Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

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Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

Postby alison_quinn » 4 years 4 months ago (Tue Jan 22, 2019 1:21 am)

High definition preferred and labelled. I can't find sources to the supposed originals which were uncovered. Digital are good too. I'm wanting to recreate some of the buildings, crematoriums and camps in 3D. Thanks. 8)

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Re: Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

Postby Moderator » 4 years 4 months ago (Tue Jan 22, 2019 10:18 am)

You are referring to Auschwitz, yes?
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Re: Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

Postby borjastick » 4 years 4 months ago (Tue Jan 22, 2019 2:09 pm)

On the BBC documentary programme 'The Nazis - A Warning From History, the voice over said something like 'there are no plans for the Auschwitz gas chambers but if there were they would look something like this'. There followed a blue print type computer design on screen. It was all supposition and make believe.
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Re: Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

Postby Hannover » 4 years 4 months ago (Tue Jan 22, 2019 3:29 pm)

I suggest these:

'Report: Auschwitz blueprints 'found' in Berlin apartment'

Notice the claims that are easily shot to pieces.
A 'Berlin apartment'? Hilarious.
Notice that our links to various images have predictably been removed by the link sources.

Then there was the much later claim that the same nothing-burger plans were 'smuggled to Israel'.
The liars again fail to keep their lies straight. :lol:
'German publisher says he used Netanyahu to smuggle Auschwitz plans to Israel'


Along with Forum participants, the late great Dr. Robert Faurisson utterly shreds this fake news story.

You just gotta love this description by Forumiite Turpitz:
Note the usual purposefully obscurantist, metaphysical, religious language used. I can't think of any other event, apart from the transubstantiation, that requires this level of gobbeldygook. We're in the realm of the fantastic and mythological. The Holocaust is akin to a Babylonian mystery cult.

- Hannover

No human remains of millions in allegedly known locations, no 'holocaust'.
The claimed '6M Jews & 5M others' is one helluva a lot of human remains to just disappear. That alleged 11M equals the population of London.
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

Postby borjastick » 4 years 4 months ago (Wed Jan 23, 2019 8:03 am)

page 1229 use.jpg
page 1229 use.jpg (340.66 KiB) Viewed 2746 times

A scan from the British part work History of the Second World War showing a purported blue print for the auschwitz gas chambers and mass murder buildings. Except, this is a fake, no blue print exists which shows 'gas chambers' but is typical of the lies and spurious 'facts' that they spew out.
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

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Re: Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

Postby flimflam » 4 years 4 months ago (Wed Jan 23, 2019 7:19 pm)

A look back at my discovery, on March 19, 1976, of the building plans for the Auschwitz and Birkenau crematoria by Faurisson

On March 19, 1976, I discovered the building plans for the Auschwitz crematoria in the Auschwitz State Museum archives. Plans that had been kept carefully hidden since 1945. And for good reason: they refuted the case for “the Holocaust”!

Two of these drawings confirmed that the Auschwitz camp itself had, at the start (until August 1943), possessed a Krematorium, a building with two main rooms: first, a mortuary called a Leichenhalle or “corpse hall”, then, a room housing cremation ovens as well as a reserve of coke and funerary urns. Afterwards (from January 1944), the interior of the room containing the ovens, coke and urns was dismantled, the whole building being transformed into a Luftschutzbunker für SS Revier mit einem Operationsraum, or concrete air-raid shelter for an SS infirmary with operating room.

Still other drawings showed that in 1943 a total of four crematoria had been built at Auschwitz-Birkenau; the first two, Krematorium II and Krematorium III, were equipped with Leichenkeller or “corpse cellars” and, at ground level, a room with cremation ovens; the other two crematoria, Krematorium IV and Krematorium V, also contained spaces for the keeping of corpses, either for cremation or other purposes. For photographs of those crematoria and those plans, one may refer to the extracts below from Serge Thion’s book Vérité historique ou vérité politique ? Le dossier de l’affaire Faurisson. La question des chambres à gaz (p. 317, 320), Paris, Editions la Vieille Taupe, 1980 (available for purchase from Editions Akribeia, 45/3, Route de Vourles, 69230 St Genis-Laval, France; €28).

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Re: Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

Postby Lamprecht » 4 years 4 months ago (Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:28 pm)

There is already a 3D model of Auschwitz

https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/ ... Camp?hl=en

Screen Shot 2019-01-23 at 11.27.30 PM.png
Screen Shot 2019-01-23 at 11.27.30 PM.png (800.22 KiB) Viewed 2679 times

And this one:
https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/ ... land?hl=en
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NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

Postby Hektor » 4 years 4 months ago (Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:57 am)

borjastick wrote:On the BBC documentary programme 'The Nazis - A Warning From History, the voice over said something like 'there are no plans for the Auschwitz gas chambers but if there were they would look something like this'. There followed a blue print type computer design on screen. It was all supposition and make believe.

Except for design drawings, there should have been work instruction and military style operational manuals as well.

Where is it?

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Re: Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

Postby EtienneSC » 4 years 4 months ago (Sat Jan 26, 2019 6:55 am)

There is reference here to some lower definition online reproductions of original documents:
As noted above, there already are some reconstructions. There is one of Auschwitz at the Imperial War Museum in London for example.

I only recall drawings, sketches and physical models by (alleged) eyewitnesses for the AR camps.

