John Demjanjuk to be deported and tried *again*

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John Demjanjuk to be deported and tried *again*

Postby simon1003 » 1 decade 4 years ago (Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:55 am)

65 years on, 'Ivan the Terrible' John Demjanjuk faces trial in Germany

Roger Boyes in Berlin

A former SS trooper accused of being a concentration camp guard known as “Ivan the Terrible” may finally face justice as Germany prepares to stage what would probably be its last Nazi war crimes trial.

State prosecutors say that they can finally conduct the trial of John Demjanjuk, 88, who was for decades one of the world’s most wanted war crime suspects. “There is sufficient evidence from our point of view,” Kurt Schrimm, head of the Ludwigsburg Central Office for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes, said. A dossier has been handed to the state prosecutor in Munich, where Mr Demjanjuk had his last known address in Germany, who can then recommend his extradition from the United States.

For years the Ukrainian-born Mr Demjanjuk has existed in legal limbo. He lives in Cleveland, Ohio, but when his alleged role as a death camp guard emerged he was stripped of his American citizenship.

However, neither Ukraine nor Poland – the country where his alleged crimes took place – will accept or try him, and he cannot be extradited to a country that does not want him. As a result he has been classified as a stateless alien, unable to claim social security.

Mr Demjanjuk has been on trial once before, in Israel in 1988, when five witnesses identified him as the notoriously sadistic Treblinka guard known as Ivan the Terrible. They testified that he had sliced off the breasts of women inmates with his bayonet and that he once ordered a prisoner to rape a 12-year-old girl.

Mr Demjanjuk was sentenced to death but fresh evidence emerged that shed some doubt on whether he and Ivan the Terrible were really the same man, and the verdict was overturned by Israel’s Supreme Court in 1993. Embarrassed, Israel let the man return to the United States, emphasising that freeing him did not amount to an acquittal.

Prosecutors will now try to prove that Mr Demjanjuk served in Sobibor, in Nazi-occupied southeastern Poland, from the end of March to mid-September 1943. As many as 200,000 were killed in the extermination camp.

“The Americans are strongly interested in getting rid of Demjanjuk,” Dr Schrimm said. “This is a great chance for us to call Demjanjuk to book and make him face up to the responsibility for his crimes.”

Dr Schrimm’s research alleges that 29,000 Jews, many of them women and children, were killed during Mr Demjanjuk’s tour of duty. Crucial to the latest case is that 1,900 of them were German Jews: German law allows the prosecution of those accused of killing German citizens, even if the crime was committed elsewhere.

“It is now possible to give the precise names and birthdates of the victims,” Dr Schrimm added. The oldest victim during Mr Demjanjuk’s alleged stint in Sobibor was a 99-year-old Dutch Jew; the youngest were babies born on the deportation trains who were gassed soon after arrival.

Mr Demjanjuk denies involvement in war crimes, saying that he served in the Soviet Army and became a prisoner of war when he was captured by Germany in 1942.

The fundamental problem in mounting new Nazi trials has been the passage of time: defendants can argue that they are not physically or mentally fit to stand trial, and the testimony of witnesses, blurred by age and emotion, can be called into question.

The youngest suspects are more than 80 years old, and these days Nazi hunters are thin on the ground. The Simon Wiesenthal Centre in Jerusalem operates on a shoestring budget; the Ludwigsburg Centre has a staff of 19, compared with 130 two decades ago.

On top of the list of the most wanted Nazi war criminals is Dr Aribert Heim, a camp doctor in Mauthausen, who has been pursued doggedly by the Simon Wiesenthal Centre. Nicknamed “Doctor Death” the 94-year-old has yet to be captured – he may not even be alive – and it is unlikely that he will ever be put in the dock.

The most recent big Nazi trial in Germany was in 1992, when the SS officer Josef Schwammberger was jailed for life for murder and being an accomplice to murder in 650 cases. He died in prison in 2004.

If the Demjanjuk trial takes place it will be an important landmark for Germany, a final historical reckoning in the courtroom.

