Industry's Andrew Mathis & Roberto Muehlenkamp claim patch of dirt holds remains of 100,000 at Ponar, Lithuania

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Industry's Andrew Mathis & Roberto Muehlenkamp claim patch of dirt holds remains of 100,000 at Ponar, Lithuania

Postby Hannover » 5 years 9 months ago (Sun Sep 03, 2017 2:04 am)

The Industry's Andrew Mathis & Roberto Muehlenkamp claim this patch of dirt holds the remains of 70,000 Jews & 30,000 others at Ponar, Lithuania.

"Mass Grave in Ponar, Lithuania"

also: ... _Ponar.JPG

Mathis & Muehlenkamp, 'holocau$t' Industry spokesmen, support the claim that an estimated 100,000 people, including 70,000 Jews, died at Ponar, and the above little playground is where those alleged 100,000 people are supposedly buried.

Right there, all squeezed into a space barely large enough to play a game marbles in. :lol:

So why don't the Zionists simply dig it up and show us?
Because there's nothing there.

Two guys with shovels, as Tom Moran always used to say, could solve the entire matter.

And BTW, here's the Los Angeles Coliseum, it holds 'only 90,000'. :lol:

Challenge to Mathis & Muehlenkamp, who always falter under pressure, but hey, let's give it a shot:
Show us a verifiable excavation and the alleged humans remains at this site.

For more on yet another fake 'holocaust' site, Ponar, the icing on the cake is here:
'Escape Tunnel, Dug by Hand, Is Found at Holocaust Massacre Site' / Ponar

In fact Andrew Mathis even did a podcast about this laughable, impossible Ponar tunnel, link here:

- Hannover

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that denies free speech and the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.

The tide is turning.
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Industry's Andrew Mathis & Roberto Muehlenkamp claim patch of dirt holds remains of 100,000 at Ponar, Lithuania

Postby Rmbrmb21 » 5 years 9 months ago (Sun Sep 03, 2017 6:35 am)

Don't be so critical, maybe that pit reaches the center of the earth. It would fit right in with most of the other holocaust lore

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Re: Industry's Andrew Mathis & Roberto Muehlenkamp claim patch of dirt holds remains of 100,000 at Ponar, Lithuania

Postby Dresden » 5 years 9 months ago (Sun Sep 03, 2017 12:22 pm)

"Mass Grave in Ponar, Lithuania"

Are you sure that's Lithuania and not Lilliput?

Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are telling you about the 'holocaust', but maybe, just maybe, their contempt for your intelligence and your character is beyond anything you could ever have imagined. -- Bradley Smith

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Re: Industry's Andrew Mathis & Roberto Muehlenkamp claim patch of dirt holds remains of 100,000 at Ponar, Lithuania

Postby Hannover » 5 years 9 months ago (Tue Sep 05, 2017 10:26 pm)

At another site I see that Roberto has posted some photos of what he considers to be proof of the 100,000 allegedly murdered at Ponar.
Here are examples with comments that were made about them:
On one hand Roberto and the "Holocau$t Industry" say that the German made all the alleged Jew remains magically disappear, then they turn around and present faked photos of alleged remains they previously claimed were disappeared. :lol:
But then that's what happens when they try to defend the impossible. :lol:

"Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.”

Classic Roberto's use of faked & remarked communist / Zionist propaganda photos of who knows where? who knows when? by who knows who?, and some are just piles of clothing that they hope will go unnoticed. :lol:

Then compare the fake sites in those dodgy 'photos' below to the alleged Ponary mass grave for 100,000, here:

Image :lol:
Completely different sites.

But hey, this is all that Roberto can conjure.

pile of clothing here: :lol:


open field here, not Ponar: :lol:


laughable cut & paste of various pieces here, none with provenance :lol:


apparent fire victims from somewhere, not Ponar :lol:


no bodies, just clothing :lol:


"mass grave" with nothing in it :lol: :lol:


So there you go. Complete BS from Roberto and his Zionist comrades as usual.

