Eichmann tapes

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Re: Eichmann tapes

Postby Hans » 1 decade 2 years ago (Mon Apr 25, 2011 4:40 am)

nathan wrote:Some student of Wojak's work might be able to tell us how many of the legendary sixty-seven original tapes survived.

According to Wojak, there exist transcriptions of 67 audiotapes, including Eichmann's handwritten corrections. 10 audiotapes, 20 audio cassettes and 21 DAT cassettes (the latter two are mostly duplicates) were handed over to the Bundesarchiv in 2000. The archivial source given is Bundesarchiv, Nachlass Eichmann, N 1497, Ton 1367, 6-1-6-10.

According to Irving, 426 pages of transcriptions were handed over to him in Argentinia by former SS man Hugo Byttebier in 1991, who obtained them from Eichmann's wife. After photocopying, Irving passed on the documents to the Bundesarchiv.

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Re: Eichmann tapes

Postby Moderator3 » 1 decade 2 years ago (Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:50 am)

I have deleted or edited posts which question who 'Hans' really is. We are not here to examine the individual poster's background, but to examine their points / assertions as related to the thread. The topic of this thread is not 'Han's real name'. The claims he makes should be scrutinized on their own merit, or lack of.
Also, namecalling such as claiming that 'Blogbuster' is a 'troll' is not acceptable here. Stick to the thread topic, it's really very simple. Our guidelines cover all of this, read them.
One more item; do not post in German, or any language other than English, without a translation. We have various language forums here for that.
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Re: Eichmann tapes

Postby stefanob » 1 decade 2 years ago (Mon Apr 25, 2011 4:55 pm)

Just to clarify something I wrote previously, I imply that if bodies of exterminated people were "charred", that means they were burnt, not incinerated, and so they should still be there to be found! Corpses only disappear if there are turned to ashes.

I didn't still understand if Eichmann's pre-capture speeches were taped on his initiative or prompted by someone else, maybe some reporter. And when were they made, exactly.
I am not a native english speaker, so please forgive errors and weird syntax

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Re: Eichmann tapes

Postby The Warden » 1 decade 2 years ago (Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:54 pm)

Hans wrote:
polishheritage wrote:Many people here have already answered your questions and thoroughly refuted you, but let me give you a little more information on this already addressed topic. !

This has been adressed already here:


This is just bonus hilarity.

Firstly, the mention of "plausibility" is a blatant attempt at another "It's possible because it happened". :roll:
Apparently all you need for a convergence is an imagination and a following.

Secondly, while trying to refute Grubach, the author uses the very technique described by Grubach.

Grubach's point is that the "convergence" is a foundation built on a series of faulty bricks. One brick is bad, a wall of bad bricks is worse and equally weak.
(Just to be consistent, these bricks don't have blue staining either) :D

The author repeating the "convergence" claim which is based on repetitive fables doesn't give it any more credibility than the original.
Just another link in the chain of compounded fables.

The Holocaust game of telephone continues.

Edit: The gratuitous comment of praise at the link is over the top as well. Obviously a self-made fan club.
Why the Holocaust Industry exists:

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Re: Eichmann tapes

Postby nathan » 1 decade 2 years ago (Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:06 am)

You can watch the Dutch documentary on Sassen and Eichmann here (thanks to Jonathan Harrison for the link):

http://cgi.omroep.nl/cgi-bin/streams?/t ... 050511.asf

Much better than nothing, but It looks as if I must listen to some incomprehensible Dutch to find some snippets of barly audible German. I shall not shirk the task, but I shall postpone it. Judging from its first ten minutes, this is to be religious history - ARC history - a Dutch tale of a Dutch sinner who flirted with Baal and then found redemption. For this link we are obliged to thank the wit Jonathan Harrison, who once claimed to have proved that nathan was a babbling moron. But credit where credit is due, that is what I always say. Magnanimity is one of my finest traits.

