Can someone tell me where this image is originally from and the context behind it?
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Can someone tell me where this image is originally from and the context behind it?
Stumbled across this photo just wondering where it was from originally
- borjastick
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Re: Can someone tell me where this image is originally from and the context behind it?
It is generally called The last jew in Vinnitsa and is supposedly a real picture taken from an einsatzgruppen soldier's photo album. I have put one link about it below but just google last jew in Vinnitsa and you'll see loads. Not sure about its validity as there are plenty of people who say if you look carefully the soldiers behind have been photoshopped or similar. ... itsa-1941/ ... itsa-1941/
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'
'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician
'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician
Re: Can someone tell me where this image is originally from and the context behind it?
Easily debunked here:
Last Jew in Vinnitsa photo
- Hannover
Last Jew in Vinnitsa photo
Hannover wrote:The image is phony as a $3 bill.
Note there are no legs on the pasted-in men in the background.
And of course this would have been serious war crime, and the 'holocaust' storyline says that the German kept it all a secret, yet we supposedly have a photographer taking pictures of a 'secret' action. That dog don't hunt.![]()
Udo Walendy says, from
'Documentary Photographs Proving the National Socialist Persecution of the Jews?' Group 15 (a, b, c; next page) is said to document the execution of Polish Jews at the edge of an open grave.[42] Sometimes the shooting soldier is wearing glasses, sometimes he is not; sometimes his collar patch has white edges, sometimes not. Especially in illustration 15c he looks as though he was cut out and pasted in. There are white outlines around his uniform, and he lacks a shadow. The men at the transition into the background also look cut-and-pasted. Try to match their legs to their bodies! This is possibly a photomontage at best, but definitely, at least, a forgery with drawn-in sections. Again, this does not prove that the Germans did not shoot people, especially partisans, after they were condemned to death, and buried them in mass graves. This certainly happened and has been documented by the Germans themselves, since this was neither illegal nor unusual during time of war.
another lighter version:
Also see more fakes, including these debunked here:
Fake Einsatzgruppen shooting photos - only liars need fakes
- Hannover
- Hannover
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.
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Re: Can someone tell me where this image is originally from and the context behind it? ... esc&page=1
You can also use Tineye to see where the photo appears on other websites. Now, like someone else commented that the image is fake, that's another story.
You can also use Tineye to see where the photo appears on other websites. Now, like someone else commented that the image is fake, that's another story.
- borjastick
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Re: Can someone tell me where this image is originally from and the context behind it?
On a more practical level where in wartime, would a soldier get a photo or photos of this type of event processed and printed? You can't just pop into the local SnappySnaps outlet on the high street, and more to the point who would allow a photo of this to be taken?
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'
'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician
'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician
- Butterfangers
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Re: Can someone tell me where this image is originally from and the context behind it?
I would also add, even if assuming it is a real, unedited photo:
- We don't know who took the photo, when or where it was actually taken
- We don't know who wrote "The Last Jew in Vinnytsia" and the date on it
In other words, we do not know it was in Vinnytsia at all or even in the same year. Mass executions did take place for a variety of [legal] reasons during the war. It would not be entirely uncommon to see a man in civilian clothes at the edge of a mass grave and a German pistol, if he or his neighbors had been involved in any partisan activity, putting German soldiers at-risk (which was very common). This photo could be a legal execution of a criminal or a reprisal killing---again, legal per international law at the time and arguably quite necessary. (For more info, see Mattogno's work on the Einsatzgruppen: )
The reason I think many here would lean toward the hypothesis that this is a faked photograph is because (1) we know there were faked photographs, (2) we know there were faked documents and we know who (or which "side") produces them, (3) there are some possible or apparent discrepancies with this photo, as mentioned in earlier posts, above. Overall, as extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, such a photo being presented as evidence of mass extermination of every single Jew in Vinnytsia just for being Jewish is entirely insufficient as such. Its authenticity is dubious and the alleged context even more so.
- We don't know who took the photo, when or where it was actually taken
- We don't know who wrote "The Last Jew in Vinnytsia" and the date on it
In other words, we do not know it was in Vinnytsia at all or even in the same year. Mass executions did take place for a variety of [legal] reasons during the war. It would not be entirely uncommon to see a man in civilian clothes at the edge of a mass grave and a German pistol, if he or his neighbors had been involved in any partisan activity, putting German soldiers at-risk (which was very common). This photo could be a legal execution of a criminal or a reprisal killing---again, legal per international law at the time and arguably quite necessary. (For more info, see Mattogno's work on the Einsatzgruppen: )
The reason I think many here would lean toward the hypothesis that this is a faked photograph is because (1) we know there were faked photographs, (2) we know there were faked documents and we know who (or which "side") produces them, (3) there are some possible or apparent discrepancies with this photo, as mentioned in earlier posts, above. Overall, as extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, such a photo being presented as evidence of mass extermination of every single Jew in Vinnytsia just for being Jewish is entirely insufficient as such. Its authenticity is dubious and the alleged context even more so.
