The great Dr. Robert Faurisson has passed.

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The great Dr. Robert Faurisson has passed.

Postby Hannover » 4 years 7 months ago (Sun Oct 21, 2018 10:19 pm)

One of the greatest men of our time has passed away. Dr Faurisson's contributions to historical truth are unrivaled.

I had the pleasure of his company on two occasions, there was & is no one like him.

The attacks on his life by fanatical Jews who tried to silence him are well known and documented. He never faltered for a moment.
He will be missed and will continue to serve as inspiration to all who value truth over heinous propaganda.

A big salute to Dr. Robert Faurisson.

- Hannover

This note to CODOH from his brother was forwarded to me:
I regret to inform you that my brother Robert passed away yesterday, Sunday the 21st of October, at about 19:00h. Just as he entered through the door of his home in Vichy returning from a trip to his birth place in Shepperton (UK), he collapsed presumably because of a massive heart stroke.

There had been meetings with friends which were interrupted twice violently by opponents of his views. A video from bocage-info herebelow shows. I was accompanying him on this occasion. His 90th birthday was due on 25th January next.

Best regards to everybody, Jean Faurisson

BOCAGE-INFO Le Professeur Faurisson donne une conférence dans sa ville natale.

Une vidéo de Vincent Reynouard
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Re: The great Dr. Robert Faurisson has passed.

Postby Dresden » 4 years 7 months ago (Sun Oct 21, 2018 10:57 pm)

Rest in Peace Robert Faurisson ..... one of the greatest Revisionists.

Hounded and persecuted for thirty years, until his death, by the Haters of Truth. :-(


Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are telling you about the 'holocaust', but maybe, just maybe, their contempt for your intelligence and your character is beyond anything you could ever have imagined. -- Bradley Smith

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Re: The great Dr. Robert Faurisson has passed.

Postby phdnm » 4 years 7 months ago (Sun Oct 21, 2018 11:04 pm)

“The alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews constitute one and the same historical lie, which made possible a gigantic financial-political fraud, the principal beneficiaries of which are the State of Israel and international Zionism, and whose principal victims are the German people -- but not their leaders -- and the entire Palestinian people.”

Robert Faurisson, the famous "60 words sentence", formulated in 1980.

R.I.P Professor Robert Faurisson

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Re: The great Dr. Robert Faurisson has passed.

Postby Dresden » 4 years 7 months ago (Sun Oct 21, 2018 11:24 pm)

One of Robert Faurisson's last articles:

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

In September 1989, in France, a "normal and natural" assault against a revisionist

Today is September 26, 2018. Ten days ago I forgot to recall that we were “celebrating” the 29th anniversary of an assault of which I, when aged sixty, was the target in a park in Vichy. My sixth assault.

Up to now I have suffered only ten assaults: two in Vichy, two in Lyon, four in Paris and two in Stockholm.

That sixth is the one that has had and, still today, continues to have the most harrowing after-effects. Indeed, much later on, at the age of about 85, I began to suffer dreadful, piercing pain due to facial nerve damage – more precisely, damage to the trigeminal nerve. This can be palliated with either Tegretol or Pregabalin (Lyrica). Look them up.*

On learning my name the next day, my “saviour” – without whose intervention I think I’d have died – said he regretted having saved my life. The statement I gave to the police included the full name of the man who’d mounted the ambush. Two years previously he had assaulted me with body punches at the Sporting Club in Vichy, “professionally” looking to strike right at my heart and do harm there: no blows to the face, all aimed at the heart. Several days later, before the spectacle of my black-and-blue chest, a cardiologist of African origin exclaimed: “Yourrr boy, he waaaz a bomberrrr!”

On September 16, 1989 my attacker delegated three of his comrades to settle things with me. When questioned by the police as to his whereabouts on the day of the assault, he told them he’d been in Paris … at a masked ball and therefore could only give one name, that of his host there. The examining magistrate in charge of the case was careful not to call me in for an interview: she was to summon me only once, and then only to inform me that the investigation was closed. At his end, “Nazi hunter” Serge Klarsfeld acted as the media world’s spokesman and commented on the attempted assassination as follows:

What could be more normal? It’s regrettable, but normal and natural (Le Monde, September 19, 1989, p. 14).

It’s understood. Faurisson is hatred and lies whereas those who give him chase are inspired by love for humanity and devotion to the truth. He’s not even a professor. He’s never published anything – as he himself admits. He used to try to defenestrate his pupils at the Vichy lycée for girls. He’s a professional liar, a falsifier, a forger of history, a hard-headed liar, a gangster of history. There’s no point in trying to prove these accusations – it’s all patently obvious.

Remember also the declaration of the 34 historians in Le Monde of February 21, 1979 on the subject of the Jews “extermination” (sic): “One must not ask oneself how, technically, such a mass-murder was possible. It was technically possible, since it happened” By Jove!

