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Re: E. Hunt's "Treblinka Archaeology Hoax" Video / READY TO

Postby Hannover » 9 years 3 weeks ago (Mon May 12, 2014 2:18 pm)

Poetic justice:
Surdy-Colls makes a complete fool of herself as the very radar imaging (LIDAR) shes uses proves that the alleged enormous pits holding ca. 900,000 Jews do not exist.
borjastick wrote:The difference between the Katyn Forest* investigation and the Sturdy-Colls effort was that the former was seeking the truth...

* See what a legitimate archaeological study looks like.
Katyn facts: 'Amtliches Material zum Massenmord von Katyn'

The tide is turning.

- Hannover

* Katyn forest was the scene of the murder of thousands of Polish officers by the Soviet Union. It was falsely accepted into the Nuremberg records that it was the Germans who were responsible for this slaughter. There were 'documents', 'eyewitnesses, 'confessions', executions of Germans; all of which allegedly attested to German guilt.
A detailed, thorough, and verifiable forensic examination of the site was done by the Germans during the war and clearly established Soviet guilt; but no, the Germans were said to be the guilty ones.
In 1989 the communist Soviet government finally admitted responsibility.
It should be noted that this detailed, verifiable forensic study by the Germans was the only such study done by the belligerents of WWII. The Allies never conducted any such study of Auschwitz, or the other alleged mass murder sites, or alleged mass graves.
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: E. Hunt's "Treblinka Archaeology Hoax" Video / READY TO

Postby Dresden » 9 years 3 weeks ago (Mon May 12, 2014 4:55 pm)

cold beer said:

"There was mention made of the ash and teeth, but I won't argue that it wasn't as strongly emphasized"

If you mean "it wasn't as strongly emphasized" as what I suggested, then I would have to say that is an incredible understatement, as nothing even close to what I suggested was anywhere in the video.

What I'm suggesting is something for the dumbed-down masses with not much attention span and little imagination.....something like:

"Look, Johnny.....the square peg doesn't fit in the round hole.....see?.....here, try it yourself!"
People can understand concepts more clearly with the spoken word than they can with the written word, and they can understand them much more clearly with visuals than they can with anything else, and it leaves a much more indelible impression on their minds.

To "mention" teeth, ash, bones, and 900,000 people will make Johnny say "Yawn.....ho hum";
whilst to SHOW what 900,000 people, or a proportionate mountain of ash and bones would look like next to a scaled map of Treblinka would make Johnny say "WOW!!!.....that's friggin' IMPOSSIBLE!!!"

Also, Vasily Grossman(Gross!.....man!) mentioned the size of the ditches that the gassed corpses were burned in, and said that "an" excavator dug them.

It might be a good idea to mention how many months or years it would take "an" excavator to dig those huge pits.
No mention was made of bulldozers or tractors, or any other type of equipment; it was all done by a single excavator.

Also show what a mountain of displaced earth from those huge pits, and especially from the supposed mass graves would look like, and ask where it was piled.
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Re: E. Hunt's "Treblinka Archaeology Hoax" Video / READY TO

Postby hermod » 9 years 3 weeks ago (Mon May 12, 2014 5:19 pm)

cold beer wrote:I invite others to post their opinion:
I think a comparison between the way this 'investigation' is being conducted versus the investigation of the Katyn Forest massacre should be very heavily emphasized.
This is an ideal opportunity to educate the viewer in that regard.
The team conducting this dig at Treblinka is by their own admission biased in the conclusions they are seeking.
They are carrying out this farce without any oversight whatsoever.
This is all being done on a trust basis, where are the objective observers similar to what the Germans had at Katyn?

