The alleged "decline" of Jewish influence and hegemony in the USSR

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The alleged "decline" of Jewish influence and hegemony in the USSR

Postby Kmut00 » 1 year 3 days ago (Mon Jun 06, 2022 11:57 am)

Hi, today I found an article who was wroted by William L. Pierce in National Vanguard whose content surprised me a lot (and even more so coming from Pierce). This is an article that talks about the Jewish influence in the Soviet Union. The article was published in the 1970s, when the USSR still existed. What surprised me is that Pierce (despite he also denied that the USSR was "anti-Semitic") claimed that Jewish power and influence in the USSR was very little and insignificant since the last years of Stalin's rule onwards and that since then the Jews lost their hegemonical position in the Soviet Union. That is, Pierce supported the myth that Stalin became "anti-Semitic" during his later years and pursued anti-Jewish policies in late 1940s and early 1950s. ... communism/

Below I will show some of Pierce's claims in the article that have particularly caught my attention.

IT IS AN ARTICLE of faith among the members of the so-called “radical right” that the Soviet Union today is as firmly under the thumb of a ruling minority of Jewish commissars as it was in the years immediately after the Bolshevik revolution of 1917.

All the wails by world Jewry about “Soviet anti-Semitism,” just as the lukewarm Soviet backing of Israel’s Arab opponents, are seen as pure subterfuge aimed at deceiving the Gentile West as to the true state of affairs behind the Iron Curtain.

It is, on the other hand, an article of faith among nearly everyone else — from “responsible conservatives” to the AFL-CIO’s George Meany to those who take their ideological cues from the New York Times or the Washington Post — that the Soviet Union is run by fanatical anti-Semites who single out Soviet citizens of the Jewish faith for especially harsh persecution.

To question the first article of faith is to lay oneself open to the suspicion of being in cahoots with the Jews, while to question the second is to bring down on one’s head the immediate charge of being an anti-Semite.

The fact is that neither article of faith has any correspondence with reality, as we shall see in what follows. Before we can understand the true situation of the Jews in the Soviet Union today, however, we must understand how that situation has developed and changed during the last few decades. Indeed, it will be helpful for us to look much further back than that.

In other words, according to Pierce, there had been important "political changes" in the USSR and the Jewish influence in the Soviet Union in the 1970s was very small and the claim that the Jews continued to dominate Soviet politics it's a "radical right conspiracy theory". However, the truth is that it's an obvious fact that the great majority of Bolshevik revolutionaries and leaders were Jews, that the Soviet Union served to the Jews as a fiefdom of power similar to what the USA were and continue to be today for them and that one of the declared and most important principles on which the Soviet Union was created was to end the "anti-Semitic tradition and tyranny" of the Russian Empire of the Tsars. Therefore, it's impossible for me to believe that the Jewish influence in the USSR was decreasing from the last years of Stalin's rule, if this had been the case, one of the main principles on which the USSR was built would have been delegitimized, which would have could have led to a severe questioning of the Soviet and communist system itself and even to its fall, which would have been very dangerous for the Soviet authorities (even the de-Stalinization it did not go that far, there was no real questioning of the Soviet system until Gorbachev's policies arrived in the late 1980s).

The series of arrests and show trials of the late 1930s, known as “the Great Terror,” were primarily a manifestation of Stalin’s paranoia. During the years of the Great Terror Stalin more-or-less continuously purged and repurged the Communist Party, destroying in the process all enemies, both real and imaginary, and liquidating all factions, actual or potential, which might conceivably challenge his rule.

It is true that during the years 1937-1939 a great many Jewish communists were killed, and that when the smoke had cleared there were fewer Jews and more Russians in the upper ranks of the party than before. Stalin’s purges can in no way be interpreted as an anti-Semitic move, however. Jewish party members were liquidated, not because they were Jews, but because every party official was regarded as a potential threat by Stalin. More often than not the secret police official who fired the fatal bullet into the back of the Jewish victim’s head in the cellars of the NKVD was himself a Jew.

And Russians also were killed in droves during the purges — in far greater numbers, in fact, than Jews. And, although the liquidation of so many high-ranking officials brought a flux of non-Jews up from the lower ranks of the hierarchy as replacements, Jews still remained by far the largest ethnic group in the Soviet power structure at the outbreak of World War II.

At least Pierce debunks here the myth that 1930s Stalinist purges were "anti-Semitic" and claims that after these purges the Jews continued to retain their hegemonic power in the Soviet Union.

