Holocaust HOAX is based almost entirely on TORTURE!

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Friedrich Paul Berg
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Holocaust HOAX is based almost entirely on TORTURE!

Postby Friedrich Paul Berg » 9 years 3 weeks ago (Sun May 18, 2014 12:03 pm)

Jewish claims that the holocaust is based on "overwhelming" evidence are easily seen for what they are: self-serving, big Jewish LIES.

The statements of Jewish "survivors" and other "eyewitnesses" to the holocaust are also easily recognized as self-serving fairy tales typical of those known to any insurance claim investigator anywhere in the world. Who really cares about whatever Elie Wiesel, or Nyiszli, or any other Jew has ever said? Who really believes them? Who is that stupid?

German "confessions" are, however, an entirely different matter. The "statements" or "confessions" of Germans within the German wartime hierarchy are the closest thing to "overwhelming" evidence. Why would any Germans make such statements or confessions if they were not true? As hard as it is to believe, the simple answer is that they were tortured, in many cases by Jews--and we know who some of them were. Yes, children--the "Good Guys" actually used torture to frame Germans in court after WW2. After all the other atrocities and real war crimes that the US and Britain perpetrated during the war, the torture of a few hapless Germans afterward would have been so easy--no moral dilemma at all. The most important victim was Rudolf Hoess who was tortured by Alexander Hanns and Bernard Clark, both Jews.

Torture was necessary because the Allies and Jews had, and still have, nothing better. There never were, or are, any autopsies to show that even one corpse found anywhere, in any camp, was of someone gassed or poisoned. There were autopsies that showed other causes--but those autopsies were not good enough. As to other evidence, it is easily blown away. Torture is the dirty little secret that makes the hoax work. And guess what, folks--the US and Israel still use their tried and reliable methods to this very day. Shame on everyone stupid enough to still believe in the Holocaust HOAX!

Friedrich Paul Berg

Learn everything at http://www.nazigassings.com
Nazi Gassings Never Happened! Niemand wurde vergast

Last edited by Friedrich Paul Berg on Mon May 19, 2014 8:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Holocaust story is a hoax because 1) no one was killed by the Nazis in gas chambers, 2) the total number of Jews who died in Nazi captivity is miniscule compared to what is alleged.

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Re: Holocaust HOAX is based almost entirely on TORTURE!

Postby Hannover » 9 years 3 weeks ago (Sun May 18, 2014 1:24 pm)

Spot on, Fritz. The official use of torture in extracting "confessions" from Germans has been confirmed repeatedly.

The statements which were admitted as evidence were obtained from men who had first been kept in solitary confinement for three, four and five months..The investigators would put a black hood over the accused's head, punch him in the face with brass knuckles, kick him and beat him with rubber hoses
-American judge, van Roden
Judge van Roden's allegation of torture to gain "confessions" is confirmed by Texas Supreme Court Judge, Gordon Simpson. He confirmed that savage beatings, smashing of testicles, and months of solitary confinement occurred. Congressional Record, appendix v. 95, sec.12, 3/10/49


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for much more use our search function for torture confessions

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Re: Holocaust HOAX is based almost entirely on TORTURE!

Postby PotPie » 9 years 2 weeks ago (Sun May 18, 2014 9:15 pm)

Innocent at Dachau is another great source on confessions by torture and the hanging of innocent men.

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Re: Holocaust HOAX is based almost entirely on TORTURE!

Postby hermod » 9 years 2 weeks ago (Sun May 18, 2014 9:53 pm)

If the Germans hadn't been tortured, bribed (softer penalties) and threatened (often to have their family turned to the Soviets and sent to Siberia), why would they have 'confessed' the existence of homicidal gas chambers at Buchenwald (http://rodoh.info/forum/viewtopic.php?f ... 99d298456e) and other concentration camps where it's now admitted by all that there weren't any? And why would the German Arno Diere (Düre) have confessed to having taken part in burial of 15,000 to 20,000 Polish POWs in Katyn?
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Holocaust HOAX is based almost entirely on TORTURE!