Good idea. Not only because that shows how reliable the"investigations" with foregone conclusions are. But also because both events (the real excavations at Katyn and the alleged excavations/cremations at Treblinka) were directly linked. According to the Holocaust narrative and Comrade Stalin, Herr Hitler was excavating and cremating corpses at Treblinka during the exact same months when he was excavating and exposing corpses at Katyn. The story of the corpses allegedly exhumed and cremated at Treblinka was in fact Stalin's propagandistic response to Hitler's propagandistic exposure of the Polish POW's executed by Stalin at Katyn. Don't mess with Uncle Joe, or he'll kick your ass with the biggest lie you have ever seen... :twisted:

From the website http://www.air-photo.com (now down):

March to July, 1943, 4,143 bodies dug up, examined by international forensic examiners, and the Soviets were proven to have been the murderers. Bodies were then reburied (40 per day).

March to July, 1943 alleged 800,000 bodies were dug up and burned at a rate of 5200 per day at the same time as Katyn!

Were the Soviets trying to make Katyn seem insignificant by alleging larger atrocity?


in 1943, when the Polish victims of the Soviet Katyn massacre were discovered near Smolensk in Russia and reported to Berlin. Those 22,000 officers' bodies were well preserved underground, attesting to the Soviet mass murder. By April, Nazi propaganda began to draw the attention of the international community to this war crime using newsfilm.[89] The Katyn Commission (i.e. the International Red Cross committee formed in April 1943 under request by Germany to investigate the Katyn massacre of some 22,000 Polish nationals during the Soviet occupation of Eastern Poland) was formed to make detailed examinations of the bodies and report findings,[90] in an effort to drive a wedge between the Allies.[91] The secret orders to exhume corpses already buried at Treblinka and burn them instead came directly from the Nazi leadership.[92] The cremations also began in April 1943.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treblinka_ ... ation_pits

The Soviet investigation "report" on the Katyn massacre can be found here: http://www.cwporter.com/k1.htm (A must-read!)



How the Soviets Manufactured War Crime Documents for the Nuremberg Court

Translator's note: The following is a typical example of Nuremberg "evidence". The "testimony" consists of "written statements" said to have been signed by "eyewitnesses", but which are simply "quoted" in a "report" written by the Stalinists and read aloud (in excerpt form) by the Soviet prosecutor. The "statements" are not attached to the report, the "witnesses" do not appear in court, and the "original documents" are not attached.

The Soviets were assigned by the Nuremberg Tribunal with the task of introducing all the evidence of German atrocities in Eastern Europe. Nearly all Nuremberg evidence is of similar quality, if not worse.

The "forensic report" quoted in this "report" was the ONLY forensic report ever introduced into evidence at Nuremberg.


Parts of this document have an air of very great realism, even though it is known to be false from beginning to end: the Soviets admitted their guilt for the Katyn shootings in November 1989. The report describes how perjured statements are obtained using procedures which are identical to those of the witchcraft trials of the Middle Ages. This is why civilised countries have rules against oral and written hearsay and prior consistent statements (i.e., the multiplication of "evidence" by repeating the same thing 10 times), and a requirement that cross examination be permitted in some form.

Personally, I consider this document by far the most important document ever introduced into evidence at Nuremberg, and possibly in any other war crimes trial as well.

Note the constant references to totally irrelevant factual material (such as the title and author of a science book possessed by one of the Russian "witnesses") just as if they were really proof of something.

As far as I know, this report has never before been translated and published in its entirety in English. I defy anyone to read this, and then believe any of the other Soviet "evidence" presented at Nuremberg. A glance at the footnotes and references in practically any work of Holocaust literature (for example, Pressac or Raul Hilberg) will show that probably 80% of the "evidence" consists of pure Communist propaganda.



Report by a Special Soviet Commission, 24 January 1944, concerning the shooting of Polish officer prisoners of war in the forest of Katyn. The executions had been carried out in autumn 1941 by the German "Staff of the Construction Battalion 537". In spring 1943 the Germans, by blackmailing witnesses into giving false evidence and by other means, had tried to make it appear that the Soviet NKWD was responsible for the shooting of the 11,000 victims.