See what a real excavation looks like here:
Katyn facts: 'Amtliches Material zum Massenmord von Katyn'

And what crap does Roberto throw on the wall in the hope its will stick?
Easily debunked fakes, that's what.

Well, did you see the alleged 100,000 corpses ... "70,000 Jews", & alleged "30,00' others"?
If not, you are 'antisemitic'. :roll:

Those who have invested so much of themselves in this scam will resort to anything in trying to fool the public.
Truth is irrelevant to them.
The money made, the money being made is enormous. Their delusions of supremacy give them a sense of entitlement to do whatever is in their best interests, regardless of who it hurts.

The public is awakening. The tide is turning.

- Hannover

We're talking about an alleged '6M Jews & 5M others' ... 11,000,000.
There is not a single verifiable excavated enormous mass grave with contents actually SHOWN, not just claimed, (recall the claim of 900,000 buried at Treblinka, 1,250,000 at Auschwitz, or 250,000 at Sobibor, 34,000 at Babi Yar) even though Jews claim they still exist and claim to know exactly where these alleged enormous mass graves are.
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Industry's Andrew Mathis & Roberto Muehlenkamp claim patch of dirt holds remains of 100,000 at Ponar, Lithuania

Postby borjastick » 5 years 9 months ago (Wed Sep 06, 2017 1:32 am)

Yes I see different pictures taken at different locations at different times, and a maximum of about twenty corpses in each. Hmm 99900 to go then Roberto...

Apart from that it's a winner.
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician

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Re: Industry's Andrew Mathis & Roberto Muehlenkamp claim patch of dirt holds remains of 100,000 at Ponar, Lithuania

Postby Hannover » 5 years 9 months ago (Thu Sep 07, 2017 1:45 pm)

More bizarre photos from paid Zionist propagandist, Roberto Muehlenkamp.
More examples of: 'Trust us, we're Zionists' fakes.


Notice that the surroundings do not resemble the alleged mass burial site, see OP.

So why are these 'victims of Germans' not buried, hidden from view, made to disappear?

The Zionist lie about Ponar is that 100,000 were dumped into a mass gave. That's 100,000 !

The laughable & impossible 'holocau$t' storyline claims that the Germans hid / magically disappeared all the corpses.
But yet panic stricken Roberto produces picture which contradict the very story line he tries to promote. :lol:



Israel's Yad Vashem says:
Title Ponary, Poland, Lithuanian militiamen leading Jews to the murder site in the forest, 1941.
This photograph was taken in July 1941 by Otto Schroff, a member of the 96th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht, who witnessed the killing of around 400 Jews at Paneriai on three consecutive days.

But the storyline says that 'exterminations' were top secret operations, no records allowed; but now we're told that countless Germans simply disobeyed orders and took photos galore. :lol:

How do we know they were killed?
How do we know they were Jews?
So where are these additional 400 corpses? They claim to know the exact site.


Another alleged mass grave at Ponar.
Simple, two guys with shovels could solve the entire matter. But nope, no digging allowed there.

Roberto has not and cannot show us any actual excavations at Ponar, not one. He cannot show us 100,000 corpses that are alleged to be there.
Roberto cannot show us an official, verifiable forensic report on any excavation at Ponar, but he does show corpses which contradict the impossible 'holocau$t' narrative

The corpses he does show are laughably labeled by Zionists / Communists to mean whatever they want, with no proof that they are Jews, no proof that they are from WWII, no proof that the Germans are responsible, all of which are easily seen to be from sites which do not even resemble Ponar.

This is too easy.

- Hannover

Roberto Proof:
'Hey, I have a Big Foot in my garage!
Trust me, I have a garage.'
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Industry's Andrew Mathis & Roberto Muehlenkamp claim patch of dirt holds remains of 100,000 at Ponar, Lithuania

Postby Hannover » 5 years 8 months ago (Tue Oct 03, 2017 9:56 pm)

As expected Andrew Mathis* has dodged this thread.
Obviously he knows he's beat and doesn't want to risk being embarrassed again at this forum.

And Mathis & Muehlenkamp are the best that the "Holocau$t Industry" can muster. :lol:

More to come.

