What happens when the truth finally comes out?

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What happens when the truth finally comes out?

Postby borjastick » 1 decade 2 weeks ago (Sun May 19, 2013 8:13 am)

As Hannover says 'The tide is turning.'

The tide of truth over lies, the tide to wash over popular acceptance of the lies we have been fed about the holocaust, the tide of critical mass in the understanding that the holocaust is in fact the holohoax.

Hannover is correct too. The tide is indeed turning, but how fast and how far will this tide turn? Will the tide go out far enough? Perhaps more importantly when the tide has turned and popular acceptance is achieved over the real truth of the holocaust, what happens next?

In the past two years or so I have seen a huge difference in general opinion and expressed comments as to the veracity of the holocaust.

So what will happen when the holocaust bubble is finally burst? Will Israel become a laughing stock, will antisemitism rise to the surface in general, will legal actions be launched by countries made to pay reparations for the murder?

I think this day is closer than we may think and ask for others here to throw in their tuppence worth.
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Re: What happens when the truth finally comes out?

Postby Hannover » 1 decade 2 weeks ago (Sun May 19, 2013 11:34 am)

Excellent OP, borjastick.

The profits and power involved are so enormous that ultimately there will be more & more desperate attempts to censor free speech in the U.S. There will be strenuous efforts to criminalize scrutiny of the 'holocaust' story line. Those attempts, like prohibition, will fail and actually push more & more people to investigate the very story that Jewish supremacists try to prevent scrutiny of. The story line is simply too stupid, impossible, and in the long run, unmanageable.

And another thing, I do not really believe that questioning the absurd story line is as 'offensive' to the average person as Jewish supremacists try to make us believe. True, some will act out a bit, especially if in a public environment where they feel 'someone is watching'. But IMO, most are really just curious about how someone can hold a Revisionist position, they are not outraged, they want to hear what Revisionists have to say. There are, however, the biased gatekeepers who dominate the media and the not-so-academic academia, thus making access to unfiltered, unaltered Revisionist research & opinion more difficult.

Legal actions? Yes, and deservedly so.

As for Israel, they are already a crude, boorish laughing stock, albeit a savagely dangerous one.

Antisemitism is absurdly over stated and over rated. People have realized that it simply means:
Any thought or person that a Jew doesn't like.

The tide is turning.

- Hannover
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Re: What happens when the truth finally comes out?

Postby JoFo » 1 decade 2 weeks ago (Sun May 19, 2013 5:56 pm)

In the past two years or so I have seen a huge difference in general opinion and expressed comments as to the veracity of the holocaust.

How does this translate into action? Do we need another Ernst Zündel to act as a rallying point and bring this issue again to the fore?

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Re: What happens when the truth finally comes out?

Postby Hektor » 1 decade 2 weeks ago (Mon May 20, 2013 6:54 am)

Some guys in prominent positions will have to do lots of explaining ;)

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Re: What happens when the truth finally comes out?

Postby Enlightened Student » 1 decade 2 weeks ago (Mon May 20, 2013 1:18 pm)

I also feel that after these absurd stories arre brought to light and the truth finally unveiled, I think we also see the truth of National Socialism and who started WWII and will be accepted by the mainstream too!

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Re: What happens when the truth finally comes out?

Postby Hannover » 1 decade 2 weeks ago (Mon May 20, 2013 1:27 pm)

Enlightened Student wrote:I also feel that after these absurd stories arre brought to light and the truth finally unveiled, I think we also see the truth of National Socialism and who started WWII and will be accepted by the mainstream too!

The purpose of Revisionism is not to resurrect National Socialism. Hardly. From my point of view, small government is best, not an all encompassing socialist one. But certainly, one would be naive to think that debunking of the 'holocaust' nonsense would not give a more positive account of National Socialist Germany. There is National Socialism with the '6m & gas chambers' and there is National Socialism without the '6m & gas chambers'. Basic stuff really.

The key point is that the desire for truth to be told is not a political movement.

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Re: What happens when the truth finally comes out?

Postby truth » 1 decade 2 weeks ago (Mon May 20, 2013 6:29 pm)

When the truth comes out many of us end up in Fema-camps. It will be like atheist Jewish communism in Russia - world wide. They will kill us and when our families and friends get mad - they will be killed too as the cry for justice is antisemitic these days. See, we ought to love our abusers in the NWO - what ever their vision is, is good for us even if it costs our lives and honor as all of us are terrorists who question the sick overlords. They write any old sob story about us later - without any evidence they get away with every further distortion. . :-) I am sure they will find 6 million gas chambers word wide on every single police station and toilette for eternity to come - all operated by the new eternal Satan - the evil Germans and lighter skinned people. They still will celebrate the victory over Germany for the next 20.000 years and be happy about the extinction of the Germans and Nordic types and their suffering. The story goes on because they need it for their religion - truth matters not.

When history, religious self-fulfilling prophecy, revenge, evidence, facts, rational and sob stories (partly false) suppresses compassion for all of humanity and their suffering equally - something is seriously wrong here.

One can only hope humanity comes to its senses soon and creates protective boundaries to end historical global exploitation.

Perhaps truthful ethical investigation will forever be stopped and come to a halt. Because of the Internet we have a window of truth which soon will be closed.

All in all, one day, even 10.000 years from now, if humanity still exists, history will be re-written-or forgotten. The Holocaust won't exist in a million years. Thank Goodness, even that at least partly fabricated story will pass into utter insignificance.

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