From the totality of material available to the Special Commission, particularly from the testimonies of the 100 witnesses interrogated by the Commission, the facts of the case as examined by the forensic experts, and the documents and valuables taken from the graves in the Katyn forest, the following conclusions may be drawn with irrefutable clarity:

1. The Polish prisoners of war in the three camps west of Smolensk were housed there until the beginning of the war, were engaged in road construction work, and remained there even after the invasion of Smolensk by the German conqueror, until September 1943.

2. In the autumn of 1941, mass shootings of Polish prisoners of war taken from the above mentioned camps were carried out by the German occupying power in the Katyn forest.

3. The mass shootings of the Polish prisoners of war in the Katyn forest was carried out by the German armed forces under the cover name "Staff 537 of the Construction Battalion",


b) the German occupation authorities, in the spring of 1943, transported the corpses of Polish prisoners of war from other locations and shot by them at other sites, and laid them in the excavated graves of the Katyn forest in an attempt to wipe away the traces of their own bestiality and to increase the number of the "victims of Bolshevism" in the Katyn forest;

c) while the German occupation authorities spread their provocation, they used approximately 500 Russian prisoners of war for the job of excavating the graves at Katyn in order to remove all documents and exhibits which might prove German authorship of the crime. The Russian prisoners of war were shot immediately after termination of this work.

OK, we lied about Katyn, but we told the truth about Auschwitz ... honest!

Two of the Soviet investigators who complied the fraudulent report pinning the blame for the 1940 NKVD massacre of 4,000+ Poles at Katyn on the Germans! Also signed the official Soviet report on Auschwitz.


The Soviet report which blamed the Germans for committing the Katyn Massacre was listed at Nuremberg as 054-USSR. Evidently this report is a complete pack of lies, fabricated by a pack of liars with an agenda. Two of the liars who signed this report were:

"Member of the Special State Commission, Academic N. N. Burdenko"

"Member of the Special State Commission, Mythropolitos Nikolai"

The official Soviet report on Auschwitz was listed at Nuremberg as 008-USSR. Two of the men who signed this report were:

"The Academic N. N. Burdenko"

"The Mytropolitos Nikolaus"

Some of the most authoritative books on the Holocaust quote from USSR-008, the Soviet report on Auschwitz which was signed by two proven liars.

http://winstonsmithministryoftruth.blog ... 6872f35f9b
Last edited by hermod on Tue May 13, 2014 10:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: E. Hunt's "Treblinka Archaeology Hoax" Video / READY TO

Postby cold beer » 9 years 3 weeks ago (Mon May 12, 2014 6:00 pm)

Steve F wrote:cold beer said:

"There was mention made of the ash and teeth, but I won't argue that it wasn't as strongly emphasized"

If you mean "it wasn't as strongly emphasized" as what I suggested, then I would have to say that is an incredible understatement, as nothing even close to what I suggested was anywhere in the video.

What I'm suggesting is something for the dumbed-down masses with not much attention span and little imagination.....something like:

"Look, Johnny.....the square peg doesn't fit in the round hole.....see?.....here, try it yourself!"
People can understand concepts more clearly with the spoken word than they can with the written word, and they can understand them much more clearly with visuals than they can with anything else, and it leaves a much more indelible impression on their minds.

To "mention" teeth, ash, bones, and 900,000 people will make Johnny say "Yawn.....ho hum";
whilst to SHOW what 900,000 people, or a proportionate mountain of ash and bones would look like next to a scaled map of Treblinka would make Johnny say "WOW!!!.....that's friggin' IMPOSSIBLE!!!"

Also, Vasily Grossman(Gross!.....man!) mentioned the size of the ditches that the gassed corpses were burned in, and said that "an" excavator dug them.

It might be a good idea to mention how many months or years it would take "an" excavator to dig those huge pits.
No mention was made of bulldozers or tractors, or any other type of equipment; it was all done by a single excavator.

Also show what a mountain of displaced earth from those huge pits, and especially from the supposed mass graves would look like, and ask where it was piled.