- Hannover

The Internet is demolishing the false narrative promoted by arrogant Jewish supremacists. From the slaughter of the Palestinians to the lies of Auschwitz & the impossible '6M', the world is recognizing the dangers of Jewish supremacism.
The tide is turning.

CODOH routs unhinged Zionist, Andrew Mathis.

Anyone can simply look at the threads here where Andrew Mathis, aka: Thames Darwin has posted, some examples of the beat down:

Alleged & laughable "mass graves" according to T. Darwin / Andrew Mathis

'Andrew Mathis on Dachau, Majdanek, Auschwitz, Treblinka'

Mathis who also posts as 'Thames Darwin', gets shot down:
Anecdotal evidence & "holocaust survivors"

holocaust' denial article by Andrew Mathis debunked here'

'Prof. Mc Nally dissects HHP's Andrew Mathis' bogus article'

'Holo. Hist. Proj.'s Andrew Mathis on Zyklon scent removal'

'Green, Mathis refuted / cyanide: lice, humans, & more'

'Believer org. spokesman, Andrew Mathis, demolished in debate'

'Holo. Hist. Proj.'s Andrew Mathis attempts damage control'

'Email from Andrew Mathis (The Holocaust History Project)'

'holocaust' History Project to unveil section on Treblinka'
Industry's Andrew Mathis & Roberto Muehlenkamp claim patch of dirt holds remains of 100,000 at Ponar, Lithuania
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Industry's Andrew Mathis & Roberto Muehlenkamp claim patch of dirt holds remains of 100,000 at Ponar, Lithuania

Postby donron » 5 years 8 months ago (Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:00 pm)

Are these the only two photos of alleged mass graves at Ponar that Mathis & Muehlenkamp have proffered?



Where are the photos of the other 4 alleged "mass graves"?

Are there any maps showing these "mass graves"?

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Re: Industry's Andrew Mathis & Roberto Muehlenkamp claim patch of dirt holds remains of 100,000 at Ponar, Lithuania

Postby donron » 5 years 8 months ago (Sun Oct 08, 2017 10:23 am)

FYI - the other so-called "mass graves" at Ponar can be seen here:

Please note the photos of the fraudulent archaeologist Richard Freund conducting GPR scans of the alleged "mass graves."

Evidently, NOVA did a program on Ponar:

Video showing the fraudulent "archaeological investigation" of Ponar can be seen in the above link as well.

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Re: Industry's Andrew Mathis & Roberto Muehlenkamp claim patch of dirt holds remains of 100,000 at Ponar, Lithuania

Postby Moderator » 5 years 8 months ago (Sun Oct 08, 2017 10:45 am)

donron wrote:FYI - the other so-called "mass graves" at Ponar can be seen here:

Please note the photos of the fraudulent archaeologist Richard Freund conducting GPR scans of the alleged "mass graves."

Evidently, NOVA did a program on Ponar:

Video showing the fraudulent "archaeological investigation" of Ponar can be seen in the above link as well.

Please tell this forum what specifically is fraudulent about the investigation.

Thanks, M1 :)
Only lies need to be shielded from debate, truth welcomes it.

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Re: Industry's Andrew Mathis & Roberto Muehlenkamp claim patch of dirt holds remains of 100,000 at Ponar, Lithuania

Postby gandalfssocks » 5 years 8 months ago (Sun Oct 08, 2017 11:59 am)

donron wrote:FYI - the other so-called "mass graves" at Ponar can be seen here:

Evidently, NOVA did a program on Ponar:

An estimated 100,000 people, including 70,000 Jews, were murdered at Ponar. In 1944, when the Russians were about to retake Lithuania from the Nazis, the Germans recruited a group of 80 Jewish prisoners to exhume the bodies and burn them, in order to hide the evidence.

:roll: Shades of Jankiel Wiernik and the Katyn massacre.

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Re: Industry's Andrew Mathis & Roberto Muehlenkamp claim patch of dirt holds remains of 100,000 at Ponar, Lithuania

Postby Hannover » 5 years 8 months ago (Sun Oct 08, 2017 12:23 pm)

donron wrote:FYI - the other so-called "mass graves" at Ponar can be seen here:


Please note the photos of the fraudulent archaeologist Richard Freund conducting GPR scans of the alleged "mass graves."