When Hitler launched his blitzkrieg attack on the Soviet Union in June 1941, determined to stamp out the menace of Jewish Marxism once and for all, Stalin’s worries turned in a new direction. The Jews, not only in Russia but everywhere, had suddenly become his most important allies in the death struggle with Hitler.

As soon as the Germans invaded the Soviet Union Stalin could count on the moral backing of Jewry everywhere. More importantly, with their enormous power of the press and of the purse, they could insure him the material support of the United States government.

The behavior of the Jews in the USSR in the early days of the war caused him considerable worry, however. As the Germans advanced, tens of thousands of Russia’s Jews loaded their suitcases with currency and headed for the Far Eastern provinces, where they immediately went into business as black marketeers. This had a very bad effect on the morale of the Russian masses, who were being exhorted to sacrifice everything in the fight against the fascist invaders.

Stalin kept the problem in check by having a few hundred Jewish currency speculators and black market dealers publicly shot, but he could hardly afford to take any stronger measures against them, or the Jews in America and Britain might simply call off the war, and he would be left alone to deal with Hitler.

World War II convinced Stalin of one thing: he could never again feel safe against external enemies with the Soviet bureaucracy in the grip of a people who had no fundamental loyalty to Russia, like the pharaoh who “knew not Joseph,” he asked himself whether it might not happen that “when there falleth out any war” — a war against a philo-Semitic power instead of an anti-Semitic one next time, perhaps — Russia’s Jews would “join also unto our enemies.” He began taking steps to remedy this dangerous situation as soon as the war was over.

Acting with great discretion at first, Stalin started weeding Jews out of the upper levels of the Soviet hierarchy. It was necessary to proceed slowly for two reasons.

First, Jewish communists in the United States, Canada, and Britain were still funneling very valuable atomic and military secrets to him. Like U.S. atom-spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Jews everywhere still regarded the Soviet Union as a Jewish paradise.

Second, Soviet society was utterly dependent upon its Jewish managers and technocrats for its continued functioning. For three decades Jews had virtually monopolized the bureaucracy and the professions, and it was necessary to train a new generation of Russians to replace them.

After the Zionist seizure of Palestine in 1948 — which was immediately given an official blessing by the Soviet Union — Stalin greatly accelerated his weeding-out program. Zionism — loyalty to a foreign power — was equivalent to treason, and every Jew, whether he professed loyalty to Israel or not, was regarded as at least a potential Zionist.

Well, there are quite a few things to comment on here. Pierce claims that after Hitler's preemptive attack on the Soviet Union, many Soviet Jews fled to the Russian Far East. Aren't supposed that the Nazis allegedly murdered millions of Jews in the German-occupied Soviet territories? Pierce also claims that Stalin had a few hundred Jewish currency speculators and black marketers publicly shot. I was completely unaware of that fact, I don't know what is true and false in it, can anyone give more information about it?

Pierce also claims that World War II convinced Stalin that he could never again feel secure against external enemies with the Soviet bureaucracy in the hands of a people [the Jews] who had no fundamental loyalty to Russia. However, I ask myself, what fundamental loyalty to Russia mattered to Stalin? He wasn't Russian (he was Georgian) and the Soviet Union wasn't Russia, it was an artificial amalgamation of 15 "Socialist Republics" (of which Russia was only one of these countries). What loyalty to Russia? The Soviet Union was a communist dictatorship, therefore internationalist and opposed to Nationalism.

Pierce goes on to claim that Stalin thereafter began to eradicate (albeit initially discreetly) the Jewish influence in the Soviet Union, removing Jewish communists from the upper echelons of the party, his government, and the Soviet cultural establishment. If this was so, then why did Jews like Lazar Kaganovich, Lev Mekhlis or Ilya Ehrenburg mantained their important positions in the Soviet establishment and remain highly influential in Soviet politics until Stalin's death?

Pierce then admits that Stalin was one of the first rulers to recognize and give his blessing to the State of Israel, but goes on to claim that Stalin "accelerated" his alleged "program to eradicate" the Jewish influence in the Soviet Union. Big contradiction, If Stalin really wanted to eradicate Jewish supremacism in the Soviet Union, then why did he give the blessing to the State of Israel? It is a pure contradiction.

Between 1948 and 1953, Stalin’s changed attitude toward the Jews filtered down to the Russian masses. On the law books anti-Semitism was still equivalent to anti-Sovietism — an equivalence established by Lenin’s infamous edict of August 9, 1918 — and, as revealed by Solzhenitsyn in his First Circle, an ordinary Russian could still be given a 10-year sentence at hard labor for casually using the word “zheed” (kike) — but, at least, one was no longer shot for such an offense, as was the case before the war. A few bold Russians defied the law, and poems, short stories, and a few pamphlets began circulating surreptitiously, which reflected, for the first time in 30 years, the deep-smoldering resentment of the people against the Jews.