But I hesitate to be too opinionated because I appreciate these videos, and for every constructive criticism, I have 3 accolades.

My guess is that most people, 15 minutes after walking out of the USHMM could not name 3 camps.
I think some confusion will come from hopping from one camp to the next as occurs at a certain juncture in the video ( Majdanek, Dachau back to Majdanek)

To illustrate the amount of earth claimed to have been dug out and raise the question of where it went, is the ideal type of clear and inescapable observation needed to turn the light bulb on.
No question in my mind that this is an excellent suggestion.
If the Germans had graded the area, leveling off that huge pile of material, the evidence would be plain as day, with the deeper strata now on the surface over a wide area.
How could that be missed by professional archaeologists?

I would have liked Eric to spell the following out very directly for the viewer...
"The digging up of a cemetery near Treblinka 1 has ZERO to do with any known testimony, all witnesses testify that these mass graves are located at Treblinka 2 !
Remember these were supposed to be mass graves of enormous dimension."

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Re: E. Hunt's "Treblinka Archaeology Hoax" Video / READY TO

Postby cold beer » 9 years 3 weeks ago (Mon May 12, 2014 6:51 pm)

hermod wrote: Hitler was excavating and cremating corpses at Treblinka during the exact same months when he was excavating and exposing corpses at Katyn. The story of the corpses allegedly exhumed and cremated at Treblinka was in fact Stalin's propagandistic response to Hitler's propagandistic exposure of the Polish POW's executed by Stalin at Katyn.......

As always, great comments and source material.
There are numerous points to comment on, far too much for one post.

One of the more important points to make is on this....
3. The mass shootings of the Polish prisoners of war in the Katyn forest was carried out by the German armed forces under the cover name "Staff 537 of the Construction Battalion",

I see a great need in hammering home the use, by the Soviets, of what I assume are completely fabricated unit names.
Unsuspecting listeners in all likelihood hear these 'unit designations' and automatically assume that the story is credible.
Another example is 'sonderkommando 1005a', a unit designation that probably never existed.

Similar to that are the endless number of nicknames for camp personnel....Angel of Death, Bitch of Buchenwald, Ivan the Terrible etc etc.
It's a topic by itself how Hollywood script writers make idiots out of their audience able to convince them that prisoners who were supposedly being starved and worked to death were cooking up these nicknames that sound like they come straight out of some low budget movie.

Drawing attention to this in an insulting fashion, might just embarrass listeners into adopting a healthy dose of skepticism when presented with these bizarre stories
The audience needs to be helped and given the impetus to deride and laugh at these vaudeville tactics.

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Re: E. Hunt's "Treblinka Archaeology Hoax" Video / READY TO

Postby Dresden » 9 years 3 weeks ago (Mon May 12, 2014 9:09 pm)

cold beer said:


Thank you!

"But I hesitate to be too opinionated....."

Well, that's your opinion. :D

".....because I appreciate these videos"

I'm only talking about this one video; I have other suggestions for other videos.
I also appreciate this video. Someone said, either on this thread or in the YouTube comments, that this is the best Revisionist video to date and I'm pretty sure I'm of the same opinion, or close to it.

".....and for every constructive criticism, I have 3 accolades"

I think my accolades and suggestions(constructive criticisms if you like), are about equal.

"I think some confusion will come from hopping from one camp to the next as occurs at a certain juncture in the video ( Majdanek, Dachau back to Majdanek)"

I never thought about that, but I agree with you.
Eric should keep it simple and stick with Treblinka alone like the title of the video suggests.

"To illustrate the amount of earth claimed to have been dug out and raise the question of where it went, is the ideal type of clear and inescapable observation needed to turn the light bulb on.
No question in my mind that this is an excellent suggestion"

It not only turns a light bulb on, the visual is etched into your memory to stay.

If I were to ask you what you remember most about Denier Bud's "Auschwitz: The Surprising Hidden Truth", what would you say?