Evidently, NOVA did a program on Ponar:


Video showing the fraudulent "archaeological investigation" of Ponar can be seen in the above link as well.

1. We see nothing of the kind.
All we see is small patches of land and alleged corpses which could have been from anywhere, any date, any cause of death by anyone, with no proof they are from Ponar or any alleged 'holocaust' site. It's really that simple. Such claims would be crushed in a legit court of law.

2. "Science confirms" nothing here, in fact the pretentious article is damning to the fake narrative.

Here we have some guys digging a hole for any number of possible reasons without any proof that the location is even Ponar or that what they are even digging is a 'mass grave'. Laughable, but all too typical.
As if those supposedly involved would have allowed photography of actions which are said to have been massive war crimes and very top secret.
Clearly anyone can caption a photo anyway they like.*


This gives the game away utterly:
1. Last year, an international group of archaeologists found the legendary escape tunnel. 2. They didn’t want to disturb any human remains at the burial pits, so instead of digging, the archaeologists used radar and radio waves to scan beneath the ground. 3. What they found dovetailed exactly with the survivors’ verbal accounts.

1. No they didn't, otherwise they would have excavated. We're talking about an alleged huge crime here,

2, What? This is supposed to be detached science? Nonsense. They didn't excavate because they knew there was no massive human remains.
Try that BS in a real court,

"The "Holocau$t Industry" in court:
'Please your honor, there really are remains of millions buried in huge mass graves, we know where the mass graves are, ... but, but, well, umm, we can't show the court. You must trust us, we're Zionists.' "

3. What we see is simply a soil anomaly of an isolated, single spot which gives no indication of being a lengthy "tunnel" ... that was supposedly dug with spoons. :lol:

* Anyone could caption this photo as "Nazi slave labor digs mass grave for Jews'.

"Actually, it's "air raid precautions, 1940."

- Hannover

Science, rational thought, & logic simply demolish the 'holocaust' storyline.
And that's why there are Thought Crime Laws that imprison those who engage in free speech about it.
Truth is hate to those that hate the truth.
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Industry's Andrew Mathis & Roberto Muehlenkamp claim patch of dirt holds remains of 100,000 at Ponar, Lithuania

Postby Elroy » 5 years 7 months ago (Mon Oct 09, 2017 2:27 am)

Hannover wrote:
donron wrote:FYI - the other so-called "mass graves" at Ponar can be seen here:


Please note the photos of the fraudulent archaeologist Richard Freund conducting GPR scans of the alleged "mass graves."

Evidently, NOVA did a program on Ponar:


Video showing the fraudulent "archaeological investigation" of Ponar can be seen in the above link as well.

1. We see nothing of the kind.
All we see is small patches of land and alleged corpses which could have been from anywhere, any date, any cause of death by anyone, with no proof they are from Ponar or any alleged 'holocaust' site. It's really that simple. Such claims would be crushed in a legit court of law.

2. "Science confirms" nothing here, in fact the pretentious article is damning to the fake narrative.

Here we have some guys digging a hole for any number of possible reasons without any proof that the location is even Ponar or that what they are even digging is a 'mass grave'. Laughable, but all too typical.
As if those supposedly involved would have allowed photography of actions which are said to have been massive war crimes and very top secret.
Clearly anyone can caption a photo anyway they like.*


This gives the game away utterly:
1. Last year, an international group of archaeologists found the legendary escape tunnel. 2. They didn’t want to disturb any human remains at the burial pits, so instead of digging, the archaeologists used radar and radio waves to scan beneath the ground. 3. What they found dovetailed exactly with the survivors’ verbal accounts.