In Romania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and other Soviet satellites Stalin’s program was also underway. The Soviet-puppet governments which had been installed in these countries in the wake of their “liberation” by the Red Army were almost completely “kosher.” Now the Jewish party bosses and commissars — Ana Pauker in Romania, Rudolf Slansky in Czechoslovakia, Matyas Rakosi in Hungary — were being summarily deposed and replaced by Poles, Czechs, Hungarians, etc.

More contradictions, Pierce claims that the alleged Stalin's "change of attitude" toward the Jews reached the knowledge of the Soviet population, however he admits that Soviet legislation still considered anti-Semitism to be equivalent to anti-Sovietism, and therefore it was still being very serious crime, but despite this fact there were Russian citizens who began to publish clandestinely and in defiance of Soviet law (as Pierce himself claims) anti-Semitic material who was still illegal in the Soviet Union. Beyond the fact that the Soviet laws to combat anti-Semitism were relaxed a bit, where was the change here? As Pierce himself claims, anti-Semitism was still considered a very serious crime in the last years of Stalin's government and therefore it was still highly persecuted.

He also claims that under Stalin there was an alleged "anti-Semitic purge" in the Soviet puppet states in Eastern Europe and that the Jewish leaders of the USSR's satellite countries were replaced by non-Jewish communist leaders. Pierce mentions Ana Pauker, Matyas Rakosi, and Rudolf Slansky as examples. Except for Slansky, all the other examples of purged Jewish leaders that Pierce mentions were, in fact, replaced by other communist Jews and Pierce also ignored the context and reasons why Rakosi and Pauker were purged. In the case of Ana Pauker, who held the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs from December 30, 1947 to July 9, 1952 and during this time she is also considered to have been the unofficial supremme leader of communist Romania. Pauker was arrested (at as in the case of Slansky) due to accusations of being a "Zionist spy" at the service of the United States and Israel, but nevertheless, she was replaced as Minister of Foreign Affairs by another Jewish communist, Simion Bughici, who held this position until on October 3, 1955 (more than two years after Stalin's death, that is, that the "Anti-Semitic" Soviet dictator tolerated another Jew replacing Pauker as Minister of Foreign Affairs of communist Romania). And the case of Matyas Rakosi is even more striking. Rakosi was of Jewish origin and he was the first dictator of communist Hungary, he ruled the country with an iron fist until he was forced to resign as General Secretary by the Soviet authorities on July 18 1956, for being a fanatical Stalinist and refusing to introduce de-Stalinization policies in communist Hungary (this fact contradicts the claim that Stalin was "anti-Semitic" and in the last years of his life he eradicated the Jewish influence in the Soviet Union and in the international communist movement). He was replaced by another Jew, Ernö Gerö who was the leader of communist Hungary until he was removed due to the heroic Hungarian anti-communist revolution of October 1956.

It was in this period — the period of the “Cold War” — that Jews began their public wailing about “Soviet anti-Semitism.” In fact, there is a fundamental connection between Stalin’s weeding-out program and the onset of the Cold War. It was the postwar recognition by the Jewish masters of America’s mass media that their fortunes had changed in the USSR that led to a deliberate effort on their part to shift American public opinion and governmental policy away from the pro-Soviet stance which they themselves had generated during World War II. But that is another story in itself.

Stalin died on March 5, 1953. There are persistent rumors that his death came just on the eve of a planned roundup of all the remaining Jews in the Soviet Union — and that it was Stalin’s plan for this “final solution” of Russia’s Jewish problem which led to his death by poison at the hands of one of his associates or doctors. At this time we have no way of knowing the truth of the matter. We do know, however, that Stalin’s program to Russify the upper ranks of the Soviet bureaucracy had been largely accomplished by the time of his death.

With Stalin dead the Jews of Russia were out of any danger of being abandoned by the Soviet government to the wrath of the Russian people. During the period of “de-Stalinization” which followed, most of Stalin’s measures against the Jews were relaxed. But the government was not handed back over to the Jews. Russian communists were in the saddle now, and they intended to stay there.

And thus it has continued to the present. And the Jews in the United States and other Western countries maintain their nonstop serenade of the Gentile public with tales of woe and persecution in the USSR.

Undoubtedly, many Jews actually believe they are being persecuted by the Soviet government. After all, are they not God’s “chosen people,” who by right should rule over the Russians? Is it not “persecution” to deny them this right?

