German accounts of Gas Vans used to kill Jews.

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Gary Freeman
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German accounts of Gas Vans used to kill Jews.

Postby Gary Freeman » 6 years 10 months ago (Thu Jul 28, 2016 10:21 pm)

Does anyone have any thoughts on the statement of Anton Lauer of the [German?] Police Reserve Battalion 9?

There were two gas-vans in use. I saw them myself. They were driven into the prison yard and the Jews--men, women and children--had to get into the van directly from the cell. I also saw the inside of the gas-vans. They were lined with metal and there was a wooden grille on the floor. The exhaust gases were fed into the inside of the van. I can still today hear the Jews knocking and shouting "Dear Germans, let us out".

- The Good Old Days: The Holocaust as Seen by Its Perpetrators and Bystanders. New York: The Free Press. 1988. p. 73

You can read this online at the link below.
You can click where it says "Page 73" to scroll up and down for context (or to read any part of the book).

I've always found the idea of mobile mass murder gas vans to sound absurd. Is Anton Lauer real? Is this quote real?

John Weir has a good review of the book, demonstrating that it does little to nothing to strengthen the case for gas chambers or extermination plans in the camps. However, nothing is said of quotes like the one I posted above, allegedly by Anton Lauer of the [German?] Police Reserve Battalion 9. Weir's review below:

Any thoughts?

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Re: German accounts of Gas Vans used to kill Jews.

Postby Hannover » 6 years 10 months ago (Thu Jul 28, 2016 10:55 pm)

Hello Gary:

Excellent debunking of the comical 'gas vans' with many links and references at:

'Chelmno again'

quick example:

Use our forum search function and also go to the main site and search gas vans at upper right.

Regards, Hannover

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that denies free speech and the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.

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Re: German accounts of Gas Vans used to kill Jews.

Postby Gary Freeman » 6 years 10 months ago (Thu Jul 28, 2016 11:00 pm)

I guess my main question has to do with quotes like the one I posted, if they are real or fabricated, and if fabricated, by who?

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Re: German accounts of Gas Vans used to kill Jews.

Postby Hannover » 6 years 10 months ago (Thu Jul 28, 2016 11:45 pm)

Gary Freeman wrote:I guess my main question has to do with quotes like the one I posted, if they are real or fabricated, and if fabricated, by who?

Fabricated without a doubt. Logic tell us so since there were no gas vans.
By who? Who knows? A Zionist propagandist? A Soviet / Allied / propagandist?
Simply write something, claim it was said by a German, and voila! Nothing to it.
Lies were / are a dime a dozen and the rule of the game when it comes to the impossible 'holocaust' narrative.

Concerning it's source, 'The Good Old Days', one of my previous posts from a thread on the 'Jaeger Report' should help, see below.

- Hannover

Hannover wrote:As Kingfisher posted, we have this site: ... cJager.htm
citing the laughable book called 'The Good Old Days', E. Klee, W. Dressen, V. Riess, The Free Press, NY, 1988.
Read on for a complete demolition of this childish propaganda trying to pass itself off as a serious book.
'Irrefutable Response' Falls Flat
Book Review
By John Weir
'The Good Old Days': The Holocaust as Seen by Its Perpetrators and Bystanders. Ernst Klee, Willi Dressen and Volker Riess, editors. Translated from the German by Deborah Burnstone. Foreword by Hugh Trevor-Roper. New York: Free Press, 1991. Hardcover. 334 pages. Photographs. Source references. Biographical appendix. Index. ISBN: 0 02 9174252

This book's dust jacket blurb promises a lot which I guess is its primary purpose, besides keeping off dust. The prospective reader is assured that "The Good Old Days" reveals "startling new evidence," and is "yet another irrefutable response to the revisionist historians who claim to doubt the historic truth of the Holocaust."

While interesting, this book does not live up to its promise, though unlike many other Holotomes it is not a whiny narrative history. Instead, it is a collection of contemporaneous reports, letters, and diary excerpts, along with numerous postwar statements obtained during Allied interrogation sessions. Apparently the editors of this work expect the documents here to speak for themselves. In fact, the editors have taken these documents from their historical context, assembling them to distort the historical record and mislead the reader.