Tracking down Nazis

— Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal died in 2005 aged 96. He tracked down Adolf Eichmann – the architect of Hitler's “final solution” – and saw him hanged in 1961

— Elliot Welles directed the B'nai B'rith AntiDefamation League's Nazi war criminals task force for two decades before his death in 2006

— Dr Efraim Zuroff, a New Yorker of Jewish descent, now runs the Wiesenthal Centre in Jerusalem. Its reward for information has grown from $10,000 to $25,000

— Serge and Beate Klarsfeld pursued Klaus Barbie, the “Butcher of Lyons”. They found him in 1972, but it took ten years for Bolivia to extradite him to France. He was sentenced to life imprisonment and died in 1991 of leukaemia

So first they tried him for being at Treblinka, which wasn't proven. Now though they're claiming that he was a guard at Sobibor! Why the change of camps?

It reeks of a desparate frame-up.

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Postby KostasL » 1 decade 4 years ago (Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:04 am)

simon1003 wrote:The fundamental problem in mounting new Nazi trials has been the passage of time: defendants can argue that they are not physically or mentally fit to stand trial, and the testimony of witnesses, blurred by age and emotion, can be called into question.

The testimony of witnesses can be called into question...Yes, this is a's been always a problem! 8)

simon1003 wrote:The youngest suspects are more than 80 years old, and these days Nazi hunters are thin on the ground. The Simon Wiesenthal Centre in Jerusalem operates on a shoestring budget; the Ludwigsburg Centre has a staff of 19, compared with 130 two decades ago.

The poor Nazi hunters might found themselves unemployed.

But it is too early for such a thing...A man can live for more than 130 years...amazing yes but not impossible. So, there is still much work to be done in the next 50 years hunting these fugitives from justice and death. :lol:

I propose these Nazi-hunter individuals and organizations be given more money and personnel so that they continue effectively their positive work.

The whole world must be alerted as long as there is a possibility that one elderly Nazi scum is in some hospital or a pensioner house, planning the second holocaust.
When you realize that the Holocaust is a LIE, then all of a sudden, ALL your questions, ALL bizarre and strange things, disappear, and ALL things make sense, at last.

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Postby Friedrich Paul Berg » 1 decade 4 years ago (Tue Nov 11, 2008 11:23 am)

As recently as May of 1999, the U S government was still claiming that the 200,000 alleged victims at Sobibor were murdered with diesel exhaust. It will be interesting for me to see whether they continue to make such impossible claims in further proceedings.

So far in all of the Israeli and US proceedings, there has never been any attempt to my knowledge to show that mass murder with diesel exhaust is at all plausible or possible. Part of the problem is that the defense teams, and there have been many over the years, never want to challenge even for an instant the basic allegation that mass murder with diesels occurred. They merely want to show that the defendant was not there. No doubt, if Demjanjuk could be painted as a "holocaust denier," his predicament would be worse--and so, the diesel hoax persists in the courts without any challenge at all.

Friedrich Paul Berg
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The Holocaust story is a hoax because 1) no one was killed by the Nazis in gas chambers, 2) the total number of Jews who died in Nazi captivity is miniscule compared to what is alleged.

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Postby PatrickSMcNally » 1 decade 4 years ago (Sat Nov 15, 2008 6:11 pm)

simon1003 wrote:— Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal died in 2005 aged 96. He tracked down Adolf Eichmann

This much is sufficiently ridiculous that even the orthodox view rejects it. Eli Rosenbaum, BETRAYAL, is devoted to claiming that Kurt Waldheim was a war criminal who was allowed escape. But he has some worthwhile observations about Wiesenthal. He pretty openly brands Wiesenthal as a swindler who raised money by making up fake stories of investigations which he was hot on the trail of. There's no indication that Wiesenthal had anything much to do with the locating of Eichmann

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Postby Laurentz Dahl » 1 decade 4 years ago (Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:06 pm)

The efforts to extradite Demjanjuk to Germany seems to be revving up:

BERLIN (AP) - German prosecutors said Wednesday they have charged retired Ohio auto worker John Demjanjuk with more than 29,000 counts of accessory to murder for his time as a guard at the Nazis' Sobibor death camp, and will seek his extradition from the U.S.

