Hektor wrote:But there is no persecution of 'Dead-Elvis-Deniers' nor are there books written about them. Dead-Elvis-Denialism is not seen as a threat, there is no mileage to be gotten out a dead Elvis. And I'm sure it would be possible to actually prove that Elvis is dead and how he died. So that trick got its limitation.
Of course that trick has its limitation, but it is still good enough to make Holocaust revisionists look like lunatic fringe clowns and to keep normies away from their writings.
Hektor wrote:Albeit it isn't as limited as the association of 'Holocaust-Denialism' with Ufologists. Because there it turns out that Ufologists actually argue like Holocaustians themselves. They got plenty of 'witness statements' in fact far more than there are homicidal gas chamber witnesses. They would argue that the evidence for Ufos is hidden by government agencies, which is akin to claim that the 'Nazis, hid all the evidence' and were using 'cryptic language', when talking about 'the final solution' (supposedly meaning physical destruction).
The parallel should indeed be too striking to be overlooked. I like telling normies that the homicidal gas chambers of Auschwitz are like the alien spaceships of Area 51.
Hektor wrote:Indeed, those sweeping statements are designed to shut up people and to stump people from not further investigating the question themselves. Negative Association and rhetorical exercises are the way to go for the Holocaustians. They go to great length with this. Wouldn't it be easier to present sound, hard evidence of your claims instead? I mean, don't they want to know what happened themselves or are they just to happy to believe that six million Jews were gassed? When confronted they may reply that 'perhaps it wasn't exactly six million', 'perhaps they weren't all gassed'. But that's all the concession they will allow. What counts for them is the 'moral truth of their claim'... In other words Holocaust = really, the worst event in human history.
What Debbie Lipstadt calls softcore denial. Just an alternative version of the "truth is in the middle" fallacy.
Hektor wrote:Yes, that's were the 'ulterior motives' are the Holocaust Believers suspect are with those 'denying the Holocaust'. Allies had ample reasons to make up atrocity stories about their enemy 'the Nazis'. One being to gas light the Germans so they would shut up about what had been / is being done to them. Turn the country into a moldable object using social psychological methods of attitude change and thought reform on a macro social level. At the same time you can get a nice story of 'your own troops fighting incarnation of evil'... And well, the Jews got their way of a critique-shield and legitimation for Zionism in their own ranks as well to those they wanted to use as Allies.
Another reason was that they always do that. They did it during all the previous and following wars they fought. Believing that they wouldn't have used the very powerful weapon of psychological warfare called "atrocity propaganda" during the most titanic war ever fought is more than far-fetched if I'm asked. The gas-chamber story can even be traced back to the Allied campaign of WWI atrocity propaganda (as you know) !!