Vegan activist refuses to apologise over using the word Holocaust™

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Vegan activist refuses to apologise over using the word Holocaust™

Postby Bonesy » 1 month 4 weeks ago (Wed Apr 12, 2023 6:45 am)

An Australian vegan activist has come under fire from the Australian Jewish community for publicly using the term "Holocaust™" to describe the human treatment of animals harvesting them for food (source). In her video reply to her detractors, she refuses to apologise for using the term and explains why she thinks the term is appropriate.

See her video reply here: ... W3dTMhyRCl

Whilst it seems as though she isn't denying the Holocaust™ per se, she is causing an uproar merely for belittling it.

Let's see how this one pans out. :problem:
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Re: Vegan activist refuses to apologise over using the word Holocaust™

Postby Hektor » 1 month 4 weeks ago (Wed Apr 12, 2023 8:51 am)

Veganism is a cult just like Holocaustism is.
It' great, when they fight. The advantage is that the Vegans may not give in as fast as cuckservatives or normies, do.

To my knowledge the term 'Holocaust' isn't a reserved term, even if it is widely associated with the alleged extermination of the Jews.
So it's special pleading by the Jews.

What gives the Holocaust power is that it is indeed not only asserted but styled as the 'worst event in history'. Collective narcissism, anyone?

The Vegans may be a group to small to shake the table on this, though. So it's a target of choice for the Jews. Maybe 2% of the population are actually Vegans. Same with animal-idolizers. And most of those aren't really into taking a stance for some public issue in this. The animal-idolizers maybe more than the Vegans, though. They can be quite vicious, bordering on terrorism or actual terrorism. Never noticed Vegans doing this. The worst they do is insist that other people shouldn't eat meat and inquisitive behavior at restaurants. It's irritating, but it is not violent. I only becomes a problem, if they push for a broad intensive campaign of course.

The Jews could push their agenda as long it was going relatively well with people in Western countries. People had the 'poor Jews-bad Nazis' programming in their minds for decades. And hence they found "Holocaust Education" acceptable. Although I frequently heard about folks having concerns there. But those people were barely organized, while the Jews and leftists in and attached to the educational system were organized quite well. Perhaps 5% of the people were knowledgeable enough to see it for the scam that it is. But what got me was that they contents of the 'educational materials' wasn't exactly suitable for kids or teenagers. In fact, if that was in a movie, it would be rated 18. One difference to a movie is also that those in the movie normal consent to be in it. As for as original footage is concerned that was not the case with the Holocaust-themed materials.

I think the group that could be stirred more easily on this would be 'conservative Christians'. For a number of reasons that is. E.g. that 'the Holocaust' isn't central in dealing with National-Socialism. It is actually targeting at Christianity. As Claude Lanzmann said: "Auschwitz is the refutation of Christ". The Jews blame Christianity for the Holocaust, not so much Nationalism or Authoritarianism, even if they don't like this neither (unless it is about their own, of course). The very term Nazi isn't a German word, but got meaning in Hebrew or other semitic languages. In the OT it's Nazir that resembles it, while in the New Testament it is Nazarene. Both are used prophetically and actually for Jesus Christ and by extension Christianity. And well, the term Holocaust is religious as well. Now Christian parents may have a problem their kids being told that Alah is God, Mohamed a prophet and that they should all visit a mosque. So why don't they articulate opposition to their kids being indoctrinated in Holocaustianity? There is Christians that realize that the H.-story is a scam, less do however know what it actually is about. But a major movement of Christians rejecting Holocaustianity has the potential of breaking some ice there... and cracking the wall, perhaps. So I wonder, if it is wothwhile to research that and write on it in a booklet or the like.

