The Great War - German Remembrance

All aspects including lead-in to hostilities and results.
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The Great War - German Remembrance

Postby phdnm » 6 years 6 months ago (Fri Nov 11, 2016 7:51 am)

By the fall of 1918, the war had essentially reached a stalemate, with neither Germany nor the Allies being able to achieve a decisive victory. However, the internal social and political establishment of Germany began to crumble. Jewish-German Communists Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht founded the “Spartacus League“, which later became the Communist Party of Germany. Aided by Jewish-Hungarian Bela Kun, the group attempted to take advantage of post-war chaos and stage a coup in Berlin. Fearing the same fate as the Czar, Kaiser Wilhelm fled to Holland. While a group of veterans known as the Freikorps reclaim control, the Communists continually attempt to seize power.

The Allied powers took advantage of the internal destabilization that was taking place in Germany and did not invite Germany to take part in the Paris Peace Conference, where a series of treaties were devised to reorganize Europe and establish the world governing body known as the League of Nations – the precursor to the United Nations – which had been a primary goal of the war from the outset (although it soon dissolved due to nations like the U.S. refusing to ratify the treaty). It was out of this that the Treaty of Versailles was established which included the following provisions:

1. Germany accepts 100% responsibility for the war

2. German armed forces restricted to 100,000 men

3. The industrial German Rhineland will be occupied by French troops for the next 15 years.

4. Kaiser Wilhelm should be tried for “offenses against international morality”

5. The German region of West Prussia is carved out and given to the new nation of Poland. (Millions of West Prussians are forcefully expelled from their homes, and East Prussia is left isolated from the rest of Germany)

6. The German Sudetenland region is put under the rule of the new nation of Czechoslovakia.

7. The new state of Austria is forbidden from uniting with their Germanic brothers in Germany.

8. Germany is stripped of her African colonies. Britain, France, & Belgium take them over.

9. The coal-rich Saar region of Germany is placed under League of Nations control for 15 years. During this time, its coal is to be shipped to France.

10. The Baltic Sea port city of Danzig is separated from Germany and declared a “free city.”

11. Germany is forced to pay massive war reparations in the form of money and natural resources. The crushing debt payments, equal to 1 Trillion dollars in modern currency, will devastate the German economy and soon cause a hyperinflationary monetary collapse.

There can be no mistaking that the objective here was to demoralize and cripple Germany so that it could not pose a threat to the hegemony of the Anglo-Zionist Financial and Corporate Empire. This war was not about “spreading democracy”, it was economic power and control. After the war was over, President Woodrow Wilson confirmed this point:

"Is there any man or woman let me say, is there any child who does not know that the seed of war in the modern world is industrial and commercial rivalry? …This was an industrial and commercial war."

Remember the truth of the Great War when you decide to wear a poppy to commemorate the victory of the conceited Allies.

Lest we forget the truth, for the truth fears no investigation.

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