Postby Hektor » 9 years 2 weeks ago (Mon May 19, 2014 4:41 am)

But try telling that someone that just watched "confessions" by "three German Murderers":
Hektor @ "Three German Murderers" / Kaduk, Erber, Klehr

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Re: Holocaust HOAX is based almost entirely on TORTURE!

Postby Moderator » 9 years 2 weeks ago (Mon May 19, 2014 1:37 pm)

[Moved from another thread where it was mistakenly posted. M1]
borjastick wrote:But here's the question. What came first the torture and confessions or the Russian 'evidence' by the ton and submitted at the Nuremberg trials?

The idea that torture is nearly the sole culprit is not really correct. I think the answer is the Russians produced masses of faked evidence and witness statements, claims etc and then some of the torture was to corroborate that 'evidence'. They could say 'aha we told you about the intentions and machinery of death' and then 'aha we told you about the millions of jews who were murdered', and 'aha now we have the confessions to prove what we say'.

This then made it all nice and tidy.
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Re: Holocaust HOAX is based almost entirely on TORTURE!

Postby Moderator » 9 years 2 weeks ago (Mon May 19, 2014 1:39 pm)

[Reply to previous post which was posted in incorrect thread. M1]

Hannover wrote:
borjastick wrote:But here's the question. What came first the torture and confessions or the Russian 'evidence' by the ton and submitted at the Nuremberg trials?

The idea that torture is nearly the sole culprit is not really correct. I think the answer is the Russians produced masses of faked evidence and witness statements, claims etc and then some of the torture was to corroborate that 'evidence'. They could say 'aha we told you about the intentions and machinery of death' and then 'aha we told you about the millions of jews who were murdered', and 'aha now we have the confessions to prove what we say'.

This then made it all nice and tidy.
Well, obviously someone can't confess to something unless there are accusations packaged & presented as "evidence". Of course there were wild accusations, faked pictures, bogus "documents", etc.; some of it walked out on stage before the war began, some before the war ended, some created for the post-war Show Trials which everyone knew were coming. The Allies & Zionists were essentially running a propaganda factory from start to finish. But getting Germans to "confess" to such absurdities is quite another matter. Interesting points here:
fountainhead wrote:One thing I'd like to point out about the German confessions that perhaps the more well-versed members here can confirm, is the timing of the confessions. It seems to me all of them only occurred after the war (meaning, when the Germans would have been in Allied custody and vulnerable to bribes, threats or torture). Some, like Gerstein, expressed how horrible they felt the exterminations were. All these German witnesses who felt guilty about what they were doing and not a single one of them chose to break the silence and write a private letter to their wife about it during the war? Not one of them chose to defect to the Allied side and spill the beans? Not one of them wrote to a fellow Wehrmacht or SS man saying that this is wrong and it must be stopped? That's an awfully efficient code of silence, don't you think? In contrast, even a small operation like the Watergate scandal had a leak. from: http://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=7823
The question seems to be 'who wasn't tortured'? BTW, the definition of torture is not necessarily placing someone in an iron maiden.

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent racist Jewish supremacists demand that there be no open debate.

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- Hannover
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Re: Holocaust HOAX is based almost entirely on TORTURE!

Postby onetruth » 7 years 3 months ago (Sun Feb 14, 2016 9:03 am)

Hannover wrote:
Hannover wrote:When it comes to so called "confessions" by Germans in general one must understand that torture was widespread, torture was the norm, not unusual in the least. The post-war trials were some of the most corrupt trials in world history. 'Gas chambers' were accepted by the courts as fact even though there was never a forensic study presented on the alleged murder weapons; except the USSR did submit a 'study' that claimed and 'proved' the use of steam chambers, yes they did.



Mr Hannover

You referred me to this thread after i pointed out to you the evidence submitted at the treblinka trials in 1964. To keep the matter on topic i would answer it here.

The trials took place in West Germany 20 years after the war. Are you arguing that the germans tortured their own people ? i am not aware of any such claim by the accused nor did any of them deny the gassing in treblinka though they had a lifetime to do so.

here are part of their testimonies :

Kurt Franz:

I cannot say how many Jews in total were gassed in Treblinka. On average each day a large train arrived. Sometimes there were even two. This however was not so common.

