the so called 'Holocaust' / theatre of the absurd

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the so called 'Holocaust' / theatre of the absurd

Postby Hannover » 2 decades 5 months ago (Sun Dec 15, 2002 2:57 am)

Beware! If you dare to question anything on this list be prepared to accept the will be imprisoned in many countries.

- Hannover

· Mass graves expelling geysers of blood;[1]

· Acid or boiling-water baths to produce human skeletons;[2]

· Injections into the eyes of inmates to change their eye color;[3]

· Production of shrunken heads from bodies of inmates;[4]

· Skimming off boiling human fat from open-air cremation fires;[5]

· Out of pity for complete strangers - a Jewish mother and her child - an SS-man leaps into the gas chamber voluntarily at the last second in order to die with them;[6]

· Soap production from human fat, solemn burial of soap;[7]

· Underground mass extermination in enormous rooms, by means of high voltage electricity;[8]

· Killing in vacuum chamber or with steam or chlorine gas;[9]

· Mass graves with hundreds of thousands of bodies, removed without a trace within a few weeks; a true miracle of improvisation on the part of the Germans;[10]

· Gas chambers on wheels in Treblinka, which dumped their victims directly into burning pits; delayed-action poison gas that allowed the victims to leave the gas chambers and walk to the mass graves by themselves;[11]

· Electrical conveyor-belt executions;[12]

· Cremation of bodies in blast furnaces;[13]

· SS bicycle races in the gas chamber of Birkenau;[14]

· Removal of corpses by means of blasting, i.e., blowing them up;[15]

· Blue haze after gassing with hydrocyanic acid (which is colorless);[16]

· Singing of national anthems and the Internationales by the victims in the gas chamber; evidence for atrocity propaganda of Communist origin;[17]

· Rapid-construction portable gas chamber sheds;[18]

· Killing by drinking a glass of liquid hydrocyanic acid;[19]

· Muscles cut from the legs of executed inmates contract so strongly that it makes the buckets jump about;[20]

· Introduction of Zyklon gas into the gas chambers of Auschwitz through shower heads or from steel bottles.[21]

· The SS made sausage in the crematoria out of human flesh.[22]

· Mummified human thumbs were used as light switches in the house of Ilse Koch, wife of KZ commander Koch (Buchenwald).[23]