Demjanjuk is accused of participating in the murders while he was a guard at the Nazi camp in occupied Poland between March and September 1943.

"In this capacity, he participated in the accessory to murder of at least 29,000 people of the Jewish faith," Munich prosecutors said in a statement.

The 88-year-old Demjanjuk, who lives in a Cleveland suburb, denies involvement. His son, John Demjanjuk Jr., said Wednesday he would return a call later with comment. A family spokesman, former Demjanjuk son-in-law Ed Nishnic, did not immediately return a call seeking comment.

Efraim Zuroff, the top Nazi hunter at Israel's Simon Wiesenthal Center, said he was "very pleased that the German authorities have taken this step."

"We hope that the process can be expedited to ensure that this Holocaust perpetrator will finally be appropriately punished," Zuroff told the AP in a telephone interview from Jerusalem. "We're on our way to a victory for justice today."

A native of Ukraine, Demjanjuk emigrated to the U.S. in 1952 and gained citizenship in 1958.

In denying involvement in war crimes, he has said he served in the Soviet army and became a prisoner of war when he was captured by Germany in 1942.

Demjanjuk was extradited to Israel in 1986, when the U.S. Justice Department believed he was the sadistic Nazi guard known as Ivan the Terrible from the Treblinka death camp.

He spent seven years in custody before the Israeli high court freed him after receiving evidence that another Ukrainian was that Nazi guard.

Demjanjuk's U.S. citizenship was restored in 1998, but the U.S. Justice Department renewed its case, saying he was another Nazi guard and could be deported for falsifying information on his entry and citizenship applications in the 1950s.

A December 2005 U.S. court ruling determined that he could be deported to his native Ukraine or to Germany or Poland, but Demjanjuk spent several years challenging that ruling.

Last year, the U.S. Supreme Court chose not to consider Demjanjuk's appeal against deportation, clearing the way for the Justice Department's Office of Special Investigations, which oversees cases against former Nazis, to seek his removal from the United States.

But it was unclear which country would take him—his native Ukraine, Poland or Germany.

Now, the Munich prosecutor's office, which is handling the case because Demjanjuk spent time at a refugee camp in the area after the war, said it was working on the extradition request with the German government.

Munich prosecutors credited help from the U.S. Office of Special investigations in clarifying the validity of Nazi-era identity papers in enabling them to file charges against Demjanjuk.

They said Demjanjuk will be formally charged before a judge once he is extradited to Germany. ... _article=1

So if they have "29,000 counts of accessory to murder", then this of course means that they have the names of the killed, their dates of death, cause of deaths and solid forensic data on the murder weapon(s) and physical remains ready to submit to the fair and just court, right? :o ? Naaa...... :roll:

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Postby Friedrich Paul Berg » 1 decade 4 years ago (Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:35 pm)

A major part of the defense's problem is that they will NOT challenge the basic outlines of the prosecution case.

They will NOT challenge the prosecution's flimsy to totally baseless claim that 29,000 Jews were murdered at Sobibor. They will NOT challenge the prosecution's insane theory that diesel exhaust was used as a source of carbon monoxide to kill the victims. Or, that Sobibor was any kind of extermination camp. Heavens to Betsy, if they did that they might be accused of being holocaust deniers. So, the defense team will actually support the holocaust hoax except in so far as the claim that Demjanjuk was ever there.

In reality, Demjanjuk's defense team is probably walking into a trap which they are helping the prosecutors stack against him. All the prosecutors have to show is that Demjanjuk was there--and then he is doomed. The place was so horrible, supposedly, that anyone who was not himself one of the victims must have been a knowing accomplice.