In Treblinka I was commander of the Ukrainian guard unit as I had been in Belzec. In Treblinka as in Belzec the unit consisted of sixty to eighty men. The Ukrainians' main task was to man the guard posts around the camp perimeter. After the uprising in August 1943 I ran the camp more or less single-handedly for a month; however, during that period no gassings were undertaken.

It was during that period that the original camp was demolished. Everything was leveled off off and lupins were planted...

(Quoted in The Good Old Days - E. Klee, W. Dressen, V. Riess, The Free Press, NY, 1988., p. 247-249

SS Oberscharfuehrer Heinrich Matthes:

During the entire time I was in Treblinka, I served in the upper camp. The upper camp was that part of Treblinka with the gas chambers, where the Jews were killed and their corpses laid in large pits and later burned.

About fourteen Germans carried out services in the upper camp. There were two Ukrainians permanently in the upper camp. One of them was called Nikolai, the other was a short man, I don't remember his name... These two Ukrainians who lived in the upper camp served in the gas chambers. They also took care of the engine room when Fritz Schmidt was absent. Usually this Schmidt was in charge of the engine room. In my opinion, as a civilian he was either a mechanic or a driver...

All together, six gas chambers were active. According to my estimate, about 300 people could enter each gas chamber. The people went into the gas chamber without resistance. Those who were at the end, the Ukrainian guards had to push inside. I personally saw how the Ukrainians pushed the people with their rifle butts...

The gas chambers were closed for about thirty minutes. Then Schmidt stopped the gassing, and the two Ukrainians who were in the engine room opened the gas chambers from the other side.

(Quoted in BELZEC, SOBIBOR, TREBLINKA - the Operation Reinhard Death Camps. Indiana University Press - Yitzhak Arad, 1987, p. 121)

So again i ask you why did the accused on the treblinka trials gave those confessions ?


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Re: Holocaust HOAX is based almost entirely on TORTURE!

Postby Werd » 7 years 3 months ago (Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:04 pm)

Since onetruth does not understand how the political climate was in Germany and why former SS men who later became judges would turn on past fellow SS men who were defendants and why only CERTAIN trials with CERTAIN coerced testimony would be pimped to the media as proof, because to try and torture/threaten EVERY defendant wold reveal the conspiracy...since he is too stupid to understand that to pull off a conspiracy, one has to do as little work/rigging as possible and focus the media ONLY on those fixed trials, he should probably consult my total destruction of Jonathan Harrison's attack on Jurgen Graf regarding the west german trials.



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Re: Holocaust HOAX is based almost entirely on TORTURE!

Postby Hannover » 7 years 3 months ago (Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:36 pm)

'one truth' asked if the the Germans tortured their own people ?

His question gives away his ignorance of the arrangement of the post war "trials" which indicates that yes, the coerced Germans did rather 'torture' their own people. Let me explain to him.

'Judicial notice', mentioned before but apparently he did not understand. was taken. Which means that the court accepted certain alleged occurrences to be fact, in this case gassings, when there was never any forensic studies or physical evidence produced in order to substantiate the claims of gassings in the first place. How very convenient it all was.

However, there was a hilarious detailed study presented by the Soviets which supported their claim of 'steam chambers', yes, that's right it was claimed that Jews were steamed to death like lobsters. :lol:

Also, there are no verbatim transcripts of the trials he speaks of. Why? What is being hidden away?

There are no cross examinations transcripts indicating that those on trial were not defended in a manner where the accusers were challenged on their statements. In fact due to 'judicial notice' of the bogus gas chambers these challenges were prevented. The defense essentially could not ask the court for proof of gas chambers since the court had made such challenges impossible by taking 'judicial notice' of the bogus gas chambers claim.

