"eyewitness" Yankel Wiernik at Treblinka

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"eyewitness" Yankel Wiernik at Treblinka

Postby Hannover » 2 decades 6 months ago (Wed Dec 04, 2002 10:47 am)

The story of the 'holocaust' as alleged has no limits, nor has any sense of honesty. Here you will see statements by an acclaimed "eyewitness" which are scientifically impossible, irrational, and frankly...bizarre..

I saw this referenced as evidence about Treblinka. http://www.zchor.org/treblink/wiernik.htm
By Yankel Wiernik
An Inmate Who Escaped Tells the Day-To-Day Facts of One Year of His Torturous Experiences
Published by
AMERICAN REPRESENTATION of the General Jewish Workers' Union of Poland 175 East Broadway New York 2, N.Y. 1945

"All looked yellow from the gas..."

"People were often kept in the gas chambers overnight ...."

"It often happened that an arm or a leg fell off when we tied straps around them in order to drag the bodies away"

"as many as 30,000 people were gassed in one day...."

"the bodies of women were used for kindling the fires"

"The corpses were soaked in gasoline. This entailed considerable expense and the results were inadequate; the male corpses simply would not burn"
"10,000 to 12,000 corpses were cremated at one time. The result was one huge inferno, which from the distance looked like a volcano breaking through the earth's crust to belch forth fire and lava"

"The inmates were forced to sing Jewish songs ..."

Wiernik claimed he saw a naked Jewish girl leap over a three-meter (9 ft.) high barbed wire fence, wrench the rifle out of the hands of a pursuing guard, shoot two other guards before she was overpowered.

He stated that 900,000 Jews were murdered, buried, exhumed, then cremated at Treblinka & all traces disappeared.

Wiernik claimed that up to 1200 people could fit into an area 7 X 7 m, in other words more than 20 people per sq. meter!!

According to Wiernik the 7 X 7 m (49 sq.m.) gas chamber that held 1200 people was an improvement over a previous gas chamber that was 25 sq. meters and could hold 500 people.

He claimed that bodies burned on their own once lit!!

(additional source: 'Death Camp Treblinka', A. Donat)

On gas chambers:

"When I arrived at the camp, three gas chambers were already in operation; another ten were added while I was there. A gas chamber measured 5 x 5 meters and was about 1.90 meters high. The outlet on the roof had a hermetic cap. The chamber was equipped with a gas pipe inlet and a baked tile floor slanting towards the platform. The brick building which housed the gas chambers was separated from Camp No. 1 by a wooden wall. This wooden wall and the brick wall of the building together formed a corridor which was 80 centimeters taller than the building. The chambers were connected with the corridor by a hermetically fitted iron door leading into each of the chambers. On the side of Camp No. 2 the chambers were connected by a platform four meters wide, which- ran alongside all three chambers. The platform was about 80 centimeters above ground level. There was also a hermetically fitted wooden door on this side.
Each chamber had a door facing Camp No. 2 (1.80 by 2.50 meters), which could be opened only from the outside by lifting it with iron supports and was closed by iron hooks set into the sash frames, and by wooden bolts. The victims were led into the chambers through the doors leading from the corridor, while the remains of the gassed victims were dragged out through the doors facing Camp No. 2. The power plant operated alongside these chambers, supplying Camps 1 and 2 with electric current. A motor taken from a dismantled Soviet tank stood in the power plant. This motor was used to pump the gas, which was let into the chambers by connecting the motor with the inflow pipes. The speed with which death overcame the helpless victims depended on the quantity of combustion gas admitted into the chamber at one time."
"Between 450 and 500 persons were crowded into a chamber measuring 25 square meters. Parents carried their children in their arms in the vain hope that this would save their children from death. On the way to their doom, they were pushed and beaten with rifle butts and with Ivan's gas pipe. Dogs were set upon them, barking, biting and tearing at them. To escape the blows and the dogs, the crowd rushed to its death, pushing into the chamber, the stronger ones shoving the weaker ones ahead of them. The bedlam lasted only a short while, for soon the doors were slammed shut. The chamber was filled, the motor turned on and connected with the inflow pipes and, within 25 minutes at the most, all lay stretched out dead or, to be more accurate, were standing up dead. Since there was not an inch of free space, they just leaned against each other."
"It turned out that we were building ten additional gas chambers, more spacious than the old ones, 7 by 7 meters or about 50 square meters. As many as 1,000 to 1,200 persons could be crowded into one gas chamber."

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- Hannover

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Postby Sailor » 2 decades 6 months ago (Wed Dec 04, 2002 10:59 pm)

I don't think that Wiernik is a very credible eyewitness. So why waste time? Which historian takes the stories of the man serious?