Re: Can someone tell me where this image is originally from and the context behind it?
I'm not particularly convinced it's a fake. Walendy's observation that in some of the photos he does or doesn't have glasses doesn't seem true to me. In all of them he seems to have glasses, the shadows around his eyes are consistent but the frames may be more or less visible due to the exposure of the different versions of the photograph. I also don't really think anything looks particularly cut out or inserted. At least it's not obvious to me.
The point is that the photograph, real or fake, doesn't prove anything.
The point is that the photograph, real or fake, doesn't prove anything.
Re: Can someone tell me where this image is originally from and the context behind it?
Otium wrote:I'm not particularly convinced it's a fake. Walendy's observation that in some of the photos he does or doesn't have glasses doesn't seem true to me. In all of them he seems to have glasses, the shadows around his eyes are consistent but the frames may be more or less visible due to the exposure of the different versions of the photograph. I also don't really think anything looks particularly cut out or inserted. At least it's not obvious to me.
The point is that the photograph, real or fake, doesn't prove anything.
Indeed it doesn't really proof anything? Executions? Newsflash, that happens in a partisan war.
But the photo itself screams fake given the quality and several other factors. One needs to be really duped not to see that. And many actually don't. I've observed that a couple of signs. People are shown pictures that are either unclear or fake, but they can't seem to realise... They are taken in by compassion, sympathy and grieve by this. Quite a mind trick that is pulled off there.
Re: Can someone tell me where this image is originally from and the context behind it?
The first time I saw this picture was in Simon Wiesenthal's 1967 book, "The Murderers Among Us". In the illustration section there is a very blurry full page image of this picture. Chapter 12 of same book gives us the "supposed" story behind the picture. Just looked at the different book venues I use, and you can still buy a used first edition hardback fairly cheap. Book is worth reading as a "fiction" only book. In 1967, we still had soap, lampshades and other nonsense stories about the "Holocaust". They are all in here, including that "infamous" Dr. Mengele, who in 1967, was the number one "monster", needing to be brought to justice. This picture is also the front cover of a 2 or 3 DVD set about the activities of the Einsatzgruppen. The DVD set is called "Nazi Death Squads". Don't waste you're money, as it is pricey. It's nothing but a bunch of interviews with "so called" witnesses, (all Jews of course), to these mass killings. Sweeping away the cannon fodder, if you want an in depth true story about the Einsatzgruppen and their activities, I highly recommend Carlo Mattogno's book about the Einsatzgruppen. It is Holocaust Handbook Vol. 38,
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Re: Can someone tell me where this image is originally from and the context behind it?
Let's for one moment accept as genuine or, at least, indicative, but of what?
When I first saw this, it was presented in the context of being evidence of a part of a genocidal action but that isn't what I saw. This version of the image shows the demeanour clearly, the third man from the left expresses the air of someone witnessing not an act of mindless brutality but rather an extra-judicial execution, for what crime might that have been a just sentence?
Also on Wikipedia is an earlier incident in the same place but which, for some reason (?) Wiki chooses to spell differently the massacre of some 9-10000 Ukrainians by the NKVD, those victims were shot in the nape of the neck with a small calibre weapon.
When I first saw this, it was presented in the context of being evidence of a part of a genocidal action but that isn't what I saw. This version of the image shows the demeanour clearly, the third man from the left expresses the air of someone witnessing not an act of mindless brutality but rather an extra-judicial execution, for what crime might that have been a just sentence?
Also on Wikipedia is an earlier incident in the same place but which, for some reason (?) Wiki chooses to spell differently the massacre of some 9-10000 Ukrainians by the NKVD, those victims were shot in the nape of the neck with a small calibre weapon.
Re: Can someone tell me where this image is originally from and the context behind it? Vinnitsa
Hi everyone,
I want to get into the Vinnitsa picture here.
I came across it, and decided to go deeper into it. In the attachment you will find 3 pictures. The black and white is the highest resolution picture available online.
With AI we are now able to colorize pictures which is interesting visually, but it also makes very clear where there are strange situation in pictures. Sudden changes in contrasts, cuts, colour profile become very clear. Use it as an analysis tool, when you go back to the B&W you'll see the same.
