borjastick wrote:It is also a massive psyop and con against the jews themselves by the jews. Any jew born since 1945 has from the moment they are able to be educated been subjected to a lie of enormous proportions such that one can only describe it as a forced mass psychosis on a minority ethnic group. Imagine thinking that the world hates you so much that a plan was thunk up and enacted so that six million of your own people were put to death. Worse still that as a jew you have to believe it and cannot ever disagree let alone check details for yourself.
All so that the state of israel could be formed, a state that you must support morally and financially and also turn a blind eye to the holocaust they are delivering to the Palestinian people who lost their country to accommodate your own type.
Agree, it's a means for those calling the shots there to contoll the flock.
In former Times that was done via religion (which includes forms of guilt tripping and gas lighting).
Rabbinical Judaism gave the Rabbis a position of authority and trust inside Kahal and Stetl.
Upholding a religion, which did consist of far more that the "Old Testament" (as many non-Jews tend to believe), but also lots of Jewish fables that are commonly linked with writ from the 'old Testament' though, required the guidance of rabbis and sages, giving those firm control over the community (via the Kahal system).
With the 'emancipation' of Jews, urbanization and assimilation, the religious grip faded away as well. I think that is where reform Judaism came in. It is essentially Judaism lite. And I find it similar to liberal Protestant denomination in many ways. They quite openly dismiss anything that 'can't be proven scientifically', actually meaning stuff that isn't in line with Naturalism. The religious grip isn't that strong neither, it's merely a membership were you perform some rituals, "because it is a tradition".
The Holocaust does wonders in this. It pretends to be History (in line with science, which we know it is not). So anything happening there sounds kind of believable (That is until one examines it rationally and asks for empirical evidence). It has however a strong emotional touch to it, with horror, drama, pity, mourning and well judging (those darn Nazis). There is a mystique around the whole matter. That's what I'd call parareligious. It is accepting to anyone from ultra-orthodox to atheists, regardless of political orientation or social class one can believe it. Also people from other religions "can believe it". There is martyrs, saints, apostles, witnesses that do 'evangelization', Holocaust Survivors always played a role in this. There is even an inquisition which goes after perpetrators and heretics (Holocaust Deniers). It got holy shrines and locations for pilgrimages were people can admire relics. And well, it got "moral lessons", if one really wants to call it that way. Some of the believers are real pietists about the Holocaust, especially academics from the humanities seem to have a thing for this. It also divides good an evil. The Jews are the good innocent victims of the evil Nazis with Hitler something like an incarnation of the devil... But funny enough a christ-like figure (in the mythology) as well.
Jews get an almost divine status in this, putting them above critique by others. In fact saying something negative about Jews becomes a taboo, a sacrilege and the adherents of the Holocaust cult act accordingly. It's almost obligatory to say bad things about Hitler, the Nazis and it isn't really a problem to disparage the Germans or people from Axis powers... Although they got their demi-saints as well, if they were 'in the resistance' like Bonhoeffer. Germans are acceptable as repentant sinners as long as they are ready to dispense their own existence. They of course have to pay indulgences, if they don't want to be ostracized and shunned by 'the world community'.
That's why Holocaust Denial isn't exactly a matter taken lightly. Holocaust Deniers are dangerous heretics, possible in a pact with the devil (Hitler). They have magical abilities (rational arguments) making them more believable. But fortunately Holocaustians know that this is a trick and are to holy (and clever) to fall for this.
And yes, there are signs of mass psychosis... With the Jews it seems to lead to more arrogance and function as a motivator to work on getting and maintaining power and influence in Western Societies. With Westerners it seems to have an intoxicating effect preventing them from standing up for their own interest and standing their ground politically and culturally. It primes them for philosemitism and xenophilia as well. And it made them more receptive for the cultural revolution of the 1960s. There is a book author here in South Africa that pointed that out already in the 1980s. He didn't take a stance on the Holocaust, but insisted that the belief in it had consequences for the ideological views that were dominant in Western societies after World War Two. To him it also explained lots of the hostility against South Africa by 'liberals' from Western Societies. I think he had especially the Netherlands in mind then... But Joe Biden also exposed lots of that vitriolic attitude... Biden famous lied about South Africa and his visit here. Funny how none of those libtards ever wondered, why they couldn't equally visit Communist Countries. Funny as well, how they wouldn't take a critical stance about Communism neither (And I'm talking their home countries). They wouldn't survive that politically I'd guess. Lots of the Anti-Apartheid movement was actually Communist and Jewish as well. Ironically this while South Africa and Israel had a working relationship in resource, technology and security matters.