Korherr Report

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Korherr Report

Postby Vampirebat » 10 months 1 week ago (Sat Jul 30, 2022 8:08 pm)

The Korherr Report states that about 1.5 million Jews were transported to the Russian East through the Aktion Reinhardt Camps. Reitlinger states the the Polish Home Army AK reported at the time they went to Pinsk (White Russia) and Kriveg Rog (Ukraine). We have an entry in Hitler’s War by Irving that Alfred Rosenberg have a speech that Jews had have an area allotted to them in White Russian. Irving also states: Hitler’s remarks, noted by Bormann's adjutant, Heinrich Heim, late on October 25, 1941.... "From the rostrum of the Reichstag I prophesied to Jewry that if war could not be avoided the Jews will disappear from Europe. That race of criminals already had on its conscience the two million dead of the Great War, and now it has hundreds of thousands more. Let nobody tell me that despite that we cannot park them in the marshy parts of Russia! Our troops are there as well, and who worries about them! By the way - it's not a bad thing that public rumor attributes to us a plan to exterminate the Jews. Terror is a salutary thing".

Hitler's War by David Irving (1977), page 331. look up Pinsk in Wikipedia and it is known as the Marsh of Pinsk. It is then clear that far from Jews ending up as corpses in Aktion Reinhard camps that they went to White Russia. We also have transport lists from the White Russian archives that 70,000 Jews were transported to the East later, mainly going direct to places in White Russia. It is clear then that the number of Jews in the ex USSR is far greater. As far as I know no mass grave attributed to the SS Einsatzgruppen, has ever been opened or even excavated. The Reds would have certainly done this if they could, the Blobel affidavit says that the destruction of the “evidence” was only partially done. All we have is reprisals like KHatyn where about 170 Jews were killed - this suspected to be a diversion from Katyn.
This means that least the Jewish population of the ex USSR is about 2 or 3 million more than admitted. Could this be reflected in the “uSSR” blindness towards Stalin’s crimes and the vicious attack on the Ukraine?

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Re: Korherr Report

Postby chaos » 10 months 1 week ago (Mon Aug 01, 2022 7:04 am)

Didn't Korherr years later refute his own report?


Re: Korherr Report

Postby Otium » 10 months 1 week ago (Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:55 pm)

Can you provide these transport lists?

See the book 'Richard Korherr and His Reports' by Stephen Challen.

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Re: Korherr Report

Postby Hektor » 10 months 1 week ago (Tue Aug 02, 2022 3:31 am)

Vampirebat wrote:T....

....As far as I know no mass grave attributed to the SS Einsatzgruppen, has ever been opened or even excavated. The Reds would have certainly done this if they could, the Blobel affidavit says that the destruction of the “evidence” was only partially done....

The statement extracted from Blobel was apparently enough to make people believe that there isn't any evidence. Nice cover story for later excuses not to investigate. Bear in mind the status that story got. Yet, while millions of Jews were supposedly not returning home, they didn't want to find out what happened to them? So didn't bother to investigate mass graves as to see whose remains were in them?

The best explanation for this behavior is that they know fairly well that the story is a myth... And that it wouldn't survive objective investigation and scrutiny... On the other hand... Meanwhile they can count on the Myth having disseminate through the population sufficiently. They could publicly admit and announce that it is a lie... People would still believe it since the Myth still works for a longer period at least until the Myth looses its power. But that's of course not to be expected, what they may do is, retreat to positions, while still using the icons to keep things going. Officious Historiography won't pick it up even... Those in the field got their post-grad degrees with "Holocaust" as a perhaps unstated, but thought terminating premise. So their power is save for now.

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