If I have understood Hans, there are only ten surviving original audio tapes. Some but not all of the second-order tapes simply duplicate material that is in these ten tapes.

Is IW clear whether the passage about the Russian tank trenches is a quotation from the 1957 Sassen written transcripts, as held by the Israelis, or whether it IW’s own transcription from the sound tapes?

Most of the the well-known genocidal utterances have no doubt have some basis in the original interview. I am interested here in those that can be traced to ur-original sound tapes. We have heard 10,3 million claim, though in annoyingly edited form.

At some time in late summer 1941, Eichmann somewhere said, he heard from Heydrich about the Hitler order and protested. It is a safe bet that that his protest would be somewhere in the tapes, if not the surviving ones. But Eichmann also made various claims in various places that he was an eyewitness to what he calls “some sort of gas business”.

From memory:

In Autumn 1941, perhaps September, he was sent by Heydrich to Globocnik in Lublin to report on how the preparations to carry out the Hitler order - to industrially exterminate all/ some European Jews - was getting along. He says he verbally brought Globocnik the Fuhrer order, even though Globocnik had already begun to carry it out. Adjutant Höfle apparently drove him out of Lublin to “a place” (I think Majdanek is specified in the Life article, Treblinka in an interrogation), where he was introduced to an Order Police captain, who escorted him to two wooden buildings still under construction. This captain explained to Eichmann that one building had to be made airtight to serve as a gas chamber, in which Jews would be killed by carbon monoxide exhaust from a Russian U-boat motor that would be attached. But this camp was still empty; the motor had not yet arrived.

As yet he had not claimed to have seen an actual killing. But he said he did witness the gassing of Jews in one/ many gas vans at Lodz in late 1941.

Eichmann also said he was sent to see Globocnic at Treblinka again, now up and running with the Potemkin Treblinka railway sign. This has to be summer of 1942; he saw naked people standing in line behind the barbed wire, about to be driven into gas chambers which, he was told, would employ cyanide gas.

He also visited Auschwitz (in 1944, maybe) "repeatedly" or "three times" and once saw burning a cremation pit over 150 metres long. He says Hoess told him, (as Hoess had told apparently Franke Grickse over a year before) that the daily killing and /or cremation capacity was 10,000

There may be others. I don't have time to check my sources. My own interest here is not the likelihood of such eye-witness claims but the extent to which they have a basis in the soundtrack. It will be remembered that Eichmann repudiated his contribution to the “Sassen writings” because
I was encouraged to claim that things I had only heard about were actually experienced by myself, to make the book sound more authentic and truer to life. This is the reason why I have disassociated myself from the whole thing
. He also claimed that Sassen’s transcript was not accurate. But even if accurately transcribed we are of course dealing with 1957 memories, not 1945 memories.

’’’’’’’’’I seem to remember saying to Captain Less that I knew of some gas business, but I did not know if I read that in Buenos Aires in "Poliakoff," or if I heard about it at the time - it is all totally confused in my mind, just as many matters are mixed up in my mind; that is what I said in the Statement.....

Accused: I really cannot say anything other than what I told Captain Less at the time. I do not have any new impressions about this matter - at most, as a result of the great deal of material I have had to absorb since, it is even more blurred. But I would like to stress that this is correct, and that I did know that there was some sort of gas business.
Q. What did you know?
A. What, I do not know either.
Q. Today, you no longer know what you knew then?
A. Today, I do not know what I knew then; today, I am also influenced by the Gerstein Report. Today, obviously I have thought about the matter.
Q. However, what did you mean when you said these words "gas business" (Gasgeschichten) to Captain Less?
A. Well, about this I...as far as this gas business is concerned I could...I could obviously not mean anything other than the matter of cyanic acid gas, that is quite obvious; I myself know about this, of course, as I was sent to the Eastern Occupied Territories by Mueller and saw it, didn't I?

