more on Iran's 'holocaust' cartoon contest & conference

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Postby Hyman » 1 decade 7 years ago (Fri Feb 10, 2006 9:51 pm)

Rashid Metwan wrote:I agree that the violence has gotten out of hand in places but most of the Moslem world is reacting in much the same way that the Christian world did to the Last Temptation of Christ or Priest or anything else critical of Christianity. If Christians have the right to get angry don't Moslems also?

Although a fan, I wouldn’t go along with John Lennon’s sentiment “Image there’s no heaven” or “Imagine no religion”. “Imagine no religion proselytizing other than peacefully” would be nice though. In my opinion, the Muslims offended by the cartoons should just end all business with the newspapers publishing them. Protesting at embassies or against Denmark in general makes no sense. I’m sure most Danes, given the opportunity, would be decent enough to refrain from issuing gratuitous insults towards Islam, or any other religion. The Holocaust cartoon contest proposed by the Iranian newspaper is also an apt response to hypocrisy in the west. I’ll bet the cartoons published will not belittle those who did suffer during the so-called Holocaust. But the endless shake-downs by the Holocaust racketeers, all the while proclaiming that they don’t believe in collective guilt, provides much grist for lampooning. Also there is the mawkish phenomenon of Jewish dominated Hollywood putting our more films about the Holocaust than about all other tragedies in history combined (and “based on a true story”) :roll: . But the violent and frenzied protests of Muslims over some inconsequential editor’s provocation plays into the hands of the Judeo-supremacists. As an example, I had the “Colbert Report” on the TV the other night (it’s a comedy show that lampoons politics and modern culture), and who comes on as the guest in the final minutes but media-hound and Israel-firster supreme, shyster Allan Dershowitz. Mr. Dershowitz has written a booked called “Preemption” in which he discusses G.W. Bush’s post 9/11 policy. Since the Iraqi “preemption” has turned from cakewalk to chaos, Mr. Dershowitz feigned a somewhat skeptical approach to its prudence. After all, it's been done and checked off the list. Passé now. But there is a country for which Dershowitz in sure preemption is the answer: Iran. He tells us that the Iranian president “wants to kill” everybody associated with the Danish cartoons. Can’t have that guy around. No doubt Mr. Dershowitz pulled the quote out of his a*s, but an uninformed public will buy into it more easily when they see the violent protests. Anyway, I switched the channel at that point (can’t take too much of Herr Dershowitz unless maybe he is in debate with Normal Finkelstein) but I would bet the farm he went on to say what a horrible “Holocaust denier” Ahmadinejad is to boot.

The best revenge against “The Last Temptation of Christ” is that, in spite of certain good reviews, it is a brutally boring and awful film, or at least the hour or so I sat through was. Martin Scorsese took a plunge in stature, but I don’t think Jesus Christ did. Similarly, several of the Danish cartoons depicting Muhammad were republished at “World Net Daily” and only one I saw was even remotely clever or witty. They would be long forgotten if not for the resultant demonstrations.

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Postby Hyman » 1 decade 7 years ago (Sat Feb 11, 2006 3:26 pm)

Looks like Mr. Ahmadinejad of Iran is going to keep at it. Will his statements about research on the Holocaust being a crime lead the Zionist toadies of the west to try to show that they really are true believers in freedom of speech, and therefore release the Holocaust thought criminals with light sentences? Or will the establishment in the west react like spoiled brats who aren’t getting their way, and come down hard on the dissidents? If the judge in the current Zundel trial has an ounce of decency, he will let Ernst go with time served after his farcical show trial is finished. ... ns_iran_dc
From Reuters: Ahmadinejad rounds on west over cartoons

TEHRAN (Reuters) -
Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rounded on the West on Saturday, accusing European countries of being Israeli puppets for publishing newspaper cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad.
Satirical cartoons of the Prophet carried in the European press have sparked anger across the Islamic world, firing several violent protests. Many Muslims believe any depiction of the Prophet is sacrilegious.
"They say that their countries are free but they are lying. They are held hostage by Zionists and the Americans and Europeans should pay for that," Ahmadinejad told a crowd on the anniversary of the 1979 Islamic revolution.
Europeans have defended the publication of the cartoons by insisting on the right to freedom of speech.
"How come insults are free in your country but any research on the Holocaust is a crime?" he added.
Ahmadinejad has previously labeled the Holocaust a myth, saying the killing of six million Jews by the Nazis and their allies was fabricated to bolster Israeli interests.
He has called for an academic conference to discuss what happened in the Holocaust. The suggestion has been condemned by most world leaders.
"If you are searching for the Holocaust, you will find the real Holocaust in Palestine," Ahmadinejad added.
Iran has been a vocal advocate of the Palestinian cause since the revolution, but insists its support is purely moral and does not extend to funds and arms, as Washington alleges

Here the same speech is reported on by the Bangkok Post ... p?id=78985

Holocaust revisionists have to watch for the way German is translated in the received history, so it's interesting to note how the two outlets have interpreted Ahmadinejad's words.

"How come insults are free in your country but any research on the Holocaust is a crime?" he added.
Bangkok Post
"How come that insulting the prophet of Muslims worldwide is justified within the framework of press freedom, but investigating about the fairy tale Holocaust is not?" Ahmadinejad said.
"If you are searching for the Holocaust, you will find the real Holocaust in Palestine," Ahmadinejad added.
Bangkok Post
The real Holocaust is what is happening in Palestine where the Zionists avail themselves of the fairy tale of Holocaust as blackmail and justification for killing children and women and making innocent people homeless," Ahmadinejad said.

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