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Japanese War Crimes

Posted: 1 year 3 months ago (Wed Feb 23, 2022 11:42 pm)
by clewder
Is there any proof that argues against the Japanese atrocities of WW2, like human experimentation and the Nanking Massacre?

Re: Japanese War Crimes

Posted: 1 year 1 month ago (Sat May 07, 2022 1:49 pm)
by griepswoolder
I'm not that well informed about the Japanese warfare and know almost no alternative reports, but for years I have had the suspicion that the reports about Japanese crimes, at least according to the majority, are not true. It will be the usual method. One invents crimes committed by opponents of the war in order to distract from and justify one's own war crimes (atomic bombs and others). I noticed that in Croatia too. There, too, there are said to have been attacks on Jews, as I read a long time ago, also by the Croats. But I am also of the opinion that the alliance with Japan was great stupidity on the German side, or that Germany had been lured into a trap. How it came about, i.e. the details, are unfortunately not known to me at the moment. A military alliance with a state at the end of the world, despite problems with a victory over England, was a mistake. Just like letting the English troops withdraw freely, that was also a big tactical mistake.
So it's more of a logical proof or counter-evidence... The probability is greater that the official story - which, as has been known for a long time - is written by the winners - is incorrect.