served to concentrate Jews whom the Germans spared temporarily for forced labor."
Extermination actions thus would have been no more than secondary.
Wait a few more years and the truth about this camp will be entirely revealed.
For now, let me just remind you that, right to the bitter end, the last commandant of Majdanek insisted that he had never seen any gas chambers in the camp.
In any case, in 1944-45 Konstantin Simonov reprised and made official the rumor of the gas chambers.
He also showed the notorious crematory ovens.
The back of his pamphlet perfectly encapsulates the mechanism of this malicious propaganda.
We see some victims
the executioners
and right at the very top, the crematory ovens,
those infamous ovens that would become the symbol of the "death camp."
One thus understands why, upon evacuating Auschwitz in January 1945,
the Germans should have dismantled and then dynamited the crematoria with their morgues.
They knew what the Soviets were capable of in the matter of propaganda
and they didn't want to make the task easy for them.
Of course that didn't stop Soviet propaganda from claiming that the crematoria of Auschwitz had their gas chambers.
For the two principal crematoria,
this propaganda claimed that the gas chamber was semi-underground
and that the "crystals" of Zyklon-B would be poured down through four little chimneys opened in the reinforced-concrete roof.
These chimneys were supposed to have opened into four wire-mesh columns fixed to the ceiling and floor.
The propagandists could say whatever they wanted, even the most flagrant lies,
for at the time no one could go on site to investigate.
But today the lying character of this propaganda is plainly apparent.
To see why, it is first necessary to know that in the crematory halls of Crematoria 2 and 3
five rectangular ventilation holes had been made in the reinforced concrete roof.
We can see four here, the fifth being above the oven in the foreground on the left and thus just out of view.
Now that that's clear, let's head to the ruins of Crematorium 3.
In this little sequence we see the slab of concrete which constituted the roof of the crematory hall
and which now lies on the ground, having broken in two pieces along its length when it collapsed. [brisure=break, dalle=roof slab]
Here it is viewed from above.
One can clearly distinguish the place where it broke into two pieces along its length.
Here is the area of the fracture viewed from the side and from closer up.
Now let's climb up on the roof without getting seen by the guards — otherwise they might call us to order
something which happened to me once, lol.
Let's inspect the holes. Here's the first.
This is a crack.
More cracks: the roof is badly damaged, just as is the second hole . . . which despite everything remains visible.
Let's continue.
The roof is shattered, but look, the third hole is intact.
Now let's look at the fourth hole. Even though it's quite close to the break line, one can plainly recognize it.
Let's go on. We jump onto the other side of the crack and there we find the fifth hole, it too intact.
In sum, on this roof, collapsed and lying on the ground, the five holes are of original construction and perfectly visible
and recognizable with their smooth sides and right-angled corners.
Now let's go look at the ruins of Morgue 1* for Crematorium 2, that is, the one is supposed to have been a homicidal gas chamber
indeed supposedly the most murderous gas chamber in the Birkenau camp.
Note where we are at the end (stick figure).
Here is the slab of reinforced concrete that served as the roof, as it appears to us today.
It is broken in a thousand little places.
Let's shift to the left.
Here's the roof slab . . . and if one excepts the covered hole, which we will return to in a moment, no suspicious holes are visible.
Let's change our point of view.
Here's the slab, with the hole covered over with a metal plate. Elsewhere one sees nothing suspicious.
Let's open the trap door.
The hole appears. Note the edges. They are neither smooth nor set at right angles.
Compare that with the holes from the crematory hall which remain in the collapsed ceiling of Crematorium 3.
Remember: even the one which lies close to the fracture line in the roof slab is easily recognizable.
However, according to the official history, on the roofs of Crematoria 2 and 3
the Germans are supposed to have built SQUARE chimneys.
Thus, what one should see are holes resembling those visible in the crematory hall of Crematorium 3
with smooth edges and right-angled corners that remain to this day
and not this shapeless hole.
Let's change our observation point.
Here's the other side of the slab, collapsed and broken in two across the top of a pillar.
If one excepts the cracks, there is nothing to see.
This hole, caused by another pillar which pierced through the roof slab during its fall to the ground,
absolutely cannot be considered the remains of a gas-introduction chimney.
One sees here neither smooth sides nor right-angled corners.
Let's go along the other side to inspect the rest of the slab.
Once again, one can see nothing suspicious: no trace of clearly identifiable holes.
Sure, if you go up close, you can see multiple fissures, cracks and variously shaped holes
some of which perhaps could be considered vestiges of introduction chimneys for Zyklon B.
But once more, they are all too irregular to be recognized as such.
They are the result of the damage caused by the collapse of the roof.
Now, someone might reply that these holes [i.e., the chimney holes] were plugged