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Re: Eichmann tapes

Postby neugierig » 1 decade 2 years ago (Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:32 pm)

So, Herr Eichmann is being resurrected as I understand it. On 4 April 2011, “Die Welt”, a German daily published an article titled: "Eichmann zog in Jerusalem eine perfide Show ab"(Eichmann’s perfide performance in Jerusalem).

http://www.welt.de/kultur/history/artic ... ow-ab.html

This claim is made by Bettina Stangneth, who published the book: “Eichmann vor Jerusalem”. I need to get this book, but Stangneth tells the interviewer that starting in 1957, a group of Germans, former “Nazis” of course, met in Argentine, the so-called “Sassen Runde”, in an effort to set the record straight. Eichmann was one of them, tape recordings were made but also journals (monthly’s?) were published by Dürer called “Der Weg – El Sendero”. Stangneth of course tells us that the most vile “Nazi” texts are published by Dürer (Bei Dürer werden die widerlichsten Nazi-Texte der Nachkriegszeit verlegt).

I happen to believe that those journals are probably treasure trove’s, I have one of them about Nürnberg, another one is available for 250.00 Euros titled “Reichsverräter, 3.Folge,”. That is $ 370.00 US for 67 pages. My question: Does anyone here know about those journals, or has any connections to Argentine? I wrote to a friend in Brazil, but nothing so far.



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Re: Eichmann tapes

Postby proxyserver » 1 decade 2 years ago (Thu Apr 28, 2011 4:31 pm)

proxyserver wrote:
Hans wrote:The existence of those recordings is well known and reworked extracts of the interviews were already published in 1960 in LIFE and Stern magazines:


Some studys on Eichmann cite directly from the recordings and also a short recording has been posted at youtube, where Eichmann says if the 10.3 Million European Jews listed in Korherr report had been killed, they would have fulfilled their task:


All in all those interviews are not so nice for Revisionism, especially since they were not conducted by investigators or a Jew (buhh!) but by a National Socialist himself and while Eichmann was in freedom.

Hans, I think the point is, that, assuming that Eichmann was a very intelligent person, there would be no actual financial gain for either him or his family for his postulating a revisionist perspective, as it probably would not be allowed to be published, and so it is would be necessary for him to postulate an exterminationist perspective, whether true or not. As it is, Hans, I would be very interested in obtaining an English translation, in text form (i.e., a book), of the supposed confessions of Eichmann when he was in Israeli captivity, along the same lines of the "confessions" of Rudolf Hoss, and I wonder if you could help me in this matter, since I have searched Google in vain, and can only find a phonographic (or some type of audio) edition.

An interesting book is at http://www.amazon.com/Eichmann-Interrog ... 0394723805 in which, however, Eichmann continues to confess in accordance with the exterminationist perspective, probably in the vain hope that his life would be spared; however, what this book could do is enable revisionists to compare what Eichmann confesses with what can be determined are objective facts dissonant with "Holocaust" historiography. Of course, this book was first published in Germany in the 1980s, so that one has to be suspicious as to what Eichmann did actually say at his interrrogation, especially since the archives of the Israeli police would surely be forbidden territory for most researchers (in view of the continued ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians by such a Zionist State entity), as much as, say, the archives of the NKVD. The confessions of such persons of Eichmann and Hoess are, of course, ongoing problems for revisionists, as far as disinterested observers are concerned; however, such men were highly intelligent, and for them the main game would be staying alive, so it certainly behoves any serious researcher not to take their confessions at face value. In fact, I have had a second-hand copy of the said book for some time, and, in response to this thread, I have started reading it again, and already I have found a couple of discrepancies in Eichmann's confession with what Reitlinger has said: http://www.amazon.com/Final-Solution-At ... 991&sr=1-1

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Re: Eichmann tapes

Postby Wings » 1 decade 2 years ago (Sat Apr 30, 2011 7:05 pm)

In 1960, 'Life Magazine' was an insturment of ( and owned by an active high ranking member of ) 'The Mighty Wurlitzer' ( CIA ).