When I think of "Auschwitz: The Surprising Hidden Truth", the animation of the "assembly line and the blast furnace" instantly starts playing in my mind, and the implication of it, that of course the Germans wouldn't have been so stupid as to use the asinine, harebrained, Rube Goldberg method to "exterminate the Jews" using a slow acting pesticide and single load crematoria; the Nation with the most brilliant Engineers, by far the most Nobel Chemists and Scientists, if they wanted to, would have exterminated the Jews in an extremely efficient manner that wouldn't have taken several years, but a couple of weeks.

Visuals and animations are what really makes a video "great" as opposed to "good".

If I wanted to offer some "constructive criticism", I would say that Eric should ask around for a professional narrator with an American English voice who is sympathetic to Revisionism and is a lover of Truth, who might donate his time to narrate Eric's videos; that is, if Eric can't raise the money for it by donations.

The reason I say he should have a narrator is because he sounds angry in his videos, and that doesn't help awaken the sheeple.

I don't blame him for being angry; I bet I'm more angry than him. :evil:
I'm just saying he should have a narrator, like I should have an editor for my comments. :D
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Re: E. Hunt's "Treblinka Archaeology Hoax" Video / READY TO

Postby Inquisitor » 9 years 3 weeks ago (Tue May 13, 2014 4:05 am)

diaz52 wrote:
Kingfisher wrote:Brilliant. And put together in such a short time by a small team with limited resources. All we have to do now is get it onto prime-time TV in every major country and the battle is over. ;)

Damn straight. Great video!! I love the humor at the end. And it cracks me up how Caroline Sturdy Colls is anything but sturdy. She's so overly emotional, she couldn't have been more of a stereotype of the emotional woman, I mean come on. She's sobbing here and there, good lord woman pull yourself together! She's also obviously very gullible, and a fairly attractive woman. You can see why they chose her for this task. She's either not terribly bright or bright enough to know what is expected of her, and was willing to play her role for the cameras. I suspect its the former. Either way, she was embarrasingly used by the Jews. Great video once again Eric!

Agreed 100%! When Sturdy-Colls actually started blubbering out there in the oh-so-dreary-rainy forest setting, I thought I was watching a Hollywood movie for Gods' sake! I had not yet seen Colls' "documentary" program, and was actually taken aback by just how laughably weak it really was. Talk about all bark and no bite - she and her team proved NOTHING! This was the big "final denouncement" of Holocaust "deniers?" Surely they jest!

Just as diaz52 states, this is downright embarrassing! They should be ashamed of trying to pass this off as some bold, new, definitive "proof" of anything - let alone the alleged murder of 900,000 people! Colls comes off more like some distant relative desperately searching for the remains of her poor old uncle uncle Schlomo or some such, than anything remotely resembling a scientist, or serious researcher. She is shockingly emotional about it all - which obviously betrays her total lack of objectivity or intellectual-honesty on this matter. She has made up her mind about what is there and what happened there...so every scrap of bone(possibly animal, or recently - and illegally - dumped cremains, etc.) , or discarded comb, or piece of building material become immediate proof of death and mayhem! However, no objective, scientifically-minded researcher would jump to such radical conclusions! The foolishly misidentified "Star of David" tiles are just the icing on the whole ludicrous cake!

Once again, these efforts to disprove the claims of Revisionism do just the opposite! No thinking person could watch this wonderful new video and believe Sturdy-Colls to have accomplished anything other than failing utterly at her stated mission of proving Revisionism wrong once and for all. Try again Caroline! :roll:

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Re: E. Hunt's "Treblinka Archaeology Hoax" Video / READY TO

Postby Kingfisher » 9 years 3 weeks ago (Tue May 13, 2014 4:14 am)

diaz52 wrote:She's also obviously very gullible, and a fairly attractive woman.
Yes, I liked the sultry pose behind the barbed wire
diaz52 wrote:You can see why they chose her for this task. She's either not terribly bright or bright enough to know what is expected of her, and was willing to play her role for the cameras. I suspect its the former. Either way, she was embarrasingly used by the Jews.
I think she's young and flattered by the attention she is receiving, belief in the significance of what she is going to achieve and the resources being placed at her disposal (How many history researchers get the use of an aircraft?).

