Caroline Sturdy Colls Smithsonian Special - Treblinka

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Caroline Sturdy Colls Smithsonian Special - Treblinka

Postby Scotsman » 9 years 2 months ago (Sun Mar 30, 2014 4:23 am) ... ation.html

The first-ever archaeological excavations at the Nazi death camp Treblinka have revealed new mass graves, as well as the first physical evidence that this camp held gas chambers, where thousands of Jews died.

Presented in a new documentary, "Treblinka: Hitler's Killing Machine," which will air Saturday (March 29) on the Smithsonian Channel, the excavations reveal that the Nazis weren't as adept at covering up their crimes as they believed when they razed the death camp in 1943. Brick walls and foundations from the gas chambers remain, as do massive amounts of human bone, including fragments now eroding out on the forested ground surface.

This is the same study that CODOH looked at before isn't it? Someone here more knowledgeable than I am on the subject I hope will check it out and debunk it.

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Re: Caroline Sturdy Colls Smithsonian Special - Treblinka

Postby SilenceIsALie2 » 9 years 2 months ago (Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:43 am)

Well I'm not an expert on Treblinka like some around here are and I'll wait for the film and the more expert analysis from those folks before coming to any conclusions but as far as I know there will be nothing new presented here except the tiles with the Star of David on them most likely(which have already been addressed here so they aren't "new" to us either).

Brick walls and foundations from the gas chambers remain

Unless I'm thinking of a different camp these foundations have been known about for a long time and mentioned in several revisionist documentaries and papers/books as the outlines of them are visible even from aerial photographs. The idea that these foundations are of 'gas chambers" is based purely on the preconceived belief that the camp was a killing center - unless the foundations of the structures match all the models and such they've put together over the years for where the "gas chambers" were supposed to be they are merely proof that a camp existed there once, which of course nobody denies.

They will likely try to use the tile remains found there to claim "gas chambers" though, but since Eric Hunt has provided numerous witnesses testifying to real showers, delousing and steam chambers and such there once again it will likely be the preconceived beliefs of the existence of "gas chambers" that will be the only actual "evidence" presented.

as do massive amounts of human bone, including fragments now eroding out on the forested ground surface.

The existence of human remains is not a question as every camp along the Eastern front surely would have seen death to at least some extent during the war chaos and disease epidemics and such - the issue is the amount of remains which thus far at any camp have not come close to the "Holocaust" claims, and we'll have to wait and see how "massive" the amount of remains they claim to have found really are,

The last part of the statement does however completely shatter the idea that the Germans tried hard to cover up the evidence at all though as if they were able to find remains on the "forested ground surface" that means the Germans didn't even really try to hide them at all - apparently they just left remains unburied and scattered in the woods while trying to "cover up" the crimes? ... :?

That statement also reeks of possible fakery/planted "evidence" as even under the non-homicidal premises it was standard procedure to at least bury the remains of the dead to some extent. Unless these are partisans or communist Red Army commissars/propagandists that were taken out to the woods and executed and simply left to rot, as I believe a few revisionist sources claim evidence for happening at many camps(not sure about Treblinka specifically though) but you would still think they would at least try to bury the remains if they thought what they were doing was a crime of some kind.

These documentaries and "investigations" are not meant for the revisionist crowd, they are meant to bolster the beliefs of those who already have no doubt that such crimes occurred and will simply be used by them to further dismiss and belittle revisionism and ignore the actual bulk of the revisionist case by saying "here's your physical evidence you've been asking for".

But that's just my 2 cents.

EDIT: My apologies as I do believe I was thinking of Belzec in regards to the visible foundation outlines from aerial photographs, though again foundations of a camp structure that nobody denies existed is not proof of mass-murder "gas-chambers".


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Re: Caroline Sturdy Colls Smithsonian Special - Treblinka

Postby Haldan » 9 years 2 months ago (Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:52 pm)

SilenceIsALie2 wrote:Well I'm not an expert on Treblinka like some around here are and I'll wait for the film and the more expert analysis from those folks before coming to any conclusions but as far as I know there will be nothing new presented here except the tiles with the Star of David on them most likely(which have already been addressed here so they aren't "new" to us either).

The Star of David was not something new, either. Not only that, it was not even a Star of David! I found this on the Internet by somebody who calls himself "Rollo the Ganger", he said:

rollo the ganger wrote:To anyone who has ever done tile work it is obvious what we are seeing it the bottom of the tile where it is laid into the "mud". The "bubbles" allow a space for the "mud" between the tile and the surface it is adhering to. The six pointed star is nothing more than the trademark stamp of whoever manufactured it. No one would have been able to see it when it was part of a floor. If it were the Star of David it would be a superimposition of two triangles at 180 degrees. If possible with the medium the two triangles would have been interwoven. This is not the case. The symbol is actually a Héraldique meuble Molette, a mullet of six points pierced: ... olette.svg (new window)

It was used as a symbol on European coat of arms for the most part.

What a DREADFUL blunder this documentary has made! Absolutely unprofessional and deceptive. If anyone doubts this "documentary" is deceitful here is absolute proof.

