Has Anyone Ever Seen This Photo?

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Has Anyone Ever Seen This Photo?

Postby Carto's Cutlass Supreme » 1 year 8 months ago (Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:07 pm)

It's a photo on the main page of the USHMM.org website. "Holocaust By Bullets" which revisionists have predicted for years, was the direction the holocaust myth was going to turn, after so many of their angles were debunked by holocaust deniers. But in all my years studying the myth, I've never seen this photo. I can't upload a photo so I'll put a link to archive.org of the photo I'm currently seeing on the USHMM.org website. It shows about 17 German soldiers bunched together, aiming their rifles into a pit, and one man standing in the pit. One strange feature is the guy on the end is dressed in all white! And he appears to be sitting with straight legs on the edge of the pit. The Germans had high quality cameras like Leicas but once again we have a blurry image.


[Photo added by placings it's address between [img]-----[/img], Moderator}

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Seen This Photo?

Postby Tiepolo » 1 year 8 months ago (Fri Sep 24, 2021 8:53 pm)

I don't see the man at the end wearing all white, he looks like he is without a shirt with white pants on [during an execution] :lol: . Why would anyone be shirtless when all of the other soldiers are in uniform?

Very out of place to see a German soldier firing a rifle like that, these are supposed to be soldiers of one of the world's best armies.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Seen This Photo?

Postby borjastick » 1 year 8 months ago (Sat Sep 25, 2021 4:06 am)

I too have never seen this picture before. However I see plenty of people in the pit including what looks like women at the far end. I also see some peasants standing to the far top right of the pit waiting or part of the escapade.

Like all of these pictures and the one film that is often used in documentaries it proves nothing as shooting non uniformed partisans was perfectly within the rules at the time. Not a pleasant task but war is ugly and these things happened on both sides.
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Re: Has Anyone Ever Seen This Photo?

Postby Hektor » 1 year 8 months ago (Sat Sep 25, 2021 12:10 pm)

borjastick wrote:I too have never seen this picture before. However I see plenty of people in the pit including what looks like women at the far end. I also see some peasants standing to the far top right of the pit waiting or part of the escapade.

Like all of these pictures and the one film that is often used in documentaries it proves nothing as shooting non uniformed partisans was perfectly within the rules at the time. Not a pleasant task but war is ugly and these things happened on both sides.

That's if the picture is indeed what they want you to believe. If you provide something to evidence, you must prove that it is indeed valid evidence. Not just insisting that is. Otherwise one could make up all kinds of stories and accusation an put the burden of proof on those that are accused in that way. Well, that smear tactic was part and parcel of Holocaust propaganda for decades.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Seen This Photo?

Postby Hannover » 1 year 8 months ago (Sat Sep 25, 2021 1:51 pm)


This faked photo is one of many from The Holocaust Industry.
Notice the civilian observer in the foreground right. Remember it was all supposed to be top secret, yet we have "photos" & observers. LOL
Notice that we see no victims of the "shooting".
There's the cut & pasted guy in white in the back, odd since he's the only one in white, notice that his leg is strangely long as it extends downward.
And note that this faked "photo" was never presented & questioned in court.

Here's another, even more laughable.
Babi Yar fake photo:
caption: Photo taken from the body of a dead German officer killed in Russia, showing a Nazi firing squad shooting Jews in the back as they sit beside their own mass grave, in Babi Yar, Kiev, 1942.

There's much more about the absurd claims about the einsatzgruppen. Key word einsatzgruppen here and see.

- Hannover
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Re: Has Anyone Ever Seen This Photo?

Postby Carto's Cutlass Supreme » 1 year 8 months ago (Sat Sep 25, 2021 4:25 pm)

Thanks Mod, for putting in the link. Yes, the archive link and the photo link provide different parts of the photo which is why I hadn't seen the woman in the pit, and similarly the photo link doesn't show the man with rifle in white in the back. I think the oddest thing is no one's seen this before.

It's not even a photo in the USHMM photo collection under "einsatzgruppen."

My guess is it comes from an East bloc 1960's or '70's film depiction.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Seen This Photo?

Postby borjastick » 1 year 8 months ago (Sun Sep 26, 2021 2:24 am)

https://web.archive.org/web/20210923153 ... -holocaust

From the page concerned with Holocaust By Bullets on the USHMM site. Just take a little read of this page and see how stupid the claims are today with all our knowledge of war fare and the reality of the holocaust claims in general. How anyone can believe this tripe is beyond me. But they still maintain the Babi Yar claims for example. Still they say over 100,000 were murdered at Babi Yar yet not one shred of evidence exists for any murders there.
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Seen This Photo?

Postby Otium » 1 year 8 months ago (Sun Sep 26, 2021 7:19 am)

I'm hesitant to claim photos are "faked", if it is fake there should be proof of it. Just asserting things without proof like the "leg is too long" (why? what about the photo would necessitate that kind of obvious forgery?) isn't enough to substantiate anything. The photos themselves don't even prove anything, just people who have a narrative they want to push creating their own stories based on nothing but their insistence.

