Sobibor "Archaeological excavation" report(s) of 2014 and 2015 - no photographs of human remains, when will we see them?

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Sobibor "Archaeological excavation" report(s) of 2014 and 2015 - no photographs of human remains, when will we see them?

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 6 months ago (Sat Nov 30, 2019 7:39 pm)

The CODOH main page has posted the following articles from Yoram Haimi's Sobibor digs:

Preliminary report from the pre-investment archeological excavation works at the former German-Nazi extermination camp in Sobibor conducted in the summer and autumn 2014
PDF: ... azurek.pdf

The Results of the Pre-Investment Complementary Archeological Excavation Research Conducted on the Site of the Former Nazi-German Extermination Camp in Sobibór in the Autumn 2015

The most striking thing about these reports is that they claim to have excavated and proven the existence of human remains, but do not show us any of them. They do have plenty of color photographs of excavated pits containing no human remains, trinkets, and random rubbish so I guess it's quite apparent that their cameras were functioning quite well.
As explained in the following thread (which I will be updating after I sift through some relevant literature I have collected) there is no such thing as forensically proving the existence of a mass grave without taking photographs of it:
Mass grave excavation guidelines / The "Mass graves don't produce photographed bodies" lie

It is claimed that the burnt remains of 250,000 people are buried at Sobibor. Why are there no photographs of human remains in any of the reports? Why is there not a single photograph of an excavated mass grave at Sobibor from any of the various digs undertaken in the past 2 decades?
Some photos of human remains in excavated pits from Sobibor do exist, so far I have located the following two images:

The second photo is discussed in this thread:
Photos of mass graves with burnt remains claimed to be from Yoram Haimi's digs at Sobibor

In that thread, there is also a third photo but it probably does not qualify as a "masss grave" since it appears to only have two skulls and the UN has defined "mass grave" to require at least three people.
Also in that thread, I posted an email response I recieved from Haimi, claiming that the bones in the photo were "collected over a number of years" and moved to the pit "Under Rabbi Shudrich's instruction"
I also received from Haimi another email that I did not post there, which I will quote below:
We are writing about the research in Sobibor and I hope that we publish our research next year. I can't send you a better quality picture, after we publish our research I will send you pictures.

Hopefully Haimi publishes something soon. I do not think we have seen even 1/10th of 1% of the alleged remains claimed to exist at Sobibor.

Here are two of Haimi's maps alleged to be showing the locations of mass graves at Sobibor:

Why haven't any of these alleged mass graves been excavated and photographed, such as in any normal "mass grave excavation"? Or if they have, why all the secrecy around it? The primary reason, according to the literature, that mass grave excavation photographs are withheld is to prevent ethnic animosity from forming as a result. Except in this case the claimed victims (Jews) already believe that the mass graves exist, so providing the images would not be liable to produce any such feelings to manifest against the perpetrators (Germans) where they did not already exist. This happened over 7 decades ago, anyone that could have known the victims or perpetrators is dead.

Here we have a photograph from the "Archives of the Ghetto Fighters house":
Caption: "A glass display case containing ashes and bones of victims of the Sobibor extermination camp."

What do we see? One skull, a few bones in some dirt / sand. "Victims"? It's just looks like the remains of one person.

We also have these core samples:
What appears to be something burnt in one sample, not even enough to be the human remains of one person.

More, from "The Ghetto Fighters' House Museum/Israel/ The Photo Archive":

Caption: "Hair, bones and ashes found on the grounds of the Sobibor extermination camp."

Caption: "Hair, bones and ashes in the area of the Sobibor extermination camp."

Caption: "Pits in the woods near the Sobibor extermination camp, in which victims were buried"

I see what appears to be one bone in the photos above, but it could just be a piece of wood. Something light colored and tiny could be a bone fragment, or just a small rock. And in the last we see a hole that was dug but no human remains.

Muehlenkamp went to Sobibor and took photographs of a small number of bone fragments here with his very long fingernails: http://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot. ... pdate.html

Once again, it is essentially nothing.

It is claimed that the burnt remains of 250,000 Jews is buried at Sobibor. Aloha Stadium in Hawaii has a maximum capacity of 50,000:
So that is 5 stadiums full of people that were supposedly gassed, burned in giant outdoor pyres (there were no crematoria ovens at Sobibor) and then poured en masse into alleged huge mass graves which were then covered with a thick layer of dirt.

Mattogno, Graf and Kues in their book on Sobibor estimate about 10,000 people could have died en route to, or at Sobibor. This is a mere 4% of what is alleged by the exterminationists, but we haven't even seen physical evidence to support a mere one tenth of the revisionist estimate.

What is quite obvious here is that these excavations are always completely shrouded in mystery. They make a lot of big claims but provide just about nothing to show for it. Why is there not a single photograph from Sobibor [or Treblinka 2 or Belzec] of a single pit which contains the burnt remains of even 1,000 people? There are supposed to be dozens of them, and we aren't even allowed to see a photograph of even one. Not one single pit with the remains of 1,000 people or more at any of these camps, despite the combined total dead supposedly reaching 1.5 to 2 million.

Just go on Google Image search and type in "mass grave excavation" there a countless examples of actual excavations being photographed, it's standard practice, it happens all the time. If you really want to learn, look up "Mass grave excavation guidelines" and see what they say about taking photographs of the remains.

This consistent pattern of shady, secretive, and lackluster "excavations" of these so-called "extermination camps" isn't doing the exterminationists any favors here.

