Why do you care about the holocaust truth?

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Why do you care about the holocaust truth?

Postby borjastick » 1 year 2 days ago (Tue Jun 07, 2022 11:03 am)

Why do you care about the holocaust truth?

I have this simple question to ask people.

We are mostly all here because we do not believe the holocaust claims of 6m dead jews etc. But is putting the record straight why you are engaged in this activity or does it go further?

By this I mean is the truth being universally known and accepted the end goal or would you like israel to be brought to book and a free Palestine state established?
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician

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Re: Why do you care about the holocaust truth?

Postby Kmut00 » 1 year 1 day ago (Wed Jun 08, 2022 2:42 pm)

Basically because it is the favorite weapon of the Jews to oppress and plunder all the nations of the world, especially in Europe. Also because it irritates me the falsification of the history and that even at this point in 2022 and the XXI century it's not possible to freely and objectively discuss any thing and/or topic that has any to do with Adolf Hitler, Nazi Germany and World War II and that we are still forced to accept the "politically correct" version of the WWII historiography imposed by the victors and anyone who goes off script and shows impartiality and skepticism is treated as a terrorist and a criminal.

Greetings, Kmut00

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Re: Why do you care about the holocaust truth?

Postby hermod » 1 year 1 day ago (Wed Jun 08, 2022 3:10 pm)

The biggest hoax ever is a matter of interest in itself. A most spectacular episode in the annals of mass deception and collective foolishness.
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925


Re: Why do you care about the holocaust truth?

Postby Otium » 1 year 1 day ago (Wed Jun 08, 2022 11:30 pm)

I care because of how relevant and massive it is.

If the Jews (and their acolytes) claimed that 6 million of their people were murdered thousands of years ago, and this was some highly unlikely, but niche historical subject, it'd be of no interest to me. I don't care that much about Jews to try and delve into every aspect of their history and whatever may or may not be true. That's their business, that's their mythology. The problem arises when they try to push their own ethnic myths onto my people, and convince us that we don't deserve to exist on that basis. All this is to say that it isn't necessarily malevolence towards Jews which motivates "denial" in the Holocaust, as they would claim. It's that they, as a people, perpetuate this falsehood and wield it as a weapon over others which makes people bitter towards them.

Really though, the Holocaust doesn't take up much of my time anyway, nor do Jews. But the truth of this matter is important and shouldn't be ignored. It's so pervasive and oppressive that it has to be opposed, and you can do so on the basis of whatever moral philosophy you prefer, for whatever reason, but it should be opposed because it's not true and stifles any reasonable assessments of 20th century history.

I also just think that when people are told to believe something "just because" or that they cannot hold a different view, then it becomes inevitable that they'll want to find out why they're not allowed. They will question established authority if they feel as if they've been misled, this is reason enough and probably a large motivation in and of itself.

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Re: Why do you care about the holocaust truth?

Postby Waldgänger » 11 months 3 weeks ago (Thu Jun 16, 2022 9:17 pm)

I have held a wide variety of political and philosophical/religious beliefs in my life so far. At one time my interest here may have been anti-semitic (in an actually hateful way, or in a non-hateful way), at another time more neutral, and at another time simply aghast at the scope of the misinformation.

For me, currently, the interest holds no import politically. I don't care about most of my own countrymen, let alone faraway places like Palestine or Israel. Jews generally have personalities that don't mix with mine, but so do many white people, blacks, asians, et. al., so I don't have anything against your average Jew. People are people. Most of them are not interested in systems or truth per se, but in convenient narratives that they file under "yes" or "no" and get on with their lives.

The interest on my part is purely systematic. As a philosophical Epicurean and general distruster of history as objective truth, I love to learn both the mainstream and the revisionist versions of all events. All historiography is ultimately storytelling, even at its most evidentiary. The stories we tell ourselves determine our whole identity. This story tells us about evil Germans, dehumanising industrial-scale murder, etc., or it can tell us of what lengths a State machine will go to make up Facts to vilify an entire culture, a whole history, and to justify another.

Also, frankly, learning about the ingress, egress, processing, housing, feeding, etc., of so many millions of displaced persons, refugees, political prisoners, dissidents, et. al., across a 5 year period, in which so many were lost or disappeared to history, is inherently fascinating to me. Auschwitz as Blueprint, Theresienstadt as image and projection, Treblinka as memory (for nothing else remains). What people will believe if an alleged eyewitness says it. Human nature is really endlessly fascinating.

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Re: Why do you care about the holocaust truth?

Postby Merlin300 » 11 months 3 weeks ago (Thu Jun 16, 2022 9:48 pm)

Waldgänger wrote:
For me, currently, the interest holds no import politically. I don't care about most of my own countrymen, let alone faraway places like Palestine or Israel. Jews generally have personalities that don't mix with mine, but so do many white people, blacks, asians, et. al., so I don't have anything against your average Jew. People are people. Most of them are not interested in systems or truth per se, but in convenient narratives that they file under "yes" or "no" and get on with their lives.


There are numerous reasons to support Revisionism.
1. The "Ugly Myth" is a sick tale that is so perverted and offensive that it should be closely reviewed, at least as much as lany other tale that is trying to pass as "history."
2. The Holocaust tale is meant to promote shame and self-hatred in some groups and hatred and distrust in others. I personally know many Germans and Jewish friends who have been mind-f**ked by being taught Holocaust tales.

3. The official Holocaust Tale (as presented at the IMT in Nuremberg) exaggerated and exploited real tragedies for propaganda purposes. Of course horrible events occurred during WW II. but it is disgusting that groups including the Left, NeoCons and many
Zionist try to gain political points exploiting the Wartime tragedies.
By the way, the propaganda concerned not just Jews but Slavs, Roma, Jehovah’s Witnesses and, in some versions, Gays.
4. Most importantly, the Ugly Myth is obviously false in many cardinal parts. I believe that historians have a duty to make history as
accurate as humanly possible.

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