or that they don't appear on the exterior surface of the slab because it is too damaged.
But would it not be otherwise if one went to look beneath the slab?
For it goes without saying that the wire-mesh columns would have had to have been fixed to the ceiling.
Traces of the holes (even if plugged) and of the column fastenings thus should still be visible today.
It was precisely to verify just that point that, once more avoiding the guards, I slipped under the concrete slab.
I was thus able to film and take pictures beneath the roof.
Now in a Reynoscope™ exclusive, you are going to see the film that I took while walking about as best I could in this restricted space.
First remark:
the ceiling is made of reinforced concrete, and the traces of the boards that were used for formwork are quite visible.
It thus should be possible to find the slightest trace of discontinuity in the surface.
Here we are next to a crack. One sees no trace of anchor points for a hole with smooth sides and right angles.
Here I am by the central roof beam.
I continue onward between the roof and the support uprights.
The ceiling presents no sign of any suspicious discontinuities.
Here's some cracking caused by the fall of the concrete sheathing — the rebar is now visible.
I now make my way as best I can towards another large break.
Once again, no sign here of any regularly shaped holes or anchoring points.
I move around the obstacles to get a closer look.
Here's the crack that opens on the central roof beam.
Along its length, one detects nothing suspicious
not a single trace marking the presence of a vanished wire-mesh column.
the reinforced concrete roof still plainly shows the traces of the wooden formwork.
This configuration makes it possible to detect the slightest discontinuity, the slightest vestige,
as for example this indentation no doubt originally made to hold a piece of wood as the base for a light socket.
(I photographed my hand beside it so one can evaluate its size.)
In this ceiling, one sees plenty of cracks, more or less extended, more or less deep.
Certain parts of the roof are quite damaged, even broken apart, due to bending stresses caused by the dynamiting.
But no suspicious marks remain in these areas
and above all one detects no trace of a hole the sides of which present right angles.
And nothing, absolutely nothing reveals the presence of any sort of plugging.
No, nowhere does the ceiling reveal a suspicious discontinuity — absolutely none.
However, this surface has not suffered any erosion due to external weathering.
One can inspect it quite minutely.
And that's what I did. I went below it in order to discover if there was anything to see.
I returned empty-handed:
there was nothing there that would materially confirm the Soviet propaganda.
Now, one might say that I didn't look very hard, or that I only pretended to look.
Why not?
But I note one thing:
the "discovery" of the famous introduction holes in the roof of Morgue 1* of Crematorium 2 at Birkenau
by Keren, McCarthy and Mazal
was announced in the spring of 2004 in the British journal Holocaust and Genocide Studies.
The revised edition of the official book on Auschwitz published by the authorities of the Auschwitz Museum
dates from 2007, or fully three years later.
Its authors thus had available the time necessary to validate the results of the three researchers.
Yet, in the imposing bibliography which extends over more than three pages,
the study by Keren, McCarthy and Mazal is not cited,
their names do not appear even once.
After all, outside the crematorium, the camp authorities have left up the same diagram they've used for years,
a diagram which shows the four holes placed along the central roof beam.
In short, the camp authorities disdainfully ignore the study by Keren, McCarthy and Mazal,
a study which should, however, be of capital importance, for it would refute the main "shock argument" of the "deniers."
This deliberate will to ignore would appear incomprehensible, unless —
unless the authorities at the camp know that the conclusions of Keren, McCarthy and Mazal are worthless,
and unless they know that a serious archeological study would ruin the Soviet propaganda.
Naturally, if some people want to continue to see Zyklon B introduction holes
in the area where the three researches supposedly found them
they're free to do so.
And if others would invoke the poor condition of the roof slab to claim that nothing can be concluded from it one way or the other
they're free to do so as well.
I don't want to force anyone to agree with my conclusions.
But my conclusion is this:
in 1945, the Germans dynamited the crematoria at Birkenau
because they wanted to prevent the Soviets from orchestrating the same kind of lying propaganda as after the "liberation" of Majdanek.
This precaution nonetheless failed to prevent the propagandists in the pay of Stalin
from creating a story according to which at Birkenau the four crematoria were equipped with gas chambers.
But at Crematorium 2, their lies are apparent even today when one examines the roof of Morgue 1*
and compares it with the ceiling of the crematory hall of Crematorium 3.
There, the original holes are still perfectly visible.
At Auschwitz, the Soviets lied shamelessly — just as at Majdanek, and at Krasnodar and at Katyn.
One day we're all just going to have to recognize that.
Thank you.
(Subtitles by Kladderadatsch. Thanks for watching!)
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: New to Studying Revisionist Research: 3 Questions (Sonderkommandos & PPE, Krema Destruction, & Langfus 'Found Diary'

