Why doesn't 'the media' interview Irving about the movie 'Denial' & the trial?

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Why doesn't 'the media' interview Irving about the movie 'Denial' & the trial?

Postby Hannover » 6 years 8 months ago (Mon Oct 03, 2016 7:59 pm)

Here's a very good question:

'Why hasn't media, in their Jewish supremacist frenzy, interviewed David Irving about the court case which is the subject of the movie 'Denial'?

excerpt from text below:
The media indeed shape us and our opinions, especially if we fail to pay attention to their agenda, discernible, more often than not, from what they omit rather than what they carry.

Indeed, as is said:
"Jews, the corpse at every funeral, the bride at every wedding."

No other opinions matter.
At that's what you're manipulated to accept.

Read on.

- Hannover

From the CODOH main site:
Denial: To the Victor Go the Spoils
By Jett Rucker

The movie proving the Holocaust, in a court of law, hit the big screen on September 30, misrepresenting the 2000 libel suit brought by David Irving against Deborah Lipstadt, author of a book, Denying History, in which she accused Irving of many things he had not done, including, most-notably, Holocaust Denial. Irving, of course, lost, in the process incurring liability for the $13 million Lipstadt and her co-defendant, Penguin Books, had spent to defend themselves against this suit claiming £500 in damages.

What I note at this juncture (the release of this blockbuster), however, is how many interviews of Lipstadt and her comely portrayer, the sympathizing Jewess Rachel Weisz (are all the actresses and actors Jewish?) crop up on my computer’s screen fulfilling my request of Google Alerts for articles concerning “Holocaust denial.”

Was Deborah Lipstadt the only party to this action? She and her phalanxes of barristers and solicitors hired by her publisher under her threat to sue her publisher if they didn’t? There was, indeed, another party, the one who had initiated it, David Irving, who eschewed barristers and solicitors alike, instead trusting in the English justice system to acknowledge his airtight case as he, all by himself, represented his case.

Nah. Lipstadt and her publisher, it would seem, mounted such a concerted defense that, even though the court concluded that Lipstadt had indeed libeled her accuser on a number of distinct points, still the victory was hers, and that bill for costs, Irving’s.

And now, some 15 years later, The Movie. Its release is attended by innumerable interviews by every approval-seeking medium imaginable, of the defendant, Lipstadt, and her glamorous portrayer, Wiesz (both Jewish). So, what’s missing here?

Irving. Remember Irving, the plaintiff? He’s still very much alive and kicking and, unlike Lipstadt, producing actual history in his forthcoming biography of Heinrich Himmler. But he’s nowhere to be seen on the media stage, including cyberspace, which should be rapidly replacing the stage heretofore monopolized by The Media. Irving even has a notionally reprehensible portrayer in Timothy Spall. Interviews of Spall? Irving? The two together? No such thing.

The media indeed shape us and our opinions, especially if we fail to pay attention to their agenda, discernible, more often than not, from what they omit rather than what they carry.

Me, I’m looking for interviews of Irving. Of Spall. What virtuous motives, indeed, might have impelled Spall to take on representation of the Irving character? Portraying how evil his character (whom he may never have met) is? It might be interesting to hear the actor dissemble on such points. Maybe it was just money. That, too, would be interesting (money is always interesting).

I should like to see a photo of Irving and Spall hugging each other, as we have seen of Weisz and Lipstadt. Or, perhaps, posed in stances of pugilistic opposition. It could reveal much, if we care, about the actor’s desires regarding his public image, and nothing as to Irving’s, who remains devoted, I hope, to what he says, or writes.

Is it wrong, then, to seek the perspective of the loser of this landmark case? Might we seek to plumb the depths of this decision of the Queen’s Court? Rather not, I suppose, if we are but mere sheeple, following only the dictates of our betters.

But if we might each of us presume to judge matters on their respective merits, then … let each of us do just that, by our own lights. And let the victor emerge, whether hugging or boxing with his/her character in what is, after all, just a movie.

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that denies free speech and the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.

The tide is turning.
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Why doesn't 'the media' interview Irving about the movie 'Denial' & the trial?

