Anne Frank's Diary. Providential proofs of authenticity.

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Anne Frank's Diary. Providential proofs of authenticity.

Postby Reviso » 1 decade 8 years ago (Sun Feb 13, 2005 8:17 am)

After criticisms were made by unbelievers about unlikelinesses and contradictions in the Diary of Anne Frank, the official truth became : yes, Anne Frank's purpose was to write a novel, the Diary isn't wholly veridical, but it's authentic.

The explanation of the differences between the versions published in various languages is that Anne Frank herself wrote two different versions; that she carefully retained the first, unsatisfactory, version with the second; that, for the publications in various languages, arbitrary choice was made of the first or the second version; and that a word about these pecularities seemed unnecessary to Otto Frank, the father of Anne.

Unbelievers had observed that there are two handwritings in the Diary : a handwriting in print letters, that looks childish, and a handwriting in manuscript letters, that looks adult.

In 1986, the Dutch Institute RIOD (Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie, now NIOD) published proofs of the authenticity : external samples of Anne Frank's two handwritings.
Let us only consider the samples of the "adult" handwriting.

1° Letters in Dutch language to her grandmother (on the father's side).
A little surprising, because on the one hand the Diary shows that the members of the family Frank spoke German with eachother and that Anne could write it (perhaps imperfectly), and on the other hand we are told Otto Frank translated the Diary into German for his mother, because she didn't read Dutch (Dutch edition, 1989, p. 73; French edition, p. 79).

Such a letter, with date 30 July 1941, is reproduced p. 126 of the Dutch edition (p. 132 in the French edition).

At the bottom of this letter, in the same handwriting, the German translation of two Dutch words is indicated, as a help. Was this an exercise of passive translation for the grandmother, or of active translation for Anne ?

2° A postal envelope, send on 26 May 1942 to a cousin of Anne, Berndt Elias, Basel. (Dutch ed. p. 135; French ed. p. 143.)

On the verso of this envelope, the address of sender is written in the "adult" handwriting of Anne Frank.
But on the recto, entirely written by the father, the address of sender appears also, in the handwriting of the father.
Had Anne Frank the caprice to duplicate the sender's address ? Providential caprice, which furnishes a proof of the authenticity of the Diary !

3° A new year card to Victor Kugler and his wife. (Dutch ed. p. 127; French ed. p. 134.)

This card is addressed to adults, friends of the family Frank, but Anne is the only signer. One more providential caprice of Anne ?

Not long after R. Faurisson began to put questions to Otto Frank and his friends, Victor Kugler received a prize of 10000 dollars for the protection he offered to the family Frank during the war (Hamburger Abendblatt, 6 June 1978, p. 13, quoted by R. Faurisson, "Le journal d'Anne Frank est-il authentique ?", in S. Thion, Vérité historique ou vérité politique ?, Paris, 1980, p. 253-254).


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Postby Hannover » 1 decade 8 years ago (Sun Feb 13, 2005 10:44 am)

One of my previous posts gives some useful links and perspectives.
- H.
How interesting, "parts" of the Anne Frank "diary" will be on exhibit. It would seem there are some major problems.

-various conflicting versions:

- strikingly different samples of handwriting supposedly written by her within a two and a half year period:

- A REPORT by the German Federal Criminal Investigation Bureau (BKA) indicates that portions of The Diary of Anne Frank had been altered or added after 1951, casting doubt over the authenticity of the entire work, the West German news weekly Der Spiegel has disclosed. ... t1080.html

- a David Irving letter concerning the Anne Frank 'diary'; her father refused to have it tested & analysed: ... 50286.html

Here's the story stating that PARTS of the diary are going on exhibit (perhaps they don't want people noticing the conflicting, damning parts).

The last statement claiming that "more than 100,000 Dutch Jews, about 70 percent of the Jewish community, were deported to German concentration camps and killed during the war" is absurd and completely unfounded and is the usual from the 'holocau$t' Industry.

It should be noted that Anne Frank died in Belsen of disease, she was not murdered. No one questions that she was deported.

for more see:
(in German) ... 01020.html

Museum to Display Anne Frank Writings


AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) - Parts of Anne Frank's diary will go on display outside the Netherlands for the first time during an exhibition at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., the caretakers of the diary said Monday.

The exhibition will begin June 12, which would have been the 74th birthday of the girl whose wartime diary written in hiding from Nazi collaborators has moved generations of readers.

Selections of the diary and other writings were being loaned by the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation, which was bequeathed the documents by Otto Frank, Anne's father.

Otto Frank was the only survivor among the eight people who hid together for 25 months in the secret warehouse annex in Amsterdam where he had maintained a business.

The institute said the display will include Anne's photo album and parts of the last of her three diary notebooks.

Anne began writing her diary on her 13th birthday in 1942. Less than a month later she went into hiding with her father, mother, sister and four others.