Friedrich Paul Berg
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Nazi Gassings Never Happened! Niemand wurde vergast!
The Holocaust story is a hoax because 1) no one was killed by the Nazis in gas chambers, 2) the total number of Jews who died in Nazi captivity is miniscule compared to what is alleged.

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Postby jheitwler » 1 decade 4 years ago (Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:19 pm)

“It is now possible to give the precise names and birthdates of the victims,” Dr Schrimm added.

How about the precise date and cause of death? Can you tell us that Dr. Schrimm?
"First of all there is the fact that if we assume the Holocaust to have happened more or less as told, all the evidence becomes intelligible, while if we assume it was a hoax, most of the evidence does not make any sense." - Robert Jan Van Pelt

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Postby Petschau » 1 decade 4 years ago (Sat Mar 14, 2009 6:04 pm)

Friedrich Paul Berg wrote:A major part of the defense's problem is that they will NOT challenge the basic outlines of the prosecution case.

They will NOT challenge the prosecution's flimsy to totally baseless claim that 29,000 Jews were murdered at Sobibor. They will NOT challenge the prosecution's insane theory that diesel exhaust was used as a source of carbon monoxide to kill the victims. Or, that Sobibor was any kind of extermination camp. Heavens to Betsy, if they did that they might be accused of being holocaust deniers. So, the defense team will actually support the holocaust hoax except in so far as the claim that Demjanjuk was ever there.

In reality, Demjanjuk's defense team is probably walking into a trap which they are helping the prosecutors stack against him. All the prosecutors have to show is that Demjanjuk was there--and then he is doomed. The place was so horrible, supposedly, that anyone who was not himself one of the victims must have been a knowing accomplice.

Friedrich Paul Berg
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Nazi Gassings Never Happened! Niemand wurde vergast!

Exactly the same tact used at Nuremberg
The Defendants could not deny any of the events, on;y their personal involvement.
This smells of "Judicial Notice" to me, which will set the stage for any future trials..

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Postby MrNobody » 1 decade 4 years ago (Sat Apr 04, 2009 9:24 am)

It's about blind Justice & blind Revenge, at any cost, even innocence.

Note that the Self Hating Germans must convict this man even though the Israeli Supreme Court overturned a previous conviction in the light of new evidence.
sheesh you'd think if the evidence was good enough for the Israeli Supreme Court, it'd be good enough for everyone, not so for the Germans who must take the French option & Retreat Forward.

'Nazi guard' deportation blocked

A US judge has blocked an order to deport an alleged Nazi concentration camp guard, two days before he was due to be extradited to Germany.

John Demjanjuk, 89, is accused of involvement in the deaths of 29,000 Jews at a camp in Nazi-occupied Poland.

He denies any involvement and has asked for asylum in the US, arguing that deportation would constitute torture.

An immigration judge said the block would stay until a decision had been reached on whether to re-open his case.

Lawyers for Mr Demjanjuk say his health is far too poor for him to make the journey.

In March, Germany issued an arrest warrant for the Ukraine national over the deaths of thousands of Jews at the Sobibor camp during World War II.

But Mr Demjanjuk, who migrated to the US in 1952, says he was a prisoner of war of the Nazis rather than a prison guard.

In 1986, he was extradited to Israel and sentenced to death for war crimes, after being identified by witnesses as "Ivan the Terrible" - a notorious prison guard at the Treblinka camp.

But the Israeli Supreme Court overturned his conviction, when new evidence emerged suggesting he was not the same guard.

He returned to the US but was accused of lying on his immigration application about working for the Nazis.

In 2002, a US immigration judge ruled that there was enough evidence to prove Mr Demjanjuk had been a guard at several Nazi death camps and stripped him of his citizenship.

German authorities now say they have new evidence linking him to the crimes of which he has been accused.
Wir brauchen eine Bewegung, die Deutschland endlich aus der Kontrolle der Kräfte von Versailles und Jalta befreit, die uns schon ein ganzes Jahrhundert lang von einer Kastastrophe in die andere stürzt.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche.