September 26, 2018

* Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic pain condition that affects the trigeminal nerve, which carries sensation from the face to the brain. For someone with trigeminal neuralgia, even mild stimulation of the face — such as from brushing teeth or putting on makeup — may trigger a jolt of excruciating pain (source: Wikipedia).
Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are telling you about the 'holocaust', but maybe, just maybe, their contempt for your intelligence and your character is beyond anything you could ever have imagined. -- Bradley Smith

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Re: The great Dr. Robert Faurisson has passed.

Postby stinky » 4 years 7 months ago (Sun Oct 21, 2018 11:35 pm)

Very sad news.

Rest In Peace Dr. Robert Faurisson.
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Re: The great Dr. Robert Faurisson has passed.

Postby David M » 4 years 7 months ago (Mon Oct 22, 2018 12:17 am)

A man of peace attacked by Believer thugs and a repressive French government.
He is an example of a brilliant mind, a questioning spirit, a solid code of ethics, and a courageous heart....a convergence which is rare in humans.

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Re: The great Dr. Robert Faurisson has passed.

Postby borjastick » 4 years 7 months ago (Mon Oct 22, 2018 1:27 am)

Sad news indeed but his life was a great achievement in itself. As someone once said, I'll paraphrase here, 'it's not the length of the journey but what one sees and does along the way'.

He saw and did a great deal.

God bless you Sir.
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Re: The great Dr. Robert Faurisson has passed.

Postby Pia Kahn » 4 years 7 months ago (Mon Oct 22, 2018 7:06 am)

Rest in peace great man. You shall never be forgotten! :cry:

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Re: The great Dr. Robert Faurisson has passed.

Postby Bonesy » 4 years 7 months ago (Mon Oct 22, 2018 7:37 am)

So sorry to hear the tragic news. :-(

Another one of our greats has served his time on earth and passed the torch to the next generation. He certainly made a difference for many of us. My condolances go out for friends and family.

R.I.P. Professor Robert Faurisson (25-Jan-1929 - 21-Oct-2018)
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Re: The great Dr. Robert Faurisson has passed.

Postby Deitrich » 4 years 7 months ago (Mon Oct 22, 2018 8:41 am)

He was, and in time now is- one of the greatest people in all of history to have ever lived!!!


And thank you!! <3

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Re: The great Dr. Robert Faurisson has passed.

Postby Carto's Cutlass Supreme » 4 years 7 months ago (Mon Oct 22, 2018 2:03 pm)

A brave pioneer. He made groundbreaking discoveries for the revisionist cause. Not just finding the Auschwitz crematorium II blueprints, but also in researching the Anne Frank scam and father Otto's involvement whom he met in person. Some of his writings, made into a flyer, is what got Bradley Smith into revisionism. Then there was Faurisson's trip to Treblinka where he exposed that fraud in new ways, such as talking to some of the same people Claude Lanzmann had interviewed. He was key in exposing Elie Wiesel as a fraud via his article "A Prominent False Witness." Robert Faurisson sacrificed his whole life and career for the cause of exposing the holocaust hoax.

It's likely that the stress of the English hotel harrassment brought this on. It's also in the realm of possibility that foul play could have been involved. Traveling across country lines could have exposed him to Mossad agents, and because of his age, it's easy to just blame it on age. I'm not saying I believe that, but that it's in the realm of possibility.

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Re: The great Dr. Robert Faurisson has passed.

Postby phdnm » 4 years 7 months ago (Mon Oct 22, 2018 2:33 pm)

A Man – Robert Faurisson talks with Paul-Éric Blanrue ... ricBlanrue

This 93-minute video, documenting part of the life and work of Franco-British professor Robert Faurisson (born 1929), is the first and, thus far, only one of its kind. Made in October 2010 and released on the Internet and on non-commercial dvd in September 2011, it is the subject of ongoing criminal proceedings against Faurisson, producer-interviewer Paul-Eric Blanrue and an online distributor, under the anti-revisionist Gayssot Act of 1990.

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Re: The great Dr. Robert Faurisson has passed.

Postby Horhug » 4 years 7 months ago (Tue Oct 23, 2018 1:49 am)

I hope that Robert Faurisson's passing was from natural causes and that there was no foul play, although Sunday, October 21, 2018 carries some of the usual, very suspicious signatures ...

Dresden wrote:One of Robert Faurisson's last articles:

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

In September 1989, in France, a "normal and natural" assault against a revisionist

Today is September 26, 2018. Ten days ago I forgot to recall that we were “celebrating” the 29th anniversary of an assault of which I, when aged sixty, was the target in a park in Vichy. My sixth assault.

Up to now I have suffered only ten assaults: two in Vichy, two in Lyon, four in Paris and two in Stockholm.