Pierce claimed here that the Jews of the United States and the rest of the Western capitalist Bloc launched a massive disinformation campaign aimed at trying to make the international public opinion to believe that the USSR (and the communist Bloc in general) was "anti-Semitic". During the Cold War both geopolitical sides used the Reductio ad Hitlerum card and accused each other of being "Nazis" and "Fascists" (reminds me of the stupid and shameful propaganda of the current Russo-Ukrainian war in which both sides accuse each other of being "Nazis"). The Soviet Union itself often compared the State of Israel to the Third Reich and the Zionism to Nazism (out of curiosity, does anyone know if the Soviet Cold War era propaganda launched a disinformation campaign too to counter the western capitalist propaganda by accusing the United States and the capitalist Bloc of also being anti -Semite as the Americans did against them?).

Pierce then claims that Stalin planned in 1953, shortly before his death, to exterminate all the remaining Jews in the Soviet Union and that this was what led to his sudden death (implying the posibility that he was assassinated).

Then he claims that after Stalin's death and the de-Stalinization process leaded by Nikita Khrushchev, the Soviet Jews were once again out of danger but that they definitively lost their political hegemony in the Soviet Union and now the new masters of the USSR were no longer them but the communists of Russian ethnicity, and therefore claiming that the post-Stalinist Soviet Union was stilling ruled by the Jews is a lie according to William L. Pierce's views.

In any event, believed by the Jews or not, this serenade is largely believed by their gullible Gentile audience, and it serves as a very useful means of maintaining the pressure of Western public opinion against the Soviet government. As long as the Soviets are dependent upon trade with the West, they are obliged to tread lightly where Soviet Jews are concerned.

Thus, Henry Kissinger’s policy of detente (rather, partial detente, the prospect of detente), which is facetiously attacked by many American Jews and their Gentile henchmen (Senator Jackson, for example) actually serves the Jews very well. It insures that their present position in the Soviet Union will not deteriorate further, as it did under Stalin. And what is that position today?

Jews, who today account for just under one per cent (0.9) of the total population of the Soviet Union, occupy approximately the same percentage (0.8%) of senior party and government positions in that country.

But Jews constitute 1.9 per cent of all students and 5.5 per cent of all faculty members at Soviet institutions of higher education. They account for 7 per cent of all Soviet scientists. They hold 14 per cent of the doctoral degrees in the Soviet Union. And they make up more than 20 per cent of the highly paid members of the performing arts, entertainment, and mass communications professions. These figures (except the last) are from the May 1974 issue of Commentary, a magazine published by the American Jewish Committee, which is in the forefront of those organizations lamenting the “persecution” of Soviet Jews.

The truth is that Jews are not now and never have been persecuted by a communist government. They constitute a privileged minority in the Soviet Union today, a minority which holds a higher percentage of soft jobs and enjoys a higher standard of living than any other ethnic group — including Russians — and which is the only minority which has been allowed to emigrate.

It is also true that Jews in the Soviet Union are not as privileged a group today as they were before World War II. But Stalin did not persecute Jews when he curtailed some of their privileges; he simply set out to correct the gross inequity which existed in the Soviet Union between the power wielded by Jews and that wielded by Russians and other ethnic groups. It is this long-overdue correction which the Jews of the world so indignantly refer to as “persecution.”

Today’s Soviet leaders are not passionate men, not idealistic men, not religious men. They are not the sort of men burning with a sense of justice, with a craving to right old wrongs and settle old scores. They are not the sort of men, in short, to persecute Jews, for what is the profit in that?

They are cold-blooded businessmen-gangsters, not basically unlike the sort we are familiar with in this country. They do what is necessary to protect their power, but they do not waste their time and energy on such trifles as justice.

But the day may come when the Russian masses will rise up and throw off the communist yoke which was put on their necks nearly 60 years ago. If that day does come, then the Jews will really have something to scream about.

Here Pierce implies that if the 1970s Soviet Union treated Soviet Jews decently, it was among other reasons because they were dependent on Western trade. He then analyzed the detente policy of the United States toward the Soviet Union led by the Jew Henry Kissinger, stating that Kissinger's foreign policy was very valuable for the Soviet Jews because it helped them to prevent their situation from getting worse again as it allegedly was been under in the last years of Stalin's era.