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Re: Vegan activist refuses to apologise over using the word Holocaust™

Postby hermod » 1 month 4 weeks ago (Wed Apr 12, 2023 8:55 am)

The Holohoax is Israel's utimate weapon of mass subjugation. So it can of course not be trivialized and/or used for non-Zionist & non-Globalist purposes. That's an anti-Semitic cultural appropriation and what Deborah Lipstadt and her followers call "softcore Holocaust denial." When will the 'Woke' mob finally understand that simple thing? Having the same diet as the Führer doesn't allow everything!! :roll:
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Vegan activist refuses to apologise over using the word Holocaust™

Postby Whodunnit? » 1 month 4 weeks ago (Wed Apr 12, 2023 8:55 am)

She is asserting it.

"This is 'olocost. The worst thing ever and imaginable"


And then the other side uses it to hammer it into people's mind that the Horror Klaus is something so enormous that you have to walk on egg shells even talking about it.

It is pure stupidification. This is dumbing down the entire world population.

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Re: Vegan activist refuses to apologise over using the word Holocaust™

Postby Hektor » 1 month 4 weeks ago (Wed Apr 12, 2023 10:40 am)

hermod wrote:The Holohoax is Israel's utimate weapon of mass subjugation. So it can of course not be trivialized and/or used for non-Zionist & non-Globalist purposes. That's an anti-Semitic cultural appropriation and what Deborah Lipstadt and her followers call "softcore Holocaust denial." When will the 'Woke' mob finally understand that simple thing? Having the same diet as the Führer doesn't allow everything!! :roll:

It is true that Zionists and Jewish elites are the main beneficiaries of the Holocaust Narrative and the wide-spread belief thereof. But they are for sure not the only ones that benefit in some sense from it. There is of course those in the Holocaust industry that includes Gentiles. I think the Germans it's called 'Erinnerungskultur'. The Anglo-American elites did also benefit from them, but rather as a trump card to avert any questioning of their behaviour before, during and after world war two. Even bigger beneficiaries have been the Communists and the Left in general (this does not apply to their traditional clientele groups, though e.g. workers). Especially the Communists must have been delighted that they now could point to atrocities their main opponents/competitors were accused of and they could come up with their own 'martyrs' there and the role of the USSR in 'the struggle against Nazism'. This was actually the defining moment of a number of Communist governments. And with widespread Holocaust-belief the Communists found it easier to form 'alliances' with liberals, conservatives, social democrats, etc. against 'Fascism'. It is actually a defining moment of the political Left in Western Countries that based on the Holocaust Myth they've bent over to frequently accommodate Communist causes of choice.

The Cucks also try to utilize the Holocaust at times... accusing the Libtards of 'being like Nazis'. But they shoot themselves in the foot with that. It doesn't look or sound persuasive and actually NS isn't disparaged for any of its leftist ('socialist') policies. It's especially disparaged for its social conservative views as well as for its nationalism and 'authoritarianism' (being tough on criminals and lewd folks.)

Regardless how successfully it is employed, there is a broad-based alliance that thinks it can benefit 'from the Holocaust' and hence they find it plausible to ostracize and persecute dissenters on the Holocaust issue.

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Re: Vegan activist refuses to apologise over using the word Holocaust™

Postby Hydra » 1 month 4 weeks ago (Wed Apr 12, 2023 3:41 pm)

As far as I know, the very word "Holocaust" isn't copyrighted. "Holocaust" is a Hebrew word that means mass destruction, people use the term 'Nuclear Holocaust' to mean a nuclear war for example. I agree it is ridiculous to call slaughter houses a "Holocaust" of animals, but I don't see how this trivializes anything. Comparing slaughter houses to Auschwitz might be a stupid comparison but it's not meant take away from Auschwitz, it's an expression that mass killing of animals is horrific. This just reveals how fragile the Holocaust is as a narrative that simply comparing other things to it somehow takes away from the magnitude of it. It's an absurd competition so that "The worst thing ever happened to me! Nothing else is as bad as what I went through, I am the ultimate victim!" It's oppression Olympics that reveals what the real motive is behind propping up the Holocaust, ethnic conflict between Jews and Goyim, pure and simple