1. No they didn't, otherwise they would have excavated. We're talking about an alleged huge crime here,

2, What? This is supposed to be detached science? Nonsense. They didn't excavate because they knew there was no massive human remains.
Try that BS in a real court,

"The "Holocau$t Industry" in court:
'Please your honor, there really are remains of millions buried in huge mass graves, we know where the mass graves are, ... but, but, well, umm, we can't show the court. You must trust us, we're Zionists.' "

3. What we see is simply a soil anomaly of an isolated, single spot which gives no indication of being a lengthy "tunnel" ... that was supposedly dug with spoons. :lol:

* Anyone could caption this photo as "Nazi slave labor digs mass grave for Jews'.
"Actually, it's "air raid precautions, 1940."

- Hannover

Science, rational thought, & logic simply demolish the 'holocaust' storyline.
And that's why there are Thought Crime Laws that imprison those who engage in free speech about it.
Truth is hate to those that hate the truth.

Ha! Brilliant and well done.

I don't suppose Roberto and fat boy will allow you to publish that on their "site"
??? ;) lol

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Re: Industry's Andrew Mathis & Roberto Muehlenkamp claim patch of dirt holds remains of 100,000 at Ponar, Lithuania

Postby Hannover » 5 years 7 months ago (Tue Oct 24, 2017 10:55 pm)

According to Andrew 'I have yet to win a debate with a Revisionist' Mathis, using science, logic, & rational thought in scrutinizing the preposterous and impossible '6M Jews, 5M others, & gas chambers' means that we are all "antisemites". :lol:

any thought or person that a Jew doesn't like.

Notice that Zionist Andrew Mathis could post here and try to refute the content of this thread, but he knows that lying is quickly slapped down at this forum, and here he cannot dodge challenges put to him.

Cheers, Hannover

Map of where free speech on the impossible 'holocaust' is illegal, violators go to prison for Thought Crimes:

And that is just more proof that it's a fraud.

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that denies free speech and the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Industry's Andrew Mathis & Roberto Muehlenkamp claim patch of dirt holds remains of 100,000 at Ponar, Lithuania

Postby roberto » 5 years 7 months ago (Sat Nov 04, 2017 11:05 am)

[Note to Muehlenkamp about this post & others:
You have been challenged to actually show us a verifiable excavations and the huge amount of human remains that you allege.
Your recent posting of various 'walls of text' which do not address those challenges are simply dodges and below the standards of this forum.
However, I have left the photos that you do think prove your claims about Ponar.
Cheers, M1"]

(GE2, pp. 274-275). "TGFH" stands for "The Ghetto Fighters’ House” and "YV" stands for "Yad Vashem". Captions are by the respective institution featuring these photos.

1. Image
TGFH Catalog No.: 5899
TGFH Brief Description: Bodies at the Ponary mass extermination site near Vilnius (Vilna).
TGFH Registry No.: 00237p
TGFH Period: During World War II

2. Image
TGFH Catalog No.: 5904
TGFH Brief Description: Corpses exhumed from mass graves at the Ponary mass extermination site near Vilnius (Vilna).
TGFH Registry No.: 09231p
TGFH Period: During World War II

YV Item ID: 30884
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, Bodies of the victims that were massacred there.
YV Archival Signature: 1798/14

3. Image
TGFH Catalog No.: 5900
TGFH Brief Description: A body in a mass grave at the Ponary mass extermination site near Vilnius (Vilna).
TGFH Registry No.: 00467p
TGFH Period: During World War


TGFH Catalog No.: 5901
TGFH Brief Description: Bodies at the Ponary mass extermination site near Vilnius (Vilna).
TGFH Registry No.: 00766p
TGFH Period: During World War II
YV Item ID: 76136
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, Three corpses.
YV Archival Signature: 3380/118
YV Name of submitter: Borowicz Collection
YV Source: Borowicz Collection

5. Image
TGFH Catalog No.: 5911
TGFH Brief Description: A pit at the Ponary mass extermination site near Vilnius (Vilna), containing the remains of the murdered victims.
TGFH Registry No.: 30762p
TGFH Period: During World War II

6. Image

TGFH Catalog No.: 5912
TGFH Brief Description: A pit at the Ponary mass extermination site near Vilnius (Vilna), containing shreds of clothing and the remains of the murdered victims themselves.
TGFH Registry No.: 30763p
TGFH Period: During World War II