From the Ukrainian Archive site:

What evidence of any kind is there for the existence of Treblinka, Sobibor, or Belzec? Yitzhak Arad testifies that there is only survivor testimony. But when we read that survivor testimony for ourselves, we find that it lacks credibility. To restrict our attention to the most prominent and most relied-upon Treblinka survivor - Jankiel Wiernik- and to a very few of the particulars of his story that lack credibility, we might mention the following: Wiernik stated that while escaping from Treblinka, he was shot in the shoulder by a pursuing guard who was just behind him, and that the bullet penetrated all his clothing, but stopped at his skin "leaving only a scratch." Wiernik stated that he saw a naked Jewish girl leap over a three-meter high barbed wire fence, then wrench the rifle out of the hands of a pursuing guard, and then shoot two other guards before she was overpowered. Wiernik stated that when gassing victims were buried without being given a chance to cool off first, "when the graves were opened on a scorchingly hot day, steam belched forth from them as if from a boiler." Wiernik stated that "the Germans threw some burning object into one of the opened graves just to see what would happen. Clouds of black smoke began to pour out at once and the fire thus started glimmered all day long." Wiernik stated that arms and legs would fall off bodies being dragged from gas chambers to burial pits if the dragging was delayed by a few days. Wiernik stated that whenever an airplane was heard overhead, the thousands of victims being piled up for cremation were concealed from view by covering them with foliage. Unfortunately for the Treblinka story, removing Wiernik from the list of credible survivors leaves no one of comparable stature to take his place.

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Suggestion for a job

Postby Temporary on hold » 2 decades 5 months ago (Sat Dec 07, 2002 5:46 pm)

The subject of "eyewitness" Wiernik brings up one my favorite nags for revisionists, i.e. a suggestion for work to be done by somebody other than me. Since the entire edifice of "the Holocaust" and the "gas chambers" in particular is increasingly seen to be based on the stories of "eyewitnesses" what we need is a systematic examination of every one of the eyewitness stories. Many of them are now dead and beyond cross-examination but their stories persist. The cumulative effect of such systematic exposure and critical examination will be devastating based on what I have seen. The stories are a farrago of lies, contradictions and hysteria which mostly fall apart under any kind of serious examination simply on the basis of scientific possibilities and common sense. Like Wiernik's stories. Gathering them together would be important.

The other pillar of "the Holocaust" evidence seems to be the "confessions". This perhaps could be a separate examination.

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Postby Goethe » 1 decade 9 years ago (Sat Feb 07, 2004 4:35 pm)

I see that Sailor mentioned:
"I don't think that Wiernik is a very credible eyewitness. So why waste time? Which historian takes the stories of the man serious?"

I did a quick Google search of 'Wiernik Treblinka' and saw plenty of sites which referenced him. To anyone who goes beyond simple references and actually examines his statements, he is really ridiculous; but to believers he is their man for Treblinka.

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Postby Sailor » 1 decade 9 years ago (Sat Feb 07, 2004 6:46 pm)

Dubhghall wrote: The subject of "eyewitness" Wiernik brings up one my favorite nags for revisionists, i.e. a suggestion for work to be done by somebody other than me. Since the entire edifice of "the Holocaust" and the "gas chambers" in particular is increasingly seen to be based on the stories of "eyewitnesses" what we need is a systematic examination of every one of the eyewitness stories. Many of them are now dead and beyond cross-examination but their stories persist. The cumulative effect of such systematic exposure and critical examination will be devastating based on what I have seen. The stories are a farrago of lies, contradictions and hysteria which mostly fall apart under any kind of serious examination simply on the basis of scientific possibilities and common sense. Like Wiernik's stories. Gathering them together would be important.

The other pillar of "the Holocaust" evidence seems to be the "confessions". This perhaps could be a separate examination.

Actually there is such is study for Auschwitz.
Auschwitz Tätergeständnisse und Augenzeugen des Holocaust
(Auschwitz Perpetrator Confessions and Eye Witnesses of the Holocaust)

by Jürgen Graf

It is a book. But it has not been translated into English yet.

From the table of contents:

1) Der Vrba-Wetzler-Bericht, S. 27
2) Rudolf Vrba, S. 38
3) Der Mordowicz-Rosin-Bericht, S. 42
4) Jerzy Tabeau, S. 44
5) Claude Vaillant-Couturier, S. 47
6) Severina Schmaglewskaja, S. 51
7) Das Höss-Geständnis, S. 53
8) Die Höss-Aufzeichnungen ans dem Krakauer Gefângnis, S. 61
9) Chaim Herman, S. 83
10) Salmen Gradowski, S. 89
11) Handschrift eines unbekannten Autors, S. 92
12) Salmen Lewenthal, S. 98
13) Alter Feinsilber alias Stanislaw Jankowski alias Kaskowiak alias Alter Szmul Fajnzylberg, S. 100
14) Szlama Dragon, S. 111
15) Henryk Tauber, S. 122
16) Michal Kula, S. 132
17) Dov Paisikovic, S. 135
18) Filip Müller, S. 139
19) Michal Majlech alias Milton Buki, S. 155
20) Maurice Benroubi, S. 158
21) Moshe Maurice Garbarz, S. 160
22) Der Franke-Griksch-Report, S. 165
23) Pery Broad, S. 168
24) Johann Paul Kremer, S. 177
25) André Lettich, S. 182
26) Charles Sigismund Bendel, S. 189
27) Miklos Nyiszli, S. 195
28) Olga Lengyel, S. 206
29) Richard Böck, S. 213
30) Elie Wiesel, S. 218


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Postby Turpitz » 1 decade 9 years ago (Sat Feb 07, 2004 7:45 pm)

The other pillar of "the Holocaust" evidence seems to be the "confessions".