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Re: Vegan activist refuses to apologise over using the word Holocaust™

Postby Hektor » 1 month 3 weeks ago (Thu Apr 13, 2023 1:26 am)

Holocaust isn't Hebrew. It's a Greek word meaning 'complete burning'. It is however in Greek translations of the Old Testament indicating burned offerings. Still no copyright or reserved wording there. The Hebrew word used for the concept is Shoah, meaning something like 'catastrophe'. That's of course a bit more vague. Was what Jews experienced during World War Two a 'catastrophe'. Sure one can see it like this. That doesn't make that experience so special, though. War, especially such extensive ones, were a 'catastrophe' for people. What do they think the interbellum period was for Germans? What do they think WW2 was for anyone else involved? That Jews were to be removed from the German sphere of influence isn't in dispute neither. But it doesn't equate physical annihilation. Well, being butchered is a 'catastrophe' for the animals as well. But after all that's the reason those domestic animals are reared. And different from what vegans tell you, animal meat Does have nutritious value necessary for optimum functioning of humans under present conditions. Vegans indeed have a higher probability of a number of health issues. It isn't critical, but having some meat in your diet is beneficial. Western slaughtering method are also designed not to make it cruel for the animals.

Calling something Holocaust may be edgy. But, so what? Things get called all kinds of name. There is no such thing like a monopoly on terms. Perhaps those lobby groups should reserve the term like a brand or trade name? It is indeed a victimhood Olympics each group thinking their cause is more important than the other. I recall that people opposed to abortion were calling it a babycaust. And institutionalized abortion indeed does kill large numbers of humans. They used the term 'babycaust', I think. They called abortionist medical professionals 'murderers'. And were taken to court for it. It's of course an industry, the professionals making lots of money from it. And it shows that those that have social power determine how things are 'to be interpreted'. They hide behind "woman's rights". Guess abortion affects male/female 50/50. But that is ignored by the pro-abortion faction.

And yes, the interpretation power is important to Jews and their partners in crime, since they can control communication of people in society that way. The Jews realize its importance. Others don't.

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Re: Vegan activist refuses to apologise over using the word Holocaust™

Postby hermod » 1 month 3 weeks ago (Thu Apr 13, 2023 6:52 am)

Hektor wrote:
hermod wrote:The Holohoax is Israel's utimate weapon of mass subjugation. So it can of course not be trivialized and/or used for non-Zionist & non-Globalist purposes. That's an anti-Semitic cultural appropriation and what Deborah Lipstadt and her followers call "softcore Holocaust denial." When will the 'Woke' mob finally understand that simple thing? Having the same diet as the Führer doesn't allow everything!! :roll:

It is true that Zionists and Jewish elites are the main beneficiaries of the Holocaust Narrative and the wide-spread belief thereof. But they are for sure not the only ones that benefit in some sense from it. There is of course those in the Holocaust industry that includes Gentiles. I think the Germans it's called 'Erinnerungskultur'. The Anglo-American elites did also benefit from them, but rather as a trump card to avert any questioning of their behaviour before, during and after world war two. Even bigger beneficiaries have been the Communists and the Left in general (this does not apply to their traditional clientele groups, though e.g. workers). Especially the Communists must have been delighted that they now could point to atrocities their main opponents/competitors were accused of and they could come up with their own 'martyrs' there and the role of the USSR in 'the struggle against Nazism'. This was actually the defining moment of a number of Communist governments. And with widespread Holocaust-belief the Communists found it easier to form 'alliances' with liberals, conservatives, social democrats, etc. against 'Fascism'. It is actually a defining moment of the political Left in Western Countries that based on the Holocaust Myth they've bent over to frequently accommodate Communist causes of choice.

Isn't the Communist & Leftist subversion and dilution of Gentile countries a major part of Jewry's Globalist agenda? Even a top Jew-lover such as Winston Churchill had noticed that. And the Anglo-American elites get a trump card from the Holohoax story mostly if not exclusively for the Anglo-American Zio-Globalist wars they start and fight all over the world. Making the world safe for Jewish world domination and "Holy Land" appropriation is not unconnected to Israel, if I'm asked, even when carried out by some Gentile lackeys.