. Breathed through a keyhole in a gas chamber door at Flossburg to stay alive, cursed the SS when they opened the door, then ran away. [24]
[1] A. Rückerl, op. cit. (note 141), p. 273f.; E. Wiesel, Paroles d'Etranger, Editiondu Seuil, Paris 1982, p. 86; A. Eichmann, in: H. Arendt, op. cit. (note 179), p.184; B. Naumann, op. cit. (note 142), p. 214.
[2] F. Müller, in: H. Langbein, op. cit. (note 151), v. 1, p. 87; witness Wells in the Eichmann Trial, in: F. J. Scheidl, op. cit. (note 74), v. 4, p. 236.
[3] H. Langbein, Menschen in Auschwitz, op. cit. (note 152), pp. 383f.
[4] H. Langbein, ibid., p. 381.
[5] R. Höß, in: M. Broszat (ed.), op. cit. (note 71), p. 130; H. Tauber, in: J.-C. Pressac, op. cit. (note 17), pp. 489f.; F. Müller, Sonderbehandlung, Steinhausen,Munich 1979, pp. 207f., 217ff.; H. Langbein, Menschen in Auschwitz, op. cit.(note 152), p. 148; B. Naumann, op. cit. (note 142), pp. 10, 334f., 443; S. Steinberg, according to: Französisches Büro des Informationsdienstes überKriegsverbrechen (ed.), Konzentrationslager Dokument 321, Reprint 2001, Frankfurt/Main 1993, p. 206; and many more.
[6] E. Bonhoeffer, op. cit. (note 213), pp. 48f.
[7] S. Wiesenthal, Der neue Weg (Vienna), 15/16 & 17/18, 1946; the Soviets wanted to make this one of the charges at the IMT (exhibit USSR-393), but this plan failed due to the other Allies; cf. H. Härtle, Freispruch für Deutschland, Schütz, Göttingen 1965, pp. 126ff.; the Greenwood Cemetery in Atlanta (Georgia, USA) is not the only site to boast a Holocaust-memorial gravestone for 4 bars of "Jewish soap". Cf. also the following corrections: R. Harwood, D. Felderer, JHR 1(2) (1980) pp. 131-139; M. Weber, JHR 11(2) (1991) pp. 217-227.
[8] Aside from C. Mattogno, op. cit. (note 339), cf. esp. S. Szende, Der letzte Jude aus Polen, Europa-Verlag, Zürich 1945; S. Wiesenthal, Der neue Weg (Vienna), 19/20, 1946.
[9] Aside from C. Mattogno, op. cit. (note 339), cf. esp. W. Grossmann, Die Hölle von Treblinka, Verlag für fremdsprachige Literatur, Moscow 1947; The Black Book of Polish Jewry, Roy Publishers, New York 1943.
[10] Aside from note 349, cf. also W. Benz, Dimension des Völkermords, Oldenbourg, Munich 1991; pp. 320, 469, 479, 489, 537ff.
[11] Reports of the Polish underground movement, Archiv der Polnischen Vereinigten Arbeiterpartei, 202/III, v. 7, pp. 120f., quoted in: P. Longerich, op. cit.(note 271), p. 438.
[12] Pravda, Feb. 2, 1945, cf. U. Walendy, Historische Tatsachen No. 31: "Die Befreiung von Auschwitz 1945", Verlag für Volkstum und Zeitgeschichtsforschung, Vlotho 1987, p. 4.
[13] H. von Moltke, Briefe an Freya 1939-1945, Beck, Munich 1988, p. 420; cf. P. Longerich (ed.), op. cit. (note 271), p. 435; Pravda, Feb. 2, 1945.
[14] Nürnberger Nachrichten, Sept. 11, 1978, report about eyewitness testimony in the jury court trial in Aschaffenburg.
[15] R. Höß, in: M. Broszat (ed.), op. cit. (note 71), pp. 161f.; A. Rückerl, NS-Prozesse, op. cit. (note 127), p. 78; H. Grabitz, NS-Prozesse., op. cit. (note191), p. 28.
[16] R. Böck, Frankfurt Public Prosecutor's Office, Ref. 4 Js 444/59, pp. 6881f.
[17] H. G. Adler, H. Langbein, E. Lingens-Reiner (eds.), Auschwitz - Zeugnisse und Berichte, Europäische Verlagsanstalt, Cologne 1984, p. 76.
[18] R. Aschenauer (ed.), Ich, Adolf Eichmann, Druffel, Leoni 1980, pp. 179f.
[19] Verdict of the Hannover District Court, Ref. 2 Ks 1/60; cf. H. Lichtenstein, op. cit. (note 84), p. 83.
[20] F. Müller, op. cit. (note 345), p. 74.
[21] M. Scheckter and a report of June 4, 1945, written by an officer of the 2nd Armored Division, about Auschwitz; Französisches Büro des Informationsdienstes über Kriegsverbrechen (ed.), op. cit. (note 345), p. 184.
[22] David Pressac, in J.-C. Pressac, op. cit. (note 17), p. 554, fourth column, lines 17-22.
[23] Kurt Glass, New York Times, April 10. 1995.
from: 'Death Was Our Destiny',p.49-50, by Arnold Friedman,
Vantage Press, 1972.
[24] Arnold Friedman, Death Was Our Destiny, Vantage Press, 1972, p.49-50

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Postby steve » 2 decades 5 months ago (Sun Dec 15, 2002 10:39 am)


You either got tired of typing or are slipping!

You missed:

Daily tossing of Jew in cage with eagle and bear. Bear mauls Jew to death, eagle picks his bones.

Causing 20,000 Jews to vanish instantaneously by use of atomic device.

Evil Nazis making prisoners climb tress and then cutting trees down.

And last, but certainly not least, was the pedal driven brain bashing machine.

The source for the first was, if I remember correctly, a man named Glass. The article was in the NY Times. I can't seem to locate it.

The other three were from Porter's site.

I'm sure there are at least 6,000,000 more yarns just as credible. And people wonder why we don't believe.


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Postby Hannover » 2 decades 5 months ago (Sun Dec 15, 2002 1:15 pm)

Thanks, I had a feeling there was plenty that I was leaving out. The only list that would probably be longer would be of the fake photos; and ofcourse the lying "eyewitnesses", whose descriptions defy science, logic, and each other.

- Hannover

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Postby Juan » 1 decade 8 years ago (Mon Jun 14, 2004 12:44 pm)

What about the meat hooks in Buchenwald used to hang [jewish] prisoners?