After the Franks were discovered and arrested, the notebooks and loose sheets scattered on the floor of the annex were collected and kept by Miep Gies, a former employee of Otto Frank who had helped supply them with food during their years locked behind a secret door.

More than 100,000 Dutch Jews, about 70 percent of the Jewish community, were deported to German concentration camps and killed during the war

- Hannover
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Postby Haldan » 1 decade 8 years ago (Sun Feb 13, 2005 10:56 am)

They aired “Anne Frank: The Whole Story” on the TV just the other day here in Sweden, needless to say -- Another night with nothing worth watching.

<?php if ($Holocaust == false ) {deny_repeatedly(); } else { investigate(); } ?>
Homage to Catalin Haldan

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Postby Reviso » 1 decade 8 years ago (Sun Feb 13, 2005 11:03 am)

Thank you Hannover for the links. I've followed them, but the last one before the quotation is dead.

This is all interesting stuff, but I think my remarks are new.

If somebody will give me an advice about my criticisms, I'm intersted.

Thanks beforehand.


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Postby Carto's Cutlass Supreme » 1 decade 8 years ago (Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:48 pm)

This is all interesting stuff, but I think my remarks are new.

If somebody will give me an advice about my criticisms, I'm intersted.

No offense, but because you didn't use any sources, I didn't take much stock in what you said. There should have been a bunch of numbers thoughout, that led to sources on the bottom.

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Postby Reviso » 1 decade 8 years ago (Sun Feb 13, 2005 2:20 pm)

Carto's Cutlass Supreme wrote:No offense, but because you didn't use any sources, I didn't take much stock in what you said. There should have been a bunch of numbers thoughout, that led to sources on the bottom.

No offense, but I don't understand you.

I have quoted the study of Faurisson and given precise references to editions of the Diary. I'm long ago interested in the Diary of Anne Frank, I've searched Internet and I think my remarks about the samples (1° to 3°) are new.
Now, I'm no specialist and I can be wrong, so I ask an advice, but I ask it of nobody in particular. Did you already read these remarks elsewhere ?

Everyone can answer : "Study the question". Are we here to say or to hear this ?


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Postby Carto's Cutlass Supreme » 1 decade 8 years ago (Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:37 pm)

Hi Reviso,
You might be putting something out original here, and I applaud your for researching this, but I think you have to present it right. Here's what I mean:

After criticisms were made by unbelievers about unlikelinesses and contradictions in the Diary of Anne Frank, the official truth became : yes, Anne Frank's purpose was to write a novel, the Diary isn't wholly veridical, but it's authentic.

"veridical" isn't a word that I know. Who officially said it was her purpose to write a novel? Because that's a very big assertion that should be backed up by a source. Maybe not a footnote, but something like "the official version according to the blah blah blah in their report titled blah blah blah (p. 71) was that Anne Frank intended to write a novel."

The explanation of the differences between the versions published in various languages is that Anne Frank herself wrote two different versions;"

You read this explanation somewhere. Where?

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Postby Reviso » 1 decade 8 years ago (Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:59 pm)

Hi Carto.

I understand now.

I'm frenchspeaking, I've looked in a French-English dictionary for the translation of "véridique" and I found "veridical".
In French, "authentique" = which comes well from the alleged author;
"véridique" = which says the truth.

For the two facts you find astonishing, perhaps I expressed me on a too caricatural (excuse me if this word doesn't exist) way, but I think it isn't so far from the official thesis. (For the two different versions from the hand of Anne Frank, there is surely somebody here who can confirm it. For the purpose to write a novel, it's perhaps less known, and perhaps a little less official.)

Now, it is late, I promise I will seek the sources tomorrow.


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Postby Carto's Cutlass Supreme » 1 decade 8 years ago (Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:32 pm)

Hi Reviso,

You're lucky you can read Faurisson in his native language. And you're doing better at English than I can do in French.


too caricatural=too casual.
What would be great, is if you could buy a video camera, and make a little short movie about it, and show the original manuscript, show the ball point pen additions. Show the different versions. It would lend itself well to video. In fact, you could go to the Anne Frank house and film some of the odd things that Faurisson noticed when he visited

translation/je esserai å transduire

Ca serai tres bien si vous pouviez un video camera et faire un video au sujet de les choses que tu ecris ici, et montrer le manuscript originale et le stylo qui on appeler "ball point" que n' existe pas a cette fois. Un peut fotographe les versions differente. Le genre de video marche bien je pense. Vous pouriez visiter the appartement du Anne Frank and videotape des drole sujets que Faurisson a ecrie quand il a visité

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Postby Reviso » 1 decade 8 years ago (Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:17 am)

Hi Carto.

It's friendly to translate your post in French, but I'm in the habit of reading English, writing it is more difficult.

The reason why I had not understood your penultimate post is not linguistic : I thought this official truth was so well known that nobody would ask sources about it.