The photo to me looks like it was taken discreetly. Knowing the history of the photo, who it came from if that's even possible would be a good way to start.

Zooming in on the guy in the white uniform, it looks to me like he's simply taken his tunic off, and he has a white undershirt on. You can see soldiers with this shirt in other execution photos, for example:


Men_with_an_unidentified_unit_execute_a_group_of_Soviet_civilians_kneeling_by_the_side_of_a_mass_grave 2.jpg
Men_with_an_unidentified_unit_execute_a_group_of_Soviet_civilians_kneeling_by_the_side_of_a_mass_grave 2.jpg (43.8 KiB) Viewed 3387 times

I don't know why his breeches are white though. His cap appears to be the same as the others. I don't see why it matters though.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Seen This Photo?

Postby Revision » 1 year 8 months ago (Sun Sep 26, 2021 9:26 am)

I was able to find this photo by using Yandex image search: https://teachinghistorymatters.files.wo ... 07/240.jpg

It seems to be a photo from the Imperial War Museum (IWM) in London.

The description of the photo reads:
Das Einsatzkommando 12b der Einsatzgruppe D ermordet jüdische Frauen und Kinder in einer Grube, Dubossary (Transnistrien), 14. September 1941
IWM London

Einsatzkommando 12b of Einsatzgruppe D kills Jewish women and children in a pit, Dubossary (Transnistria), 14 September 1941
IWM London

The Imperial War Museum has high quality versions of the same photo in its website: https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item ... /205081019

There reads:
A squad of the Einsatzgruppe D shooting Jewish women in an open pit near Dubossary in Soviet Moldavia, 14 September 1941. The unit's commander, which can be seen in the background, is probably Max Drexel.

Is this a woman with her arms crossed on her face? I can't really say for sure.

However this is what Otto Ohlendorf, the commander of the Einsatzgruppe D, said about the "child killings":
"I attended three mass executions and did not see any children and no command ever searched for children, but I have seen very many children killed in this war through air attacks, for the security of other nations, and orders were carried out to bomb, no matter whether many children were killed or not."


During the Einsatzgruppen trial Ohlendorf also denied knowledge of any extermination plans of the Jews or the Slavs or that these were being killed because of their "racial inferiority". Mass executions of partisans and other unreliable and dangerous people did happen to some extent though and there certainly were many Jews among the executed.

See also:

Holocaust Handbooks: The Einsatzgruppen in the Occupied Eastern Territories — Genesis, Missions and Actions (Carlo Mattogno): https://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?page_id=39

Vincent Reynouard's Einsatzgruppen documentaries:
Einsatzgruppen part 1 - Hitler and the Jewish's war: https://archive.org/details/VincentReyn ... shsWar1De4
Einsatzgruppen part 2 - Why Hitler invaded the USSR: https://archive.org/details/VincentReyn ... dedTheUSSR
Einsatzgruppen part 3 – The Einsatzgruppens and the Jews: https://archive.org/details/VincentReyn ... EtLesJuifs
Einsatzgruppen part 4 : Lying Judges and Historians Caught Red-Handed: https://archive.org/details/VincentReyn ... eMensonges

Revision: Otto Ohlendorf Denying Guilt: http://www.bitchute.com/video/dfQvbIiyv9cu/
The mainstream Holocaust story is a baseless conspiracy theory.

Bitchute: http://www.bitchute.com/channel/revision

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Seen This Photo?

Postby Lamprecht » 1 year 8 months ago (Sun Sep 26, 2021 7:09 pm)

HMSendeavour wrote:The photo to me looks like it was taken discreetly. Knowing the history of the photo, who it came from if that's even possible would be a good way to start.

Taking photographs "discreetly" is easy when you have a smartphone in your pocket, but this would have been taken with archaic camera technology.

Cameras of the 1930s
http://licm.org.uk/livingImage/1930Room.html / http://archive.fo/PYVUh

The history of the photo, if genuine, is that there was a brutal war going on and partisans/terrorists and their collaborators were expected to be expeditiously executed. Exceptions would only be expected to be made for those with rare skills (for example, doctors) or maybe high value targets that could be traded for other POWs. Maybe if there's a labor shortage nearby the most able-bodied would be employed. "Children" (which today is a legal status applying to anyone under the age of 16-18) is a category that includes armed teenagers that could even more easily blend into the non-partisan local populations. Adult women can also pick up guns and shoot them and some have been known to do so during continental-wide wars and foreign occupations.

I don't see anything particularly incriminating in the photo, but the setting doesn't look like a secret/hidden execution to me. We curiously do not see who all is being executed or how many. A rough estimate could be made by counting the number of soldiers that are shooting. There should be a ratio, or some range of ratios. There can't be so many victims that once the shooting begins, if they ran at the soldiers some would avoid getting shot long enough to grab a gun. 10:1 would mean each soldier would have to shoot 10 people on average, I don't think it's even close to that in an execution setting like this photo's.
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NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Seen This Photo?