Pierce then gives data and percentages on the representation that Jews still had in the Communist Party, the Soviet government and the spheres of influence of the Soviet Union in general during the 1970s. These figures (assuming that they were true and not manipulated data) shows that in the 1970s Soviet Union the Jews allegedly occupied levels of power proportional to the number of Jewish residents in the Soviet Union (and therefore they had a very little influence in the 1970s Soviet Union), so if those percentages are true, in the 1970s there would no longer been any Jewish influence in the USSR, and claming otherwise would be lying. However, Pierce claimed that except the last of the percentages that he mentioned in the article, all other percentages he mentioned are sourced from the May 1974 issue of Commentary, a monthly magazine published by the American Jewish Committee, which as Pierce admitted, it was one of the most notorious organizations who promoted the myth of the Soviet "anti-Semitism". So I ask the following question, Is there any possibility that the figures, data and percentages about the Jewish influence in the Soviet Union during the 1970s produced by the American Jewish Committee were deceitful and (apart from continuing to promote the lie of the Soviet "anti-Semitism") it tryed to minimize the true influence that their Jewish communists counterparts continued conserving in the 1970s Soviet Union and that it was actually much greater than the AJC claimed?

Pierce continues to contradict himself, because despite claiming (with data offered by the AJC) that the Jews had little influence in the Soviet Union in the 1970s, he also stated that in the 1970s Soviet Union, the Jews continued to be a privileged minority and that they still enjoyed a higher standard of living in the USSR than the average Russian. How can it be that the Jews (representing only 0.9 percent of the population of the Soviet Union) allegedly had little political influence in the USSR but at the same time they remained a privileged minority? Either one or the other, but it is impossible to be a privileged minority in a so titanic country and with so many nations and ethnicities as the Soviet Union if they have little or no political influence there.

His latest claims have also caught my attention, he claimed that if the Russian people rise up and free themselves from the tyrannical yoke of Bolshevism (in other words, if the Russian people overthrow the Soviet Union in a popular revolution in the 1970s) then the Jews would have good reason to mourn and weep. If it's true that the Jews had lost their political hegemony in the Soviet Union and if by the 1970s their influence was low, then what would they have had to "regret"?

And to finish the thread, I would like those of you who read it to give me your opinion about this topic and answer the following questions. Was Stalin really anti-Semitic? It's true or false that the Soviet dictator eradicated the Jewish supremacism in the Soviet Union in the late 1940s and early 1950s? How strong or weak was the Jewish influence in the post-Stalinist Soviet Union's (and in the Communist Bloc in general) establishment? Was William L. Pierce right when he claimed that the Jewish influence in the USSR since the last years of Stalin's era was insignificant? Did the Jews retain their political supremacy and hegemony in the Soviet Union and in the international communist movement until the fall of the Berlin Wall and the USSR itself? I am not any expert on this topic nor do I have the absolute truth, in fact I have decided to open this thread as it seems very contradictory to me, I have doubts and don't know in which version to believe with on the matter, so I am willing to listen and debate all kinds of opinions and points of view.

Greetings, Kmut00

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Re: The alleged "decline" of Jewish influence and hegemony in the USSR

Postby Hektor » 1 year 1 day ago (Wed Jun 08, 2022 12:11 pm)

There was a change in who was hegemonic in the Soviet Union over time. There was indeed an influx of Jews into middle and top management positions in Russia. That was also noticed by all kinds of observers. But bear in mind that Stalin did purge Soviet elites several times. So if killed Jews disproportionally, this may be because they were overrepresented in certain positions. Anti-Semitism? Rather Pragmatism.

There is a noticeable decline of Jewish presence in public positions in the USSR after Stalin as well. Officially they also became "anti-Zionist". What this meant in terms who was calling the shorts in the USSR is a far more difficult question. I think nobody really knew who was making what decisions there. Yes, officially this were the ministers, heads of departments, committees, etc. But there process of decision making is far more complex than "I said so"...

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Re: The alleged "decline" of Jewish influence and hegemony in the USSR

Postby Kmut00 » 1 year 1 day ago (Wed Jun 08, 2022 3:24 pm)

Hektor wrote:There was a change in who was hegemonic in the Soviet Union over time. There was indeed an influx of Jews into middle and top management positions in Russia. That was also noticed by all kinds of observers. But bear in mind that Stalin did purge Soviet elites several times. So if killed Jews disproportionally, this may be because they were overrepresented in certain positions. Anti-Semitism? Rather Pragmatism.

There is a noticeable decline of Jewish presence in public positions in the USSR after Stalin as well. Officially they also became "anti-Zionist". What this meant in terms who was calling the shorts in the USSR is a far more difficult question. I think nobody really knew who was making what decisions there. Yes, officially this were the ministers, heads of departments, committees, etc. But there process of decision making is far more complex than "I said so"...