YV Item ID: 81416
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, Scattered clothing at the execution site, 1941.
YV Archival Signature: 2656/37

7. Image
TGFH Catalog No.: 5910
TGFH Brief Description: A pit at the Ponary mass extermination site, in which the remains of victims can be seen.
TGFH Registry No.: 30761p
TGFH Period: During World War II

8. Image
TGFH Catalog No.: 5906
TGFH Brief Description: A mass grave at the Ponary mass extermination site near Vilnius (Vilna). TGFH Registry No.: 16560p
TGFH Period: During World War II

YV Item ID: 30956
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, A mass grave.
YV Archival Signature: 1798/15

Now to the last three Ponary photographs from the TGFH collection.

9. Image

TGFH Catalog No.: 5914
TGFH Brief Description: A bunker at the Ponary mass extermination site, which housed the Jewish "sonderkommando" men.
TGFH Registry No.: 09220p
TGFH Period: During World War II

YV Item ID: 77989
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, The unfinished fuel tank site, which was used as an execution site for Jews from the Vilna region.
YV Archival Signature: 3380/409
YV Name of submitter: Borowicz Collection

YV Item ID: 25077
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, A bunker.
YV Archival Signature: 1798/16

10. Image

TGFH Catalog No.: 5913
TGFH Brief Description: A bunker at the Ponary mass extermination site, which housed the Jewish "sonderkommando" men.
TGFH Registry No.: 00017p
TGFH Period: During World War II

YV Item ID: 26407
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, A bunker.
YV Archival Signature: 1798/17

11. Image
TGFH Catalog No.: 5915
TGFH Brief Description: A bunker at the Ponary mass extermination site, which housed the Jewish "sonderkommando" men.
TGFH Registry No.: 30759p
TGFH Period: During World War II

12. Image
YV Item ID: 83877
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, A pile of corpses and skulls at the time of liberation.
YV additional info: connected to Item Testimony of Gerszon Delaticki, born in Iwie, Poland, 1911, regarding his experiences in the Red Army in the Mogilev region, using a false identity while in German captivity, with the partisans in the Smolensk region and Ponary, and in Klooga
YV Archival Signature: 1869/478

The emaciation of the corpses and the striped uniform seen on some of them suggest that the photo was taken in a German concentration camp at the time of liberation, and not at Ponary.

I would add that, on the USHMM website, the same photo is captioned as having been taken at Dachau concentration camp on 4 May 1945.

Like other obviously or possibly mistaken captions in the Ponary collection, this one has been brought to Yad Vashem’s attention.

In this context it should be pointed out that the apparent unreliability of the TGFH and/or Yad Vashem photo captions as concerns Ponary would mean that their online archives are poorly suited for determining whether and to what extent photographs corroborate the Soviet investigators’ description of their work and finds at the Ponary site. In other words, the absence of such photographic corroboration in the TGFH and Yad Vashem online archives need not mean anything.

13. Image
TGFH Catalog No.: 5905
TGFH Brief Description: Dr. Alexander Libo standing beside a mass grave at the Ponary mass extermination site near Vilnius (Vilna).
TGFH Registry No.: 12582p
TGFH Period: After World War II
TGFH additional info: Dr. Alexander Libo standing beside a mass grave at the Ponary mass extermination site near Vilnius (Vilna). Photographed on February 2, 1958.

14. Image

TGFH Catalog No.: 5907
TGFH Brief Description: Corpses exhumed from a mass grave at the Ponary mass extermination site near Vilnius (Vilna). The photo was apparently taken by a Soviet inquiry committee.
TGFH Registry No.: 16563p
TGFH Period: During World War II

YV Item ID: 77297
YV Title: Kovno, Lithuania, Jewish children's corpses in the ghetto 30/08/1944.
YV Archival Signature: 3497/8

15. Image

TGFH Catalog No.: 5908
TGFH Brief Description: The excavation of mass graves at the Ponary mass extermination site near Vilnius (Vilna) in July 1944.
TGFH Registry No.: 16643p
TGFH Period: During World War II
TGFH additional info: The excavation of mass graves at the Ponary mass extermination site near Vilnius (Vilna) in July 1944. The exhumation was carried out by the "Medical - Historical Committee of the Red Army for Discovering the Murders of the Germans." In the photo: the partisans Yechezkel Kremerman and Elchanan Telerant.