The controversy of the 'Eichman Tapes', and their content, to me smells all wrong, or, smells like disingenuous intel fabrications.

No better than if the 'Tapes' ( or other 'confessions' ) had been made under Joe Stalin.

What it does smell like, as for Culinary charm schools of Cooking, is Cia-Mossad nee OSS/international zionist co-op psy-ops being continued along the same lines as their continuity had been all along during WWII, especially toward the end.

I do not know if the voice is even that of Eichman, or, if it is, if he was under threat to perform a script 'or else'.

Unless under threat of 'or else', and cued and scripted for the replies saught of him, I can not see any reason for him to have had anything to do with such an 'interview', let alone, to have spoken such content ( as is being attributed to him from the purported 'tapes' ) volentarily.

I trust the veracity of these 'Tapes' as much as I trust the veracity of 'The Warren Report'.

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Re: Eichmann tapes

Postby NLH » 7 years 5 months ago (Tue Dec 22, 2015 10:47 pm)

This is a fascinating thread, and I especially enjoy Hannover's response.

Have the tapes and notes been released now at all? Are they subject to scrutiny?

This may interest some. The first is a first English translation. I assume then that this is the full translation, and access to the entire tapes and notes were given, as opposed to the bits and pieces we have had?

The Eichmann Tapes - My Role in the Final Solution

Adolf Eichmann was head of Gestapo Division IV-B4, the Third Reich's notorious Security Service, and he was responsible for implementing the "Final Solution" of the European Jews in the Greater German Reich. Though arrested at the end of the war by the U.S. army, Eichmann succeeded in escaping from U.S. custody in 1946 and lived unnoticed in Germany and Austria until 1950, when he travelled to Argentina. While living in Buenos Aires, Eichmann produced a series of tape recordings, and hand written notes, giving a very open and incriminating account of his role in the Final Solution, and Eichmann declares that this is indeed the only testimony that he wished to be considered as genuine and not dictated under duress.

In 1960 the Israeli Intelligence Service Mossad, succeeded in tracing Eichmann to Argentina. They captured him, and on May21 he was flown to Israel, where he was tried by the Israeli Court in 1961, found guilty and hanged on May 31, 1962. After his courtroom testimony in Israel, in August 1961, Eichmann wrote an additional testimony that he called "False Gods". The English translation of "False Gods", is also published by Black House Publishing, and is a companion to this volume.

This book provides an incriminating account of Eichmann's role in the wholesale murder of the Jews in Europe, and establishes the scope of the anti-Jewish measures undertaken in the Third Reich and the gradual development of these measures from emigration to concentration to large-scale murder. The reader of Eichmann's memoirs will thus obtain not only a vivid impression of the extensive police operations of the Third Reich but also a glimpse into the ideological and political motivations of these actions, motivations that were perhaps not fully shared by Eichmann himself.

330 Pages, 40 b/w Photographs.

http://www.blackhousepublishing.com/nat ... mann-tapes


False Gods - The Jerusalem Memoirs - Adolf Eichmann

Adolf Eichmann was head of Gestapo Division IV-B4, the Third Reich’s notorious Security Service, which was responsible for implementing the “Final Solution” of the European Jews in the Greater German Reich.

False Gods is a book that will be controversial - not only with the Jewish community, but also with the historical “revisionists” who seek to deny the Holocaust. Eichmann’s testimony not only challenges the generally accepted history of that period, but it provides much in-depth detail of the historical facts - facts which Eichmann himself was fully prepared to confirm from the surviving documents of the period that were submitted by both the prosecution and defense during his trial.

In False Gods Eichmann states: “I shall describe the genocide of the Jews, how it happened and give, in addition, my thoughts of the past and of today. For not only did I have to see with my own eyes the fields of death, the battlefields on which life died away, I saw much worse. I saw how, through a few words, through the mere concise order of an individual to whom the state gave authority, such fields for the extinction of life were created. I saw the machinery of death. Grasping cogs within cogs, like clockwork. I saw those who observed the process of the work; and during the process. I saw them always repeating the work and they looked at the seconds-hand, which hurried; hurried like life to death. The greatest and cruellest dance of death of all time.