I thought one of the most striking scenes was where she was in "conversation" with the Chief Rabbi. She was totally deferential. No doubt as to who was calling the shots. So far, no one dare challenge this God-given right to decide what may or may not be allowed in the investigation. This is an inquiry into the biggest crime scene in the history of the world (allegedly) and they aren't allowed to apply procedures that are automatic if investigating a single murder. "You can't uncover the victim's body, officer. He's Jewish."

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Re: E. Hunt's "Treblinka Archaeology Hoax" Video / READY TO

Postby Kingfisher » 9 years 3 weeks ago (Tue May 13, 2014 4:19 am)

Hannover wrote:Poetic justice:
Surdy-Colls makes a complete fool of herself as the very radar imaging (LIDAR) shes uses proves that the alleged enormous pits holding ca. 900,000 Jews do not exist.
Yes, but this does not strike the average viewer in the way it strikes you and me, because it is completely glossed over by the tendentious commentary and presentation.

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Re: E. Hunt's "Treblinka Archaeology Hoax" Video / READY TO

Postby Kingfisher » 9 years 3 weeks ago (Tue May 13, 2014 4:43 am)

Steve F wrote:If I wanted to offer some "constructive criticism", I would say that Eric should ask around for a professional narrator with an American English voice who is sympathetic to Revisionism and is a lover of Truth, who might donate his time to narrate Eric's videos; that is, if Eric can't raise the money for it by donations.

The reason I say he should have a narrator is because he sounds angry in his videos, and that doesn't help awaken the sheeple.

I don't blame him for being angry; I bet I'm more angry than him. :evil:
I'm just saying he should have a narrator, like I should have an editor for my comments. :D
I was quite critical of Eric's narration in The Last Days of the Big Lie. Like you I found him angry and constant reiteration of "Jewish lies" was not going to achieve the desired effect, but in The Gas-Chamber Hoax and this film he is much calmer and more relaxed. While a really professional narrator like those used in mainstream TV Holocaust productions would be nice, I don't think Eric is doing badly at all here. I suspect the "anonymous revisionist"credited is DenierBud and that he has had some input on this.

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Re: E. Hunt's "Treblinka Archaeology Hoax" Video / READY TO

Postby Landulf » 9 years 3 weeks ago (Tue May 13, 2014 5:06 am)

I think that Sturdy Colls is the best that had happened to revisionism in many years...

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Re: E. Hunt's "Treblinka Archaeology Hoax" Video / READY TO

Postby hermod » 9 years 3 weeks ago (Tue May 13, 2014 9:14 am)

cold beer wrote:
hermod wrote: Hitler was excavating and cremating corpses at Treblinka during the exact same months when he was excavating and exposing corpses at Katyn. The story of the corpses allegedly exhumed and cremated at Treblinka was in fact Stalin's propagandistic response to Hitler's propagandistic exposure of the Polish POW's executed by Stalin at Katyn.......

As always, great comments and source material.
There are numerous points to comment on, far too much for one post.

One of the more important points to make is on this....
3. The mass shootings of the Polish prisoners of war in the Katyn forest was carried out by the German armed forces under the cover name "Staff 537 of the Construction Battalion",

[b]I see a great need in hammering home the use, by the Soviets, of what I assume are completely fabricated unit names.
Unsuspecting listeners in all likelihood hear these 'unit designations' and automatically assume that the story is credible.
Another example is 'sonderkommando 1005a', a unit designation that probably never existed.

[/b]Similar to that are the endless number of nicknames for camp personnel....Angel of Death, Bitch of Buchenwald, Ivan the Terrible etc etc.
It's a topic by itself how Hollywood script writers make idiots out of their audience able to convince them that prisoners who were supposedly being starved and worked to death were cooking up these nicknames that sound like they come straight out of some low budget movie.