YV Item ID: 36271
YV Title: Ponary, Vilna, Poland, 1945, Exhumation.
YV Archival Signature: 2655
YV Name of submitter: Reuven Dafni

16. Image
TGFH Catalog No.: 5916
TGFH Brief Description: A bunker at the Ponary mass extermination site, which housed the Jewish prisoners who work it was to burn the corpses.
TGFH Registry No.: 30760p
TGFH Period: During World War II

17. Image
TGFH Catalog No.: 5953
TGFH Brief Description: A mass grave at the Ponary mass extermination site near Vilnius (Vilna).
TGFH Registry No.: 34866p
TGFH Period: During World War II

18. Image
TGFH Catalog No.: 5954
TGFH Brief Description: Dr. Alexander Libo beside a mass grave at Ponary near Vilnius (Vilna).
TGFH Registry No.: 34867p
TGFH Period: After World War II
TGFH additional info: Dr. Alexander Libo beside a mass grave at Ponary near Vilnius (Vilna). Photographed on February 2, 1958.

19. Image
TGFH Catalog No.: 26794
TGFH Brief Description: The bodies of children who were murdered at the Ponary mass extermination site near Vilnius. The photo is a still from a Soviet documentary titled "The Battle for Our Soviet Ukraine" (1943).
TGFH Registry No.: 16562p

20. Image
TGFH Catalog No.: 26795
TGFH Brief Description: The bodies of children who were murdered at the Ponary mass extermination site near Vilnius (Vilna).
TGFH Registry No.: 16561p

My comment:
This image is definitely not a photo taken at Ponary. It is a film still from the Soviet documentary "The Atrocities committed by German-Fascists in the USSR", where it is part of a sequence showing a family killed by the Germans in Makeyevka, Ukraine. I informed TGFH about the mistaken caption, but they maintained it.

21. Image
TGFH Catalog No.: 28734
TGFH Brief Description: Red Army soldiers standing beside the bunker at Ponary which housed members of the Sonderkommando who carried out the task of burning the victims' corpses.
TGHF Registry No.: 49946p
TGFH Period: During World War II

22. Image
TGFH Catalog No.: 37545
TGFH Brief Description: One of the mass killing pits in Ponary, that has not undergone restoration.
TGFH Registry No.: 51935p Similar Items
TGFH Period: After World War II
TGFH Photographer: Anolik Benjiamin
TGFH additional info: One of the mass killing pits in Ponary,that has not undergone restoration.
Photographed on June 25, 2004

23. Image
TGFH Catalog No.: 57223
TGFH Brief Description: Members of a Soviet Commission of Inquiry on a site visit to Ponary
TGFH Registry No.: 59338צ
TGFH Period: After World War II
TGFH additional info: Members of a Soviet Commission of Inquiry on a site visit to Ponary. Among those in the photo: several soldiers of the Soviet Red Army.

24. Image
YV Item ID: 5060
YV Title: Ponary, Lithuania, A covered mass grave.
YV Archival Signature: 4435/8
YV Name of submitter: Kalanski Batya
YV Photographer: Kalanski Samuel

25. Image
YV Item ID: 79733
YV Title Ponary: Poland, Crowds of people standing near the corpses of people who were hanged. YV Archival Signature: 3380/417
YV Name of submitter: Borowicz Collection
YV Source: Borowicz Collection

My comment: There is no evidence I know of that any public hangings took place at Ponary, so this photo was in all probability not taken at Ponary.

