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A big Hello to our Israeli readers

Postby Moderator » 1 decade 5 years ago (Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:58 am)

It's nice to know you're here, thanks for the communication. We certainly appreciate your reading our vast amount of information, please feel free to post your comments. You are confident enough to do that, right?

Truth is freedom.

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Only lies need to be shielded from debate, truth welcomes it.

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Postby PotPie » 1 decade 5 years ago (Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:04 pm)

Are the site stats showing a lot of Israeli hits? I wouldn't bet on them debating anything. They don't debate, they censor and attack.

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Postby Laurentz Dahl » 1 decade 5 years ago (Sun Jul 15, 2007 9:15 pm)

PotPie wrote:Are the site stats showing a lot of Israeli hits? I wouldn't bet on them debating anything. They don't debate, they censor and attack.

And if you happen to be an Israeli disbelieving the Holocaust story (or a skeptic Palestinian) there are laws against "Holocaust denial" in Israel too, the Israeli government even wish to enforce this legislation outside their borders.

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Postby PotPie » 1 decade 5 years ago (Sun Jul 15, 2007 9:34 pm)

Yes I have heard of that. Didn't they also grant themselves planetary jurisdiction on enforcement?

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Postby NovyMir » 1 decade 5 years ago (Mon Nov 19, 2007 6:26 am)

If it is illegal to question or deny the "holocaust" in a country don't the ISPs block transmissions(or attempt to) of this material? Is this site readily accessible in Israel, or Germany, to the general public? If so, is there a risk involved with receiving and possessing this material?

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Postby Goethe » 1 decade 5 years ago (Wed Dec 05, 2007 5:50 pm)

Hello ethnic cleansers of Israel, free yourself from the continual lying that you enage in to cover your previous lies. There were no 'homicidal gas chambers or 6,000,000' and the world is finding out.
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Postby NovyMir » 1 decade 5 years ago (Wed Dec 05, 2007 8:21 pm)

My guess is that the Mossad and CIA moniter this website. It's a given (in my opinion).

And Mr. Goethe, here's one for ya:
"None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free".
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Postby simon1003 » 1 decade 4 years ago (Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:25 pm)

NovyMir wrote:My guess is that the Mossad and CIA moniter this website. It's a given (in my opinion).

And don't use Zone Alarm firewall products, they send info about your browsing habits back to Israel. Allegedly.

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Postby BlueComet » 1 decade 4 years ago (Wed Jul 30, 2008 3:56 pm)

Israeli people should examine their own history. Lets remember, many of them have been lied to as well.

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Postby KostasL » 1 decade 4 years ago (Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:51 am)

BlueComet wrote:Israeli people should examine their own history. Lets remember, many of them have been lied to as well.

Blue Comet

The vast majority of the Jewish people have been lied to and are main targets of the Holocaust propaganda.

This way, they are easily manipulated. :(
When you realize that the Holocaust is a LIE, then all of a sudden, ALL your questions, ALL bizarre and strange things, disappear, and ALL things make sense, at last.

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Postby Goethe » 1 decade 4 years ago (Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:18 am)

KostasL wrote:The vast majority of the Jewish people have been lied to and are main targets of the Holocaust propaganda. This way, they are easily manipulated.
Forget it, they love their very convenient "Holocaust" mythology, they embrace it. They don't care if the story is largely a lie.They can justify their supremacist fantasies and their plundering of Europe and those of European descent. Anything they do they'll rationalize with the "Holocaust" fraud, just look at the terror state, aka: 'shitty little Israel', and it's genocidal ethnic cleansing. Just look at the mess they have the US in. Look at the banning of free speech; ask who authors those frightening laws. And remember, they call themselves 'The Chosen Ones'.