I know the fact that the Soviet Union became "anti-Zionist" sin the last years of Stalin's era, although as I said in the thread, there were important Soviet Jews who supported the "anti-Zionist" political turn of the USSR. However, many liberals, neocons and pro-Israel conservatives who declare themselves "anti-communists" use this fact a lot to try to "prove" that the Soviet Union in particular and the communist regimes in general were "anti-Semitic" and therefore they are "ideological brothers" of the Nazis. You know, the typical right-wing boomer rethoric like "the Nazis were socialists, like the communists and therefore Nazism = Communism" and "the USSR and the rest of the communist regimes were anti-Zionist and hated Israel, therefore they were anti-Semites and therefore, Communism = Nazism". However, what I wonder is if the data that Pierce's claims about the alleged decrease of the Jewish influence in the Soviet Union are true or falsified and manipulated data. In your opinion are they? Another thing that I would like to ask you (and that the Zionists also use a lot to reaffirm their claim of "Communism = Nazism" and "Stalin = Hitler"), do you think that the famous doctors' plot hoax that Stalin invented and used as an excuse to purge Many Soviet leaders in the late 1940s and the early 1950s (many of whom were Jews and members of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, which was disbanded during these new Stalinist purges) actually had an anti-Semitic motivation and Stalin actually prepared during this time a genocide against the Jewish population that lived in the USSR as the Zionists, Neocons and Liberals claim? How would you respond to people who claim that Communism was (at least from the late 1940s) anti-Semitic? In your opinion, is accurate the claim that Stalin was anti-Semitic? And by the other hand the claim and conviction of the Nazis that Communism and the Soviet Union were instruments of the international Jewry that serve their plans of world domination?

Greetings, Kmut00

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Re: The alleged "decline" of Jewish influence and hegemony in the USSR

Postby Hektor » 11 months 4 weeks ago (Fri Jun 10, 2022 12:03 pm)

I realize the words-play and semantics going on with terminology, concepts and attitudes.

They should show the evidence for their claims and demonstrate that they have considered the overall evidence to a sufficient degree. The later because it's easy to cherry-pick statements and then create whole new narratives from the fragments at hand.

Communism claims to speak for all people, Jews included. It is however anti-human to the highest degree, if one follows the ideological guidelines of Marxism. And that would also include Jews of course. So you can make Communism anti-anything.

National Socialism was more limited in it's claims to decide on policy. They had a nation (In NS the Germans in Germany) and proclaimed a sphere of influence akin to the Monroe-doctrine. So they'd take interest in what their neighbors were doing. They didn't consider what other nations did among themselves their business. With the war this policy did however shift in terms of taking more interest in what e.g. happened in the occupied countries and among some of the neutrals. Their 'Antisemitism' was a) about the removal of Jewish influence from German public institutions b) with the war the removal of Jews from the German sphere of influence was added.

Essentially those powers having limited spheres of interest lost out to the powers that have universal claims of hegemony or even world government. The Americans certainly viewed "Democracy" and Casino Capitalism to be the way of live for any nation in the world. The Communists / Soviets viewed themselves as the avantgarde of the world revolution aiming at a global soviet (world government) that would control all aspects of life of people under their control. This was however taking a retarded form in the era after Stalin leading to Glasnost and Perestroika and finally the disbanding of the Warsaw Pact and die Soviet Union. As for Soviet Anti-Semitism, they should demonstrate that to me that a person was fired in the USSR for being Jewish (and not for other reasons, disciplinary or political). They'd also would have to demonstrate that this was based on general policy and not on a single case.

Well, I'm not against 'conspiracy theories' in general. Conspiracies are areal. However I'd refuse to accept this as the answer to everything, which is the straw man people use, when using "conspiracy theory" as a slayer argumentoid, something that happens quite often.

Political events are both conspirational and opportunistic. There is obviously people that will do planning, financing, organizing and directing and they are more than often not (well) known. They actors involved will however be opportunistic as well, grabbing opportunities as things unfold.

The "Russian Revolution" had as background social change in the Russian Empire, which went along with a portion of Russians starting reject their national culture and also the rule of the Czar and the nobility in Russia. This was also combined with rejection of the Orthodox Church, traditions and customs of Russia. There'd be people fermenting this, but that doesn't mean they'd be directed by some central agency. This doesn't exclude that some may have been sponsored with the goal of fermenting 'change' there. To pull something off like a Revolution, you'd need funds, structures, a cadre organization that engages in this. The funding would always be interesting. In case of Communism in Russia, there was such financial support for the key Revolutionaries o start engaging.... I'd guess they'd need some consulting for this as well. You need to know what you are doing there, what and at what amounts. They of course cashed in on resources once they started expropriating people.