A document, testimony, or confession can very easily be falsified, but a "huge mass grave" is another story...
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
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NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Sobibor "Archaeological excavation" report(s) of 2014 and 2015 - no photographs of human remains, when will we see t

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 6 months ago (Sat Nov 30, 2019 8:27 pm)

Apparently there is/was planned a documentary entitled "Sobibor's Hidden Holocaust" - but there is practically ZERO information about this. From:
The Claims Conference is proud to support documentation of this momentous project. A grant to the Sobibor Documentation Project of the Maurice Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Hartford is enabling filming of the excavation, to be used in a future one-hour documentary, “Sobibor’s Hidden Holocaust.”

Google finds only TWO search results mentioning the phrase (and a third which is just a copy of another result):

According to the dates, this project was announced in 2014. Today, we still see nothing.

From a 2010 article:
Yoram Haimi, an archeologist with the Antiquities Authority of Israel and Ben Gurion University of the Negev, leads the archeological project. After learning about Freund's work with geophysical techniques on Israeli archeological sites, Haimi invited him to join the Sobibor project. Visiting the site for just one week in July, he joined a team using advanced technology to make some significant discoveries that will help create the most accurate post-war map of a site deliberately hidden by the Nazis.
A documentary is being made of the search for the camp. A trailer of it will be shown at the lecture. Viewers of PBS's NOVA program might be familiar with Freund's archeological expedition to the Cave of Letters.

9 years later, no video documentary.

From a thread made 11 years ago, citing an article from August 7, 2008: viewtopic.php?t=5101
Mapping of the hundreds of new finds and the entire Sobibor concentration camp was done by University of South Florida geography professor Philip Reeder... The Sobibor project is being filmed for a full television documentary by public television science producer Gary Hochman, who previously produced the documentary “Ancient Refuge in the Holy Land” for NOVA.

So this documentary has been in the works for at least 11 years, yet we see no videos of any mass graves from Haimi, and apparently only one photograph (discussed in the link above) of one pit where bones from other parts of the camps were moved, as per rabbi instructions.


A pit that is at most 2 meters wide, and what, 5 or 6 meters long - if that? The angle of the photograph is designed to make it seem larger than it is.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Sobibor "Archaeological excavation" report(s) of 2014 and 2015 - no photographs of human remains, when will we see t

Postby stinky » 3 years 6 months ago (Sat Nov 30, 2019 9:10 pm)

According to the dates, this project was announced in 2014. Today, we still see nothing.

So this documentary has been in the works for at least 11 years, yet we see no videos of any mass graves from Haimi, and apparently only one photograph (discussed in the link above) of one pit where bones from other parts of the camps were moved, as per rabbi instructions.

The documentary makers are just waiting for Professor Caroline Sturdy Coles to clear her schedule, so that she can poke about at Sobibor, find a sharks tooth and a couple of broken tiles with a star on them (gasp), and proclaim irrefutable proof of the official narrative!

Have some patience Lamprecht you hate filled anti-semite! :wink:
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Sobibor "Archaeological excavation" report of 2017 - no photographs of human remains, when will we see them?

Postby Lamprecht » 2 years 11 months ago (Tue Jun 16, 2020 2:36 pm)

Another report on Sobibor has been posted by CODOH, since the original PDF has been removed from the website. It is in Polish, but I translated it into English using Google Translate. I'm sure the translation isn't perfect but it should be decent enough to understand what is going on.

Original, with PDF:
SPRAWOZDANIE NR 4 - Wojciech Mazurek ... e-nr-4/pl/

REPORT NO. 4 - Report for the period 28.05. - 30.08.2017 - Wojciech Mazurek or ...

Some of the images from the original PDF were resized in the translation, full size is here:

Now, what confuses me is that they clearly dug up a bunch of pits full of dirt. Maybe they encountered a few bones and teeth, which is to be expected given that some people would have died in transit to the camp. There was also a revolt at Sobibor, and hundreds of prisoners died as a result of this.

The claim, however, is that there were 170-250,000 victims of "extermination camp" Sobibor who were gassed, burned, and dumped into giant pits in the form of millions of pounds of burnt remains.

From the translated report:
on the implementation of the service in the form of archaeological supervision during works related to laying geotextile and pouring stone ballast into a clearing with mass graves for the purposes of a new commemoration of the victims of the former German Nazi death camp in Sobibór SPRING - SUMMER 2017
Fig. 8 View after the end of the spreading of white stone ballast from the north to the place of deposition of unburned human remains from graves designated by the surveyor 12-14, 16, which are to be buried after the completion of DNA analyzes at the Medical University of Szczecin, most likely in the month of September 2017

So what exactly happened to these DNA analyses?
And where are the photos of graves 12, 13, 14, and 16?

It seems to me that their strategy is something like dig a bunch of holes, find a few human bones, then stop digging and cover everything around it with a bunch of stone and gravel so nobody can go investigate them any longer.


Sites Where Excavations Are Physically Obstructed, Blocked
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
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NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Sobibor "Archaeological excavation" report of 2016

Postby Lamprecht » 2 years 11 months ago (Tue Jun 16, 2020 6:36 pm)

The 2016 report is here, in English:

Preliminary Report of Archaeological Excavations in the Sobibór Extermination Center, 2016 ... s-sobi/en/
PDF mirror: ... -Haimi.pdf

I am curious about why all of these reports have an original URL showing they were uploaded to a Wordpress website in 2013, since they are all post-2013. Quite odd.

Regardless, the only human remains I can find in this report is a few teeth (Figure 12)
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Sobibor "Archaeological excavation" report(s) of 2014 and 2015 - no photographs of human remains, when will we see t

Postby stinky » 2 years 11 months ago (Thu Jun 18, 2020 7:14 am)

Lamprecht wrote:Regardless, the only human remains I can find in this report is a few teeth (Figure 12)

Another devastating blow to revisionists
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