Good point. Name something and people will automatically think that it must be something real.

The name "Sonderaktion 1005" was created by Allied propagandists from Nazi letters about the fate of corpses of Jews who had died of natural causes in German concentration camps, just after Super Zionist Rabbi Stephen "6 million bleeding arguments in favor of Zionism"©1900 Wise had claimed that those Jewish corpses were being turned into soap. See here: hermod @ Letter of Himmler to Müller 20 November 1942

Another example that came to my mind was the alleged "Operation Harvest Festival" (or "Aktion Erntefest") at Majdanek. Many inhabitants of Lublin had a full view of the interior of the Majdanek camp from their homes. But we are supposed to believe that the Nazis machine-gunned many Jews at Majdanek with loud music supposed to cover the sounds of the massacre. Ridiculous...

https://furtherglory.wordpress.com/2014 ... -majdanek/

There was indeed a Harvest Festival in Nazi Germany. IMO, Allied propagandists just used that popular festival to name an imaginary massacre invented by them for propaganda purposes.

Post card of the Harvest Festival in Nazi Germany (Bückeberg, 1933)

Adolf Hitler celebrating the Harvest Festival with his people

Harvest Festival celebration in 1937
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
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Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: E. Hunt's "Treblinka Archaeology Hoax" Video / READY TO

Postby Dresden » 9 years 3 weeks ago (Tue May 13, 2014 9:40 am)

Kingfisher said:

"I was quite critical of Eric's narration in The Last Days of the Big Lie. Like you I found him angry and constant reiteration of "Jewish lies" was not going to achieve the desired effect, but in The Gas-Chamber Hoax and this film he is much calmer and more relaxed"

Yes, he sounds a lot more passionate and sincere than angry in this video.

"While a really professional narrator like those used in mainstream TV Holocaust productions would be nice, I don't think Eric is doing badly at all here"

Yeah, after watching it a couple more times I have to agree with you, Eric does a good job.

Of course, a professional narrator would be an improvement to any Revisionist video.
Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are telling you about the 'holocaust', but maybe, just maybe, their contempt for your intelligence and your character is beyond anything you could ever have imagined. -- Bradley Smith

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Re: E. Hunt's "Treblinka Archaeology Hoax" Video / READY TO

Postby cold beer » 9 years 3 weeks ago (Tue May 13, 2014 10:36 am)

Kingfisher wrote:
Steve F wrote:If I wanted to offer some "constructive criticism", I would say that Eric should ask around for a professional narrator with an American English voice who is sympathetic to Revisionism and is a lover of Truth, who might donate his time to narrate Eric's videos; that is, if Eric can't raise the money for it by donations.

The reason I say he should have a narrator is because he sounds angry in his videos, and that doesn't help awaken the sheeple.

I don't blame him for being angry; I bet I'm more angry than him. :evil:
I'm just saying he should have a narrator, like I should have an editor for my comments. :D
I was quite critical of Eric's narration in The Last Days of the Big Lie. Like you I found him angry and constant reiteration of "Jewish lies" was not going to achieve the desired effect, but in The Gas-Chamber Hoax and this film he is much calmer and more relaxed. While a really professional narrator like those used in mainstream TV Holocaust productions would be nice, I don't think Eric is doing badly at all here. I suspect the "anonymous revisionist"credited is DenierBud and that he has had some input on this.

Wow I'm surprised with this because my reaction is just the opposite, I think his narrating is the best or among the best in the field.

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Re: Eric Hunt's "The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax" Video

Postby Zulu » 9 years 3 weeks ago (Tue May 13, 2014 11:51 am)

EtienneSC wrote:

No way to download this from Youtube. It stops before ending.
Please put a reduced file version on archive.org because the HD 4.4 GB file takes hours to be downloaded.

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