One doesn't have to read far before finding that the book breaks the promise made on the dust jacket. In his foreword, British historian Hugh Trevor-Roper (Lord Dacre) writes:

History is always liable to revision and there are indeed some unresolved problems of the "Final Solution." ... There are some genuine uncertainties about the exact structure and working of the gas chambers and the number of their victims. However, these reasons for questioning the evidence where it is weak are not reasons for rejecting it where it is firm: they are reasons for looking it in the face.

After reading this, I guessed I could forget about finding "startling new evidence" in the pages to follow. And so it turned out.

What did startle me was that three-quarters of the book deals with the activities of the Einsatzgruppen German security field police units, and various native auxiliary militia units, which operated during 1941-42 in the occupied Soviet territories, and especially in the Baltic countries. The remaining 60-odd pages are devoted to the "extermination camps" and their "gas chambers." This division is perhaps an indication of where Holocaust evidence is relatively firm, and where it is weakest.

Because most Holocaust accounts claim that "resettlement" was merely a Nazi code word for killing, I was surprised to find here (pp. 183 ff.) a July 1943 report by an SS officer complaining of a slavishly pro-Jewish attitude by Wilhelm Kube, Generalkommissar of German-occupied Belarus (White Russia). The report's author accuses Kube of being especially protective of German Jews who had been resettled there from the Reich.

Many of the documents in this book show that the Germans were particularly suspicious of the local Jews in the areas they occupied. For example, Kube reports (p. 180) in a confidential July 1942 letter:

It has become apparent during the course of all clashes with partisans in Belarus, in both the former Polish and the former Soviet parts of the region, that the Jews, together with the Polish resistance movement and the Moscow Red Army in the east, are the principal supporters of the partisan movement.

Consequently, Jews were subjected to harsh retribution for acts of sabotage or murder committed by partisans. Furthermore, as the Germans advanced in pursuit of the Red Army, local Jews were singled out for punishment in retribution for mass killings carried out by the Soviet secret police before their retreat.

This suspicion and severe treatment is further pointed up in excerpts from the diary of Einsatzgruppe officer Felix Landau (pp. 88 ff.), who recounts in one entry the execution of 20 Jews from the local ghetto because a group of Jews had failed to show up for work one day. Clearly, the Nazis meant business.

This book's final section, which deals with the "extermination camps," contains nothing new. For example, there are extensive excerpts from the familiar diary of Dr. Kremer, an anatomist and physician who was stationed at Auschwitz in 1942. [See: R. Faurisson, "Confessions of SS men who were at Auschwitz," Summer 1981 Journal.] Interestingly, Kremer's only mention of Zyklon B (p. 257), which allegedly was used to gas hundreds of thousands of Jews at Auschwitz, is "against lice" in connection with fumigating a barracks building. Most the diary entries given here deal with the typhus epidemic, food, travel, work, and other duties. Nowhere does Kremer mention gas chambers. For evidence of these, the book depends entirely on the familiar postwar statements of Rudolf Höss, Kurt Gerstein, Kurt Franz, and others. [See: R. Faurisson, "How the British Obtained the Confessions of Rudolf Hoss," Winter 1986-87 Journal; H. Roques, The 'Confessions' of Kurt Gerstein.

Among the many grim photographs in this book are two I found amusing. First, there is a photo of a power crane (p. 246) standing next to piles of sand and gravel. It is captioned: "Excavator used for corpses at Treblinka." What the editors fail to tell the reader that there was a gravel quarry at Treblinka. Maybe, just maybe, it was used for the obvious purpose of simply quarrying gravel.*

[* Here is a photo of said excavator from 'Surviving Treblinka', by Samuel Willenberg.
and is captioned:
crane lifting corpses destined for cremation"
Do you see any "corpses"? This is what passes for proof of the so called 'holocaust'. And imagine this; you would be imprisoned in much of Europe for stating the obvious fact that the excavator's load is simply dirt.]

A second photo shows a pet dog, "Barry," that belonged to Treblinka deputy commandant Kurt Franz (p. 248). According to the caption, Franz "used to set [the dog] on prisoners ... 'Barry' tore many Jews to pieces, on numerous occasions biting off their genitals." One might expect "Barry" to look like something out of "The Omen," but what the photograph shows is a real disappointment. Too bad no "action" photo is available, because it's difficult to believe that the rather scruffy, medium-sized, retriever-mix mongrel shown here was capable of doing what's been claimed.