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Postby Turpitz » 1 decade 4 years ago (Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:43 am)

It's about blind Justice & blind Revenge, at any cost, even innocence.

It's about a gang of self righteous socialists scum trying to keep 'nazis' in the public eye, and reassure everyone that they are protecting your well-being.

Notice how this never occurs with any communist war criminals? This is because the trash that chase these people around whilst starting the war in the ME are also Communist war criminals as well.

Quickly, quickly start shouting 'Neo-Con' and try and divert attention away from our left-wing agenda.

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Postby Inquisitive » 1 decade 4 years ago (Wed Apr 15, 2009 7:01 pm)

Federal court halts Demjanjuk deportation:

CLEVELAND -- A plane was waiting nearby to fly alleged Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk to Germany to face an arrest warrant and a possible war crimes trial.

But the frail 89-year-old retired auto worker won a late reprieve from an appeals court Tuesday, and with it, another chance to argue that his deportation would amount to torture, given his medical condition.

Six immigration officers carried Demjanjuk in a [/i]wheelchair[i] from his ranch home in suburban Seven Hills on Tuesday. Former son-in-law and family spokesman Ed Nishnic said Mr. Demjanjuk moaned in pain. His wife and family cried as they waved good-bye

But don't fret they ain't done yet.

The Nazi-hunting Simon Wiesenthal Center said it was undeterred.

"We remain confident that John Demjanjuk will be deported and finally face the bar of justice for the unspeakable crimes he committed during World War II, when he was a guard at the Sobibor death camp," said Rabbi Marvin Hier, Wiesenthal Center founder.

"The issue is holding him accountable, no matter what his age," she said.

Germany's image in the eyes of the international community would take a hit if Mr. Demjanjuk is acquitted, she said

Wasn't the same person? Doesn't matter. Wasn't the same camp? piffle
Hounded till you die. Nice picture of Mr. Demjanjuk being taken out by his tormentors in the article.
I wonder what's behind the stay. Any guesses?

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Postby Roscov » 1 decade 4 years ago (Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:32 am)

This article appeared in The Times yesterday, and I accessed it from a link on the '' website. ... 094255.ece

Since yesterday, I have typed three responses on the 'have your say' open forum; two of which directly asked whether there was evidence of 29000 bodies, given that every other mass murder prosecution has the benefit of such, and the third explaining that the 'Ivan the Terrible' tag was a case of mistaken identity at Treblinka, and that the only (?) remaining survivor of Sobibor has stated that Demjanjuk was not there.

Strange that not one of my common sense posts have appeared amongst the myriad of foaming at the mouth responses calling for his torture and death.
Oh for free speech in England, isn't life grand? :?

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Postby Turpitz » 1 decade 4 years ago (Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:14 am)

Strange that not one of my common sense posts have appeared amongst the myriad of foaming at the mouth responses calling for his torture and death.
Oh for free speech in England, isn't life grand?

Ye olde Journaille, whipping up a frenzy again. Notice how the same atmosphere isn't generated when all these mass graves of Germans are being found. It doesn't take much to realise their political persuasion.

It is unbelievable that there can be so much venom generated over a load of bullshit, yet at the same time they are totally content about lying their way into Iraq and butchering over a million people, whilst laying waste to the whole country.

Not a squeak about shitty little Israel remorselessly eradicating Palestine either.

These are the true haters, no-one even compares to them.
Last edited by Turpitz on Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Halo » 1 decade 4 years ago (Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:51 am)

I quote a reader´s comment from Hal Turner´s blog:
Blogger carl said...

this says it all:
Today's STAY OF DEPORTATION, by the sixth circuit Court of Appeals has briefly halted the insane act of shipping a 90 year old American citizen for the second time to face a death sentence for crimes supposedly committed 60 years ago, but about which there is much doubt as to the witnesses and the evidence on which to convict him.