Postby Fred zz » 3 months 1 week ago (Tue Feb 28, 2023 9:43 pm)

2) Why were Krema 2 and 3 destroyed? What is the debate on that? Orthodox proponents use it as "proof" of covering up evidence. Of course the concrete was still accessible as evidence by forensic investigators, thankfully.

Cole brought up an interesting theory, at least to me, that is the Germans destroyed them because of the Russian Propaganda at the Majdanek New crematoria 6 months earlier. I am not wholly convinced it was the Germans who set the place on fire. What did they think they would be covering up? The Germans at the time were not a dumb people.
History is never a one-sided story.

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Re: New to Studying Revisionist Research: 3 Questions (Sonderkommandos & PPE, Krema Destruction, & Langfus 'Found Diary'

Postby hermod » 3 months 1 week ago (Wed Mar 01, 2023 12:38 am)

Fred zz wrote:2) Why were Krema 2 and 3 destroyed? What is the debate on that? Orthodox proponents use it as "proof" of covering up evidence. Of course the concrete was still accessible as evidence by forensic investigators, thankfully.

Cole brought up an interesting theory, at least to me, that is the Germans destroyed them because of the Russian Propaganda at the Majdanek New crematoria 6 months earlier. I am not wholly convinced it was the Germans who set the place on fire. What did they think they would be covering up? The Germans at the time were not a dumb people.

Depriving an enemy of a weapon to hurt you (in this instance, great material for atrocity propaganda fabricated and disseminated to fuel hatred and violence against your people) is not about covering anything up. That's a basic scorched-earth policy. Carried out during all wars. Millions of buildings, factories, facilities, devices, machines, vehicles, tools and weapons were destroyed during WWII for that very purpose. There's nothing dumb, foolish, suspect or even unusual in such a policy.
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: New to Studying Revisionist Research: 3 Questions (Sonderkommandos & PPE, Krema Destruction, & Langfus 'Found Diary'

Postby Fred zz » 3 months 1 week ago (Wed Mar 01, 2023 2:11 am)

why would they not do that to the alleged gas chambers there?
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Re: New to Studying Revisionist Research: 3 Questions (Sonderkommandos & PPE, Krema Destruction, & Langfus 'Found Diary'

Postby borjastick » 3 months 1 week ago (Wed Mar 01, 2023 3:33 am)

Like Fred zz I have never seen any convincing evidence either way of who destroyed the various parts of the camp and why they would do so. In retreat blowing up or making unusable, elements of warfare is a credible and oft used tactic. Here in Auschwitz if you were going to blow up Kremas why not destroy most of the rest of the camp too?

Given what we know that Russians did after the war in terms of adding elements like a chimney here and there, removing walls and claiming a standard building was a gas chamber, leads to me to think they destroyed the Kremas.
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

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Re: New to Studying Revisionist Research: 3 Questions (Sonderkommandos & PPE, Krema Destruction, & Langfus 'Found Diary'

Postby Hektor » 3 months 1 week ago (Wed Mar 01, 2023 7:06 am)

hermod wrote:
Fred zz wrote:2) Why were Krema 2 and 3 destroyed? What is the debate on that? Orthodox proponents use it as "proof" of covering up evidence. Of course the concrete was still accessible as evidence by forensic investigators, thankfully.

Cole brought up an interesting theory, at least to me, that is the Germans destroyed them because of the Russian Propaganda at the Majdanek New crematoria 6 months earlier. I am not wholly convinced it was the Germans who set the place on fire. What did they think they would be covering up? The Germans at the time were not a dumb people.

Depriving an enemy of a weapon to hurt you (in this instance, great material for atrocity propaganda fabricated and disseminated to fuel hatred and violence against your people) is not about covering anything up. That's a basic scorched-earth policy. Carried out during all wars. Millions of buildings, factories, facilities, devices, machines, vehicles, tools and weapons were destroyed during WWII for that very purpose. There's nothing dumb, foolish, suspect or even unusual in such a policy.

Blowing up the Krema's to deprive enemy of source of atrocity propaganda is at least plausible.

Also, given that it is a rather strong building with basement. It could have some military applications one would want to deprive the enemy of.

It's however also possible that the Soviets had the buildings destroyed, simply because they thought that they are unsuitable for propaganda purposes.

What is important is that the Soviets never showed any proof for Auschwitz being an extermination center. What they did do was making movie clips that are rather embarrassing attempts at deception. Most of the Soviet atrocity propaganda is really crude. Easy to spot fabrications in it. Probative value for the claims being made is ZERO. Tot the contrary, the fact they are faking it is circumstantial proof of the atrocity claims being false.

The lack of proof and insufficient investigating was pointed out by Udo Walendy and team long ago.

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