"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Vegan activist refuses to apologise over using the word Holocaust™

Postby Hektor » 1 month 3 weeks ago (Thu Apr 13, 2023 2:02 pm)

hermod wrote:
Hektor wrote:
hermod wrote:The Holohoax is Israel's utimate weapon of mass subjugation. So it can of course not be trivialized and/or used for non-Zionist & non-Globalist purposes. That's an anti-Semitic cultural appropriation and what Deborah Lipstadt and her followers call "softcore Holocaust denial." When will the 'Woke' mob finally understand that simple thing? Having the same diet as the Führer doesn't allow everything!! :roll:

It is true that Zionists and Jewish elites are the .... Western Countries that based on the Holocaust Myth they've bent over to frequently accommodate Communist causes of choice.

Isn't the Communist & Leftist subversion and dilution of Gentile countries a major part of Jewry's Globalist agenda? Even a top Jew-lover such as Winston Churchill had noticed that. And the Anglo-American elites get a trump card from the Holohoax story mostly if not exclusively for the Anglo-American Zio-Globalist wars they start and fight all over the world. Making the world safe for Jewish world domination and "Holy Land" appropriation is not unconnected to Israel, if I'm asked, even when carried out by some Gentile lackeys.

MacDonald called it 'group evolutionary strategy'. Jews seem to think that 'progressive societies' that are not hierarchical, ethnocentric, traditionalistic are less likely to turn against them or to avoid them socially. Their problem is that they need some level of 'Anti-Semitism' to keep the flock together. So it's a bit ambiguous.

The leftist/progressive movements aren't solely from Jewish influence though. The political views in a society will always be over a spectrum. In a monarchy for example there will be supporters of the monarchy just as there will be opponents even if there are no Jews in that society. Traditionally Jews also kept to themselves while the gentiles kept to their respective groups. The interaction was there, but also a strong distancing. The Eastern European Ghettoes and Stetls are examples for that. With the massive urbanization during industrialization this strongly changed, though. If they can change the societies culture they can use that in their favor. From the globalitarian POV leftist governments and leftist attitudes are also favorable. Their enemies are nationalist countries that are economically independent and have a high degree of self-reliance. Leftists will all drop this, so it will get a thumbs up.

There is however also other factors that increase leftism. And that is first and foremost envy, rebelliousness, social conflicts. Leftist ideologues like to complain that 'things are unfair' and 'the government doesn't do enough for XYZ'. The XYZ is usually a fill in they like to use for virtue signaling.
Instead of saying that they don't like the ABC is well-off, successful, popular, etc. and that they wish him failure and suffering. They go on a fault finding mission with the system and start white-knighting for 'disadvantaged groups', which they of course will find. E.g. they hate rich factory owners or merchants... now go and find poor workers and call it unfair that they can't drive a Ferrari. This gets too obnoxious, when also the workers got more wealthy, when they have social security, etc. So they look for other 'victim groups'. And you can pick ethnic minorities, sexual deviants, women or anything of that kind. And bear in mind that it's never their own fault, if they have problems. It must be some mysterious society, culture's or e.g. Racism, Sexism, Homophobias fault. That the majority of people doesn't really care about 'oppressing minorities' or hating 'women' or 'homos' doesn't matter to them. In that case those dominant groups are just more clever in hiding their -ism or -phobia. To look after those groups can also be very lucrative in getting social workers for them or services for which the tax-payers have to cough up. That taxing damages the poor and marginalized isn't a concern for them. Quite to the opposite, it is a bonus, since they then can argue for more government programs targeting those groups. Jews aren't too concerned about this. They are more concerned about their image within those societies as victims and adorable people and of course that their critics are shunned and disparaged by the majority of people.

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