'Tell me what I want hear, or else I'll knee-cap you, and hand all your family over to the Russians.'

I think that just about sums up how these so-called confessions came about.

That doesn't include all the ones written by post-war fraudsters of course.

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Toben used ground radar on Treblinka

Postby The Skunk » 1 decade 9 years ago (Wed Feb 11, 2004 4:58 pm)

The ground radar showed soil hadn't been disturbed in 2000 years

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Postby Turpitz » 1 decade 9 years ago (Wed Feb 11, 2004 5:56 pm)

The ground radar showed soil hadn't been disturbed in 2000 years

Correct !

And now no independent investigators are allowed within 100 miles of any of the so-called death camps, just in case they don't find anything.

Which is what would happen. You and I know if there was mass pits there, the Zionist's would be revelling in it. You would never hear the end of it. Everywhere you looked there, would be posters of pit's, everything you heard, would be pit's. They would prolong everyones agony for another sixty years.

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Postby Hannover » 1 decade 9 years ago (Wed May 19, 2004 1:24 pm)

This liar was awarded a Communist certifcate of commendation:


- Hannover
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Postby Hannover » 1 decade 9 years ago (Tue Jun 01, 2004 11:42 pm)

Another beauty from the frequently cited Wiernik in reference to the alleged cremation of 900,000 Jews:
"Whenever an airplane was sighted overhead, all work was stopped, the corpses were covered with foliage as camouflage against aerial observation"

- from: A. Donat, 'Death Camp Treblinka'


- the planes would have already observed the alleged smoking grates long before being visible from the ground

- adding foliage would have created even more smoke

If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Postby Hannover » 1 decade 8 years ago (Sat Jan 08, 2005 3:03 pm)

I thought Carto's Cutlass's thread:
merged nicely with this one.

Also see the so called 'holocaust' History Project shown the door here:

- Hannover
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Postby Carto's Cutlass Supreme » 1 decade 8 years ago (Sat Jan 08, 2005 5:25 pm)

What I'm dying to know is how Yankel Wiernik's testimony is treated by Lipstadt, Hillberg, Davidowicz, and Pressac.

Wouldn't that be completely nutty if you read these authors where they discuss Treblinka, and you looked up a footnote or reference and there was Yankel Wiernik? And the authors don't mention any reservations about his testimony, but rather site him as a reliable source? If that happens to me when I finally read these authors, it's just going to be too much!

Goethe wrote
I did a quick Google search of 'Wiernik Treblinka' and saw plenty of sites which referenced him.

There's actually way more sites than you saw, since there's about 10 ways to spell his name. No one seems to spell it the same.

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Postby Carto's Cutlass Supreme » 1 decade 8 years ago (Sat Jan 08, 2005 5:57 pm)

Wow, Hannover was mentioning "Weird Al YankelWeirnik" one and a half years ago. Nice Job Hannover!

Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles says that only 9 people survived Treblinka. And guess who another one was? Fred Kort! See the thread on him at:
http://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?t= ... 972772fff4

this thread has a link to the original article from the Jewish Journal.

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Postby Hannover » 1 decade 8 years ago (Sat Jan 08, 2005 8:20 pm)

C. C. Supreme said:
Wouldn't that be completely nutty if you read these authors where they discuss Treblinka, and you looked up a footnote or reference and there was Yankel Wiernik? And the authors don't mention any reservations about his testimony, but rather site him as a reliable source? If that happens to me when I finally read these authors, it's just going to be too much!

Any 'eyewitness' they quote is just as wacky. That's the 'holocau$t' racket's problem, they can't produce eyewitnesses who make sense, and whom aren't easily undressed by knowledgable Revisionists, it's that simple ... they have no one.

Revisionists are just the messengers, the self defeating 'holocau$t' story is the message.

- Hannover
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Postby Carto's Cutlass Supreme » 1 decade 8 years ago (Sat Jan 08, 2005 10:17 pm)

Wow. I'm starting to see how "hollow" and "costly" this whole thing is.

Hannover wrote:
Revisionists are just the messengers, the self defeating 'holocau$t' story is the message.

A messenger needs a medium. This medium (revforum) is good for some things, but I think ultimately the messengers need to turn toward video. To be artists making videos.

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