That I saw. And I prepare to describe it, as a warning”.

Adolf Eichmann.

272 Pages, 30 b/w Photographs.

http://www.blackhousepublishing.com/nat ... false-gods


Related topics:

Eichmann memoirs online / German
Where can I find Eichmann Memoirs/Tape transcripts?
Grubach demolishes Browning and the Eichmann tales
Eichmann's diaries - even more absurdities
The Eichmann trial
Intro & Let's Talk About Eichmann
Götzen , Adolf Eichmann

There is more accuracy in an episode of 'Allo 'Allo! regarding the events of World War II than in the entire politically correct, official orthodox narrative. That narrative of which - concerning the Holocaust and the Gas Chamber myth - is ruthlessly and obsessively peddled by the controlled Zio-media and so called “historians", conformist and spineless that they are. Ignore the Thought Police, read the evidence, judge for yourself.

"The truth is hate to those who hate the truth."

- Germar Rudolf, Introduction (Chicago, July 7, 2005), Auschwitz Lies: Legends, Lies & Prejudices
on the Holocaust (Mattogno, Carlo; Rudolf, Germar), pp. 13. Revised 2nd edition, The Barnes Review, July 2011.
"Believe me, I came into Auschwitz in a much worse condition than I actually left it."
- Kitty Hart-Moxon, Jewish Holocaust Survivor (June 1998 testimony, USC Shoah Foundation, Visual History Archive. Part 2 - YouTube - 1:21:42)

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Re: Eichmann tapes

Postby Hannover » 7 years 5 months ago (Tue Dec 22, 2015 11:28 pm)

I do not believe the actual alleged tapes have been released. If so why haven't they been digitized and posted somewhere for review or made available for download? If authentic and incriminating as alleged they would be huge for The Industry.

So what we get is a "book" supposedly based upon tapes which no one gets to hear. Laughable.

Imagine in a legit court of law where someone introduces an allegedly highly incriminating book into evidence, that book is said to be based upon existing audio tape recordings. The first thing that is going to be requested is the original alleged source, the tapes. Forget the book where anyone could make up anything from whole cloth, let's hear the tapes.

More propaganda, spin, downright lying by the usual enemies of free speech.

This is too easy.

- Hannover

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.

The tide is turning.
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Eichmann tapes

Postby NLH » 7 years 5 months ago (Wed Dec 23, 2015 12:34 am)

Hannover wrote:I do not believe the actual alleged tapes have been released. If so why haven't they been digitized and posted somewhere for review or made available for download? If authentic and incriminating as alleged they would be huge for The Industry.

So what we get is a "book" supposedly based upon tapes which no one gets to hear. Laughable.

Imagine in a legit court of law where someone introduces an allegedly highly incriminating book into evidence, that book is said to be based upon existing audio tape recordings. The first thing that is going to be requested is the original alleged source, the tapes. Forget the book where anyone could make up anything from whole cloth, let's hear the tapes.

More propaganda, spin, downright lying by the usual enemies of free speech.

This is too easy.

- Hannover

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.

The tide is turning.

Precisely! We shall see what they say...

Dear Sir,

You have a book in your catalogue, The Eichmann Tapes - My Role in the Final Solution, which is apparently the "First English Translation" of said tapes of which the description states,

"While living in Buenos Aires, Eichmann produced a series of tape recordings, and hand written notes, giving a very open and incriminating account of his role in the Final Solution, and Eichmann declares that this is indeed the only testimony that he wished to be considered as genuine and not dictated under duress."

On what documentation is the translation based? I ask because I am under the impression that the tapes have not been released. Are they now available for review? If so, and if authentic, this would be damning evidence to support the orthodox narrative of the "Holocaust."