Recall that at Nuremberg is was stated that 'the court was not bound by technical rules of evidence.' Same situation at other post war trials.
And that's why those trials are labeled 'Show Trials' a la Stalin's famous trials and trials for witchcraft where "confessors", "eyewitnesses" testified by the thousands to have witnessed and experienced sorcery & witchcraft. They must all be true, after all, the courts, state governments, clergy, and the great minds of the time all accepted that witchcraft was a proven fact.

also see:
from Jewish writer J.G. Burg:
Although I am Jewish it is horrible for me to watch these trials, to see how a good, industrious people with masochistic blissfulness commits physical, mental and spiritual harakiri [...] These war crime trials will not be honorable to the German people. The hanging of the condemmed at the Nuremberg Military Tribunals should have put a final stroke under the sad chapter. The victorious powers were shortsighted and ill advised when they imposed on the the German people these ghastly spectacles, because under the general contract the German government was dictated to the continuation of these socalled war crime trials. Germans shall sit on judgement against Germans in this unworthy form. That is no search for justice but, since long proven, an anti-German policy.[...]

Apparently 'onetruth' ignored my reference to the proof of torture enmasse against Germans. As is obvious he cannot rebut the specifics of what I & others have posted. ex.:
Hannover wrote:The official use of torture in extracting "confessions" from Germans has been confirmed repeatedly.

- The statements which were admitted as evidence were obtained from men who had first been kept in solitary confinement for three, four and five months..The investigators would put a black hood over the accused's head, punch him in the face with brass knuckles, kick him and beat him with rubber hoses. American judge, van Roden

- Judge van Roden's allegation of torture to gain "confessions" is confirmed by Texas Supreme Court Judge, Gordon Simpson. He confirmed that savage beatings, smashing of testicles, and months of solitary confinement occurred. Congressional Record, appendix v. 95, sec.12, 3/10/49

- U.S. Congressional Representative, Lawrence H. Smith of Wisconsin said:
" The Nuremberg Trials are so repugnant to the Anglo-Saxon principles of justice that we must forever be ashamed of that page in our history."
Congressional Record, appendix, v.95, sec.14, 6/15/49

- U.S. Senator Robert A. Taft:
"About this whole judgment there is the spirit of vengeance, and vengeance is seldom justice. The hanging of the eleven men convicted will be a blot on the American record which we will long regret. In these trials we have accepted the Russian idea of the purpose of trials -- government policy and not justice -- with little relation to Anglo-Saxon heritage. By clothing policy in the forms of legal procedure, we may discredit the whole idea of justice in Europe for years to come."
Delivered at Kenyon College, Ohio, Oct. 5, 1946. Vital Speeches of the Day, Nov. 1, 1946

- "The prisoner was torn from the top bunk, the pyjamas ripped from his body. He was then dragged naked to one of the slaughter tables, where it seemed to [Bernard] Clarke the blows and screams were endless. Eventually, the Medical Officer urged the Captain: 'Call them off, unless you want to take back a corpse.'"(12)
12.R. Butler, Legions of Death, Hamlyn, (London, 1983), p.237

- The admission of Bernard Clarke was corroborated by Mr. Ken Jones in 'The Wrexham Leader', October 17, 1986.
Mr. Jones was then a private with the Fifth Royal Horse Artillery stationed at Heid in Schleswig-Holstein.
"They brought him to us when he refused to cooperate over questioning about his activites during the war. He came in the winter of 1945/6 and was put in a small jail cell in the barracks," recalls Mr. Jones. Two other soldiers were detailed with Mr. Jones to join Hoess in his cell to help break him down for interrogation."
"We sat in the cell with him, night and day, armed with axe handles. Our job was to prod him every time he fell asleep to help break down his resistance," said Mr. Jones.
When Hoess was taken out for exercise, he was made to wear only jeans and a thin cotton shirt in the bitter cold. After three days and nights without sleep, Hoess finally broke down and made a full confession to the authorities.

"The London Cage was used partly as a torture centre, inside which large numbers of German officers and soldiers were subjected to systematic ill-treatment. In total 3,573 men passed through the Cage, and more than 1,000 were persuaded to give statements about war crimes. The brutality did not end with the war, moreover: a number of German civilians joined the servicemen who were interrogated there up to 1948.
As the work of the Cage was wound down, the interrogation of prisoners was switched to a number of internment camps in Germany. And there is evidence that the treatment meted out in these places was, if anything, far worse. While many of the papers relating to these interrogation centres remain sealed at the Foreign Office, it is clear that one camp in the British zone became particularly notorious. At least two German prisoners starved to death there, according to a court of inquiry, while others were shot for minor offences.

