Stalin wanted peace with Hitler?

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Stalin wanted peace with Hitler?

Postby Eesti_mees » 2 months 2 weeks ago (Sat Mar 25, 2023 7:25 am)

Recently heard this claim of Stalin seeking peace with Hitler, but it doesn't seem to have much evidence for it. The famous TIKhistory made a video about it linked here .

Description of the video:
"It appears that Stalin may have sought a separate peace with Hitler in WW2. Thank you to David E Dyrud for your question! Sadly, I've only really found one source which directly addresses this question, so if you know of any others that talk about this, please let me know so I can do a follow-up. Some of my books hint at peace-negotiations happening in 1944, but they are vague. To clarify a point raised in the video, I don't have evidence of negotiations before Stalingrad, but (as a bit of conjecture) I suspect that if there were negotiations in 1942-43, and possibly in 1944, then there's no reason to assume there wasn't any in 1941 or early 1942. Evidence may exist out there... so I'm certainly not ruling it out until it's confirmed one way or another."

There is also a Quorat post about it linked here ... lins-offer

In my view, if these peace offers even existed then this was just Stalin buying more time to gather enough forces to counterattack and also to get more supplies from the Allies with lend-lease. Is there any truth to this?

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Re: Stalin wanted peace with Hitler?

Postby TLSMS93 » 1 month 1 week ago (Tue May 02, 2023 10:08 am)

In Viktor Suvorov's thesis in his book The Chief Culprit: Stalin's Grand Design to Start World War II, he brings up this behind-the-scenes peace negotiation after the failed Battle of Moscow. He does not add details about it. Another episode was after Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa in mid-July Stalin began to consider the German peace offer, I heard that in an American documentary, I don't remember the name but it's included in the revisionist documentary Hitler the Greatest Story Never Told by Dennis Wise . It may not offer details but there is some basis for it.

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Re: Stalin wanted peace with Hitler?

Postby Hektor » 1 month 1 week ago (Tue May 02, 2023 4:30 pm)

TLSMS93 wrote:In Viktor Suvorov's thesis in his book The Chief Culprit: Stalin's Grand Design to Start World War II, he brings up this behind-the-scenes peace negotiation after the failed Battle of Moscow. He does not add details about it. Another episode was after Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa in mid-July Stalin began to consider the German peace offer, I heard that in an American documentary, I don't remember the name but it's included in the revisionist documentary Hitler the Greatest Story Never Told by Dennis Wise . It may not offer details but there is some basis for it.

One can not go by hearsay. One needs hard documentation. And that means open access to the archives and some way of testing the authenticity and (completeness) of records from those archives. But the game being played during the last decades was mostly playing hide and seek with the evidence.

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Re: Stalin wanted peace with Hitler?

Postby Werd » 1 month 15 hours ago (Wed May 10, 2023 3:53 am)

TIKhistory is a bit of a smug person who will not allow ANY concession to revisionists no matter how small, because in his mind, even if he has to lie to stop another reich and another holocaust, he's justified. He has made some serious errors before.

As for Stalin wanting peace, atheist Russian Jew Mark Solonin, and many others have proven otherwise. The main problem with western historiography is that the best sources showing Stalin's aggressive intentions are purposely NOT TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH FOR WIDE CONSUMPTION. It's one of the things I go into in this old topic.

Operation Barbarossa Was A Preventive Attack

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