Would you kindly point me in the direction of the source material on which this "First English Translation" is based.

Kind regards.
"Believe me, I came into Auschwitz in a much worse condition than I actually left it."
- Kitty Hart-Moxon, Jewish Holocaust Survivor (June 1998 testimony, USC Shoah Foundation, Visual History Archive. Part 2 - YouTube - 1:21:42)

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Re: Eichmann tapes

Postby NLH » 7 years 5 months ago (Wed Dec 23, 2015 11:23 am)

NLH wrote:
Hannover wrote:I do not believe the actual alleged tapes have been released. If so why haven't they been digitized and posted somewhere for review or made available for download? If authentic and incriminating as alleged they would be huge for The Industry.

So what we get is a "book" supposedly based upon tapes which no one gets to hear. Laughable.

Imagine in a legit court of law where someone introduces an allegedly highly incriminating book into evidence, that book is said to be based upon existing audio tape recordings. The first thing that is going to be requested is the original alleged source, the tapes. Forget the book where anyone could make up anything from whole cloth, let's hear the tapes.

More propaganda, spin, downright lying by the usual enemies of free speech.

This is too easy.

- Hannover

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.

The tide is turning.

Precisely! We shall see what they say...

Dear Sir,

You have a book in your catalogue, The Eichmann Tapes - My Role in the Final Solution, which is apparently the "First English Translation" of said tapes of which the description states,

"While living in Buenos Aires, Eichmann produced a series of tape recordings, and hand written notes, giving a very open and incriminating account of his role in the Final Solution, and Eichmann declares that this is indeed the only testimony that he wished to be considered as genuine and not dictated under duress."

On what documentation is the translation based? I ask because I am under the impression that the tapes have not been released. Are they now available for review? If so, and if authentic, this would be damning evidence to support the orthodox narrative of the "Holocaust."

Would you kindly point me in the direction of the source material on which this "First English Translation" is based.

Kind regards.

I received a reply to my above email and have been given permission to share:

Hi ********,

The source material for “The Eichmann Tapes” comes from the Argentina tape recordings and handwritten notes given by Eichmann’s wife Veronika to the Nuremberg defence lawyer, Dr. Rudolf Aschenauer. These tape recordings and notes were compiled by Dr Aschenauer and published in Germany by Druffel Verlag in 1980 as Ich, Adolf Eichmann. We have a copy of the affidavit that Veronika Eichmann made to the publishers Druffel Verlag confirming the authenticity of Aschenauer transcription.

Some portion of the tape recordings Eichmann made in Argentina were sold by Sassen to Life magazine and published in 1960. Though Eichmann does say that Sassen fabricated / sensationalised (for financial gain) a large portion of that interview. In the Foreword and Preface to this edition, Eichmann declares that this is indeed the only testimony that he wishes to be considered as genuine and not dictated under duress.

In the 2nd book (False Gods - The Jerusalem Memoirs) which Eichmann wrote while awaiting sentence in Jerusalem, and which we publish with permission of the Eichmann family, Adolf Eichmann does provide more detail about witnessing the gassing and mass shooting of the Jews. However, both books make it clear that the order for the killing was given verbally by Hitler in late 1941 (this was once Hitler realised that the war against Russia had moved to a defensive war) when Jews in the camps were to be exterminated. Eichmann makes no attempt in either book to conceal this as historical fact, or indeed conceal his role in the deportations. Though Eichmann does make it clear that the initial order from Hitler did come as a surprise to Eichmann’s superiors and to Eichmann himself, and that prior to the receipt of Hitler’s order no preparations for the mass killing of Jews had been implemented. It seems from Eichmann’s testimony that in early 1942 when these mass killings did take place it was mainly carried out by shootings – the Jews being led to the defensive tank ditches, where they were shot by members of the SS. This account is also in accord with the witness statements provided by two German engineers who gave testimony at Nuremberg.