An immigration judge in Virginia appeared to be bringing a sense of sanity and common sense to the so called NAZI HUNT,that has centered on 90 year old American citizen John Demjanjuk for 30 years, last Friday, when he issued a stay, stopping the questionable idea of deporting a frail, sickly 90 year old man for a second time to a foreign court.

Jewish pressure however forced the judge to recant the stay he had ordered of the deportation that was DEMANDED by Germany, because the cowered German state swears they have absolute Proof that Demjanjuk was a WW 2 prison guard that watched 29,000 jews get killed, YET THEY HAVE FAILED TO COME TO AMERICA TO PRESENT THAT PROOF, and they don't HAVE TO!

You see the Simon Weisenthal Center has declared Demjanjuk as its 2nd MOST WANTED MAN only behind SS Doctor Aribert Heim! Heim is referred to as Dr. Death by the jews, but he is considered dead! It stretches the bounds of credulity that the infamous nazi stalking Weisenthal center can compare Demjanjuk to Dr. Death. However, maybe now one can see why such pressure has been brought to bear to GET DEMJANJUK,and by WHOM.

You see, time is erasing the earth of the Holocaust boogey men the jews have used to build a billion dollar 'holy-cost' industry. In short, the evil doers of WW 2 are all dying. Quickly! So, the jews must grab onto whomever they can! Its just good business!

The Weisenthal Center is at this very moment in Spain building another case against Demjanjuk, this time having found Spanish survivors who say Demjanjuk was at a DIFFERENT PRISON CAMP KILLING SPANIARDS! The problem is that at the exact same time, Germany claims Demjanjuk was supposed to be escorting jews to be shot, he was ALSO supposedly the horrific jew killer IVAN THE TERRIBLE, gassing jews at another prison camp. Therein lies the rub!

The pattern is clear, they targeted Demjanjuk, and persecuted him. They even used forged documents as shown below. Then, even when it is shown that the entire case is a fraud, they simply morph the target into another, more heinous monster.

We ask,shouldn't Germany be required to come to the U.S. and present their EVIDENCE,in front of a judge and jury of Americans before this U.S. Citizen is ordered hauled across the world...AGAIN for the SECOND TIME?This time the only evidence against Demjanjuk are special witnesses who say they saw him at Sorbidor hitting prisoners. Mind you, the witnesses,were brought not by the Germans, but by the exact same liars who swore that Demjanjuk was also IVAN THE TERRIBLE! In other words, as soon as the Israeli Supreme Court freed him and found him innocent of killing jews as Ivan the Terrible, and Demjanjuk's plane returned to American soil and his citizenship restored, the same lying faction that had just used forged documents to have him deported in the first place, magically realized that they had been mistaken all along. Now, after the Israeli Supreme Court chastised them and openly condemned their practices, the Nazi hunters confessed, Demjanjuk wasn't Ivan the Terrible,after all! No, Demjanjuk is actually a prison guard who assisted jews to their executioners. In fact they now say, he assisted 29,000 jews to their deaths!The question is this, how can the nazi hunters now say they know for sure demjanjuk was at Sobidor because they were positive he was Ivan the Terrible? THEY CAN'T!

We have experienced all of this before. This is the second time the jewish Nazi Hunters (that American Citizens pay for) have sworn under oath before an American Immigration Judge that John Demjanjuk is a murderous Nazi, and he should be stripped of his citizenship and sent to a foreign nation to be tried, convicted and HANGED! The last time the all jewish nazi hunters were proven to be absolute LIARS! HOWEVER, THEY WERE NEVER TRIED FOR THEIR LIES AND ATTEMPTED MURDER OF AN INNOCENT AMERICAN. NOW, THEY ARE BACK! PLAYING THE SAME TUNE BUT WITH A DIFFERENT VERSE!

In Israel, 300 witnesses IDENTIFIED Demjanjuk as IVAN THE TERRIBLE! they all cried, they wept, they howled, but the truth came out! They had all LIED!

