Escape Tunnel, Dug by Hand, Is Found at Holocaust Massacre Site

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Re: Escape Tunnel, Dug by Hand, Is Found at Holocaust Massacre Site

Postby Hektor » 6 years 11 months ago (Thu Jun 30, 2016 5:23 pm)

diaz52 wrote:
Hannover wrote:And why hasn't this technology been used and results displayed for places like Treblinka where an alleged mass grave of 900,000 Jews is said to exist, or at Babi Yar where an alleged mass grave for 34,000 Jews is claimed? Oops.

Excellent question. If we had a free media, and lived in a free country, then this question would've been asked of them by now to see what cover story they'd use. But we don't. I know you know this, but being in control of the media allows you to control what questions get asked and what questions don't get asked. So they get off the hook scot-free. As technology becomes more affordable and more portable, one wonders if there isn't going to be a phone app at some point that allows you to use FM radio waves to see below the ground, lol.

I don't think that it's somehow linked to formal freedom. The believe in Holocaust fairy tales is just that deep sunken into people's minds that they can't think that history was a bit different.

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Re: Escape Tunnel, Dug by Hand, Is Found at Holocaust Massacre Site

Postby hermod » 6 years 11 months ago (Thu Jun 30, 2016 8:03 pm)

diaz52 wrote:Yeah I remember watching the great escape as a kid. Great movie. And yeah without wood shoring up the tunnel it would indeed become 'Buried Alive' and not 'The Great Escape'. As is so often the case with this hoax, once you look into it the whole thing comes crashing down like a poorly constructed tunnel.

People crawled through a two foot square tunnel for 100 feet, a tunnel that isn't shored up with wooden beams? Yeah right. You don't have to be a cowboy to smell the BS.

In the movie, even with wooden beams shoring up their tunnel, Charles Bronson and his digging colleagues went through the 'Buried Alive!' experience on several occasions. Perhaps they should have hired some Chosen diggers...

diaz52 wrote:but being in control of the media allows you to control what questions get asked and what questions don't get asked.

It also allows you to control what answers are given and what answers are not given.
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
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Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Escape Tunnel, Dug by Hand, Is Found at Holocaust Massacre Site

Postby borjastick » 6 years 11 months ago (Fri Jul 01, 2016 10:20 am)

Steve F Commented that it could be a sewer drain for rainwater etc.

True enough it could well be but that too would either have some sort of concrete structure or be supported by timbers or similar. If it was man made, for whatever purpose it would have to have some sort of support. Otherwise it's just a hole in the ground.
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Re: Escape Tunnel, Dug by Hand, Is Found at Holocaust Massacre Site

Postby Dresden » 6 years 11 months ago (Fri Jul 01, 2016 12:31 pm)

borjastick said:

"True enough it could well be but that too would either have some sort of concrete structure or be supported by timbers or similar"

That's right, but we'll probably never know.
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Re: Escape Tunnel, Dug by Hand, Is Found at Holocaust Massacre Site

Postby hermod » 6 years 11 months ago (Sat Jul 02, 2016 9:39 am)

I couldn't advise revisionists more to study this alleged tunnel by themselves. Perhaps it's time to bring out Richard Krege and his Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). :wink:

Before speculating on this thing, we'd better make sure there is actually a tunnel or something similar there. Catching Holohoaxsters with their pants down and a nonexistent tunnel could only be good for Holocaust revisionism.
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
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Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Escape Tunnel, Dug by Hand, Is Found at Holocaust Massacre Site

Postby diaz52 » 6 years 11 months ago (Sat Jul 02, 2016 1:37 pm)

hermod wrote:
diaz52 wrote:Yeah I remember watching the great escape as a kid. Great movie. And yeah without wood shoring up the tunnel it would indeed become 'Buried Alive' and not 'The Great Escape'. As is so often the case with this hoax, once you look into it the whole thing comes crashing down like a poorly constructed tunnel.

People crawled through a two foot square tunnel for 100 feet, a tunnel that isn't shored up with wooden beams? Yeah right. You don't have to be a cowboy to smell the BS.