26. Image
YV Item ID: 1313
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, Exhumation of corpses from ditches.
YV Archival Signature: 2074/3

27. Image
YV Item ID: 46516
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, 1945, An exhumation.
YV Archival Signature: 4801/1
YV Name of submitter: Kremerman Yecheskel

28. Image
YV Item ID: 31876
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, October 1965, A mass murder site of Jews.
YV Archival Signature: 987/8
YV Name of submitter: Govrin Yossi

29. Image
YV Item ID: 79659
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, Corpses in a trench.
YV Archival Signature: 3380/413
YV Name of submitter: Borowicz Collection

30. Image
YV Item ID: 80492
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, Corpses hanging from the gallows.
YV Archival Signature: 3380/419
YV Name of submitter: Borowicz Collection
YV Source: Borowicz Collection

31. Image
YV Item ID: 81217
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, Corpses hanging on the gallows.
YV Archival Signature: 3380/420
YV Name of submitter: Borowicz Collection
YV Source: Borowicz Collection

32. Image
YV Item ID: 25199
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, Exposed bodies of victims in a mass grave.
YV Archival Signature: 1798/9

33. Image
YV Item ID: 25070
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, Bodies of victims that were massacred near the barbed wire fence.
YV Archival Signature: 1798/6

34. Image
YV Item ID: 33
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, Corpses of murdered people.
YV Archival Signature: 2074/7

35. Image
YV Item ID: 3112
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, Corpses of Russian POWs.
YV Archival Signature: 2074/45
YV Name of submitter: Mrs Katsherginski

My comment: The crew-cut and attire suggests that these are indeed Soviet POWs shot down by their German captors. The barbed wire fence suggests a camp setting. But is this Ponary? If it is, the photo cannot be of Soviet provenance, otherwise the discovery at Ponary of unburied Soviet POWs killed in last-minute executions would have been mentioned in the aforementioned Soviet reports of July and August 1944. Maybe the photo was taken by one of the Ponary operators some time before the place was left and later found in his possession, but without further information this is a merely speculative possibility. The photo might just as well have been taken in the context of a revolt or escape attempt, or some other mass killing at a POW camp, of which there were quite a few according to German historian Christian Gerlach (see translated excerpts from Gerlach’s book Kalkulierte Morde here.

36. Image
YV Item ID: 1087
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, Corpses.
YV Archival Signature: 2074/8
YV Name of submitter: Mrs Katsharginski

37. Image
YV Item ID: 3902
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, Corpses.
YV Archival Signature: 2074/21
YV Name of submitter: Mrs Katsherginski

38. Image
YV Item ID: 69485
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, Killing pit.
YV Archival Signature: 4577/589

39. Image
YV Item ID: 27571
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, The Soviet Army exhuming the bodies of those murdered in Ponary, August 1944.
YV Related Collection: Photos used in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. similar items
YV Archival Signature: 4613/918
YV Name of submitter: Moshe Shalvi
YV Source: Encyclopedia of the Holocaust - Hebrew Edition 1990

40. Image
YV Item ID: 79149
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, Doctors exhuming corpses.
YV Archival Signature: 3380/147
YV Name of submitter: Borowicz Collection
YV Source: Borowicz Collection

41. Image
YV Item ID: 292
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, July 1944, A medical committee at the exhumation of corpses.
YV Archival Signature: 2074/41
YV Name of submitter: Mrs Katsherginski

42. Image
YV Item ID: 4480
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, July 1944, A medical committee at the exhumation of corpses.
YV Archival Signature: 2074/40
YV Name of submitter: Mrs Katsherginski

43. Image
YV Item ID: 12220
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, A covered mass grave.
YV Archival Signature: 4435/7 similar items
YV Name of submitter: Kalanski Batya
YV Source: Kalanski Batya
YV Photographer: Kalanski Samuel

44. Image
YV Item ID: 4192
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, Two bodies in a pit.
YV Archival Signature: 2074/5

45. Image
YV Item ID: 9207529
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, Postwar exhumation.
YV Archival Signature: 9227/5

46. Image
YV Item ID: 9207515
YV Title: Ponary, Poland, Human bones inside a Coffin.
YV Archival Signature: 9227/4

The conclusions of this exercise are the following.
The Ghetto Fighters’ House and Yad Vashem need to re-caption some images mistakenly captioned as pertaining to Ponary and (re)check the provenance of other photos regarding which a Ponary setting is uncertain or even unlikely.

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