Now a reference concerning the two versions from the hand of Anne Frank and her purpose to write a novel. I find it in the French "scientific" edition of "Les journaux d'Anne Frank" (note the plural), 1989, p. 76.
This edition was given by the wholly official Dutch Institute "RIOD" (Rijksinstituut voor oorlogsdocumentatie"), now NIOD.

I don't have the English edition, I quote the French text, so I will not be suspected of misinterpretation.

"Et elle poursuit : 'Pense comme ce serait intéressant si je publiais un roman sur l'Annexe, rien qu'au titre, les gens iraient s'imaginer qu'il s'agit d'un roman policier.' [Diary, 29 March 1944, p. 616.]
Le 11 mai 1944, elle confie à son journal :
' (...) Après la guerre, je veux en tout cas publier un livre intitulé "l'Annexe", je ne sais pas si j'y arriverai, mais mon journal pourra servir. ' [Diary, 11 May 1944, p. 683.]
Puis 'au bout de longues tergiversations', elle écrit le 20 mai qu'elle a commencé Het Achterhuis [ = L'Annexe] , ' dans ma tête j'ai déjà terminé, mais en réalité les choses iront beaucoup moins vite, si tant est que je termine jamais'. [Diary, 20 May 1944, p. 689.]
Elle réécrivit ses premiers journaux sur des feuilles de papier pelure, les 'Feuilles volantes'. Ainsi prit forme une seconde version de sa main. Elle opéra un tri, recomposa, réunit parfois sous la même entrée des lettres de dates différentes, développa et abrégea."

I try to translate :

" And she goes on :
' Think how interesting if I published a novel about the Outbuilding [literally : back extension]; looking at the title, people would think it's a detective novel.' [Diary, 29 March 1944, p. 616.]
On 11 May 1944, she tells to her diary :
' (...) after the war, in any case, I will publish a book entitled "The Outbuilding", I don't know whether I'll succeed, but my diary can help.' [Diary, 11 May 1944, p. 683]

Then 'after long tergiversations', she writes on 20 May that she has begun Het Achterhuis (The Outbuilding), ' in my head it's already finished, but in reality it will go far less quickly, if I ever finish '. [Diary, 20 May 1944, p. 689.]

She rewrited her first diaries on sheets of skin paper [? "papier pelure"], the so-called 'loose sheets'. So a new version from her hand took shape. She sorted, recomposed, joined sometimes letters of different dates under the same entry, expanded and shortened."

Sincerely, I thought the new official truth is so picturesque and refreshing
that every revisionist knew it.

Last edited by Reviso on Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Free Minded » 1 decade 8 years ago (Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:17 am)

Hey you guys, keep this up.

I find it fascinating and is opening up a whole new view of Ann Frank and her diary. Well done to you both. Love to see guys from different places etc getting it together.

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Postby Reviso » 1 decade 8 years ago (Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:05 pm)

Free Minded wrote:Hey you guys, keep this up.

I find it fascinating and is opening up a whole new view of Ann Frank and her diary. Well done to you both. Love to see guys from different places etc getting it together.

Thank you for this advice.

I would be glad if my hypothesis was studied by a specialist. I'm no, alas !


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Postby Oscar » 1 decade 8 years ago (Mon Feb 21, 2005 3:12 pm)

An interesting book that mention Anne Frank and her Father diary is the Swedish Ingemar Carlsson På lögnens väg Historiska bedrägerier och documentförfalskningar (About lies in documents). What I find interesting is that the writer is not connected with revisionism and the book is available in the public libraries.

After stating that part of it was written ball pen invented -51 and was in two versions the Dutch institution for historical documents has stated that all was written by Anne Frank.

Of cause the writer has to state that it is not a fraud. But as I think it is even better that he have to states that because it gives such a clear view how society works in these matters and also gives unbelievers a healthful doubt about modern history.

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Postby Barrington James » 1 decade 8 years ago (Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:19 pm)

Is there any teacher in the Englsih speaking world who thinks that a 13 year child could have written the book Ann Frank? If so, she probably believes Dorothy wrote the Wizard of OZ. The dialague, for example, is obviously the work of a professional writer and a good one at that. It seems the ghost writer was Myer Levine: google for more details. However does it really matter if the little girl wrote the book all by herself or had help. Do we really care that Uncle Tom's cabins wasn't written by Tom himself or that Huck Finn didn't write his book either. Who Cares? They are great books. Besides I liked her book. I liked her message. I wonder what she would think of the world she left behind?
You can fool too many of the people most of the time.

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Postby Carto's Cutlass Supreme » 1 decade 8 years ago (Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:21 pm)

Besides I liked her book. I liked her message.

What's more important: That you enjoy reading her book; or that 11 year olds are forced all over America and Europe (and the world) to read this fraudulent work to promote the lie called the holocaust? So that they grow up in a false weltaunschauung (worldview.)

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