In a postwar statement (p. 249) about "Barry" and his own role in the camp, Kurt Franz hit the nail on the head:

"It is true that I had a dog called Barry. Or rather – to be precise – this dog was a stray from [the work and training camp of] Trawniki that attached itself to me in the camp ... I never set this dog on a Jew. I never killed a person or beat anyone. I would like to correct myself – the latter may have occurred once. Basically I have never done wrong to anyone, nor would I ever have wished to do a wrong. I vehemently deny these attacks against me. I state that the entire thing is a sham. I believe that I am now being maligned for the sole reason that I was a member of the SS. I wore the uniform of an SS officer and for this reason alone was a familiar figure among the prisoners."

Although it is promoted as an "irrefutable response" to the revisionists, The Good Old Days is a sham. It simply ignores the work of revisionist scholars.

Most of the text, by far, is devoted to the activities of the Einsatzgruppen, but as early as the mid-70s Dr. Butz acknowledged that this is the only aspect of the Holocaust story that contains a grain of truth. The remainder that deals with the camps is a rehash of material that has been thoroughly discredited for years.

In short, there's no "response" here, irrefutable or otherwise. In fact, the book's editors book appear entirely ignorant of revisionist scholarship.

This book might be of some value as a reference work, but don't pay full price for it.

Also see:

'The Good Old Days' is sliced & diced here:
'The Razor and the Ring'
By John Weir

This is too easy.

- Hannover
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: German accounts of Gas Vans used to kill Jews.

Postby Hektor » 6 years 10 months ago (Fri Jul 29, 2016 5:34 am)

One of the chief witnesses to gas vans is supposedly Walter Rauff.
When Heydrich was appointed governor of occupied Czechoslovakia, Rauff accompanied him to Prague as his technical assistant. He returned to Berlin in June 1942, after Heydrich's assassination by the Czech resistance. Rauff was appointed head of the SS Technical Department and was responsible for the project of extermination using gas vans. After Jews and others were herded into the back of a gas van, the vehicle was sealed and the exhaust pipe introduced into the back. When the engine was turned on the fumes killed everyone in the back of the vehicle. Between 97,000 and 200,000 people, most of them Jews, were murdered in this way. This method of mass murder was too slow and cumbersome for the Nazis, however, who went on to develop the gas chambers using Zyklon B as the killing agent.
read more: ... e-1.216923

He was a witness for Nuremberg:

It is difficult to believe that Freier did not know who he was recruiting. On May 2, 1945, many newspapers reported that "the infamous Colonel Rauff, the long-sought head of the SS in Milan, was captured." On October 19, 1945, Rauff, in American captivity, signed a sworn declaration admitting his involvement in killing Jews in the gas-vans. This document was submitted at the Nuremberg trials, together with a letter from his subordinate, Dr. August Becker, which contained a report about technical problems in the mass murder of the Jews. Apart from this, Rauff's name appears 31 times in the transcripts of the Nuremberg trials. This information was readily available: all one had to do was contact Dr. Robert Kempner, an American Jew who was the deputy chief prosecutor at Nuremberg, or the Jewish observers who followed the trials. Ben-Natan, who collected material about Nazi war criminals during this period in Europe, confirms that this information was available.
read more: ... e-1.216923

What an irony that he worked for the Israeli secret service later:

In the late 1940s, Walther (Walter) Rauff, an SS officer who was responsible for the murder of at least 100,000 people and was wanted by the Allies as a war criminal, was employed by the Israeli secret service. Instead of bringing him to justice it paid him for his services and helped him escape to South America. Documents of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that have been released over the past several years show that the Americans were aware that Rauff's case was not exceptional.
read more: ... e-1.216923

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Re: German accounts of Gas Vans used to kill Jews.

Postby hermod » 6 years 10 months ago (Fri Jul 29, 2016 10:19 am)

Gary Freeman wrote:Does anyone have any thoughts on the statement of Anton Lauer of the [German?] Police Reserve Battalion 9?

There were two gas-vans in use. I saw them myself. They were driven into the prison yard and the Jews--men, women and children--had to get into the van directly from the cell. I also saw the inside of the gas-vans. They were lined with metal and there was a wooden grille on the floor. The exhaust gases were fed into the inside of the van. I can still today hear the Jews knocking and shouting "Dear Germans, let us out".