Eichmann also states that the mass killings of the Jews were stopped in 1944 when negotiations were taking place with the “allies” to exchange 1 million Jews for a number of non-military cargo lorries, and he provides details of the plan and progress of these negotiations. There are however references in both books to the use of gas, and Eichmann does provide some detail during camp visits of witnessing the gassing of Jews, but from Eichmann’s testimony this does not seem to have been the standard means of liquidation for any of the camps. Certainly “The Eichmann Tapes” provides a major stumbling block to the “revisionist” historians who go as far as claiming that the “holocaust” is a myth.

Given that Eichmann makes no attempt in his testimony to conceal his responsibility, or deny his role in the deportations (even after he knew of the order for the killings) one can only conclude that, as he says, he simply wished to put the historical record straight, even though in doing so he must have known it would give a future prosecutor all the evidence they needed to hang him, if only as an accessory to mass murder.

I hope the above is of some assistance to you.


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"Believe me, I came into Auschwitz in a much worse condition than I actually left it."
- Kitty Hart-Moxon, Jewish Holocaust Survivor (June 1998 testimony, USC Shoah Foundation, Visual History Archive. Part 2 - YouTube - 1:21:42)

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Re: Eichmann tapes

Postby Hannover » 7 years 5 months ago (Wed Dec 23, 2015 1:04 pm)

Thanks NLH, this is priceless.
Some portion of the tape recordings Eichmann made in Argentina were sold by Sassen to Life magazine and published in 1960. Though Eichmann does say that Sassen fabricated / sensationalised (for financial gain) a large portion of that interview. In the Foreword and Preface to this edition, Eichmann declares that this is indeed the only testimony that he wishes to be considered as genuine and not dictated under duress.
So we immediately see contradictions. Sassen fabricated 'facts', but Eichmann stated in the forward & preface that the "testimony" is "genuine".
So why then did Sassen feel the need to fabricate? If what Eichmann said was so damning, why fabricate in the first place?

We still do not have the actual recording for anything here. It's all just more alleged nonsense. The tapes are being hidden for a reason, simple as that.
In the 2nd book (False Gods - The Jerusalem Memoirs) which Eichmann wrote while awaiting sentence in Jerusalem, and which we publish with permission of the Eichmann family, Adolf Eichmann does provide more detail about witnessing the gassing and mass shooting of the Jews. However, both books make it clear that the order for the killing was given verbally by Hitler in late 1941 (this was once Hitler realised that the war against Russia had moved to a defensive war) when Jews in the camps were to be exterminated. Eichmann makes no attempt in either book to conceal this as historical fact, or indeed conceal his role in the deportations. Though Eichmann does make it clear that the initial order from Hitler did come as a surprise to Eichmann’s superiors and to Eichmann himself, and that prior to the receipt of Hitler’s order no preparations for the mass killing of Jews had been implemented. It seems from Eichmann’s testimony that in early 1942 when these mass killings did take place it was mainly carried out by shootings – the Jews being led to the defensive tank ditches, where they were shot by members of the SS. This account is also in accord with the witness statements provided by two German engineers who gave testimony at Nuremberg.

"Awaiting sentence". Let's pretend for a moment that Eichmann made such statements, which as expected are non-specific, generalized by the author because the true specifics are easily dispensed BS, see my posts earlier in this thread.

If one is "awaiting sentence", IOW, in fear for your life, the odds are that one would say something, anything that may be seen as cooperating in order to avoid being executed. 'Hr. Eichmann, please say this or else' Yes Moshe, whatever you want'.