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Re: Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

Postby bonniwell2923 » 4 years 4 months ago (Sun Feb 03, 2019 7:12 pm)

One thing that bothers me is, if the Germans at this time were going to do mass scale extermination at Krema II and III Berkinau then cremate bodies, why do the procedure at a 2 level complex?
Would it be not easier to do it on one level like Krema I? It would be easier to set up a system to transport bodies from so called gas chamber to furnace on a track system (I know some track system existed). no dragging by the neck with their tool, or the guys I hauling dead meat from chamber to furnace, Men could work longer days because of less labor intensive work dragging bodies, or loading them on a cheesy looking elevator to another level then unload them. this place of mass extermination seems to have been designed by Col. Klink
I have seen German made machinery, all look so professionally done. the whole lay out does not make sense

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Re: Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

Postby Hektor » 4 years 4 months ago (Sun Feb 03, 2019 8:11 pm)

bonniwell2923 wrote:One thing that bothers me is, if the Germans at this time were going to do mass scale extermination at Krema II and III Berkinau then cremate bodies, why do the procedure at a 2 level complex?
Would it be not easier to do it on one level like Krema I? It would be easier to set up a system to transport bodies from so called gas chamber to furnace on a track system (I know some track system existed)....

The set-up, gassing/killing in the basement and cremating after having them dragged through the building via a tiny lift, is indeed patently absurd. It's sufficient evidence to show that this building wasn't designed and used for industrial extermination of human beings. Imagine the maintenance records this would have produced for the lift alone.

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Re: Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

Postby bonniwell2923 » 4 years 3 months ago (Sun Mar 03, 2019 6:14 am)

my idea for a 2 level extermination plant

If you must have a 2 level extermination system building for industrial extermination , would not be easier to have the gas chamber on the upper level so gassed corpses can be dropped or slide on a chute to the cremation furnace level area below with much less effort? In other words, let gravity work for you here instead of working against you and eliminate any sort of elevator and the maintenance of. After a corpse is cremated, the average weight of the remains is about 1.6 kgs thus easier to transport back up to ground level for disposal. Even this could be accomplished with slowly elevated conveyor to a truck container waiting outside the building. Coke fuel for the gasifiers of the furnaces can be shoveled from the outside into a chute to drop down into the gasifiers chamber of the furnace. Trucks loaded with coke fuel can make deliveries much easier by dropping off the coke fuel near the area of the furnace gasifier chute. Be sure to keep the coke fuel entrance at a comfortable level for easy introduction into the chute
Thus the helpers can work longer hours due to less manual labor.
I look forward to the ideas of others

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Re: Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

Postby Hannover » 4 years 3 months ago (Sun Mar 03, 2019 11:52 am)

bonniwell2923 wrote:my idea for a 2 level extermination plant

If you must have a 2 level extermination system building for industrial extermination , would not be easier to have the gas chamber on the upper level so gassed corpses can be dropped or slide on a chute to the cremation furnace level area below with much less effort? In other words, let gravity work for you here instead of working against you and eliminate any sort of elevator and the maintenance of. After a corpse is cremated, the average weight of the remains is about 1.6 kgs thus easier to transport back up to ground level for disposal. Even this could be accomplished with slowly elevated conveyor to a truck container waiting outside the building. Coke fuel for the gasifiers of the furnaces can be shoveled from the outside into a chute to drop down into the gasifiers chamber of the furnace. Trucks loaded with coke fuel can make deliveries much easier by dropping off the coke fuel near the area of the furnace gasifier chute. Be sure to keep the coke fuel entrance at a comfortable level for easy introduction into the chute
Thus the helpers can work longer hours due to less manual labor.
I look forward to the ideas of others

I entire idea that the Germans would fill two rooms (claimed to have been 'gas chambers') with potentially explosive cyanide which were situated immediately below coke fired, flaming, high heat cremation 'ovens' is preposterous.

As Master chemist Germar Rudolf said about the amounts of cyanide / Zyklon-B necessary to kill the alleged ca. 2,000 people at a time in the mere minutes alleged:
"70-80 times the typical fumigation" would have been needed if the narrative was true, thereby massively increasing the possibility of explosion. IOW, almost guaranteeing an explosion such as:

house after cyanide explosion

For a thorough demolition of the alleged Auschwitz gas chambers & alleged Auschwitz homicidal gassing process see my analysis at:

- Hannover

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Re: Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

Postby bonniwell2923 » 4 years 3 months ago (Sun Mar 03, 2019 4:44 pm)

Hanover, most everything you wrote I am in total agreement with you on. But I did not write "situated immediately below". Yes, My idea requires different building design that is more friendly to industrial extermination if a 2 level complex is necessary.
the important thing is to eliminate laborious vertical movement going up. My idea lets gravity do the work. You no longer have to push an average of 45kgs per body upward direction, merely 1.6 kgs and on a conveyor at that. Also, conveying ashes up to a truck container for disposal at night at a secret site away from prying eyes. And you no longer need anyone to dig ditches to bury the remains. The whole complex could be designed to where there is very little manual labor except for putting corpse on gurney and shoveling coke. My point is, that I am an electrical and mechanical tech by trade and have much experience with conveyer systems. Although there may be flaws with my plan/idea, it is better that of crema 2 and 3. Back in those days, these German designers/planners could not figure this out or do more efficient way? I think not. Every needed technology for my plan was available back in those days. The crux of the matter is, if you are going to do industrial extermination, do not design a 2 level building structure, do it on one level. Unless the gas chamber really was a morgue, and built underground to keep the room cool?
Look forward to your thoughts

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Re: Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

Postby Hannover » 4 years 3 months ago (Sun Mar 03, 2019 9:45 pm)

Hanover, most everything you wrote I am in total agreement with you on. But I did not write "situated immediately below".

I did not say that you said that. I just was following your lead on the ridiculous nature of the many 'gas chambers' / crematorium claims.
Sorry about any confusion.

Regards, Hannover

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