So the people which Ms. Sturdy hangs around with are either absolutely clueless or very deceptive.

<?php if ($Holocaust == false ) {deny_repeatedly(); } else { investigate(); } ?>
Homage to Catalin Haldan

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Re: Caroline Sturdy Colls Smithsonian Special - Treblinka

Postby hermod » 9 years 2 months ago (Sun Mar 30, 2014 4:55 pm)

Archaeologists Delicately Dig Up Nazi Death Camp Secrets at Treblinka

Archaeologists have unearthed unprecedented physical evidence documenting the extent of the killing at the Nazis' Treblinka death camp in Poland — and they let filmmakers document the finds as well.

The grisly results are revealed in "Treblinka: Hitler's Killing Machine," an hour-long show premiering Saturday on the Smithsonian Channel.

The first dig in decades


At three widely separated sites, the investigators dug down to find bones from previously unknown mass graves on the grounds of the labor camp.

Ghoulish Stars of David

At another site, the archaeologists found the first physical evidence of the brick bathhouse where hundreds of thousands were killed. They uncovered the building's foundation, as well as yellowish tiles that were stamped with six-pointed Stars of David.

That ghoulish touch, which matches witnesses' descriptions of the site, was part of the Nazis' plan to lull their Jewish prisoners into compliance before they were killed.

Sturdy Colls plans to return to the site this year for further investigation, with the aim of documenting Treblinka's history in an exhibit and a book. Following up on what she's found so far will take "at least another two years," she said.

She expects the study to counter the lingering claims of Holocaust-deniers — and show that, despite its best efforts, Nazi Germany couldn't erase the evidence of a monstrous human tragedy.

"They did a very good job of hiding it, but in actual fact, they didn't 'sterilize' this landscape," Sturdy Colls said. "They weren't that efficient." ... nka-n66241

The ghoulish touch which matches witnesses' descriptions? Really? Some 'witnesses' talked about tiles, but apparently none of them talked about that "ghoulish touch" (Caroline Sturdy Colls Treblinka TV documentary).
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
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Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Caroline Sturdy Colls Smithsonian Special - Treblinka

Postby cold beer » 9 years 2 months ago (Sun Mar 30, 2014 6:16 pm)

Wow, if they made tiles like that today you could just pop them off the floor and resell them, no adhesive on the back of those tiles at all. looks like they just came out of the box.
And they're just stuck into the dirt individually, no remnant or evidence of any kind of substructure at all.

Must be some kind of magic star of david thing.

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Re: Caroline Sturdy Colls Smithsonian Special - Treblinka

Postby cold beer » 9 years 2 months ago (Sun Mar 30, 2014 6:23 pm)

hermod wrote:The ghoulish touch which matches witnesses' descriptions? Really? Some 'witnesses' talked about tiles, but apparently none of them talked about that "ghoulish touch" (Caroline Sturdy Colls Treblinka TV documentary).

I don't know, some people would argue that what the star of david is being used to represent is ghoulish.

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Re: Caroline Sturdy Colls Smithsonian Special - Treblinka

Postby Nap » 9 years 2 months ago (Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:17 pm)

I hope they will found bones and mass graves.
That's more interesting than tiles.

And shouldn't these things be blue?

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Re: Caroline Sturdy Colls Smithsonian Special - Treblinka

Postby SilenceIsALie2 » 9 years 2 months ago (Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:00 pm)

Haldan wrote:
SilenceIsALie2 wrote:Well I'm not an expert on Treblinka like some around here are and I'll wait for the film and the more expert analysis from those folks before coming to any conclusions but as far as I know there will be nothing new presented here except the tiles with the Star of David on them most likely(which have already been addressed here so they aren't "new" to us either).

Not only that, it was not even a Star of David!


Yes, thank you for pointing this out. I should have said what they claim to be a Star of David as I noted myself that it wasn't a proper version of it but I didn't realize it was a relatively common European symbol.

cold beer wrote:Wow, if they made tiles like that today you could just pop them off the floor and resell them, no adhesive on the back of those tiles at all. looks like they just came out of the box.
And they're just stuck into the dirt individually, no remnant or evidence of any kind of substructure at all.

Must be some kind of magic star of david thing.

Very true, that was one of the first things I noticed when this issue first came up here. If that tile was ever actually laid/fastened to anything they must have used some very, very poor adhesive for it to have completely eroded away leaving no trace whatsoever after such a relatively short time... That is sarcasm by the way as the only way it could be so clean is if no adhesive had ever been applied - but perhaps they'll claim these were left-over/stock tiles that hadn't actually been used, which could also give them an excuse for why they are all by their lonesome poking out of the dirt.

Of course that brings us back around to how these tiles prove anything about a "gas-chamber" if they were never part of such a structure.

Another instance of them shooting themselves in the foot it seems.

Nap wrote:And shouldn't these things be blue?

In theory yes they should be if they were used in a "gas-chamber", though even if they could argue that is not the case at the very least they should be discolored and worn down from any kind of use and aging process - even if used on the walls of a shower or kitchen set-up or anything. Even is sitting in a stockroom/shed and then in the dirt with no usage at all they should be degraded at least somewhat.