Then we have the verbal order canard from Hitler. As if that order could be then transmitted throughout the German occupied areas, imagine: 'Well the Fuehrer has verbally said to exterminate as many Jews as we can get our hands on, but don't ask me how we can do this, or for and order for the necessary budget and personnel to do this.' This the nonsense we see when in fact there was no order of any kind and the Industry needs to desperately come up with something. I remind our readers of the very real Luther Memorandum, and the Schlegelberger Document which clearly state that the Jewish issue will be handed after the war. see: viewtopic.php?t=534

"Deportations", ah. Now we're talking. No one questions deportations of Jews, however this is likely another big slip up since Jewish supremacist/Zionists always insist that deportation meant murder of the deported. Eichmann may have simply mentioned deportations which are then laughably considered admissions of mass murder. There is no physical basis for this false assumption. Again, actually hearing the alleged recording should be helpful, but no, the facts are being covered up.

And then we're back to the alleged enormous mass shootings for which no excavations can be shown or verified ... not a single one. And recall that the precise locations are supposedly known, recall the absurdity of the 34,000 Jews supposedly shot & buried at Babi Yar.

"... two German engineers who gave testimony at Nuremberg"? Who exactly? What did they really say? Where is the actual citation for the statements at Nuremberg? We have discussed the Nuremberg Show Trials at length at this forum, incredible what torture and threats can result in.
Eichmann also states that the mass killings of the Jews were stopped in 1944 when negotiations were taking place with the “allies” to exchange 1 million Jews for a number of non-military cargo lorries, and he provides details of the plan and progress of these negotiations. There are however references in both books to the use of gas, and Eichmann does provide some detail during camp visits of witnessing the gassing of Jews, but from Eichmann’s testimony this does not seem to have been the standard means of liquidation for any of the camps. Certainly “The Eichmann Tapes” provides a major stumbling block to the “revisionist” historians who go as far as claiming that the “holocaust” is a myth.

Or did he really say that mass deportations stopped sometime in late 1944?

"References" to gas & gassings? Oh really? Like the absurd and impossible statements which I cited earlier in this thread?

Once again, actual specifics are being hidden since they are preposterous.

The person who 'translated' / transformed the alleged originals is simply putting words into Eichmann's mouth and they are hiding words which he said which cannot withstand rational scrutiny.

"Stumbling block to the “revisionist” historians ... "? Au contraire, this latest effort is God's gift to those of us who expose the transparent machinations of Jewish supremacist liars. For reasons I stated here and earlier in this thread, this whole affair smells of absolute desperation.

Given that Eichmann makes no attempt in his testimony to conceal his responsibility, or deny his role in the deportations (even after he knew of the order for the killings) one can only conclude that, as he says, he simply wished to put the historical record straight, even though in doing so he must have known it would give a future prosecutor all the evidence they needed to hang him, if only as an accessory to mass murder.

No attempt to conceal? Oh please, we have already seen how that claim is blown away, as does the person in correspondence with NLH, see first paragraph, see my earlier posts in this thread.

They are hiding the original audio recordings. We know why.

'Oh what a tangled web they weave. When first they practice to deceive.'

- Hannover

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.

The tide is turning.
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

Barrington James
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Re: Eichmann tapeswill

Postby Barrington James » 7 years 5 months ago (Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:51 pm)

Sometimes people who are innocent of hideous crimes such as rape and murder will confess to even those crimes if they are "questioned" about those crimes for too long for them to hold out for the truth. How well I can remember the black kids who confessed to raping and murdering then jogger in Central Park. Sometimes, it seems to me, that some of the so called holocaust witnesses testify to their having seen events that never happened. The brain is surprisingly easy to fool at times.
You can fool too many of the people most of the time.

Barrington James
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Re: Eichmann tapeswill

Postby Barrington James » 7 years 5 months ago (Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:52 pm)

Sometimes people who are innocent of hideous crimes such as rape and murder will confess to even those crimes if they are "questioned" about those crimes for too long for them to hold out for the truth. How well I can remember the black kids who confessed to raping and murdering then jogger in Central Park. Sometimes, it seems to me, that some of the so called holocaust witnesses testify to their having seen events that never happened. The brain is surprisingly easy to fool at times.
You can fool too many of the people most of the time.

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