All criticism of hateful Jewish supremacism quickly morphs into the Auschwitz lie.
"The coward threatens when he is safe".
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Postby KostasL » 1 decade 4 years ago (Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:39 pm)

Goethe wrote:
KostasL wrote:The vast majority of the Jewish people have been lied to and are main targets of the Holocaust propaganda. This way, they are easily manipulated.
Forget it, they love their very convenient "Holocaust" mythology, they embrace it. They don't care if the story is largely a lie.They can justify their supremacist fantasies and their plundering of Europe and those of European descent. Anything they do they'll rationalize with the "Holocaust" fraud, just look at the terror state, aka: 'shitty little Israel', and it's genocidal ethnic cleansing. Just look at the mess they have the US in. Look at the banning of free speech; ask who authors those frightening laws. And remember, they call themselves 'The Chosen Ones'.

All criticism of hateful Jewish supremacism quickly morphs into the Auschwitz lie.

Every rational man can see your truth but i repeat that they have been lied to, even you consider it a convenient lie. It might be convenient for some Jews, only.
You say that they are not manipulated by their leaders by this lie ?

It is just so human to love truth, freedom and justice !!! :)
That's my point.

I ask you this : the people of the USA approve of their goverment's policy?
Are they supremacists ? They have been lied to ? If yes, are these lies convenient ? 8)
When you realize that the Holocaust is a LIE, then all of a sudden, ALL your questions, ALL bizarre and strange things, disappear, and ALL things make sense, at last.

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Postby Arrow Of Truth » 1 decade 4 years ago (Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:32 pm)

There's good people everywhere. I can assure you, Isreal is no different.

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Postby Turpitz » 1 decade 4 years ago (Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:30 am)

I agree with Goethe.

Every rational man can see your truth but i repeat that they have been lied to, even you consider it a convenient lie. It might be convenient for some Jews, only.

I don't believe, these Jews who have invaded Palestine, don't know their 'real' family history. These people have made such a startling recovery in Sixty years,they seem to be popping up like bloody crocuses all over the globe, and command very high positions. It doesn't take a great intellect to figure out, this speed of recovery would be unattainable, if the 'official truth' were true..Would it?

I ask you this : the people of the USA approve of their goverment's policy?

It's not their government, it's run by Jews. Americas policy is only beneficial to the designs of Jewry, and completely detrimental to America. Jewry doesn't mind after all, it won't be the first country they have fed off, and left resembling a dried husk

There's good people everywhere. I can assure you, Isreal is no different.

I wonder how long you would cling to that opinion, if you lived in what's left of Palestine? These wonderful people are only to eager to bulldoze and steal Palestinian land. How many times do you see these murderers turning their noses up to land covered in blood? They cannot move in quick enough. Their houses are built and the dinner is ready before the last death throes of some worthless rag-head has even subsided.

I simply cannot stand up for these people anymore, not after watching those people jumping from those Jewish owned towers in New York. Then watching them being pulverised to microns (demolition debris), and falling so fast, as to defy, Sir Isaac Newton's laws of conservation, which has stood for nigh on Three-Hundred Years. What went on that day was the very definition of evil.

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Postby gbrecht » 1 decade 4 years ago (Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:37 pm)

Personally i believe there is something fundamentally wrong with the Jewish religion that causes them to try to rule non-jews, probably has a lot to do with thinking they are the chosen ones(Gives them an air of superiority[superiority complex]). For instance, history proves that jews have practiced usury in many countries for thousands of years. In egypt, there was at least 1 jewish/hebrew pharoah known, and many hebrews in high ranking monetary/money lending positions.

Look at their literature, holy books and such... They speak of us non jews, the goyim and gentiles, as if we are sheep that they need to led because we can't do it ourselves.

Anti-semitism is not a good thing, hating someone doesn't help anything. But on the other hand, keeping a blind eye to jewish control in our governments doesn't help either. If you look up how many american congressmen, senators, people in high ranking positions in different departments in the us govt. are dual citizen israeli/americans, many of them even born in israel. This is what the law calls, conflict of interest.

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