The jews in the U.S. State Department's BUREAU OF NAZI HUNTERS, or the OFFICE OF SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS, have had their eye on Demjanjuk for 30 years. They just don't have any proof. The truth is that the nazi hunters that you and I pay for with our tax dollars in this recession have already had their day in court with Demjanjuk.

This poor, old man was dragged by americans all the way to Israel, the home of the jews, and he was forced to stand trial for killing jews! The result? HE WAS ACQUITTED! The Jew supreme Court ruled he was not IVAN THE TERRIBLE! HE HAD BEEN FRAMED USING FORGED DOCUMENTS!

Mr. Demjanjuk then returned to America to live his life in peace. BUT NO! The whinning jews weren't finished with Demjanjuk. Instead of apologizing and moving on to stalk another witch,err, nazi, the so called Nazi hunters in Washington, D.C., then concocted another scenario. Demjanjuk wasn't Ivan the Terrible, so he had to be another jew killer. Talk about Chutzpah!

Now, the jew fearing Germans have determined Demjanjuk must have either watched 29,000 jews being killed in Germany, 60 years ago or he maybe walked them, to their deaths!

Without producing a single piece of evidence the Germans have demanded and the U.S. has agreed to once again haul an american citizen across the world to face the same Nazi Hunters who have REPEATEDLY lied about DEMJANJUK already! WE SAY OUY VEY! ENOUGH ALREADY!

It is time the jewish lust for blood comes to an end. For 60 years the crying jews have terrorized white civlized nations into becoming their special NAZI HUNTING,sycophants.

The jews have pressured and harassed law makers in every nation to hunt down any trace of a NAZI!

This jewish bipolar disorder has transformed level headed nations into a state of paranoia that has resulted in the passing of laws in Europe and Canada that if one even doubts,or they refuse to believe in their minds that the Holocaust ever happened, then they face five years in prison.

Today, in Europe, at least a dozen, including several Americans, people sit in jail just for expressing that they don't accept the Holocaust theory.
WW 2 is over! 50 to 70 million lives were lost. The jews say 6 million jews were killed. If that number is true, it makes the jews one of the smallest groups of casulties in the war. That number pales into comparison by the 23 million Russians killed or the 20 million Chinese killed by the Japanese.

Today, we cannot even investigate to determine the true number of jews killed in WW 2 because jewish pressure has made it a crime in Europe and Canada to even ASK HOW MANY JEWS WERE KILLED!

What the jews never say in all of their whinning is how much the entire world suffered in WW 2. They never mention the 400,000 lives of Americans lost in the war or in the Pacific theatre, where young american boys were force fed into the massacre machine on japanese held islands.


The further harassment of John Demjanjuk is TORTURE, plain and simple. It must stop! It is time for Americans to stand up and say we are finished with being the servants of jewish blood lust. It is time to close down the OFFICE OF SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS, once and for all. It is time to bury the dead of WW 2 and move on to work to prevent another tragedy of like proportions.

Please write, call, e-mail or fax your congressman today and demand an end to the unjust persecution of John Demjanjuk and an end to the BUREAU OF NAZI HUNTING in America!

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Postby Roscov » 1 decade 4 years ago (Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:01 am)

Roscov wrote:This article appeared in The Times yesterday, and I accessed it from a link on the '' website. ... 094255.ece

Since yesterday, I have typed three responses on the 'have your say' open forum; two of which directly asked whether there was evidence of 29000 bodies, given that every other mass murder prosecution has the benefit of such, and the third explaining that the 'Ivan the Terrible' tag was a case of mistaken identity at Treblinka, and that the only (?) remaining survivor of Sobibor has stated that Demjanjuk was not there.

Strange that not one of my common sense posts have appeared amongst the myriad of foaming at the mouth responses calling for his torture and death.
Oh for free speech in England, isn't life grand? :?

Oh my...I stand corrected! - in fact the ONLY addition thus far from yesterday, is one out of the three which I sent questioning the physical evidence of the 29000 bodies.
Go me LOL :lol:
Perhaps someone reads this board...hmm, I shall expect a cartload of hatemail directly :lol:

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