Everything degrades over time, except things protected by Holocaust magic it seems. :roll:


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Re: Caroline Sturdy Colls Smithsonian Special - Treblinka

Postby hermod » 9 years 2 months ago (Mon Mar 31, 2014 5:27 am)

Nap wrote:And shouldn't these things be blue?

Why should those tiles be blue? The Treblinka 'gas chambers' supposedly killed with carbon monoxide (engine exhaust), not with hydrogen cyanide (Zyklon B). No reason to find Prussian blue (iron cyanide) there. Even in theory...
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
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Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Caroline Sturdy Colls Smithsonian Special - Treblinka

Postby Kingfisher » 9 years 2 months ago (Mon Mar 31, 2014 7:22 am)

cold beer wrote:Wow, if they made tiles like that today you could just pop them off the floor and resell them, no adhesive on the back of those tiles at all. looks like they just came out of the box.
And they're just stuck into the dirt individually, no remnant or evidence of any kind of substructure at all.

Must be some kind of magic star of david thing.

If they were simple buildings the tiles may have been laid directly in the ground, rather than on a concrete base. I recall some cottages being demolished in Yorkshire which had York stone paving directly on the soil inside the house. Wouldn't have been much use for a shower room.

I don't know, though. Maybe they did find a concrete floor. I'm just thinking aloud.

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Re: Caroline Sturdy Colls Smithsonian Special - Treblinka

Postby Kingfisher » 9 years 2 months ago (Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:08 am)

Duplicate post. Sorry.

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Re: Caroline Sturdy Colls Smithsonian Special - Treblinka

Postby SilenceIsALie2 » 9 years 2 months ago (Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:24 am)

hermod wrote:
Nap wrote:And shouldn't these things be blue?

Why should those tiles be blue? The Treblinka 'gas chambers' supposedly killed with carbon monoxide (engine exhaust), not with hydrogen cyanide (Zyklon B). No reason to find Prussian blue (iron cyanide) there. Even in theory...

Indeed, I jumped on Nap's comment without actually thinking that aspect through, though the rest of the statement remains - these tiles should be far more degraded if they were actually buried in the wet soil of Eastern Europe for 70+ years going through the seasonal cycles. Without a scientific study behind that though it holds literal academic credibility - though Colls entire report has little of such credibility in my opinion(and I'm sure most others here as well).

Perhaps an actual study could be done, though it could take a long time and may not be worth it unless Colls can actually prove that such tiles came from a "gas-chamber".


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Re: Caroline Sturdy Colls Smithsonian Special - Treblinka

Postby hermod » 9 years 2 months ago (Mon Mar 31, 2014 11:01 am)

SilenceIsALie2 wrote:these tiles should be far more degraded if they were actually buried in the wet soil of Eastern Europe for 70+ years going through the seasonal cycles.

Very probably. Terracotta would have absorbed large mounts of water and the tiles should have been pulverized when that water froze. Seems logical to me. I wonder if archeologists have already found big ancient terracotta artifacts in cold countries.
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Caroline Sturdy Colls Smithsonian Special - Treblinka

Postby Zulu » 9 years 2 months ago (Mon Mar 31, 2014 11:29 am)

cold beer wrote:Wow, if they made tiles like that today you could just pop them off the floor and resell them, no adhesive on the back of those tiles at all. looks like they just came out of the box.
And they're just stuck into the dirt individually, no remnant or evidence of any kind of substructure at all.

Must be some kind of magic star of david thing.

As I wrote on a previous post (see Caroline Sturdy Colls Treblinka TV documentary)
the star of such a model was not supposed to be apparent once the tiles are cemented on the floor. So, any melodramatic story about such "stars" and eventual Jewish people taking a shower on a floor made of this kind of tiles, would be simply ludicrous.
As an example, I put here pictures of a terracotta tile made in Spain which show also a "star" which correspond to the label of the manufacturer.
It could be interesting to search which provider used that kind of mark on his tiles at that time in that region.
Anyway, the fact that a simple isolated tile was found at that place doesn't mean much. It could be from any part of former buildings' floors, from kitchens to showers.

Tile detail STAR mark.jpg
Tile detail STAR mark.jpg (10.25 KiB) Viewed 5497 times
Tile verso side.jpg
Tile recto side.jpg
Tile recto side.jpg (10.92 KiB) Viewed 5497 times

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Re: Caroline Sturdy Colls Smithsonian Special - Treblinka

Postby Hannover » 9 years 2 months ago (Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:25 pm)

ImageIf it looks like it was made recently, then it probably was.

What a sorry but laughable joke this is. Multitudes of Jews supposedly murdered and all they have is a suspect tile with a Jewish star on it. When I say "laughable", that is exactly what I mean.
Caroline Sturdy Colls Treblinka TV documentary
The Non-Lethal Shower Room of Treblinka vs. Colls' tiles

Use our search function for 'Colls' and witness the anatomy of Jewish supremacist desperation.

The tide is turning.

- Hannover
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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