That sixth is the one that has had and, still today, continues to have the most harrowing after-effects. Indeed, much later on, at the age of about 85, I began to suffer dreadful, piercing pain due to facial nerve damage – more precisely, damage to the trigeminal nerve. This can be palliated with either Tegretol or Pregabalin (Lyrica). Look them up.*

On learning my name the next day, my “saviour” – without whose intervention I think I’d have died – said he regretted having saved my life. The statement I gave to the police included the full name of the man who’d mounted the ambush. Two years previously he had assaulted me with body punches at the Sporting Club in Vichy, “professionally” looking to strike right at my heart and do harm there: no blows to the face, all aimed at the heart. Several days later, before the spectacle of my black-and-blue chest, a cardiologist of African origin exclaimed: “Yourrr boy, he waaaz a bomberrrr!”

On September 16, 1989 my attacker delegated three of his comrades to settle things with me. When questioned by the police as to his whereabouts on the day of the assault, he told them he’d been in Paris … at a masked ball and therefore could only give one name, that of his host there. The examining magistrate in charge of the case was careful not to call me in for an interview: she was to summon me only once, and then only to inform me that the investigation was closed. At his end, “Nazi hunter” Serge Klarsfeld acted as the media world’s spokesman and commented on the attempted assassination as follows:

What could be more normal? It’s regrettable, but normal and natural (Le Monde, September 19, 1989, p. 14).

Dresden wrote:Rest in Peace Robert Faurisson ..... one of the greatest Revisionists.

Hounded and persecuted for thirty years, until his death, by the Haters of Truth. :-(


Image ... -historian]LA Times : French Historian Who Dismisses Holocaust Is Beaten

September 17, 1989

PARIS — One of France's leading "revisionist" historians, who claims the Holocaust never took place, was severely beaten Saturday by three youths said to belong to a group called "The Sons of the Memory of the Jews," officials said.

Robert Faurisson, 60, was ambushed by the youths while walking his dog in a park in Vichy. The trio repeatedly kicked and punched Faurisson, breaking his jaw, then ran off, a police report said.

Faurisson was admitted to a Vichy hospital, then transferred to a hospital in the nearby city of Clermont-Ferrand.

French radio said the attack was claimed by the previously unknown group, which said in a statement that "Faurisson is the first but will not be the last."

"Let those who deny the Shoah (Holocaust) beware," it said.

The same group was named as responsible for the attack in a telephone call to a news agency.

"This individual (Faurisson) is the origin of the Carmel of Auschwitz affair that is dividing gravely the Jewish and Catholic communities," the caller said.

The reference was to the dispute over the presence of a Carmelite convent at the World War II Nazi death camp in Poland.

Faurisson is one of the leading French members of a "revisionist" school of history that says there is no evidence that 6 million Jews were killed in Nazi gas chambers during the war.

September 16, 1989 : Robert Faurisson, aged 60 is beaten up by "The Sons of the Memory of the Jews".

On]Nathan Meyer Rothschild's 212 th birthday ...

RIP Robert Faurisson and thank you for all you have done.

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Re: The great Dr. Robert Faurisson has passed.

Postby phdnm » 4 years 7 months ago (Wed Oct 24, 2018 11:41 am)

Tribute to Professor Faurisson

Vincent Reynouard payes tribute to Robert Faurisson by telling how he became a revisionist thanks to the Professor.

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Re: The great Dr. Robert Faurisson has passed.

Postby Daniel » 4 years 7 months ago (Thu Oct 25, 2018 10:07 pm)


I've posted about his prescient warning in the early 1990s of Jews one day taking credit for discovering that the holocaust was a fraud. Unz and other Jews who embrace holocaust revisionism are, to my mind, a sign of this happening and a cause for concern.

In Robert Faurisson's Preface to Dissecting the Holocaust (1994) he writes:

I think that the co-religionists of Mr. Berenbaum will at last abandon the gas chamber as they have abandoned the Jewish soap and the Auschwitz 4 million. They will go farther than that. As in the two previous cases, they will present themselves as the discoverers of the myth and accuse the Germans, the Poles, or the Communists of having fabricated the ‘myth of the gas chambers’. In support of their impudent thesis, they will then invoke the names of Jews who are Revisionists totally or in part (J.G. Burg, Jean-Gabriel Cohn-Bendit, Roger-Guy Dommergue, Arno Mayer, David Cole, Christopher Hitchens, Joel Hayward ?). They will then assign themselves the starring role.

At the same time, however, transforming the ‘Holocaust’ of the Jews into a religious belief, this time divested of all material content, they will be only the more inflexible in denouncing authentic Revisionists as ‘deniers’, or ‘negationists’, as being intolerant, heartless, basely materialistic and hostile to the free expression of religious sentiments. For those Jews, the true Revisionists will thus continue to be diabolical in spirit even if they must be acknowledged to be in the right from a factual point of view.


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