- The Good Old Days: The Holocaust as Seen by Its Perpetrators and Bystanders. New York: The Free Press. 1988. p. 73

Dear Germans. :lol:
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: German accounts of Gas Vans used to kill Jews.

Postby Hannover » 6 years 10 months ago (Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:25 am)

The nonsense about SS Walter Rauff and others is shot down here:

'phoney gas vans / J. McCarthy & 'holocaust' Hist. Proj.'

This is too easy.

- Hannover

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that denies free speech and the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.

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Re: German accounts of Gas Vans used to kill Jews.

Postby Dresden » 6 years 10 months ago (Fri Jul 29, 2016 3:21 pm)

hermod said:

"Dear Germans. :lol: "

I like that "Dear Germans" .... it shows the Fairy Tale nature of the story.

"Dear Germans.....liebe Nazis.....please let us out!"

"Nicht by the hair of your chinny chin chin!"

"Then we'll huff.....and we'll puff.....and we'll BLOW this Van down!"

And there's no doubt in anyone's mind that the inventers of this story lived happily ever after.
Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are telling you about the 'holocaust', but maybe, just maybe, their contempt for your intelligence and your character is beyond anything you could ever have imagined. -- Bradley Smith

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Re: German accounts of Gas Vans used to kill Jews.

Postby Gary Freeman » 6 years 10 months ago (Fri Jul 29, 2016 6:41 pm)

I briefly looked for any mention of Anton Lauer outside of this book, and did not find anything. I was hoping to check his background. I'm curious if this man actually existed.

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Re: German accounts of Gas Vans used to kill Jews.

Postby Gary Freeman » 6 years 10 months ago (Fri Jul 29, 2016 8:36 pm)

I decided to examine this quote a little more carefully, and it seems to be filled with strangeness.

There were two gas-vans in use. I saw them myself.

So quickly asserting ones validity of testimony doesn't dismiss it, but it puts it into question.

They were driven into the prison yard and the Jews--men, women and children--had to get into the van directly from the cell.

I can't think of many (or any) examples of men, women, and children all being kept in a prison cell. Maybe in a barrack, or in a yard, but not in a prison cell.

He calls it "the cell" as well, as if it was one prison cell, or at least to state that men, women, and children were all mixed up in one cell.

Very unusual.

I also saw the inside of the gas-vans.

Then he should have some very descriptive and plausible testimony. Let's see what he has.

They were lined with metal

I suppose most (if not all) vans would be metal. But why were they "lined" with metal? Is he saying it was a wood van, with metal lining? If not wood, then what? Certainly not stone, plastic, or fabric.

Very strange description, let's see where he goes next.

and there was a wooden grille on the floor.

A wood grill floor? Why?

Why wood? Aren't most grills metal?

Usually when their is a grill floor, it's due to the importance of what is beneath it. What's beneath the grill?

I think he tells us next!

there was a wooden grille on the floor. The exhaust gases were fed into the inside of the van.

If I am not mistaken, I think he is trying to tell us that gases rose up from beneath a wood grill on the floor.

I think he is thinking that metal is stronger than wood, so metal will hold the gases in, and wood is weaker than metal, so it makes more sense to him for the grill that the gases pass through to be wood than metal. It's incredibly stupid, but it probably made sense to him at the time.

If he is saying gases are rising up through a grill, I think it's safe to assume he is thinking that there are zyklon-b pellets on the floor beneath the wooden grill.

If this wasn't absurd enough, he tops it off with...

I can still today hear the Jews knocking and shouting "Dear Germans, let us out".

Did they complain of splinters on their feet first? Oh dear.

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Re: German accounts of Gas Vans used to kill Jews.

Postby Mortimer » 6 years 10 months ago (Sun Jul 31, 2016 2:18 pm)

Here is another article on what is claimed to be gas vans this time by Klaus Schwensen. It shows further discrepancies in the story. Simon Wiesenthal and the newspaper Der Spiegel are taken to task.
The Three Photos of an Alleged Gas Van -
There are 2 sides to every story - always listen or read both points of view and make up your own mind. Don't let others do your thinking for you.

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