Sachsenhausen guard, now 100 years old, facing accessory to murder charges

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Sachsenhausen guard, now 100 years old, facing accessory to murder charges

Postby Archie » 1 year 9 months ago (Mon Aug 09, 2021 8:22 pm)

This was posted in the international section but not here.

A German court has set a trial date for a 100-year-old man who is charged with 3,518 counts of accessory to murder on allegations he served as a Nazi SS guard at a concentration camp on the outskirts of Berlin during World War II.

A spokeswoman for the Neuruppin state court said Monday that the trial is set to begin in early October. The centenarian’s name wasn’t released in line with German privacy laws.

More than 200,000 people were held there between 1936 and 1945. Tens of thousands of inmates there died of starvation, disease, forced labor and other causes, as well as through medical experiments and systematic SS extermination operations including shootings, hangings and gassing.

Exact numbers on those killed vary, with upper estimates of some 100,000, though scholars suggest figures of 40,000 to 50,000 are likely more accurate.

Sachsenhausen was liberated in April 1945 by the Soviets, who turned it into a brutal camp of their own.

They are also going after a 96 year old woman.

In a different case, a 96-year-old woman will go on trial in late September in the northern German town of Itzehoe. The woman, who allegedly worked during the war as the secretary for the SS commandant of the Stutthof concentration camp, has been charged with over 10,000 counts of accessory to murder earlier this year.

Her case and the charges against the 100-year-old suspect both rely on recent legal precedent in Germany establishing that anyone who helped a Nazi camp function can be prosecuted for accessory to the murders committed there.

A secretary at Stutthof! So that's what it has come to.

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Re: Sachsenhausen guard, now 100 years old, facing accessory to murder charges

Postby Breker » 1 year 9 months ago (Tue Aug 10, 2021 12:22 am)

And not a shred proof in either case.
The bogus use of 'judicial notice' will no doubt be the tactic of the prosecution.

estimates of some 100,000, though scholars suggest figures of 40,000 to 50,000

So where are the human remains that would necessarily exist?
Revisionists are just the messengers, the impossibility of the "Holocaust" narrative is the message.

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Re: Sachsenhausen guard, now 100 years old, facing accessory to murder charges

Postby Hektor » 1 year 9 months ago (Mon Aug 16, 2021 11:51 am)

100 years makes him born in about 1921. He was around 18 when World War Two started / 24 at the end. There was no choice of employment during that time. Still they go after him as one of numerous people related to former concentration camps have been. And up to the 1960s, the accusations actually had to be direct against such a person. So they have changed legislation/practice in this regard, which makes this a ex post facto based persecution of people again.

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Re: Sachsenhausen guard, now 100 years old, facing accessory to murder charges

Postby Tiepolo » 1 year 8 months ago (Thu Sep 23, 2021 8:11 pm)

Very upsetting to see that he was arrested for murder charges when Sachsenhausen was not considered an extermination camp. It makes me have one big question? Why weren't any of these sonderkommandos killed or imprisoned after the war? They admitted themselves that they worked at the camp and were involved in working at "extermination camps" supposedly being apart of the operation that was killing their own people! Has Leon Cohen, Joseph Sackar, Henryk Tauber, Dario Gabbai, etc. ever been charged? Of course not, because the "following orders" excuse is only acceptable for Jews according the post-WW2 order. Honorable Germans who were forced to be defendants of dishonest show trials gave that excuse and they were still killed.

If these laughable eyewitness testimonies sonderkommandos give make no sense and they were never punished despite claiming they assisted in running the camp, that's just another reason not to believe in this Jewish folklore. Government and NGOs wasted so much time hunting down former National Socialists (not matter how old they are) who never mentioned anything about gas chambers or any program of extermination yet former Sonderkommandos for some strange reason have never seen a punishment. If they really did do all of these horrible things, then the various zionist-run governments would have had them killed long time ago.