The NSDAP was a fringe group in Germany for most of the 1920s, which changed only in the late 1920s early 1930s. Then the organization grew to very large membership figures. During the early phase they were given an extremely hard time by the Communists and established parties that actually used all kinds of chicanery to disrupt meetings, rallies and the party structure as well as barring party members from certain jobs. But they were quite persistent in their work and the bugger-ups of the established parties seemed affirm the NS-point of view. The economic crisis and mass-unemployment did give the Weimar Regime the rest there. This is why the NSDAP took over in 1933. Funding was merely by its middle-class membership and smaller donors. They got contributions from industry associations like all parties except the Communists did (They got their funding from Moscow, but it seems Communists had rich donors as well). There was some consensus in the middle Class, but also among industrialists that the Weimar Republic was in a dead end, and that a Communist Revolution was a likely outcome, if things went on as they did.

Some obscure funding would have to be demonstrated first. Also, the fact that American investors had factories in Germany does not mean that they were "supporting Hitler" as is often alleged. There was a widespread myth among leftist intellectuals that "Big Capital" funded Hitler, though.... See, those guys got conspiracy theories of their own. It's however pretty obvious that financial Elites in the Western countries weren't too fond of National Socialism and its initial success. It threatened their present position indirectly, since political movements could come up that wanted to copy NS-Germany. Industrial competition on World Markets would also be perceived as a threat. No wonder they also engaged in the campaign against "NAzism" prior to the war.

I'd be also interest in who influenced the Poles in their late 1930s decisions on their policies towards Germany. Polish Chauvinism might be a sufficient explanation, but there is also the potential for more.

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Re: The alleged "decline" of Jewish influence and hegemony in the USSR

Postby Lamprecht » 6 months 3 weeks ago (Sat Nov 12, 2022 2:55 pm)

I'd also point out that Jew-dominated communist parties have been known to hide their Jewishness (involved change their names, refuse to include ethnic-looking Jews, elevate token gentiles to visible positions) to give the impression that these movements are not dominated by Jews. Poland is an example:
Lamprecht wrote:There is a book on the subject of Jewish domination of Polish communism:

Google Books: ... _R17Qmv7wC
Full book PDF: ... Poland.pdf or mirror1 or mirror2 or mirror3 or mirror4

Peter Myers has two great articles on the book. In one, he quotes various passages and provides his own comments. In the second, he quotes Kevin Macdonald's discussion of the book in 'The Culture of Critique':

Review of Jaff Schatz, The Generation: The Rise and Fall of the Jewish Communists of Poland or

Kevin MacDonald's review of a book by J. Schatz, The Generation: The Rise and Fall of the Jewish Communists of Poland (1991) or

Some excerpts:
Schatz's (1991) work on the group of Jewish communists who came to power in Poland after World War II (termed by Schatz "the generation") is important because it sheds light on the identificatory processes of an entire generation of communist Jews in Eastern Europe. Unlike the situation in the Soviet Union where the predominantly Jewish faction led by Trotsky was defeated, it is possible to trace the activities and identifications of a Jewish communist elite who actually obtained political power and held it for a significant period.

The great majority of this group were socialized in very traditional Jewish families whose inner life, customs and folklore, religious traditions, leisure time, contacts between generations, and ways of socializing were, despite variations, essentially permeated by traditional Jewish values and norms of conduct.
Note the implication that self-deceptive processes were at work here: Members of the generation denied the effects of a pervasive socialization experience that colored all of their subsequent perceptions, so that in a very real sense, they did not know how Jewish they were. Most of these individuals spoke Yiddish in their daily lives and had only a poor command of Polish even after joining the party (p. 54). They socialized entirely with other Jews whom they met in the Jewish world of work, neighborhood, and Jewish social and political organizations. After they became communists, they dated and married among themselves and their social gatherings were conducted in Yiddish (p. 116). As is the case for all of the Jewish intellectual and political movements discussed in this volume, their mentors and principle influences were other ethnic Jews, including especially Luxemburg and Trotsky (pp. 62, 89), and when they recalled personal heroes, they were mostly Jews whose exploits achieved semi-mythical proportions (p. 112).
In the prewar period even the most "de-ethnicized" Jews only outwardly assimilated by dressing like gentiles, taking gentile-sounding names (suggesting deception), and learning their languages. They attempted to recruit gentiles into the movement but did not assimilate or attempt to assimilate into Polish culture; they retained traditional Jewish "disdainful and supercilious attitudes" toward what, as Marxists, they viewed as a "retarded" Polish peasant culture.
This combination of self-deceptive rationalization as well as considerable evidence of a Jewish identity can be seen in the comments of Jacub Berman, one of the most prominent leaders of the postwar era. (All three communist leaders who dominated Poland between 1948 and 1956, Berman, Boleslaw Bierut, and Hilary Minc, were Jews.)
While Jewish members saw the KPP as beneficial to Jewish interests, the party was perceived by gentile Poles even before the war as "pro-Soviet, antipatriotic, and ethnically 'not truly Polish' " (Schatz 1991, 82). This perception of lack of patriotism was the main source of popular hostility to the KPP (Schatz 1991, 91). On the one hand, for much of its existence the KPP had been at war not only with the Polish State, but with its entire body politic, including the legal opposition parties of the Left.