There was no legal precedent for this, one official noted, besides which "any court of inquiry into these allegations would be futile".

In one complaint lodged at the National Archives, a 27-year-old German journalist being held at this camp said he had spent two years as a prisoner of the Gestapo. And not once, he said, did they treat him as badly as the British.

for much more which shatters the "confessions" canard see:
'quora.com / Tim O'Neill: Hoess 'confessions' are proof'

Kurt Franz, now there's a real beauty. His bogus "confession" centered around the scientifically impossible claim of diesel engine gas chambers, laughable in the extreme. The absurdity of diesel for such a purpose has been mentioned to him before but he predictably ignored that scientific fact. So much for the desperate Kurt Franz. I suggest that 'onetruth' search him at this forum, he's old news and his statements have been demolished repeatedly. 'onetruth' needs to do some work for a change.

As for your reference to the 'Good Old Days' I suggest this pulverizing review of that childish pulp fiction.
'Irrefutable Response' Falls Flat
Book Review. by John Weir

Among the many grim photographs in this book are two I found amusing. First, there is a photo of a power crane (p. 246) standing next to piles of sand and gravel. It is captioned: "Excavator used for corpses at Treblinka." [see excavator below] What the editors fail to tell the reader that there was a gravel quarry at Treblinka. Maybe, just maybe, it was used for the obvious purpose of simply quarrying gravel.

A second photo shows a pet dog, "Barry," that belonged to Treblinka deputy commandant Kurt Franz (p. 248). According to the caption, Franz "used to set [the dog] on prisoners ... 'Barry' tore many Jews to pieces, on numerous occasions biting off their genitals." One might expect "Barry" to look like something out of "The Omen," but what the photograph shows is a real disappointment. Too bad no "action" photo is available, because it's difficult to believe that the rather scruffy, medium-sized, retriever-mix mongrel shown here was capable of doing what's been claimed.

In a postwar statement (p. 249) about "Barry" and his own role in the camp, Kurt Franz hit the nail on the head:

It is true that I had a dog called Barry. Or rather – to be precise – this dog was a stray from [the work and training camp of] Trawniki that attached itself to me in the camp ... I never set this dog on a Jew. I never killed a person or beat anyone. I would like to correct myself – the latter may have occurred once. Basically I have never done wrong to anyone, nor would I ever have wished to do a wrong. I vehemently deny these attacks against me. I state that the entire thing is a sham. I believe that I am now being maligned for the sole reason that I was a member of the SS. I wore the uniform of an SS officer and for this reason alone was a familiar figure among the prisoners.
Ouch !!

Here is the said excavator:
crane lifting corpses destined for cremation
See any "corpses"? :lol:

- Hannover

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.

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Re: Holocaust HOAX is based almost entirely on TORTURE!

Postby Dresden » 7 years 3 months ago (Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:20 pm)

People on the crane show how small it was:


.....and Barry, the eunuch-maker from Hell:

Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are telling you about the 'holocaust', but maybe, just maybe, their contempt for your intelligence and your character is beyond anything you could ever have imagined. -- Bradley Smith

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Re: Holocaust HOAX is based almost entirely on TORTURE!

Postby Hektor » 7 years 3 months ago (Sun Feb 14, 2016 6:41 pm)

onetruth wrote:...
So again i ask you why did the accused on the treblinka trials gave those confessions ?


Taking the text on face value, where exactly did they confess to have conducted or ordered homicidal gassings themselves.

Looking deeper, what's the exact biography of those people? And yes proper trial records would be a minimum requirement.

Btw. where is the physical evidence for homicidal gassings? Or how was testimony verified? How did cross-examination take place?

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Re: Holocaust HOAX is based almost entirely on TORTURE!

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 8 months ago (Thu Sep 12, 2019 8:23 am)

Indeed I made a topic on this

"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...


Re: Holocaust HOAX is based almost entirely on TORTURE!

Postby Otium » 3 years 8 months ago (Thu Sep 12, 2019 8:43 am)

Lamprecht wrote:Indeed I made a topic on this


Oh shoot! I'm sorry I missed this reply Lamprecht. I literally just made my own a moment ago.


I will view your thread immediately.

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