Postby Hannover » 1 year 8 months ago (Sun Sep 26, 2021 9:16 pm)


The man in white is too rdiculous, perhaps the longest leg known to man.
Remember it was all supposed to be top secret, yet we have "photos" & observers. LOL
Notice that we see no victims of the "shooting".
And note that this faked "photo" was never presented & questioned in court.

The fraudulent 'holocau$t' Industry now claims that ca. 2,000,000 Jews were shot by the Einsatzgruppen into huge pits, the enormous mass graves & human remains are claimed to exist in specifically known places.
So, is that:
100 graves of 20,000?
200 graves of 10,000?
400 graves of 5,000?
500 graves of 4,000?
1000 graves of 2000?
2000 graves of 1000?

- Hannover
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.


Re: Has Anyone Ever Seen This Photo?

Postby Otium » 1 year 8 months ago (Sun Sep 26, 2021 11:28 pm)

Lamprecht wrote:Taking photographs "discreetly" is easy when you have a smartphone in your pocket, but this would have been taken with archaic camera technology.

I'm not an expert on cameras by any means, but even in the examples you linked they're not overly cumbersome. It doesn't seem impossible that this is a discreet photograph. But that shouldn't be taken to mean the events pictured are in any way illegal.

When I think of an archaic camera I think of those large tripod cameras from the 19th and early 20th century, not handheld cameras from the 1930s/40s.

Hannover wrote:Image

The man in white is too rdiculous, perhaps the longest leg known to man.

I have to disagree, his leg doesn't look overly long, and if it is, he might just have long legs, or is stretching them out because of where/how he's standing. It's not easy to tell. He's clearly further forward than some of the other men, yet we don't see any issues with them in this photo. What exactly would be the point of forging that aspect of the photograph? The only thing I think is weird is how his pants are white. But even then, I'm not sure what that's supposed to imply just because it's weird.

One could ask why exactly a photo like this would even be forged? There's nothing particularly gruesome about the photo that seems to require a forgery job. How hard could it be to just get a bunch of dudes in German uniforms to pose for the camera and shoot at the ground? If it's a forgery why not 'in camera'? It just doesn't make sense. At the end of the day we're just speculating because we know nothing else. There's nothing conclusive here.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Seen This Photo?

Postby borjastick » 1 year 8 months ago (Mon Sep 27, 2021 5:54 am)

I'm not an expert on cameras by any means, but even in the examples you linked they're not overly cumbersome. It doesn't seem impossible that this is a discreet photograph. But that shouldn't be taken to mean the events pictured are in any way illegal.

When I think of an archaic camera I think of those large tripod cameras from the 19th and early 20th century, not handheld cameras from the 1930s/40s.

You make a good point. I remember my dad having a camera from shortly after the war. It was a Box Brownie which was about 8/9 inches square and took B&W film which one rolled onto the spools inside the case. The focus was dodgy, the quality was predictably very bad and one needed to send the film away for printing fairly soon after use because it wouldn't last.

The other point I would make about this photo is why would anyone in charge of an execution allow someone to stand there and take a picture or two? It just seems illogical to me. If he was taking an official picture as a record, so to speak, then it would be better set-up and or staged. I do think this is genuine but find it odd when a peculiar shot like this appears and is claimed by the holocaustinas as proof of genocide of the jews to the tune of 6m.
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Re: Has Anyone Ever Seen This Photo?

Postby RouterAl » 1 year 8 months ago (Mon Sep 27, 2021 5:54 am)

The interesting things to me are looking at the War Museum picture
(1) the man with the flat cap in the foreground he does not look German
(2) the man with the rifle back left , he also does not look German he looks like a civilian
(3) there are 3 people to the right between the man with the cap and the German soldier , they look like civilians.
(4) Why are non of the German soldiers wearing helmets and where is the transport and who dug the hole.
(5) The ear of grain is very well placed to hide what does not actually look like a hole with an impossible to count number of people
(6) How did they get such a huge earth pile and yet the hole look almost at ground level , you would want a pit to contain people and to cover up the bodies.
(7) There is a pile of straw in front of the civilian at the left.
(8) The German at the back holding what looks like a white stick is at a lower level then the two women in the so called trench
(9) At the bottom of the long white leg man there is a German Helmet on a soldier who is even lower than the so called trench.
(10) I can only see clearly two females far apart.
To me it looks like the central section containing the Germans standing on an earth mound was placed in an innocent photo of some civilians at harvest time. If you want to see atrocities then you will see them but this does not provide very convincing evidence.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Seen This Photo?

Postby Breker » 1 year 8 months ago (Mon Sep 27, 2021 12:14 pm)

Indeed, the strange man in white has huge legs while the chaps next to him appear to have none.
Funny that the white leg man was positioned as to be jumping into the pit ... without corpses.
Also avoided by others here is the fact that an alleged photo, highly illegal, was taken at all ... in front of observers yet.

Hannover's point is spot on, why weren't these sorts of photos presented and questioned in a court of law?
The matter is truly comedic.
Revisionists are just the messengers, the impossibility of the "Holocaust" narrative is the message.

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