In the movie, even with wooden beams shoring up their tunnel, Charles Bronson and his digging colleagues went through the 'Buried Alive!' experience on several occasions. Perhaps they should have hired some Chosen diggers...

diaz52 wrote:but being in control of the media allows you to control what questions get asked and what questions don't get asked.

It also allows you to control what answers are given and what answers are not given.

Oh yes indeed. I do know that providing contrived answers can lead to more questions and can just feed skepticism. For example Larry Silverstein really spilled the hooch and screwed the pooch by trying to provide an answer to the question: why the hell did WTC7 fall when it wasn't hit by a plane? This was Larry's famous "pull it" comment. And this of course led to even more disbelief in the official narrative. Better still to have control of the media and control of the people who ask the questions. The goyim populace have the attention span of a blood engorged tick and so will forget all the pesky inconsistencies in a matter of days and go back to talking about the big ball game coming up or when Beyonce's new CD is going to drop..
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Re: Escape Tunnel, Dug by Hand, Is Found at Holocaust Massacre Site

Postby diaz52 » 6 years 11 months ago (Sat Jul 02, 2016 1:41 pm)

Hektor wrote:
diaz52 wrote:
Hannover wrote:And why hasn't this technology been used and results displayed for places like Treblinka where an alleged mass grave of 900,000 Jews is said to exist, or at Babi Yar where an alleged mass grave for 34,000 Jews is claimed? Oops.

Excellent question. If we had a free media, and lived in a free country, then this question would've been asked of them by now to see what cover story they'd use. But we don't. I know you know this, but being in control of the media allows you to control what questions get asked and what questions don't get asked. So they get off the hook scot-free. As technology becomes more affordable and more portable, one wonders if there isn't going to be a phone app at some point that allows you to use FM radio waves to see below the ground, lol.

I don't think that it's somehow linked to formal freedom. The believe in Holocaust fairy tales is just that deep sunken into people's minds that they can't think that history was a bit different.

Mayhap. There's a saying that 'it's easier to fool people than convince them that they've been fooled'. And I think it's true. Add the power of movies and TV to persuade and add a few decades of repetition and you've got a fairy tale as you've said that is sunk deep into people's minds.
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Re: Escape Tunnel, Dug by Hand, Is Found at Holocaust Massacre Site

Postby Leibniz » 6 years 11 months ago (Sat Jul 02, 2016 3:18 pm)

diaz52 wrote:why the hell did WTC7 fall when it wasn't hit by a plane? This was Larry's famous "pull it" comment.

I see no connection between this and WTC7. I might add that, as a scientist, hearing revisionists talk about 9/11 only makes me question their credibility.

As far as this tunnel goes, it wouldn't surprise me if it were some old sewer or drainage system.
In they say they are going revisit this "tunnel"
It is the intention of the partners to return to the site in the near future to expose the tunnel for public viewing as part of the memorial for the victims of Vilna and the surrounding area.
probably as soon as Sturdy Colls returns to Treblinka :roll:
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Re: Escape Tunnel, Dug by Hand, Is Found at Holocaust Massacre Site

Postby Hannover » 6 years 11 months ago (Sat Jul 02, 2016 3:49 pm)

The connection is that real science debunks both the impossible '6M Jews, 5M others,& gas chambers' storyline and the US Gov's impossible & laughable conspiracy theory.

Be sure to see the list of thousands of architects, engineers, and other skilled professionals who are unwilling to accept the impossible.

I'm not trying the derail the thread, but you encouraged a response.

- US govt. cannot change laws of physics, the government's bizarre conspiracy theory is impossible.
- It's an established scientific fact that military grade nano-thermite was used in the 9/11 attack.
Military grade nano-thermite was found in the WTC debris by the US Geological Survey & Niels Harrit of Univ. of Copenhagen, and 8 more scientists.
- 'Muslims in caves' cannot make military grade nano-thermite.
- Kerosene (jet fuel) can’t even come close to melting steel.