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Postby gonzo » 1 decade 8 years ago (Mon Jun 14, 2004 11:20 pm)

killings by stuffing sand down throats

Soon after my arrival at Belzec, one very young boy was selected from each transport. (I don't know where he was from as we didn't know the origin of the transports.) He was a fine example of health, strength and youth. We were surprised by his cheerful manner. He looked around and said quite happily, "Has anyone ever escaped from here?"

It was enough. One of the guards overheard him and the boy was tortured to death. He was stripped naked and hung upside down from the gallows -- he hung there for three hours. He was strong and still very much alive. They took him down and lay him on the ground and pushed sand down his throat with sticks until he died. ... 1sand.html

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Postby Hannover » 1 decade 8 years ago (Thu Jan 20, 2005 7:02 pm)

Someone mentioned that the BBC bizarro series claims that the SS reved up motorcycle engines to cover the screams of those allegedly being gassed. :lol:

From the initial post we now have a 'convergence of evidence':
SS bicycle races in the gas chamber of Birkenau

source: Nürnberger Nachrichten, Sept. 11, 1978, report about eyewitness testimony in the jury court trial in Aschaffenburg.

Not quite motorcycles, but close enough for another good laugh.

- Hannover
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Postby Carto's Cutlass Supreme » 1 decade 8 years ago (Thu Jan 20, 2005 7:20 pm)

What's really scary is that respected holocaust historians cite these sources.

I have some "sources" questions. I should know this. But I'm not afraid to ask:

[1] A. Rückerl, op. cit. (note 141), p. 273f.; E. Wiesel, Paroles d'Etranger, Editiondu Seuil, Paris 1982, p. 86; A. Eichmann, in: H. Arendt, op. cit. (note 179), p.184; B. Naumann, op. cit. (note 142), p. 214.

What would the "F" in 273F mean?
[2] F. Müller, in: H. Langbein, op. cit. (note 151), v. 1, p. 87; witness Wells in the Eichmann Trial, in: F. J. Scheidl, op. cit. (note 74), v. 4, p. 236.

What does "op. cit" mean?

[3] H. Langbein, Menschen in Auschwitz, op. cit. (note 152), pp. 383f.
[4] H. Langbein, ibid., p. 381.

Does "ibid" mean the same book, same page, does it mean, "same as source directly above"?

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Postby Science Over Superstition » 1 decade 8 years ago (Fri Jan 21, 2005 12:14 am)

You use 'f' to indicate a footnote on a page. You use 'op cit' to indicate a source cited further up in your own footnotes. YOu use 'ibid' if its the footnote just before the present one that you want to cite.


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Postby Trojan » 1 decade 8 years ago (Fri Jan 21, 2005 5:39 pm)

Causing 20,000 Jews to vanish instantaneously by use of atomic device.

Wasn't this just mentioned in passing when Speer was questioned at Nuremberg? As I recall, little credence was given to this report/allegation.

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Postby Hannover » 1 decade 8 years ago (Fri Jan 21, 2005 10:21 pm)


The 'German atomic weapons that killed 20,000 Jews' as introduced at Nuremberg is discussed here:

I can see why you wouldn't want to refer to it. Our readers should have a look.

- Hannover
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: the so called 'Holocaust' / theatre of the absurd

Postby Hannover » 8 years 5 months ago (Wed Dec 24, 2014 1:47 pm)

You can question the Roman Empire, Charlemagne, The Napoleonic Wars, WWI, etc.; but hey, in Europe and most of the west you will be imprisoned if you don't accept the idiotic the nonsense claimed by nutty 'eyewitnesses' and the scientific impossibilities of the 'holocaust' storyline.

- Hannover

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of Truth is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.
The tide is turning.
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: the so called 'Holocaust' / theatre of the absurd

Postby Jurgen » 8 years 5 months ago (Thu Dec 25, 2014 5:42 am)

Man, the absolute WEALTH of knowledge on this site is still astounding to me. Soo much information.
"The Holocaust narrative actually breaks down on a discrete, factual level, and is only tenable when it is presented as some vague or nebulous larger than life metahistorical event" Mulegino1

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Re: the so called 'Holocaust' / theatre of the absurd

Postby Scary Truth » 6 years 7 months ago (Wed Oct 12, 2016 8:20 am)