Postby borjastick » 6 years 8 months ago (Tue Oct 04, 2016 2:07 am)

Good points well made. Indeed has Irving spoken recently about this film at all? Did he meet Spall to discuss the role and his character? Does Spall have a facebpok page or a Twitter account? if so maybe some of us could ask him, politely, about his preparation and feelings on the role and the general court case etc?
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Re: Why doesn't 'the media' interview Irving about the movie 'Denial' & the trial?

Postby madhatter » 6 years 8 months ago (Tue Oct 04, 2016 2:20 am)

David Cole:

Denial Is Dead

I asked Irving, who I’ve known since 1992, for his thoughts on the film. He told me that no one from the production ever contacted him for his side of the story (no surprise there). He added:

Ridley Scott was directing the original version, but the newspapers say he quit when HBO asked him to include fictional elements. I have not seen anything of ‘Denial’ but bits of trailers: the opening scene, of my first confrontation with Lipstadt in Atlanta in November 1994, is fictional; it happened, but my actual challenge, waving $1,000 in notes in the air, was: “If you will now show this audience the actual blueprint you just told this audience that you have, I will give you these notes.” See our video of the scene, posted on YouTube. They have changed that wording materially.


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Re: Why doesn't 'the media' interview Irving about the movie 'Denial' & the trial?

Postby Hektor » 6 years 8 months ago (Tue Oct 04, 2016 3:48 pm)

borjastick wrote:Good points well made. Indeed has Irving spoken recently about this film at all? Did he meet Spall to discuss the role and his character? Does Spall have a facebpok page or a Twitter account? if so maybe some of us could ask him, politely, about his preparation and feelings on the role and the general court case etc?

Good ideas. And I like the approach.

And as for an interview with David Irving: What should be a list of questions being asked? I'd subdivide this into:
- About himself (for Background)
- Comments on the Trial (for Background)
- Comments on the movie / in which he's played.
- His position on various Holocaust claims

I'd still like to do some pamphlets on the movie for when it's released here and elsewhere.

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Re: Why doesn't 'the media' interview Irving about the movie 'Denial' & the trial?

Postby HeiligeSturm » 6 years 8 months ago (Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:47 pm)

We must remember that the movie is "based on" real events and they don't try to re-enact those events.
This is sadly how the movie business works.
Many times stories have no basis in the real world and it's events. History is boring in the movie business (especially in Hollywood)
and they need to distort the facts to make the story interesting.
Compare it to any shower stories of USHMM survivor testimonies.
"We went to this room... with stone floor... openings in the ceiling... and then the water came down."
It's the suspension of the storytelling as it would be boring to say: "We went to take a shower."
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre was marketed deliberately as a "true story" like many other movies
with "What happened is true" and such claims.
"This movie/story is based on" is more liberal expression what the industry tends to use.
And what is the most marketed and the most sold story in the modern world? - The Holocaust™.

But the reason why the media doesn't interview Mr. Irving is quite simple.
He would probably correct the misquote seen and heard in the trailer (and also discussed here at CODOH forum).
Mr. Irving would probably correct (or should we dare to say revise) some other things in the movie also.
But what can we expect...
The real (racist Neo-Nazi Holocaust denier etc.) Irving is evil personified and Jewish actress Rachel Weisz probably wins an Oscar for her "heroic" performance.

When I see the movie someday, I try to repeat myself: It's only a movie, it's only a movie, it's only a movie...
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Re: Why doesn't 'the media' interview Irving about the movie 'Denial' & the trial?

Postby Turpitz » 6 years 8 months ago (Wed Oct 05, 2016 5:58 pm)

David Cole:

Denial Is Dead

That little outburst certainly backfired on Mr. Stein looking at the comments. Still partaking in coke and alcoholic beverages is he? Everywhere I go these days 'denial' is rampant. Even all the mainstream rags are having to shut down their comment sections in order to halt the avalanche of people who don't believe the poisonous dross they are being spoon-fed. That excludes Guardian readers of course as they need to believe it for psychological reasons.

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Re: Why doesn't 'the media' interview Irving about the movie 'Denial' & the trial?

