The Only Known Recording of Hitler’s Normal Speaking Voice, As He talks to Marshal of Finland Mannerheim

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The Only Known Recording of Hitler’s Normal Speaking Voice, As He talks to Marshal of Finland Mannerheim

Postby madhatter » 6 years 6 months ago (Tue Dec 06, 2016 5:59 am)

The Hitler and Mannerheim Recording is a recording, made in secret, of a conversation between Adolf Hitler and Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim in 1942.

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Re: The Only Known Recording of Hitler’s Normal Speaking Voice, As He talks to Marshal of Finland Mannerheim

Postby Kingfisher » 6 years 5 months ago (Fri Dec 09, 2016 3:05 pm)

Thank you. Fascinating.

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Re: The Only Known Recording of Hitler’s Normal Speaking Voice, As He talks to Marshal of Finland Mannerheim

Postby madhatter » 6 years 5 months ago (Fri Dec 09, 2016 4:19 pm)

11:22 "Molotov had departed with the decision to start a war."

Icebreaker: Who Started the Second World War? Viktor Suvorov

A person who has adopted the English-Soviet-American version of the cause of the War risks suffering a collapse after reading this book.
Suvorov’s position is unshakeable in that he refers to sources accessible to the public, and to the testimony of Soviet generals. For example, at the end of the book he quotes Admiral Kuznetsov, a witness of the highest rank:

J. V. Stalin made preparations for a war – extensive and all-round preparations – … Hitler thwarted his plans. (This is one eyewitness testimony out of hundreds!)

On the other hand, Suvorov writes, General Field Marshall W. Keitel said: … aggression was prepared by the Soviet Union. Germany merely protected herself from the unavoidable aggression by carrying out the preventive strike.

Both say the same thing!

In this connection Suvorov asks a question of tremendous importance, he addresses the conscience of his contemporaries, wherever in the world they maylive.

But to this day conscience has remained silent, thus bearing witness to the
stark and merciless character of the spirit of our times, the spirit of cowardice, betrayal and opportunism.

Suvorov writes: It is clear to me that the judges of the ‘International Tribunal’ in Nuremberg did not have the wish (or the professional
honesty) to find those truly responsible for the war.

But I cannot understand why the same ‘judges’ did not immediately re-assemble in Nuremberg after the revelations of Admiral Kuznetsov, in order to lift a part of the guilt from Keitel, Jodl, the German Wehrmacht, and from Germany as a whole?

My Lord Judges, would you please explain to us your strange attitude? The
accused of Nuremberg did not plead guilty to aggression against the USSR. The ‘offended’ side has admitted that no-one carried out an act of aggression against them, that on the contrary, the ‘offended’ party was preparing an attack.

How can it be, Lord Judges, that you were in such a hurry to hang Keitel
and Jodl but that you are now in no hurry to hang Kuznetsov, Zhukov, Molotov?

Why, Lord Judges, do you maintain your accusations against Germany, but hesitate to press charges against the USSR?

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Re: The Only Known Recording of Hitler’s Normal Speaking Voice, As He talks to Marshal of Finland Mannerheim

Postby Kingfisher » 6 years 5 months ago (Sun Dec 11, 2016 9:44 am)

An updating of Icebreaker is: ... 1591148065
discussed in another thread I believe.

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Re: The Only Known Recording of Hitler’s Normal Speaking Voice, As He talks to Marshal of Finland Mannerheim

Postby Hektor » 6 years 5 months ago (Sun Dec 25, 2016 3:43 pm)

Handy as audio to download and reuse: ... Geburtstag
It's quite revealing. If you don't get what's played, after hearing, you got a serious problem.

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Re: The Only Known Recording of Hitler’s Normal Speaking Voice, As He talks to Marshal of Finland Mannerheim

Postby Depth Charge » 6 years 5 months ago (Sun Jan 01, 2017 12:00 pm)

His normal voice was also broadcast in July 1944.

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Re: The Only Known Recording of Hitler’s Normal Speaking Voice, As He talks to Marshal of Finland Mannerheim

Postby Myths2LiveBy » 6 years 5 months ago (Sun Jan 01, 2017 3:57 pm)

madhatter wrote:The Hitler and Mannerheim Recording is a recording, made in secret, of a conversation between Adolf Hitler and Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim in 1942.

Very interesting, thank you for posting.

Just last week I became aware of the DVD "Swastika," and was able to borrow it. It's little more than stringing together 'home movies' by and of Adolf and Eva Braun. In several places Hitler's voice is deep, as in the Mannerheim recording. I wondered if the producers of Swastika had used voice-overs or if that was original.

Speaking of Swastika -- overall a dreadful piece of propaganda with the apparent goal of keeping alive the narrative of Hitler as the embodiment of pure evil, which is exactly how Jonathan Petropoulos introduces the film. Petropolous is (was) a professor at Harvard; he said he used the film to teach his students to think more fully about Hitler, who is most often defined as the embodiment of the most evil creature in all of history.

In several scenes Hitler walked with a cane which he seemed to need; in one scene AH's doctor was present (don't know if it was the quack who kept Hitler on weird drugs or another doctor). In several scenes he seemed detached and stiff -- uncomfortable and unsure of himself on his own back porch. That was surprising.

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Re: The Only Known Recording of Hitler’s Normal Speaking Voice, As He talks to Marshal of Finland Mannerheim

Postby Myths2LiveBy » 6 years 5 months ago (Sun Jan 01, 2017 8:47 pm)

re the DVD "Swastika" -- "In several places Hitler's voice is deep, as in the Mannerheim recording. <b>I wondered if the producers of Swastika had used voice-overs or if that was original."</b>

Swastika uses voice-overs. Not only that -- there was no audio in the film that is used in Swastika, so the producers hired lip-readers to write the dialogue and voice actors to speak the lines. Thus, we can't know with absolute certainty what was being said.

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