On the other hand, in the eyes of the great majority of Poles, the KPP was a foreign, subversive agency of Moscow, bent on the destruction of Poland's hard-won independence and the incorporation of Poland into the Soviet Union. Labeled a "Soviet agency" or the "Jew-Commune," it was viewed as a dangerous and fundamentally unPolish conspiracy dedicated to undemmining national sovereignty and restoring, in a new guise, Russian domination. (Coutouvidis & Reynolds 1986,115)

The KPP backed the Soviet Union in the Polish-Soviet war of 1919-1920 and in the Soviet invasion of 1939. It also accepted the 1939 border with the USSR and was relatively unconcerned with the Soviet massacre of Polish prisoners of war during World War II, whereas the Polish government in exile in London held nationalist views of these matters. The Soviet army and its Polish allies "led by cold-blooded political calculation, military necessities, or both" allowed the uprising of the Home Army, faithful to the noncommunist.
Moreover, as was the case with the CPUSA, actual Jewish leadership and involvement in Polish Communism was much greater than surface appearances; ethnic Poles were recruited and promoted to high positions in order to lessen the perception that the KPP was a Jewish movement (Schatz 1991, 97). This attempt to deceptively lower the Jewish profile of the communist movement was also apparent in the ZPP. (The ZPP refers to the Union of Polish Patriots - an Orwellian-named communist front organization created by the Soviet Union to occupy Poland after the war.) Apart from members of the generation whose political loyalties could be counted on and who formed the leadership core of the group, Jews were often discouraged from joining the movement out of fear that the movement would appear too Jewish. However, Jews who could physically pass as Poles were allowed to join and were encouraged to state they were ethnic Poles and to change their names to Polish-sounding names. "Not everyone was approached [to engage in deception], and some were spared such proposals because nothing could be done with them: they just looked too Jewish" (Schatz 1991, 185).

More will be posted in the future, that's all for now.

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"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: The alleged "decline" of Jewish influence and hegemony in the USSR

Postby Hektor » 6 months 1 week ago (Fri Dec 02, 2022 11:41 am)

Lamprecht wrote:I'd also point out that Jew-dominated communist parties have been known to hide their Jewishness (involved change their names, refuse to include ethnic-looking Jews, elevate token gentiles to visible positions) to give the impression that these movements are not dominated by Jews. Poland is an example:
Lamprecht wrote:There is a book on the subject of Jewish domination of Polish communism:

The influence of people on mass organizations won't be constant over the the time of their existence.

As for the Soviet CP... It's obvious that initial Jewish influence was rather large and it appears to diminish after WW2. Doesn't mean that it became zero. The problem is that Communist parties tend to work like secret organizations. How decisions are made is rather opaque even for long time members. In a communist country it's rather clear for the subjects that the Communist Party is making all the decisions including those of a more private nature. But how that actually works will be a riddle for those being subjected to the policies... Rather don't challenge this openly, if you want to avoid any trouble so people tend not to do it and actually ostracize those that do. And the ostracism also comes from those who themselves have no love for Communism, Marxism, the Party or government. They do it as a means of avoiding trouble for themselves and their families.

Even if a group leaves the party completely... If they have introduced key policies and principles their influence will survive them leaving the party. And I almost forgot. The party is only one Block of power in communist countries. The Party Elite AND other figures will form the Nomenklatura, the 1%ers if you want, There may be people inside the Nomenklatura that don't have party-offices or official positions, yet have more power and influence than the people that do. Nomenklatura mostly means that you are privileged in some way. That means access to goods, services, information, facilities ordinary "citizens" (I shudder to call people in Communist countries that) don't have.

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