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Re: Sachsenhausen guard, now 100 years old, facing accessory to murder charges

Postby Archie » 1 year 8 months ago (Thu Sep 23, 2021 8:55 pm)

Tiepolo wrote:Very upsetting to see that he was arrested for murder charges when Sachsenhausen was not considered an extermination camp. It makes me have one big question? Why weren't any of these sonderkommandos killed or imprisoned after the war? They admitted themselves that they worked at the camp and were involved in working at "extermination camps" supposedly being apart of the operation that was killing their own people! Has Leon Cohen, Joseph Sackar, Henryk Tauber, Dario Gabbai, etc. ever been charged? Of course not, because the "following orders" excuse is only acceptable for Jews according the post-WW2 order. Honorable Germans who were forced to be defendants of dishonest show trials gave that excuse and they were still killed.

If these laughable eyewitness testimonies sonderkommandos give make no sense and they were never punished despite claiming they assisted in running the camp, that's just another reason not to believe in this Jewish folklore. Government and NGOs wasted so much time hunting down former National Socialists (not matter how old they are) who never mentioned anything about gas chambers or any program of extermination yet former Sonderkommandos for some strange reason have never seen a punishment. If they really did do all of these horrible things, then the various zionist-run governments would have had them killed long time ago.

I think everyone has this question. It is an obvious, glaring inconsistency in their narrative.

Interestingly, the perception of the sonderkommandos/kapos/collaborators has changed greatly over time. The Israeli law that was passed in 1950 that they used to prosecute Eichmann was initially used primarily to prosecute kapos.

According to teacher and researcher Dan Porat,[35] the way in which former kapos were officially viewed – and tried – by the state of Israel went through four distinct phases. Initially viewed as co-perpetrators of the Nazi atrocities, they eventually came to be perceived as victims themselves.

My theory here is that they realized that it was much better for Jewish solidarity to focus their vengeance entirely upon goy villains like Eichmann and Demjanjuk instead of fellow Jews. And later on after revisionism had become well-developed, they found these sonderkommandos useful as these are some of their only alleged direct witnesses to the gas chambers. But it's rather ridiculous that a Jew who says he coaxed Jews into the gas chamber and dragged out the bodies after the gassing is seen as a heroic survivor and victim while a Gentile who shuffled paper or something at a non-extermination camp is prosecuted as a war criminal.

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Re: Sachsenhausen guard, now 100 years old, facing accessory to murder charges

Postby Tiepolo » 1 year 8 months ago (Thu Sep 23, 2021 11:19 pm)

I agree with that theory, the wikipedia article only shows that some kapos were punished, the charges of those that were killed was "extreme brutality" and nothing regarding murders via gas chambers. Upon reading the history of that law in Israel, I read that all of the people who were charged were not killed but given short prison sentences. For them it was charging men (especially when they are old and vulnerable) who merely pushed around papers and obtaining coerced statements from Eichmann but also delivering little to no punishment to former camp functionaries in order to maintain solidarity, to keep these former sonderkommandos around for "eyewitness testimonies" and because they know the story they sell to the world is untrue so executing them would be for nothing.

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Re: Sachsenhausen guard, now 100 years old, facing accessory to murder charges

Postby Vinicius » 1 year 7 months ago (Fri Oct 15, 2021 4:32 pm)

Isto não é a Alemanha, é a Alemanha de joelhos. É o Sionismo batendo seu bumbo, custe o que custar. Em qual tribunal de que lugar do mundo um ancião de 100 é submetido a julgamento? Só no tribunal de Israel. Qualquer pessoa que tenha um mínimo de sensatez vê que isso é uma selvageria. Nem creio que eles queiram mesmo divulgar muito isso, porque é motivo de vergonha e nojo. Eles é que não ficam bem.
(Essa é minha primeira postagem, por isso pergunto se posso mesmo postar na minha língua, o português, ou vcs preferem que eu traduza para o inglês?)

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