Postby Hektor » 6 years 8 months ago (Wed Oct 05, 2016 7:58 pm)

Turpitz wrote:
David Cole:

Denial Is Dead

That little outburst certainly backfired on Mr. Stein looking at the comments. Still partaking in coke and alcoholic beverages is he? Everywhere I go these days 'denial' is rampant. Even all the mainstream rags are having to shut down their comment sections in order to halt the avalanche of people who don't believe the poisonous dross they are being spoon-fed. That excludes Guardian readers of course as they need to believe it for psychological reasons.

I wonder what's the cause of that growing dissent. Sure Revisionist work plays a role, but why are people picking up on this more frequently?

Is it perhaps people are feeling the brunt of policy results or seeing this brunt coming to them? Essentially realizing that the Holocaust served as justification ideology for mass-immigration, worshiping of perverts and non-resistance to state extension?!

Yes, "based on a true story"... makes me cringe. It's essentially trying to save a misrepresentation with hinting on that some characters or events have some real life "base". In fact, isn't that how the whole Holocaust industry works.

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Re: Why doesn't 'the media' interview Irving about the movie 'Denial' & the trial?

Postby Dresden » 6 years 8 months ago (Wed Oct 05, 2016 8:23 pm)

Hektor said:

"Yes, "based on a true story"... makes me cringe. It's essentially trying to save a misrepresentation with hinting on that some characters or events have some real life "base". In fact, isn't that how the whole Holocaust industry works"

Yes.....the 'homicidal gas chambers' are based on the true story of the delousing chambers.
The 'homicidal steam chambers' are based on the real autoclaves.
The 'fake shower rooms' are based on the real showers that everybody had to take.

And physical work to some people is like a holocaust.
Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are telling you about the 'holocaust', but maybe, just maybe, their contempt for your intelligence and your character is beyond anything you could ever have imagined. -- Bradley Smith

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Re: Why doesn't 'the media' interview Irving about the movie 'Denial' & the trial?

Postby Jurgen » 6 years 7 months ago (Sat Oct 08, 2016 9:14 pm)

I do not advocate doing anything illegal, but please do not give them your money to see the film!

Though this was interesting about Spall.

https://www.theguardian.com/film/2016/j ... ?CMP=fb_gu

At the time, he admitted disappointment. Small wonder: it was an unfathomable slap. And yet it has evidently acted as a fillip. Mr Turner stuck him centre-stage and, save for lucrative cameos, he has stayed there ever since. That he was denied prizes also lends him momentum – useful, potentially, this autumn, when we will see him as Ian Paisley in reconciliation drama The Journey (“bit of a mind****”) and David Irving in Denial, about the holocaust sceptic’s libel case.

He has a fresh appetite, he says, “to understand the atrocious … Say those two names and people have an instant reaction. You have to try and find a humanity. To be loathed and understood at the same time.”

He was "snubbed" for various awards for the movie Mr. Turner, made in 2014, two years later, Holocaust movie.......Oscar time?
"The Holocaust narrative actually breaks down on a discrete, factual level, and is only tenable when it is presented as some vague or nebulous larger than life metahistorical event" Mulegino1

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Re: Why doesn't 'the media' interview Irving about the movie 'Denial' & the trial?

Postby Turpitz » 6 years 7 months ago (Sun Oct 09, 2016 1:54 pm)

I wonder what's the cause of that growing dissent. Sure Revisionist work plays a role, but why are people picking up on this more frequently?

Because the impact of having our lives being run by corrupt, lying, treasonous, murderous psychos is starting to impact everyone. It matters little as to what one starts researching, it will ultimately end up the feet of the usual tribe and the Industry is the backbone of their power structure. They still have full stomachs at the moment though, so are still very much docile.

Getting back to D.C.D. (Death-Camp-Dave) though. It is one of the silver-linings of Judeo-Supremacy having Irving's bullshit silenced. From where I'm standing, Irving and Lipstadt are two buttocks from the same sphincter. On one hand there is Lipstadt talking deluded bollocks about Auschwitz. Then Irving, trying to redeem himself, by talking childish bollocks and fawning over some field in Poland that had some rocks erected on it in 1994 by Jewry. The man is cutting a sad figure for me today. Complete tossers, the pair of them.

Many have challenged Irving to explain his bullshit, but he never takes up any offers as he cannot substantiate them in any way. When I think of D.C.D. the old adage that goes, 'Empty vessels make the loudest noise' always comes to mind.

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