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Re: Escape Tunnel, Dug by Hand, Is Found at Holocaust Massacre Site

Postby Moderator » 6 years 11 months ago (Sat Jul 02, 2016 9:14 pm)

Let's not discuss 9/11. Interesting to be sure, but not what we do here.
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Re: Escape Tunnel, Dug by Hand, Is Found at Holocaust Massacre Site

Postby borjastick » 6 years 5 months ago (Wed Jan 04, 2017 10:38 am)

This story has reared its ugly head again in today's Sun newspaper in the UK. They are ramping up the holocaust fabrication department in readiness for Holocaust Memorial Day later this month. ... xecutions/

I'm not sure there's anything new in it but reading the main claims once again emphasizes their pure fantasy and total lunacy.

But using just spoons and files, they were able to also burrow an intricate tunnel out of the pit – previously used as a mass grave – where they were forced to sleep.


Remarkably, scientists reckon they can see the metal shackles still buried in the tunnel, which will remain untouched.
Yes that's correct they won't excavate the tunnel so as not to have to give anymore info and detail to these laughable claims.

plus this whopper

Forty prisoners of the ‘Burning Brigade’ were able to cut their iron shackles with nail files on the night of April 15, 1944.
So let's get this right these blokes had a bunch of nail files with them in a death camp which they used one evening to file through their metal shackles. Hmmmm do they really hold us normal humans with such contempt as to expect us to believe such rubbish?

And yet no remains of the 100,000 killed there are to be found.
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Re: Escape Tunnel, Dug by Hand, Is Found at Holocaust Massacre Site

Postby Kingfisher » 6 years 5 months ago (Wed Jan 04, 2017 6:06 pm)

I just checked the weather forecast for Vilnius for the next week. The temperature goes down to minus 18 C and is never above minus 3 C on the warmest day. Several days never above minus 10 C. Yet they survived the winter living in a pit.

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Re: Escape Tunnel, Dug by Hand, Is Found at Holocaust Massacre Site

Postby Hannover » 6 years 5 months ago (Wed Jan 04, 2017 7:17 pm)

Kingfisher wrote:I just checked the weather forecast for Vilnius for the next week. The temperature goes down to minus 18 C and is never above minus 3 C on the warmest day. Several days never above minus 10 C. Yet they survived the winter living in a pit.


And back then they didn't have "global warming". :lol:

- Hannover

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Re: Escape Tunnel, Dug by Hand, Is Found at Holocaust Massacre Site

Postby hermod » 6 years 5 months ago (Thu Jan 05, 2017 11:33 am)

Who can believe that anybody would be dumb enough to dig a tunnel in order to escape from such a tiny hole?!?


Moreover the layout of this place shows that there would have been nothing easier than just jumping out of the hole and crawling away without being seen.
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
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Re: Escape Tunnel, Dug by Hand, Is Found at Holocaust Massacre Site

Postby onetruth » 6 years 5 months ago (Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:26 pm)

hermod wrote:Every mining worker in this world, or anybody who has already watched the movie 'The Great Escape,' knows that one needs wood, a lot of wood, to build a tunnel !


In 'The Great Escape,' the prisoners partly dismantled their barracks and beds to get enough wood for their tunnel. But the alleged 'Blobel Kommando' of Ponary had no barracks and no beds, it's said. Instead, it's claimed that...

Each night the eighty prisoners were forced to sleep in a deep pit to which the only access was by a ladder drawn up each evening. Each morning, chained at the ankles and waist, they were put to work to dig up and burn tens of thousands of corpses. ... onary.html

So where did they find the wood they needed to build their tunnel?

They couldn't bring wood from oustide, from out of their 'sleeping pit,' since they could of course not hide some wood in a pit.

Where do some Jews find the wood they need to build their tunnel IN A PIT??? Digging is good, but that doesn't build a tunnel. Without wood, their story would be known today as 'Burried Alive!' not 'Escape Tunnel' ...

Are you a construction expert ?

The " Great Tunnel " was 100 meters long and 9 meters deep. This one was only 30 meters long. Another escape tunnel with about the some measurements - 30 meters long , with no wood support , was also dug in Stalag Luft III . So much for your argument ...

" Lieutenant Michael Codner, Flight Lieutenant Eric Williams and Flight Lieutenant Oliver Philpot, in shifts of one or two diggers at a time, dug over 30 m (100 ft) of tunnel, using bowls as shovels and metal rods to poke through the surface of the ground to create air holes. No shoring was used except near the entrance. "

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