Let's not forget the (several maybe) former inmates that claimed toilet paper made from sandpaper was issued to prisoners.
Or ex-Sonderkommando Dario Gabbai's claim that a gas chamber designed for 1,000 victims was over-packed with 2,500 -- and when the dastardly deed was complete, there was no room for the bodies to fall down -- so they remained standing.
(Not one so-called "Sonderkommando" ever made mention of the the pronounced red skin color exhibited by any human dying from Zyklon B poisoning.)
Or the 750,000 bodies of victims that were dug up after many months of decaying so they could be cremated -- all done by Jews -- while the German guards laughed, prodded them, ate sandwiches and drank champagne nearby.
Or the story of holocaust survivor Irene Zisblatt, repeatedly eating and defecating several diamonds over the course of 18 months, escaping from not one, but two gassing chambers at the last second, or her claim that she and many other inmates were forced to stand for days on end in ankle-deep water, laden with urine and feces. She was also chosen for "eye color change" experiments and her blemish-free skin was destined to be used to make lamp shades -- but she was able to avoid such fate for reasons she is uncertain of.
The nationality of a Jew could be determined by the color of the smoke that came from the crematory chimney.

It seems that 'holocausts" are not that rare among the Jews -- in fact, they seem to have happened at somewhat regular intervals. Sensible research reveals that high-profile and influential Jews are shown to be quite adept and shameless in broadcasting the suffering and persecution of their flock.
Also not that rare, is the figure "6 million". A Kabbalistic number that (according the the Torah/Old Testament) God/Yahweh requires to be "sacrificed" in his covenant with the Jews, prior to their "return home".

"... nearly six million Jews were killed in the Bar-Cocheba revolt ..." Article in Science of Religion, 1897

"There are 6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism." ~ Rabbi Stephen Wise, New York Times, June 11, 1900

"Startling reports of the condition and future of Russia's 6,000,000 Jews ... the Russian Government's studied policy for the "solution" of the Jewish question is systematic and murderous extermination..." ~ Dr Paul Nathan's article: View of Russian Massacre, the New York Times, March 25, 1906

" ... poverty, starvation and disease are the afflictions which now beset the six million Jews in that country, [Russia], and Roumania." ~ Deseret Evening News, March 17th, 1908

"But the same righteous Governments, who are so nobly, industriously active to establish the eternal peace, are preparing, by their own confession, complete annihilation for six million people," ~ Max Nordeau speaking at The 1911 Zionist Congress. Hecht, Ben. Perfidy. NY; Julian Messner. 1961. page 254

1912 - Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, New York Tribune, September 11th, 1912, page 9 "Russia is now asphyxiating the Jews. It does not dare to offend the nations by blood spilling, so it is slowly, but surely grinding out the lives of 6,000,000 Jews."

1915 - "In the world today there are about 13,000,000 Jews, of whom more than 6,000,000 are in the very heart of the war zone, Jews whose lives are at stake and who today are subjected to every manner of suffering and sorrow..."Louis Marshall in concert with Jacob H Schiff, Meyer London and Dr Enelow, New York Times, Article: Millions in Dire Distress, Jan 14, 1915

1915 - The Sun (NY), June 6th, 1915, section 5, page 1
"Six million Jews, one-half of the Jewish people throughout the world, are being persecuted, hounded, humiliated, tortured, starved. ... six million Jews in Russia ... are being tortured so mercilessly."

1916 - New York Herald, March 5th, 1916, Section III, p.10.
"Six million Jews, old men, women and little children, are suffering from the greatest calamity that has befallen Israel since the Egyptian bondage."

1919 - The Corsicana Daily Sun, April 3rd, 1919, p.5
"SIX MILLION ARE STARVING ... It is estimated that there are six million Jewish women, children and aged men actually starving to death.

1918 - Fort Wayne News and Sentinel (IN), June 22nd, 1918, page 1
"In the war zone of Europe there are six million Jews who have been the war's worst sufferers,"

1919 - New York Times, September 8th, 1919, page 6
"127,000 Jews Have Been Killed and 6,000,000 Are in Peril. ... 6,000,000 souls in Ukrainia and in Poland have received notice through action and by word that they are going to be completely exterminated - this fact stands before the whole world as the paramount issue of the present day."

1919 - Rushville Daily Republican, September 29th, 1919, page 4
"The thought that as I walk the streets of this properous and happy town there are 6,000,000 people in other lands without food, shelter or raiment is disturbing. ... When I read, as I have read all my life, of the persecution and slaughter of the Jews I am not proud of my own race or my religion. ... Six million people perishing!"

1919 - Schenectady Gazette, October 16th, 1919, page 15
"Today 6,000,000 Jews Are Facing the Darkest Days Ever Known in the Long History of the Race."