In the pre computer photo manipulation was done with scissors, spraypainting, scratching, dodging, burning and while this is less visible in black and white when you colorize them with AI it becomes more visible we have problems.
This picture is a great example of manipulation in my opinion.
I uploaded 3 pictures, original, coloured and marked. In the marked picture I point out several weird elements which show manipulation.
The manipulated parts that in numbered:
1. The background, on the right we have a very clear background and on the left a very vague one, it seems to have been blurred on the left side or spray painted. Or it would be a very localized mist, only left from his face.
2. The guy in the black uniform is overly contrasted. He seems to be from a different lighting situation. We would see less contrast in the lighting situation of this picture.
3. The man who is wearing a suit, doesn't seem to have a hand, it seems to be very white for a hand. (compare to the other hands in the picture) And what's with the cover on his knees.It seems to be a very strange situation a guy with a blanket on his knees, in front of pit of people.
4. The cut off faces, take a good look yourself, these are scissor cut people combine that with the background that has been made vague to mask the cuts. A photo manipulation technique was also vibration, e.g. take a set of soldier cut them out, vibrate them for a vague effect.
5. The cut out boot, is very telling, the line around the boots are so hard. This would be impossible in a normal lighting situation.
With 99.9% certainty this is a manipulated photo, I worked as a photographer myself, so I know a little bit about this. But judge for yourself.
My conclusion is we see a combination of several pictures, blended, stitched together.
I read some other analysis on glasses / in my opinion that is probably just a cropping/compression/contrasting difference. There are other far more visible manipulations going on in this picture.
Would be interested to do more work like this, so feel free to send me a message here.
I want to get into the Vinnitsa picture here.
I came across it, and decided to go deeper into it. In the attachment you will find 3 pictures. The black and white is the highest resolution picture available online.
With AI we are now able to colorize pictures which is interesting visually, but it also makes very clear where there are strange situation in pictures. Sudden changes in contrasts, cuts, colour profile become very clear. Use it as an analysis tool, when you go back to the B&W you'll see the same.
In the pre computer photo manipulation was done with scissors, spraypainting, scratching, dodging, burning and while this is less visible in black and white when you colorize them with AI it becomes more visible we have problems.
This picture is a great example of manipulation in my opinion.
I uploaded 3 pictures, original, coloured and marked. In the marked picture I point out several weird elements which show manipulation.
The manipulated parts that in numbered:
1. The background, on the right we have a very clear background and on the left a very vague one, it seems to have been blurred on the left side or spray painted. Or it would be a very localized mist, only left from his face.
2. The guy in the black uniform is overly contrasted. He seems to be from a different lighting situation. We would see less contrast in the lighting situation of this picture.
3. The man who is wearing a suit, doesn't seem to have a hand, it seems to be very white for a hand. (compare to the other hands in the picture) And what's with the cover on his knees.It seems to be a very strange situation a guy with a blanket on his knees, in front of pit of people.
4. The cut off faces, take a good look yourself, these are scissor cut people combine that with the background that has been made vague to mask the cuts. A photo manipulation technique was also vibration, e.g. take a set of soldier cut them out, vibrate them for a vague effect.
5. The cut out boot, is very telling, the line around the boots are so hard. This would be impossible in a normal lighting situation.
With 99.9% certainty this is a manipulated photo, I worked as a photographer myself, so I know a little bit about this. But judge for yourself.
My conclusion is we see a combination of several pictures, blended, stitched together.
I read some other analysis on glasses / in my opinion that is probably just a cropping/compression/contrasting difference. There are other far more visible manipulations going on in this picture.
Would be interested to do more work like this, so feel free to send me a message here.
Re: Can someone tell me where this image is originally from and the context behind it?
Very interesting, resose!! Welcome to this forum. 

"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed. "
Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed. "
Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925
- Waldgänger
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Re: Can someone tell me where this image is originally from and the context behind it?
To illustrate the point that (whatever its authenticity) this photo is worthless as evidence of genocidal operations against innocent civilians, take this other famous photo:

Americans executing Dachau camp guards.
Now remove the context and call it "The Last German in Hintersee", or any other nameless hamlet. Say that these are all civilians dressed in German uniforms to mock them before execution. Why not? Without any witnesses or provenance it's a worthless claim about anything. Precisely what happens with these "photos of massacres".

Americans executing Dachau camp guards.
Now remove the context and call it "The Last German in Hintersee", or any other nameless hamlet. Say that these are all civilians dressed in German uniforms to mock them before execution. Why not? Without any witnesses or provenance it's a worthless claim about anything. Precisely what happens with these "photos of massacres".
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