"The successive blows of contending armies have all but broken the back of European Jewry,' he said, 'and have reduced to tragically unbelievable poverty, starvation and disease about 6,000,000 souls, or half the Jewish population of the earth." ~ Felix M. Warburg, New York Times, Sept 29, 1919
(Fourteen years before Hitler's rise to power and twenty years before the outbreak of WWII.)

"In Europe there are today more than 5,000,000 Jews who are starving or on the verge of starvation, and many are in the grip of a virulent typhus epidemic. An appeal has been issued throughout the world. The quota of New York City is $7,500,000. The drive will occupy the week of May 2-9, and will be based wholly upon the principle of sympathy and a common humanity." ~ Editorial, New York Times, April 21, 1920

"'Hunger, cold rags, desolation, disease, death - Six million human beings, without food, shelter, clothing or medical treatment in what now are but the wastes of once fair lands, lands ravaged by long years of war or blighted by its consequences!" ~ Editorial, New York Times, May 2, 1920

"BEGS AMERICA SAVE 6,000,000 IN RUSSIA. Russia's 6,000,000 Jews are facing extermination by massacre." ~ New York Times, July 20, 1921, page 2 (This time, it's the Jews in Russia, and, of course, it's 6 million of them)

"The Jews in the immediate district for which the aid of the war sufferers' campaign is to be given numbered over six million. Over 300,000 orphans, over 150,000desecrated women, over six million wandering Jews walking, crawling in their misery, feeding on the bark of trees and on herbs that grow by the wayside." ~ Lowell Sun (MA), March 22, 1922, pg 14 (Women, orphans, crawling, eating the bark of trees in misery, and guess what -- it's 6 million Jews, again.)

"Six million Jews in Eastern Europe face starvation and even worse..." ~ Article titled: Six million Jews face starvation, Montreal Gazette, Dec 29, 1931.

"This is no exaggeration to say that six million Jews are sentenced to be imprisoned in this part of the world [Europe] ..." ~ Future Israeli president Chiam Weizmann, testifying before the Peel Commission, 1936

"Great Britain has it within her power to throw open the gates of Palestine and let in the victimized and persecuted Jews escaping from the European holocaust." ~ The Jewish Western Bulletin, June 2nd, 1936, page 3 (Three years before the outbreak of WWII.)

"Six million Jews at this moment are trapped like rats ... " ~ The Guardian, April 4th, 1938, page 11 (18 months before WWII began.)

"It is estimated that nearly six million Jews have been driven from their homes by ruthless oppressors and stripped not only of their property but their right to work for a living." ~ Port Arthur News, June 9th, 1938, page 1 (Who(m) is in charge of counting, how do they arrive at these figures and why is it always 6 million?)

"Does Mr. X really believe that if Hitler gains control of Spain with the help of Franco, that life in Spain will be any different than it is today in Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia where 6,000,000 Jews have been murdered, ..." ~ The Daily Sentinel (Rome, NY), January 31st, 1939, page 11 (9 months before the the beginning of WWII.)

"Not in Hitler's Hands, In Yours ... The Fate Of Six Million European Jews" ~ The Jewish Criterion, April 7th, 1939, page 4

"6,000,000 Jews are doomed to destruction..." ~ Nahum Goldman, Chairman or the World Jewish Congress, the Palm Beach Post, June 25, 1940

The Talmud also has atrocity claims which demonstrate the Jewish mentality: Gittin 57b claims that four billion Jews were killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar. Gittin 58a claims that 16 million Jewish children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans.

" ... the holocaust proved to be the perfect weapon for deflecting criticism of Israel..." (p 30).
" In recent years, the holocaust industry has become an outright extortion racket." (p 55).
"... the field of holocaust studies is replete with nonsense, if not shear fraud..." (p 127).
"The holocaust may yet turn out to be the greatest robbery in the history of mankind." (p 138). ~ Norman Finkelstein, The Holocaust Industry, 2000

Based entirely on the wartime German concentration camp records that had been captured by the Soviets and since released, the New York Times on March 3, 1991 reported that the Auschwitz death total was 73,137. Of those, 38,031 were Jews. These records state that the total of all persons who died in the ENTIRE German prison camp system from 1935 to 1945 was 403,713. To repeat: a total of 403,713 persons of all races and religions was officially recorded to have died (of all causes, typhus, old age, measles, etc.-and execution) in the entire prison camp system over a 10 year period. Of those 403,713 a total of 73,137 died at Auschwitz. Of those 73,137 who died at Auschwitz, 38,031 were Jews.

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